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1、01托福语法笔记2000年01月语法题1. Amanda Ways career as a social reformer_ in 1851 when, at an antislavery meeting in Indiana, she called for a state womans rights convention.(A) begin(B) began(C) have begun(D) to have begun答案:B分析:空格处谓语动词。根据时间状语in 1851以及可知,谓语应用过去式。when是过去时的标志A 动词原型B 过去式C 现在完成时D 状语翻译参考:Amanda Wa

2、y作为一个社会改革者的事业始于1851年,那时,在印第安纳州的一个反奴隶制的会议上,她呼吁提出本州的女权法案。难度:1 2. The celesta, an orchestral percussion instrument, resembles_(A) a small upright piano(B) how a small upright piano(C) a small upright piano is(D) as a small upright piano答案:A分析:谓语是resemble,它是及物动词,后接宾语。 A 宾语 B 不是任何成分 C 主谓结构 D 状语翻译参考:Celes

3、ta(一种乐器),一种管弦乐打击乐器,酷似一个小型的立式钢琴。难度:2 3. Thomas Paine, _, wrote Common Sense, a pamphlet that identified the American colonies with the cause of liberty.(A) writer of eloquent(B) whose eloquent writing(C) an eloquent writer(D) writing eloquent答案:C分析:句子成分完整,空格作同位语A 可改为a writer of eloquence,但是没有(C)的简洁。B

4、 类似定语从句,但结构不对。C 同位语,正确D类似动名词的形式,但结构不对翻译参考:Thomas Paine,一个雄辩的作家,创作了常识,一本将美国殖民地与自由事业等同起来的小册子。难度:2 4. Although beavers rarely remain submerged for more than two minutes, they can stay underwater _fifteen minutes before having to surface for air.(A) as long(B) as long as(C) so long(D) so long that答案:B分析

5、:句子主谓齐全,空格作状语 A,C 错误 B 状语 D 连词翻译参考:尽管海狸极少潜水超过两分钟,但是它们却能待在水下长达二十分钟才回到水面呼吸。难度:2 5. Protein digestion begins in the stomach _ends in the small intestine.(A) while(B) and(C) how(D) because答案:B分析:句中有两个谓语begins和ends,空格填连词。两个谓语是顺承关系。A 不是表示顺承的连词B 正确C不是表示顺承的连词D 表示因果翻译参考:蛋白质的消化开始于胃,结束于小肠。难度:2 6. When natural

6、gas burns, its_ into atoms of carbon and hydrogen.(A) hydrocarbon molecules, breaking up(B) broke up by hydrocarbon molecules(C) hydrocarbon molecules break up(D) broken up hydrocarbon molecules答案:C分析:空格处填主语和谓语 A 主语和状语 B 只有谓语,另外时态也不对 C 正确 D 无此用法翻译参考:当天然气燃烧的时候,它的碳氢分子分解为碳原子和氢原子。难度:2 7. _ ballet dancer

7、s learn five basic positions for the arms and feet.(A) All of(B) Of every(C) All(D) Every答案:C分析:本题为固定用法(all of the + 名词 或者 all+名词) A 缺少the B 无此用法 C 正确答案 D 和句子中的dancers不搭配,every修饰单数翻译参考:所有的芭蕾舞演员都学手臂和脚的五个基本动作。难度:2 8. Some colonies of bryozoans, small marine animals, form _with trailing stems.(A) creep

8、ing colonies(B) which colonies creep(C) creeping colonies are(D) colonies creep答案:A 分析:主语是some colonies,谓语是form为及物动词,后加宾语。 A 宾语 B缺少先行词,看起来像定语从句,但是既不是定于从句,也不是宾语 C 主谓结构 D 无此用法翻译参考:有些苔藓虫的、小海洋生物的领地,通过脱尾的茎,成为了蔓延的殖民地。难度:2 9. Ruth Bader Ginsburg argued six womens rights cases before the United States Supre

