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1、七年级语法填空专项练习经典七年级语法填空专项练习经典一、七年级语法填空专项目练习(含答案解析)1No pains, no gains. Without _(work) hard, no one can achieve success in life. 【答案】 working 【解析】【分析】句意:没有付出就没有回报。不努力工作,没有人能够在生活中取得成功。without是介词,介词之后的动词应使用动名词,work的动名词是working。故答案是working。 【点评】考查词形变化,根据句子结构和语境确定横线处的意思,然后根据所提供的词进行变形,最后形成答案。2语法填空 My grandm

2、other is _fifty-three-year-old woman. She loves gardening and plants a lot of flowers. She likes animals because she thinks they_(be) cute. And she really enjoys _(cook) but the dishes dont taste good. She doesnt tike sports at all. My grandmother _(have) two pretty big eyes and long brown hair She

3、really looks beautiful. She always has a bright smile on _(she) face. We all think shes also very generous and likes to help_(other). My grandmother is very popular with her friends and her grandchildren. She often tells _(story) to us. She gives us a lot of happy time. But sometimes she is strict w

4、ith. _(I). She said she couldnt go to school when she was young. _she hopes that I can get into a better university. I love my grandmother and I hope she will _healthy and happy forever.【答案】 a;are;cooking;has;her;others;stories;me;So;be 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了作者祖母的日常生活。 (1)句意:我的祖母是个53岁的女人。根据woman是名词单数,fifty以辅

5、音音素开头,故用不定冠词a,表示泛指一个,故填a。 (2)句意:她喜欢动物因为她认为它们可爱。描述客观事实用一般现在时,复数they是主语,故be动词是are,故填are。 (3)句意:她真的很喜欢做饭。enjoy doing,固定搭配,喜欢做某事,故填cooking。 (4)句意:我的祖母长着两个大眼睛,长长的棕色头发,她看上去很美。描述客观事实用一般现在时,主语是grandmother,单数第三人称,故填has。 (5)句意:她总是脸上挂着明媚的笑容。根据face是名词,其前应是形容词性物主代词,she的形容词性物主代词是her,故填her。 (6)句意:我们都觉得她很大方,她喜欢帮助别人

6、。help后缺少宾语,此处表示泛指,故用复数形式,故填others。 (7)句意:她总是给我们讲故事。tell stories,固定搭配,讲故事,故填stories。 (8)句意:但有时她对我很严格。be strict with sb,固定搭配,对某人要求严格,with是介词其后是宾格,I的宾格是me,故填me。 (9)句意:所以她希望我能进入一个更好的大学。根据 She said she couldnt go to school when she was young 可知此处是对上文的解释,表示结果,所以,so,故填So。 (10)句意:我希望她永远健康快乐。healthy是形容词,其前是系

7、动词,be healthy,健康,助动词will后是动词原形,故填be。 【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,语态,非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。3阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法情况和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填人一个适当的闻或用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空不超过两词。 Look at the picture. There _ (be) many people in the restaurant. Some people _ (work) in it. Millie is washing the dishes _ the moment. The _ (manager)

8、 are talking about the photos. The photos are _ the Great Wall. A dog _ (sleep) under the table. I often _ with it. The girl in the yellow dress is Rose. She is _ a small town near London. She _ (sing) beautifully. You can also find some cars in it. The black one is my uncles. He can _ (drive), but

9、I cant.【答案】 are;are working;at;managers;about;is sleeping;play;from;sings;drive 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要通过一幅画来介绍饭店里的某一时刻情景的画面。 (1)考查考查there be句型。句意:餐馆里有许多人。由句子结构可知,there be结构,空格后有可数名词复数people,be要用are,故答案为:are。 (2)考查现在进行时。句意:一些人在里面工作。故答案为:根据下文Millie is washing the dishes 3 the moment. 可知上文是对下文的概括说法,要用现在进行时b

10、e+现在分词。主语some people,复数,be要用are,work的现在分词working。故答案为are working。 (3)考查考查介词。句意:米莉此刻正在洗盘子。根据谓语动词is washing,可知此刻,现在,目前,正在洗盘子,要用at the moment,固定短语。故答案为:at。 (4)考查名词复数。句意:经理们正在谈论这些照片。manager经理,可数名词。空格后有助动词are,要用复数形式managers。答案为:managers。 (5)考查介词。句意:这些照片是关于长城的。根据上文The managers are talking about the photos

