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1、七个程序多项式相加 HW1p.79 3.6Write a function to add two polynomials. Do not destroy the input. Use a linked list implementation. If the polynomials have M and N terms, respectively, what is the time complexity of your program?#include #include #define COMPARE(numa,numb) (numanumb?-1:(numaExponent = -1; fil

2、e = fopen(filename, r); if (file = NULL) printf(Cantt open %s!n, filename); exit(1); while (!feof(file) val = fscanf(file, %d, %d, &coefficient, &exponent); printf(val = %dn, val); if (exponent Coefficient = coefficient; temp-Exponent = exponent; temp-Next = NULL; tail-Next = temp; tail = temp; fclo

3、se(file); return front;void Output(Polynomial poly, char * filename) FILE * file; file = fopen(filename, w); PtrToNode curNode = poly-Next; if (file = NULL) printf(Cantt open %s!n, filename); exit(1); while (curNode != NULL) fprintf(file, %d,%dn,curNode-Coefficient,curNode-Exponent); curNode = curNo

4、de-Next; fclose(file);void Attach(int coefficient, int exponent, PtrToNode * ptr) PtrToNode temp; temp = (PtrToNode)malloc(sizeof(struct Node); if (temp = NULL) printf(The memory is full!n); exit(1); temp-Coefficient = coefficient; temp-Exponent = exponent; temp-Next = NULL; (*ptr)-Next = temp; *ptr

5、 = temp;Polynomial Add(Polynomial polya, Polynomial polyb) PtrToNode front, tail; int sum; tail = (PtrToNode)malloc(sizeof(struct Node); if (tail = NULL) printf(The memory is full!n); exit(1); front = tail; front-Exponent = -1; polya = polya-Next; polyb = polyb-Next; while (polya & polyb) switch (CO

6、MPARE(polya-Exponent, polyb-Exponent) case -1: Attach(polyb-Coefficient, polyb-Exponent, &tail); polyb = polyb-Next; break; case 0: sum = polya-Coefficient + polyb-Coefficient; if (sum) Attach(sum, polya-Exponent, &tail); polya = polya-Next; polyb = polyb-Next; break; case 1: Attach(polya-Coefficien

7、t, polya-Exponent, &tail); polya = polya-Next; break; for ( ; polya; polya = polya- Next ) Attach(polya- Coefficient, polya- Exponent, &tail); for ( ; polyb; polyb = polyb- Next ) Attach(polyb- Coefficient, polyb- Exponent, &tail); tail-Next = NULL; return front;void Delete(Polynomial poly) PtrToNod

8、e node, tmp; node = poly; while (node != NULL) tmp = node-Next; free(node); node = tmp; int main(int argc, char *argv) Polynomial polya; Polynomial polyb; Polynomial polyc; polya = Create(argv1); polyb = Create(argv2); polyc = Add(polya, polyb); Output(polyc, argv3); Delete(polya); Delete(polyb); De

9、lete(polyc); return 0;翻转链表p.80 3.12 a. Write a nonrecursive procedure to reverse a singly linked list in O(N) time.*b. Write a procedure to reverse a singly linked list in O(N) time using constant extra space.#include list.h 翻转链表#include #include fatal.h/* Place in the interface file */struct Node E

10、lementType Element; Position Next;List Reverse( List L ) Position Old_head, New_head, Temp; New_head =NULL; Old_head =L-Next; while ( Old_head ) Temp = Old_head -Next; Old_head -Next = New_head; New_head = Old_head; Old_head = Temp; ; L-Next = New_head; return L;void PrintList(List L, FILE * fp) if

11、(fp = NULL) Error(Cant open the output file!n); Position p = L-Next; while (p != NULL) fprintf(fp, %d, p-Element); p = p-Next; if (p != NULL) fprintf(fp, ,); fprintf(fp, n);ListMakeEmpty( List L ) if( L != NULL ) DeleteList( L ); L = malloc( sizeof( struct Node ) ); if( L = NULL ) FatalError( Out of

12、 memory! ); L-Next = NULL; return L;/* START: fig3_8.txt */* Return true if L is empty */intIsEmpty( List L ) return L-Next = NULL;/* END */* START: fig3_9.txt */* Return true if P is the last position in list L */* Parameter L is unused in this implementation */int IsLast( Position P, List L ) retu

13、rn P-Next = NULL;/* END */* START: fig3_10.txt */* Return Position of X in L; NULL if not found */PositionFind( ElementType X, List L ) Position P; /* 1*/ P = L-Next; /* 2*/ while( P != NULL & P-Element != X ) /* 3*/ P = P-Next; /* 4*/ return P;/* END */* START: fig3_11.txt */* Delete from a list */

14、* Cell pointed to by P-Next is wiped out */* Assume that the position is legal */* Assume use of a header node */voidDelete( ElementType X, List L ) Position P, TmpCell; P = FindPrevious( X, L ); if( !IsLast( P, L ) ) /* Assumption of header use */ /* X is found; delete it */ TmpCell = P-Next; P-Nex