9、me Court in the 1970s,_(A) of five winning them(B) five winning of them(C) of them five winning(D) winning five of them答案:D分析:句子主谓宾齐全,空格处应填状语。 A 错误用法 B 错误用法 C winning少宾语,错 D 正确翻译参考:在二十世纪七十年代,RBG在美国高等法院为六个涉及女权的案件进行辩护,赢得了其中五个。难度:2 10. Natural selection is defined as the process _the course of evolutio

10、n by preserving those traits best adapted for an organisms survival.(A) to which directs(B) of which directs it(C) directs it(D) that directs答案:D分析:空格前是完整的句子,空格修饰process。 A 可以改为which directs B 同A C 动宾结构 D 定语从句,修饰process翻译参考:自然选择被定义为一个过程,这个过程通过保存最适合一个生物生存的特征来指导进化的过程。难度:2 11. _ 363 miles between the c

11、ities of Albany and Buffalo in New York State, the Eric Canal helped link the Atlantic Ocean with the Great Lakes.(A) The extension of(B) The extension(C) Extending(D) Extends答案:C分析:后半句主谓宾俱全,逗号前为状语 A 造成结构混乱 B 名词 C 现在分词作状语 D 动词翻译参考:Eric运河在纽约州的Albany市和Buffalo市之间延伸了360英里,它将大西洋和五大湖连接起来。难度:1 12.The chief

12、 sources of B12,a water-soluble vitamin _ stored in the body, include meat, milk and eggs.(A) is not(B) that is not(C) not that is(D) that not答案:B分析:句子主谓宾俱全。空格内的词语修饰vitamin A 谓语 B 定语从句,正确答案 C 错误用法 D 错误用法翻译参考:人体中并不贮存的一种水溶性的维他命B12,它的主要来源包括肉类,牛奶和蛋类。难度:3 13. _ is rooted in experiments in iron and steel

13、conducted in the nineteenth century.(A) While the history of twentieth-century architecture(B) The history of twentieth-century architecture(C) That the history of twentieth-century architecture(D) Both twentieth-century architecture and its history答案:B 分析:句子谓语是is rooted,谓语前的空格是主语 A 使整个句子成为一个状语从句 B

14、名词短语作主语 C That多余 D 和句子中的is 不对应翻译参考:20世纪建筑的历史植根于19世纪进行的钢和铁方面的试验。难度:2 14.The primary source of energy for tropical cyclones is the latent heat released when _(A) does water vapor condense(B) condensed water vapor(C) water vapor condenses(D) the condensation of water vapor答案:C分析:句子主谓宾俱全,空格是一个完整的句子和when

15、做状语从句。 A 倒装(没有必要) B 动宾结构 C 主谓结构,正确 D 名词短语,缺少谓语翻译参考:热带飓风的能量的主要来源是水蒸气凝结时释放的热量。难度:2 15. Maufacturing is Canadas most important economic activity, _17 percent of the workforce.(A) engages(B) and to engage(C) that it engage(D) engaging答案:D分析:句子主谓宾俱全,空格所在的部分做伴随状语 A 动词 B 介词+不定式 C 定语从句 D 动名词作状语翻译参考:制造业是加拿大的

16、最重要的经济活动,占有其总劳动力的17%。难度:1 16. The outer layer of the heart, called the pericardium, forms a sac in what the A B C D heart lies. 答案:D分析:将what改为which,这样,in which the heart lies就是定语从句修饰sac翻译参考:心脏的外层,名称是心包膜,形成了一个囊把心脏包在其中。难度:1 17. Wood from the ash tree becomes extremely flexibly when it is exposed to st

17、eam. A B C D 答案:B分析:谓语是become,它是系词,后面的副词flexibly应改为形容词flexible翻译参考:当灰树(一种白腊树)木材接触到水蒸气时,它就变得异常柔韧。难度:1 18. The ability to talk is one of the skill that make humans different from the A B C rest of the animal world. D答案:B分析:名词单复数误用,one of 后面加名词复数,把skill改为skills翻译参考:说话的能力是使人类不同于其它动物的技能之一。难度:1 19. In pla

