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1、java编写俄罗斯方块三/* * File: * User: Administrator * Date: Jan 15, 2003 * Describe: 俄罗斯方块的 Java 实现 */import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;/* * 游戏主类,继承自JFrame类,负责游戏的全局控制。 * 内含 * 1, 一个GameCanvas画布类的实例引用, * 2, 一个保存当前活动块(ErsBlock)实例的引用, * 3, 一个保存当前控制面板(ControlPanel

2、)实例的引用; */public class ErsBlocksGame extends JFrame /* * 每填满一行计多少分 */ public final static int PER_LINE_SCORE = 100; /* * 积多少分以后能升级 */ public final static int PER_LEVEL_SCORE = PER_LINE_SCORE * 20; /* * 最大级数是10级 */ public final static int MAX_LEVEL = 10; /* * 默认级数是5 */ public final static int DEFAULT

3、_LEVEL = 5; private GameCanvas canvas; private ErsBlock block; private boolean playing = false; private ControlPanel ctrlPanel; private JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar(); private JMenu mGame = new JMenu(Game), mControl = new JMenu(Control), mWindowStyle = new JMenu(WindowStyle), mInfo = new JMenu(Inform

4、ation); private JMenuItem miNewGame = new JMenuItem(New Game), miSetBlockColor = new JMenuItem(Set Block Color .), miSetBackColor = new JMenuItem(Set Background Color .), miTurnHarder = new JMenuItem(Turn up the level), miTurnEasier = new JMenuItem(Turn down the level), miExit = new JMenuItem(Eixt),

5、 miPlay = new JMenuItem(Play), miPause = new JMenuItem(Pause), miResume = new JMenuItem(Resume), miStop = new JMenuItem(Stop), miAuthor = new JMenuItem(Author : apple), miSourceInfo = new JMenuItem(You can get the source code / document by email); private JCheckBoxMenuItem miAsWindows = new JCheckBo

6、xMenuItem(Windows), miAsMotif = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(Motif), miAsMetal = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(Metal, true); /* * 主游戏类的构造函数 * param title String,窗口标题 */ public ErsBlocksGame(String title) super(title); setSize(315, 392); Dimension scrSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); setLocation(s

7、crSize.width - getSize().width) / 2, (scrSize.height - getSize().height) / 2); createMenu(); Container container = getContentPane(); container.setLayout(new BorderLayout(6, 0); canvas = new GameCanvas(20, 12); ctrlPanel = new ControlPanel(this); container.add(canvas, BorderLayout.CENTER); container.

8、add(ctrlPanel, BorderLayout.EAST); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) stopGame(); System.exit(0); ); addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() public void componentResized(ComponentEvent ce) canvas.fanning(); ); show(); canvas.fanning(); /* * 让游戏“复位” */

9、 public void reset() ctrlPanel.reset(); canvas.reset(); /* * 判断游戏是否还在进行 * return boolean, true-还在运行,false-已经停止 */ public boolean isPlaying() return playing; /* * 得到当前活动的块 * return ErsBlock, 当前活动块的引用 */ public ErsBlock getCurBlock() return block; /* * 得到当前画布 * return GameCanvas, 当前画布的引用 */ public Gam

10、eCanvas getCanvas() return canvas; /* * 开始游戏 */ public void playGame() play(); ctrlPanel.setPlayButtonEnable(false); miPlay.setEnabled(false); ctrlPanel.requestFocus(); /* * 游戏暂停 */ public void pauseGame() if (block != null) block.pauseMove(); ctrlPanel.setPauseButtonLabel(false); miPause.setEnabled

11、(false); miResume.setEnabled(true); /* * 让暂停中的游戏继续 */ public void resumeGame() if (block != null) block.resumeMove(); ctrlPanel.setPauseButtonLabel(true); miPause.setEnabled(true); miResume.setEnabled(false); ctrlPanel.requestFocus(); /* * 用户停止游戏 */ public void stopGame() playing = false; if (block

12、!= null) block.stopMove(); miPlay.setEnabled(true); miPause.setEnabled(true); miResume.setEnabled(false); ctrlPanel.setPlayButtonEnable(true); ctrlPanel.setPauseButtonLabel(true); /* * 得到当前游戏者设置的游戏难度 * return int, 游戏难度1MAX_LEVEL */ public int getLevel() return ctrlPanel.getLevel(); /* * 让用户设置游戏难度 *

13、param level int, 游戏难度1MAX_LEVEL */ public void setLevel(int level) if (level 0) ctrlPanel.setLevel(level); /* * 得到游戏积分 * return int, 积分。 */ public int getScore() if (canvas != null) return canvas.getScore(); return 0; /* * 得到自上次升级以来的游戏积分,升级以后,此积分清零 * return int, 积分。 */ public int getScoreForLevelUpd

