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1、上海高考英语整理知识点讲义期末复习材料1. 避免做某事 escape doing sth.2. 对是必要的 be essential for/to3. 每三周 every three weeks4. 每隔一天 every other day5. 为树立榜样 set an example to6. 除了之外,只得做某事 doing nothing except do7. 用来换 exchange sth. for sth.8. 原谅某人做某事 excuse sb. for doing sth.9. 正如所预料的 as is expected10. 对某人期待太高 expect a lot/too

2、 much of sb.11. 医药费 medical expense12. 向某人解释某事 explain to sb. sth.13. 把自己的意思表达清楚 explain sth.14. 表示同情 express sympathy15. 面临 ba faced with/by sth.16. 朝北、东 face northeast17. 不能/没有做某事 fail to do sth.18. 电力不足、中断 power failure19. 假牙 false teeth20. 对很熟悉 be familiar with21. 对于某人来说很熟悉 be familiar to sb.22.

3、 因为而著名 be famous for23. 作为而著名 be famous as24. 为全世界的人所知名 be famous to people all over the world 25. 据我所知 as far as I know26. 被吸引住 be fascinated with/by sth.27. 举行告别会 hold a farewell party28. 过时了不时髦了 be out of fashion29. 失宠失利; lose favour30. 支持;赞成 be in favour of31. 帮某人忙 ask a favour of sb.32. 用来喂养 fe

4、edon/with33. 吃,以为食物 feed on34. 把喂给吃 feed sth. to sb.35. 与困难作斗争 fight against difficulities36. 算出;弄清楚 figure out37. 装满 be filled with38. 决赛 the finals39. 因做某事而罚某人款 fine sb. for doing sth.40. 着火 catch fire41. 把火扑灭 put out a fire42. 被解雇了 be fired/dismissed43. 试穿 fit on44. 适合(做) be fit for/to do sth.45.

5、 保持健康 keep fit46. 注视 fix ones eyes on/upon47. 长距离飞行 a long distance flight48. 流利的英语 fluent English49. 集中注意力 focus attention /mind on50. 民间音乐 focus attention/mind on51. 如下 as follows52. 听从忠告 follow ones advice53. 食物链 food train54. 某人做某事是愚蠢的 Its foolish of sb. to do sth.55. 禁止某人做某事 forbid sb. to do st

6、h56. 禁止做某事 forbid doing sth.57. 地心引力的力量 the force of gravity58. 强迫某人做某事 force sb. to do sth.59. 天气预报 the weather forecast60. 填写表格 fill in a form61. 以的形式 in the form of62. 前任总统 former president/student/wife63. 发财 make a fortune64. 提出 put forward65. 期盼;等待 look forward to sth.66. 释放某人 set sb. free 67.

7、没有的;免除的 be free of/from68. 冰点 freezing point69. 冷冻食物 frozen food70. 淡水 fresh water71. 与-交朋友 make friends with72. 把某人吓死 frighten sb. to death73. 从那时起 from then on74. 充满的;有很多的 be full of75. 为了消遣 for fun76. 开玩笑 make fun of77. 在最近,久远的将来 in the near /distant future78. 增重 gain weight79. 一般说来 generally spe

8、aking80. 代沟 generation gap81. 克服,战胜困难;从(疾病,震惊等)中恢复 get over82在某方面有天赋 have a gift for83. 投降;屈服;上交 give in84. 发出(蒸汽、光等) give off85. 发出(热、气味等; 分发;(供给等)用完;筋疲力尽 give out86. 放弃 give up87. 看一眼glance at/towards/up88. 复习; 走到另一边去;检查 go over89. 出去;(灯火)熄灭 go out90. 走上前去 go up to91. 完成目标 achieve a goal92. 进球 sco