18、ne geometry, the sum of the internal angles of any triangle A B Chas always equal to 180 degrees. D答案:D分析:be equal to是正确的用法。Has改为is。翻译参考:在平面几何中,任意一个三角形的内角和总是180度。难度:1 20. Polar bears are bowlegged and pigeon-toed, adaptations that enable this A B massive animals to maintain their balance as they wal

19、k. C D 答案:B分析:人称代词单复数的误用,应该将this改为these修饰animals。翻译参考:北极熊的腿是弓形的并且是脚趾是内弯的,这种适应使得这种庞大的动物在行走的时候能够保持身体的平衡。难度:2 21. Caves are formed by the chemical or action mechanical of water on soluble A Brock, by volcanic activity, and by earthquakes. C D 答案:A分析:词语排列顺序错误,应改为mechanical action。翻译参考:岩洞形成的几个因素是,水对可溶性岩石

20、的化学或机械的侵蚀、火山活动和地震。难度:1 22. Celery, an edible plant is having long stalks topped with feathery leaves, A B Cgrows best in cool weather. D答案:B分析:an edible plant是celery的同位语,句子的谓语是grows。应该将is having改为having或者改为which has,来修饰plant。翻译参考:芹菜,一种长着长长的茎,茎上有羽毛般的叶子的可食用的植物,在寒冷的天气下生长得最好。难度:2 23. The first fiction w

21、riter in the United States to achieve international fame A B C was Washington Irving, who wrote many stories, included Rip Van Winkle and DThe Legend of Sleepy Hollow.答案:D分析:D应改为including做伴随状语,表示主动翻译参考:第一个取得国际声誉的美国小说作家是Washington Irving,他写了很多小说,包括Rip Van Winkle和The Legend of Sleepy Hollow。难度:1 24. T

22、hree fundamental aspects of forest conversation are the protection of Aimmature trees, the use of proper harvesting methods, and provide for an B Cenvironment that supports reproduction. D答案:C分析:考点是平行结构,and表示并列,所以C应改为provision翻译参考:保护森林的三个基本方面是,未成熟的树木的保护,适当的砍伐,还有树木可再生环境的提供。难度:1 25. For each enzyme re

23、action there is an optimum temperature which maximum A B C efficiency is achieved. D答案:C分析:which所在从句作状语。应该把temperature which改为temperature at which。翻译参考:对于每一个酶反应,都有一个最佳的温度使其最充分反应。难度:1 26. Adolescence is a transitional stage in human development from the beginning A Bof puberty to the attainment of th

24、e emotion, social, and physical maturity of C adulthood. D答案:C分析:考点是平行结构,emotion改为emotional。翻译参考:青春期是人的发展过程中,从青春期的开始到成年人的情感的,社交的和生理方面的成熟的一个转变的阶段。难度:1 27. The people native to the northwest coast of North American have long A be known for wood carvings of stunning beauty and extraordinary quality. B

25、C D答案:B分析:完成时态应用have+been形式,be known应改为been known翻译参考:北美西北海岸的土著居民以制造极美丽的、优品质的木质雕刻而著称。难度:2 28. Colonial efforts to manufacture glass at Jamestown- and later attempts A B near Philadelphia and Boston-failed despite the abundant of fuel and good raw C materials. D 答案:C分析:despite+名词 用法。另外,没有adj.+of的用法。应

26、该将abundant改为abundance。翻译参考:殖民者在Jamestown生产玻璃的努力,以及后来在费城和波斯顿的尝试都失败了,尽管那里有着丰富能源和很好的原材料。难度:1 29. The orbit of a celestial body is usually in the shape of ellipse. A B C D 答案:D分析:可数名词单数形式前要加不定冠词.应在ellipse前加an。翻译参考:一个天体的运行轨道常常是呈椭圆状。难度:1 30. Chicago is the third largest publishing center in the United States, A B C exceeding only by New York City and San Francisco. D答案:D分析:因为后面有by表示被动,应该用过去分词。Exceeding改为exceeded。翻译参考:芝加哥是全美仅次于纽约和旧金山第三大出版中心。难度:1 31. North American bison differ from domestic cattle in have 14 rather than 13 A B C D pairs of ribs. 答案:C分析:介词in后面接名词或者动名词,have应改为having。

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