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1、小学新起点英语五年级下学期第三单元测试题小学新起点英语五年级下学期第三单元测试题一、下面字母的左邻右舍(20分)_V_ _E_ _G_ _L_ _N_a_ _y_ I _s_ _p_二、补全单词(6分)( )1、m_d_cine A e,i B a,e C i,e( )2、stomacha_e A sh B wh C ch( )3、c_dy A an B en C in( )4、m_ A oor B ore C our ( )5、ex_cise A er B or C ir( )6、pl_ty A en B an C on三、排序 (6分)( )Thats too bad . Do you w

2、ash your hands before eating?( )Thank you!( )Whats wrong?( )You should always wash your hands. Now, you should take some medicine.( )I have a stomachache.( )Not always.四、对号入座(10分)( )1、Whats wrong?( )2、Do you often eat hamburgers?( )3、Im unhealthy. What should I do?( )4、Im sleepy. What should I do?(

3、)5、I always feel tired in class. What should I do?A You should fit.B You should exercise every day.C Yes, I like them very much.D You should get plenty of sleep.E I have a headache.( )6、What are good eating habits?( )7、How often do you visit your grandparants?( )8、What chores do you have to do at ho

4、me?( )9、Whats wrong?( )10、What do you do on the weekend? A I often go for a picnic on the weekend. B I have a stomachache. C Three times a week. D We should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. E I have to do the dishes every day.五、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号(10分)1、very, strong, am, I (.)2、see, you, doctor, a, s

5、hould (.)3、good, wish, health, for, I (.)4、stomachache, I, a, have (.)5、day, exercise, should, every, you (.)6、water, drink, should, more, you (.)7、bad, have, you, a, tooth (.)8、should, what, do, I (?)9、junk, never, eat, food, I (.)10、shouldnt, too, drink, you, much, pop (.)六、找出不同类的一项(5分)( )1、A medi

6、cine B toothache C headache( )2、A tomorrow B look after C the day after tomorrow( )3、A make the bed B go roller-skating C play badminton( )4、A play in the school band B clean the living room C sweep the floor( )5、A once B twice C go ahead七、阅读直通车,判断句子正(T)误(F)(5分)Food gives us energy. We need energy t

7、o walk, run, think, play and grow. Some healthy food gives us a lot of energy. We should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. We need some chicken, fish or meat, and we need some milk or yogurt. We only need a little fat and sugar. Remember, we shouldnt eat too much junk food.( )1、We dont need food e

8、very day.( )2、Some unhealthy food gives us a lot of energy.( )3、We should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.( )4、We need some ice cream.( )5、We should eat too much junk food.八、单项选择(23分)( )1、Whats wrong with Lily? She a headache. A、have B、had C、has( )2、You look sleepy today. I yesterday. A、stayed up

9、 late B、exercise C、eat( )3、You shouldnt eat too much candy and chocolate. They are bad your health. A、to B、for C、in( )4、It was . Im very healthy. A、wonderful B、boring C、terrible( )5、She always washes hands before eating. A、she B、her C、his( )6、You shouldnt exercise eating. A、between B、before C、right

10、after( )7、 ? I have a headache. A、Whatwrong B、What do you do C、What should I do( )8、I have a cold. I have a nose. A、running B、big C、short( )9、You look unhealthy. You shouldnt eat hamburgers. A、too much B、too many C、much( )10、Which is junk food? . A、Apples B、Carrots C、Pop( )11、How often does your fat

11、her go shopping? He often shopping once a week. A、go B、went C、goes( )12、Whats wrong with Amy? She a bad headache. A、have B、having C、has( )13、I often go to school 7:00. A、on B、at C、in( )14、I enjoy very much. A、I B、my C、myself( )15、Do you want to go to the park me? Sure. A、and B、with C、or( )16、Dont ea

12、t too candies and drink too pop. A、many,much B、much,many C、much,much( )17、I cant swim. So I go to the beach to swim. A、always B、never C、often( )18、Today is Saturday. Tomorrow will be . A、Sunday B、Monday C、Friday ( )19、Hamburgers, pop and ice cream are . A、healthy food B、junk food C、Chinese food( )20

13、、I feel . I should go to bed early. A、happy B、hungry C、tired( )21、You shouldnt drink pop. A、too much B、too many C、many( )22、We shouldnt watch TV. A、too many B、much C、too much( )23、You shouldnt play on the computer. A、too much B、many C、too many九、英汉互译(15分)( )1、保持健康 A、keep fit B、have a cold C、sleepy( )

14、2、许多,大量 A、too much B、plenty of C、exercise( )3、乱扔垃圾 A、leave garbage everywhere B、tired C、pop( )4、太多 A、too much B、plenty of C、exercise( )5、熬夜 A、right after B、junk food C、stay up late( )6、流鼻涕 A、have a cold B、a running nose C、toothache( )7、患了感冒 A、stomachache B、keep fit C、have a cold( )8、吃药 A、take some m

15、edicine B、junk food C、more( )9、candy A、醋 B、糖果 C、药( )10、headache A、头痛 B、胃痛 C、牙痛( )11、tired A、更多的 B、困的 C、疲倦的( )12、sleep A、更多的 B、困的 C、疲倦的( )13、before A、在之前 B、在之后 C、现在( )14、drink A、吃 B、喝 C、睡( )15、exercise A、锻炼 B、健康 C、垃圾小学新起点英语词汇表一二三四年级Unit 1 School sku:l 学校book buk 书ruler ru:l 尺子pencil pensl 铅笔eraser ir