11、. 可知是谈论关于这些照片的内容,要用介词about。故答案为:about。 (6)考查现在进行时。句意:一条狗正在桌子底下睡觉。本文都是介绍某一时刻,要用现在进行时,be+现在分词。主语a dog,单数,be要用is,sleep的现在分词sleeping。故答案为:is sleeping。 (7)考查一般现在时。句意:我常常和它一起玩。由句子结构可知可知,缺少谓语动词。根据I often 7 with it.可知it是指a dog 要用动词playplay with.,与一起玩,固定短语。由频率副词often,要用一般现在时,主语I,谓语动词要用原形play。故答案为:play。 (8)考查

12、介词。句意:她来自伦敦附近的一个小镇。空格前有连系动词is和地点名词 a small town ,可知要用介词。be from+地点名词,表示来自,故答案为:from。 (9)考查一般现在时。句意:她唱得很美。根据句意,要用一般现在时。主语she,第三人称单数,谓语动词要用第三人称单数sings,故答案为:sings。 (10)考查情态动词用法。句意:他会开车,但我不会。空格前有情态动词can,后接动词原形。故答案为:drive。 【点评】考查语法填空。考点涉及名词、介词、一般现在时以及现在进行时等考查,要求考生在理解信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析推理,写出正确的答案。4语

13、法填空 Clerk: Can I help you, Madam?Mary: Yes, thank you. Id like _(buy) a blouse.Clerk: What colour are you looking _?Mary: I need a blouse to go with a blue skirt.Clerk: Heres _ beautiful green one.Mary: But it has long sleeves(袖子). Id like a short-sleeved blouse with a long neck. Do you have one? I

14、want to try it _ ?Clerk: We have this one in yellow. _ size do you take?Mary: Middle. Do you have that one in _ (I) size? Clerk: Yes, here it is.Mary: How_ (many) is it?Clerk: It costs 100 _(dollar).Mary: Oh, my God. Thats too expensive for me. Do you have _ (something) like it for less?Clerk: What

15、about this one?Mary: Well, I think its good. I _ (take) it. Thank you.【答案】 to buy;for;a;on;What;my;much;dollars;anything;will take 【解析】【分析】对话大意:一个妇女去超市买衣服,看中了一件衣服,但是因为价格太贵,选择了一件便宜的衣服。 (1)句意:我想买一件寸衫。根据短语would like to do sth,想要做某事,可知空缺填入to buy,故答案为to buy。 (2)句意:你在找什么颜色的衣服?根据短语look for,寻找,可知空缺填入介词for,故

16、答案为for。 (3)句意:这儿有一件美丽的绿色的衣服。根据名词成分为one,可知空缺应该用不定冠词a,表示一件,故答案为a。 (4)句意:我想试一下。根据短语try it on,试一下,可知空缺填入介词on,故答案为on。 (5)句意:你要穿多大的?根据后文提到Middle,可知对型号提问用what size,故答案为What。 (6)句意:你有我这种型号的吗?根据空缺修饰size,可知填入形容词性物主代词,为my,故答案为my。 (7)句意:它多少钱?根据后文提到价格,可知对价格提问,用how much,故答案为much。 (8)句意:它花费100美元。根据单词前面有100,可知此处应该填

17、入名词复数,故答案为dollars。 (9)句意:你有像它一样便宜的吗?根据something常用在肯定句,用在疑问句应该填入anything,故答案为anything。 (10)句意:我要带走它。固定句型 I will take it,我要带走它,故答案为will take。 【点评】考查语法填空,做此类题熟悉对话大意,联系句子前后,确定空缺单词,结合语法知识,给出单词的正确形式,即可。5语法填空 Now in some places of _(we) country, many people are cutting down the trees in the forests. They n

18、eed more wood _(build) houses and more farmland to grow crops and so on. The areas of forests are getting smaller and smaller. Some _(scientist) say that there _no big forests in 20 or 30 years. It is really a terrible thing. _the forests, we will have sandstorms(沙尘暴)often. The weather will get hot

19、and dry. The earth _(become) a big desert. A lot of plants _animals will die. Crops will not grow _(everywhere). Life will be different _everyone. So we should do our best _(protect) our living environment and keep our mountains green, the water clean, and the sky blue. 【答案】 our;to build;scientists;

20、will be;Without;will become;and;anywhere;for;to protect 【解析】【分析】短文大意:现在有很多人砍树,20年或30年后,会没有森林,地球变成沙漠,许多动物和植物会死去,没有地方种庄稼,我们应该保护好地球。 (1)句意:现在在我们国家的一些地方,许多人砍到了森林的树木。we,我们,结合该单词修饰country,可知应该填入形容词性物主代词,our,故答案为our。 (2)句意:他们需要更多的木头建造房子和更多的农田种植稻谷等等。build,建立,短语need sth to do sth,需要某物做某事,填入to build。 (3)句意:一些