14、ate() if (canvas != null) return canvas.getScoreForLevelUpdate(); return 0; /* * 当分数累计到一定的数量时,升一次级 * return boolean, ture-update successufl, false-update fail */ public boolean levelUpdate() int curLevel = getLevel(); if (curLevel MAX_LEVEL) setLevel(curLevel + 1); canvas.resetScoreForLevelUpdate();

15、 return true; return false; /* * 游戏开始 */ private void play() reset(); playing = true; Thread thread = new Thread(new Game(); thread.start(); /* * 报告游戏结束了 */ private void reportGameOver() JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, Game Over!); /* * 建立并设置窗口菜单 */ private void createMenu() bar.add(mGame); bar.

16、add(mControl); bar.add(mWindowStyle); bar.add(mInfo); mGame.add(miNewGame); mGame.addSeparator(); mGame.add(miSetBlockColor); mGame.add(miSetBackColor); mGame.addSeparator(); mGame.add(miTurnHarder); mGame.add(miTurnEasier); mGame.addSeparator(); mGame.add(miExit); mControl.add(miPlay); mControl.add

17、(miPause); mControl.add(miResume); mControl.add(miStop); mWindowStyle.add(miAsWindows); mWindowStyle.add(miAsMotif); mWindowStyle.add(miAsMetal); mInfo.add(miAuthor); mInfo.add(miSourceInfo); setJMenuBar(bar); miPause.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_P, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK); miResum

18、e.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, 0); miNewGame.addActionListener(new ActionListener() public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) stopGame(); reset(); setLevel(DEFAULT_LEVEL); ); miSetBlockColor.addActionListener(new ActionListener() public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent

19、ae) Color newFrontColor = JColorChooser.showDialog(ErsBlocksGame.this, Set color for block, canvas.getBlockColor(); if (newFrontColor != null) canvas.setBlockColor(newFrontColor); ); miSetBackColor.addActionListener(new ActionListener() public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) Color newBackColor

20、= JColorChooser.showDialog(ErsBlocksGame.this, Set color for block, canvas.getBackgroundColor(); if (newBackColor != null) canvas.setBackgroundColor(newBackColor); ); miTurnHarder.addActionListener(new ActionListener() public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) int curLevel = getLevel(); if (curLev

21、el 1) setLevel(curLevel - 1); ); miExit.addActionListener(new ActionListener() public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) System.exit(0); ); miPlay.addActionListener(new ActionListener() public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) playGame(); ); miPause.addActionListener(new ActionListener() public

22、 void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) pauseGame(); ); miResume.addActionListener(new ActionListener() public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) resumeGame(); ); miStop.addActionListener(new ActionListener() public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) stopGame(); ); miAsWindows.addActionListener(ne

23、w ActionListener() public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) String plaf =; setWindowStyle(plaf); canvas.fanning(); ctrlPanel.fanning(); miAsWindows.setState(true); miAsMetal.setState(false); miAsMotif.setState(false); ); miAsMotif.addActionListen

24、er(new ActionListener() public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) String plaf =; setWindowStyle(plaf); canvas.fanning(); ctrlPanel.fanning(); miAsWindows.setState(false); miAsMetal.setState(false); miAsMotif.setState(true); ); miAsMetal.addActionListe

25、ner(new ActionListener() public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) String plaf = javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel; setWindowStyle(plaf); canvas.fanning(); ctrlPanel.fanning(); miAsWindows.setState(false); miAsMetal.setState(true); miAsMotif.setState(false); ); /* * 根据字串设置窗口外观 * param plaf S

26、tring, 窗口外观的描述 */ private void setWindowStyle(String plaf) try UIManager.setLookAndFeel(plaf); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(this); catch (Exception e) /* * 一轮游戏过程,实现了Runnable接口 * 一轮游戏是一个大循环,在这个循环中,每隔100毫秒, * 检查游戏中的当前块是否已经到底了,如果没有, * 就继续等待。如果到底了,就看有没有全填满的行, * 如果有就删除它,并为游戏者加分,同时随机产生一个 * 新的当前块,

27、让它自动下落。 * 当新产生一个块时,先检查画布最顶上的一行是否已经 * 被占了,如果是,可以判断Game Over了。 */ private class Game implements Runnable public void run() int col = (int) (Math.random() * (canvas.getCols() - 3), style = ErsBlock.STYLES(int) (Math.random() * 7)(int) (Math.random() * 4); while (playing) if (block != null) /第一次循环时,block为空 if (block.isAlive() try Thread.currentThread().sleep(100); catch (InterruptedException ie) ie.printStackTrace(); continue; checkFullLine(); /检查是否有全填满的行 if (isGameOver() /检查游戏是否应该结束了

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