16、eiz 橡皮pencil case pensl keis 铅笔盒backpack bkpk 书包school sku:l 学校Unit 2 Body bdi 身体eye ai 眼睛hand hnd 手ear i 耳朵mouth mau 嘴nose nuz 鼻子foot fut 脚face feis 脸leg leg 腿arm :m 手臂Unit 3 Animals nimlz 动物cat kt 猫bird b:d 鸟rabbit rbit 兔dog dg 狗chicken tikin 鸡duck dk 鸭monkey mki 猴子tiger taig 虎panda pnd 熊猫elephant

17、 elifnt 大象fish fi 鱼Unit 5 Numbers nmbz 数字one wn 一two tu: 二three ri: 三four f: 四five faiv 五six siks 六seven sevn 七eight eit 八nine nain 九ten ten 十Unit 6 Colours klz 颜色red red 红色(的)yellow jelu 黄色(的)purple p:pl 紫色(的)brown braun 棕色(的)orange rind 橙色(的)white (h)wait 白色(的)green gri:n 绿色(的)pink pik 粉红色(的)blue

18、blu: 蓝色(的)black blk 黑色(的)Unit 7 Fruit fru:t 水果apple pl 苹果banana bn:n 香蕉peach pi:t 桃melon meln 瓜pear p 梨orange rind 橙子grape(s) greips 葡萄strawberry str:bri 草莓pineapple painpl 菠萝Unit 9 Classroom kl:srum 教室classroom kl:srum 教室door d:, d 门window windu 窗户blackboard blkb:d 黑板wall w:l 墙desk desk 书桌chair t 椅

19、子boy bi 男孩girl g:l 女孩in in 在里面on n 在上面under nd 在下面where (h)w 在哪里Unit 10 My Room mai ru:m 我的房间room ru:m 房间closet klzit 柜橱telephone telifun 电话computer kmpju:t 计算机TV ti:vi: 电视bed bed 床picture pikt 画table teibl 桌子lamp lmp 台灯armchair :mte 手扶椅behind bihaind 在后面next to nekst tu: 在旁边Unit 11 Toys tiz 玩具toys

20、tiz 玩具(复数)plane plein 飞机boat but 船train trein 火车ball b:l 球teddy bear tedi be(r) 玩具熊bus bs 公共汽车car k: 小汽车doll dl 玩具娃娃pinwheel pin.wi:l 纸风车box bks 盒子Unit 13 Shapes eips 形状shapes eips 形状(复数)circle s:kl 圆形triangle traigl 三角形rectangle rektgl 长方形square skw 正方形eleven ilevn 十一twelve twelv 十二thirteen :ti:n 十

21、三fourteen f:ti:n 十四fifteen fifti:n 十五sixteen siksti:n 十六seventeen sevnti:n 十七eighteen eiti:n 十八nineteen nainti:n 十九twenty twenti 二十Unit 14 Clothes kluz 衣服clothes kluz 衣服T-shirt ti:.:t T恤衫pants pnts 长裤shorts :ts 短裤jacket dkit 夹克sweater swet 毛衣skirt sk:t 短裙dress dres 连衣裙shoe u: 鞋sock sk 袜子Unit 15 Food

22、 and Drink fu:d nd drik 食品和饮料food fu:d 食品drink drik 饮料rice rais 米饭noodles nu:dlz 面条jiaozi饺子tofu teufu 豆腐vegetables veditblz 蔬菜(复数)meat mi: t 肉fish fi 鱼chicken tikin 鸡肉bread bred 面包milk milk 牛奶ice cream ais kri:m 冰激凌juice du:s 果汁饮料egg eg 鸡蛋saland sld 沙拉hamburger hmb:g 汉堡包cake keik 蛋糕Unit 1 Family fmi

23、li 家庭family fmili 家庭grandpa grnp: 爷爷(口语)grandma grnm: 奶奶(口语)dad dd 爸爸(口语)mom mm 妈妈(口语)sister sist 姐妹brother br 兄弟me mi:.mi 我(宾格)policeman pli:smn 警察doctor dkt 医生teacher ti:t 老师engineer .endini 工程师Unit 2 Friends frendz 朋友classmate kl:smeit 同学friend frend 朋友big big 大的thin in 瘦的pretty priti 漂亮的ugly gli

24、 丑的tall t:l 高的short :t 矮的from frm 从.来China tain 中国America merik 美国Canada knd 加拿大Britain britn 英国Unit 3 Parks p:ks 公园park p:k 公园hill hil 小山lake leik 湖bridge brid 桥tree tri: 树grass gr:s 草flower flau 花bee bi: 蜜蜂butterfly btflai 蝴蝶bench bent 长凳picture pikt 图画;照片beautiful bju:tifl 美丽的Unit 4 Revision rivin 复习aunt :nt 姑姑uncle kl 叔叔Unit 5 Streets stri:ts 街道street stri:t 街道van vn 客货车taxi tksi 出租车bicycle baisik()l 自行车subway sbwei 地铁subway station sbwei stein 地铁站traffic light trfik lait 交通灯bus stop bs stp 公共汽车站supermarket sju:p.m:kit 超级市场book store buk st: 书店school sku:l 学校hospital hspitl 医院

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