15、t = TmpCell-Next; /* Bypass deleted cell */ free( TmpCell ); /* END */* START: fig3_12.txt */* If X is not found, then Next field of returned value is NULL */* Assumes a header */PositionFindPrevious( ElementType X, List L ) Position P; /* 1*/ P = L; /* 2*/ while( P-Next != NULL & P-Next-Element !=

16、X ) /* 3*/ P = P-Next; /* 4*/ return P;/* END */* START: fig3_13.txt */* Insert (after legal position P) */* Header implementation assumed */* Parameter L is unused in this implementation */voidInsert( ElementType X, List L, Position P ) Position TmpCell; /* 1*/ TmpCell = malloc( sizeof( struct Node

17、 ) ); /* 2*/ if( TmpCell = NULL ) /* 3*/ FatalError( Out of space! ); /* 4*/ TmpCell-Element = X; /* 5*/ TmpCell-Next = P-Next; /* 6*/ P-Next = TmpCell;/* END */#if 0/* START: fig3_14.txt */* Incorrect DeleteList algorithm */voidDeleteList( List L ) Position P; /* 1*/ P = L-Next; /* Header assumed *

18、/ /* 2*/ L-Next = NULL; /* 3*/ while( P != NULL ) /* 4*/ free( P ); /* 5*/ P = P-Next; /* END */#endif/* START: fig3_15.txt */* Correct DeleteList algorithm */voidDeleteList( List L ) Position P, Tmp; /* 1*/ P = L-Next; /* Header assumed */ /* 2*/ L-Next = NULL; /* 3*/ while( P != NULL ) /* 4*/ Tmp

19、= P-Next; /* 5*/ free( P ); /* 6*/ P = Tmp; /* END */PositionHeader( List L ) return L;PositionFirst( List L ) return L-Next;PositionAdvance( Position P ) return P-Next;ElementTypeRetrieve( Position P ) return P-Element;一定范围删除数据问题:已知线性表中的元素以值递增有序排列,并以单链表作为存储结构。试写一高效算法,删除表中所有值大于mink且小于maxk的元素(若表中存在这样

20、的元素),同时释放被删除结点空间,并分析你算法的时间复杂度。示例:“data.txt”文件中的第一行为递增排列的有序整数,第二行即为mink和maxk。 输入(data.txt) 0,1,1,2,4,5,8,103,9 输出(result.txt) 0,1,1,2,10问题:已知线性表中的元素以值递增有序排列,并以单链表作为存储结构。试写一高效算法,删除表中所有值相同的多余元素(使得操作后的线性表中所有元素的值都不相同),同时释放被删除结点空间,并分析你算法的时间复杂度。示例: 输入(data.txt) 0,1,1,1,2,4,5,8,8,10 输出(result.txt) 0,1,2,4,5

21、,8,10#include #include #include fatal.htypedef int ElementType;typedef struct Node *PtrToNode;typedef PtrToNode List;typedef PtrToNode Position;struct Node ElementType Element; Position Next;void DeleteList( List L ) Position P, Tmp; P = L; while( P != NULL ) Tmp = P-Next; free( P ); P = Tmp; List C

22、reateList(int * mink, int * maxk) FILE * inFile; char c; int number; List list = NULL; Position end; Position node; inFile = fopen(data.txt, r); if (inFile = NULL) printf(can not open the input file!n); exit(1); list = (List)malloc(sizeof(struct Node); end = list; do fscanf(inFile, %d, &number); nod

23、e = (Position)malloc(sizeof(struct Node); node-Next = NULL; node-Element = number; end-Next = node; end = node; c = fgetc(inFile); while(c = ,); fscanf(inFile, %d,%d, mink, maxk); fclose(inFile); return list;void OutPut(List list) FILE * outFile; outFile = fopen(result.txt, w); Position p = list-Nex

24、t; if (outFile = NULL) printf(can not open the output file!n); exit(1); if (p != NULL) while(p-Next != NULL) fprintf(outFile,%d, p-Element); p = p-Next; fprintf(outFile,%d, p-Element); fclose(outFile);void DeleteRange(List list, int mink, int maxk) Position pCur = list-Next; Position pPre = list; Po

25、sition pDel = NULL; int n = 0; while(pCur != NULL & pCur-Element Next; if (pCur = NULL) printf(No output!n); else while(pCur != NULL & pCur-Element Next; n+; free(pDel); if (pCur = NULL) pPre-Next = NULL; else pPre-Next = pCur; printf(delete %d numbers!n, n); void DeleteDup(List list) Position pCur,

26、 pNext, pTmp; int count = 0; pCur = list-Next; while(pCur != NULL) pNext = pCur-Next; while(pNext!=NULL & pCur-Element=pNext-Element) pTmp = pNext; pNext = pNext-Next; free(pTmp); count+; pCur-Next = pNext; if (pNext = NULL) break; else pCur-Next = pNext; pCur = pNext; printf(Deleted %d items!n, count);int main(int argc, char * argv)

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