21、科学家说在20年或者30年不会有大的森林。scientist,科学家,结合该名词用了some修饰,可知填入名词复数,故答案为scientists。 (4)句意:一些科学家说在20年或者30年不会有大的森林。结合句子提到in 20 or 30 years,可知句子应该用将来时态,结合句型there be,故答案为will be。 (5)句意:没有森林,我们经常会有沙尘暴。根据句子提到we will have sandstorms often,可知空缺的意义为没有,故答案为Without。 (6)句意:地球将会变成一个大的沙漠。become,成为,结合文章用了将来时态,可知空缺用将来时态,故答案为

22、will become。 (7)句意:许多植物和动物将会死去。结合plants和animals表示并列,填入介词and,故答案为and。 (8)句意:水稻再也不会种植。结合文章提到地球变成沙漠,可知水稻没有地方种植,空缺填入anywhere,任何地方,故答案为anywhere。 (9)句意:对每个人而言,生活将要变得不同。短语be different for sb,对某人不同,可知空缺填入介词for,故答案为for。 (10)句意:因此我们应该尽可能保护好我们的环境并使得我们的山绿,水清澈并且天空蓝色。protect,保护,短语do our best to do sth,尽可能做某事,故答案为

23、to protect。 【点评】考查语法填空,做此类题首先熟悉文章大意,联系上下文,确定空缺单词,结合语法知识,给出单词的正确形式,即可。6阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的 词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 What are you busy with, Mum? the girl of less than six years old asked _ (she) mother. Oh, dear, Im busy _(make) dinner for our neighbour. Why? Because she lost (失去) her dau

24、ghter. She is sad now. We must _(take) good care of her these days. Why does she need our care? Because from now on, she cant do anything _ her daughter. In her distress (悲痛), cooking meals _ doing housework are both becoming difficult. My dear, can you help mum think of other ways _ (help) her? The

25、 girl thought for a while. Then she went to the neighbours door and _ (push) the doorbell. The neighbour with _ sad look opened the door. _ can I do for you? asked the neighbour. My mother says youre very sad for losing your daughter Here you are. I hope it _ (be) helpful to you. The girl gave the B

26、and-Aid (创可贴) in her hand to the neighbour. The neighbour cried. She hugged the girl and said, Thank you. This Band-Aid will cure my wound (伤口).【答案】 her;making;take;without;and;to help;pushed;a;What;will be 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了我和妈妈如何帮助邻居度过困难。 (1)句意:小于6岁的女孩问了她的妈妈。根据空缺处修饰mother,可知应该填入形物代,填入her,故答案为her。 (2)句意

27、:我忙于为我们的邻居做早饭。根据短语be busy doing sth,忙于做某事,可知空缺处填入making,故答案为making。 (3)句意:这些天,我们必须照顾好她。根据must后面加名词原形,可知空缺处填入take,故答案为take。 (4)句意:因为从现在开始,她没有了女儿,已经不能做任何事。根据句意可知,空缺的意义为没有,填入without,故答案为without。 (5)句意:做饭和做家务两者都很难。根据空缺单词连接meals和housework,可知填入and,故答案为and。 (6)句意:你能够帮助妈妈想一些其他方式来帮助她?根据空缺处引导的是目的状语从句,填入to hel

28、p,故答案为to help。 (7)句意:然后她去了邻居的家并且按了铃。根据句子用了过去式,可知应该用push的过去式,填入pushed,故答案为pushed。 (8)句意:这个邻居带着一脸悲伤的表情开了门。根据空缺处修饰look,可知应该填入不定冠词,a,表示一副,故答案为a。 (9)句意;邻居问,我能够为你做什么?根据句意可知,空缺处的意义是什么,填入What,故答案为What。 (10)句意:我希望它对你有帮助。根据空缺的句子表示将来,故填入will be,故答案为will be。 【点评】考查了语法填空,做此类题首先熟悉文章的大意,结合句子前后,确定空缺单词的意义,结合语法知识,给出单

29、词的正确形式即可。7阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法情况和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空不超过两词。 This is a map _ our new school. _ (go) into the school from the gate, and you can see a very big _. Students can play there. The office _ (build) is in front of the playground. _ (we) teachers work there. The library is _ th

30、e office building and the dining hall. After meals(饭后), students can _ (go) to the library to read books. They can also go to the garden to rest. Our classroom building with twenty classrooms _ (be) near the garden. The science building is behind the classroom building. There are four _ (lab) and two computer rooms in it. I like our school very much. Whats your school _? Please tell me, my friend!【答案】 of;Go;playground;building;Our;between;go;is;labs;like 【解析】【分析】文章大意:作者通多学校地图介绍了学校的布局,以及学生们在学校的活动。 (1)句意:这是我们新学校的地图。our new school作

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