9、re a goal93. 黄金时代 golden age94. 对某人/某物有好处 be good for sb.95. 好多 a good many96. 认为理所当然 take it for granted that97. 因感激某人be grateful to sb. for sth./doing sth.98. 感激地 with gratitude99. 用微笑/吻来迎接/招呼某人 greet sb. with a smile/kiss100. 人口的增长 the growth of population1.养成做某事的习惯 form a habit of doing sth/ get

10、 in to a habit of doing 2.切成两半 cut sth by half/ into halves3.手拉手 hand by hand4.上交 hand in 5.碰巧做 sb. happens to do= It so happens that6.刻苦工作 be hard at work7.对有害 do harm to= be harmful to8.和睦相处 live in harmony9.在某方面有问题/困难 have problems/ trouble/ difficulty with sth.10.前往 head for11.身体健康良好 in good hea

11、lth12.听说,得悉, hear about13.心脏病 heart trouble14.全心全意地 heart and soul15.用心记忆,暗记 learn sth. by heart16.激烈的讨论 heated discussion17.帮助某人做某事 help sb. with/ (to) do sth.18.在的帮助下 with the help of19.毫不犹豫 without (any) hesitation20.隐藏 hide sth. from = conceal sth. from21.以高速度 at high speed22.高度评价;重视;赞扬 speak/ t

12、hink highly of23.历史性会见 historic meeting24.历史研究 historical research25.打在某人的鼻子 hit sb. on the nose26.阻挡;抑制 hold back27.(电话用语)别挂断;抓牢;坚持 hold on28.推迟;拖延;挡住 hold off29.度假 on holiday30.老实说 honestly speaking31.表示敬意;为了招待;为了纪念 in honor of32.为祖国争光 win honor for ones motherland33.想要 hope for34.抱乐观的希望,尽量往好处想 ho

13、pe for the best35.东道国,举办国 host nation/ country36.按小时计酬 pay/ charge by the hour37.伤害某人的感情 hurt ones feelings38.(突然)想到一个主意 come up with an idea39.不懂,无知的 be ignorant of40.对某人来说做某事是非法的 It is illegal for sb. to do41.对产生影响 have an impact on42.在脑海中留下深刻印象 impress sth. on ones mind43.被深深感动;对留下深刻印象 be impress

14、ed by/with44.在五十几岁时 at ones fifties45.我不方便做某事 It is inconvenient for me to do46.个人体育运动项 individual sports47.把某事通知某人 inform sb. of sth.48.使某人得到通知 keep sb. informed of49.进一步的消息,更多的信息 further information50.从处继承 inherit sth. from51.受了重伤 be badly injured52.鼓励某人做某事 inspire sb. to do53.求生的本能 an instinct fo

15、r survival54.教、指导、指示某人做某事 instruct sb. to do55.给房屋保火险 insure ones house against fire56.打算做某事 intend to do57.对感兴趣 take interest in = be interested in58.追求利益 look for interests59.每隔一段时间,每隔一段距离 at intervals60.把引进;传入;把列入;插入 introduce - into61.婉拒邀请 decline ones invitation62.需要做-,包含做- involve doing sth. 6

16、3.介入,卷入 be involved in = involve oneself in64.新闻条目 news items65.把从隔离开 isolate - from66.交通阻塞 traffic jam67.参军 join the army68.连接 be joined to69.共同努力 a joint effort/joint efforts70.恶作剧 a practical joke71.使某人大为高兴的是 to ones great joy72.从外表判断 judge from/ by ones appearance73.比小,地位低 be junior to74.喜爱;对着迷

17、be keen on75.敏捷的头脑 a keen mind76.记日记 keep a diary77.阻止;防止 keep-from-78.遵守;保持 keep to79.消磨时间 kill time80.一位知识渊博的 a man of knowledge= a knowledgeable man81.理解;认识 have a good knowledge of82.快车道 the fast lane83.最后但并非最不重要的(一点) last but not least84.过后,后来 later on85.嘲笑 laugh at86.突然大笑起来 burst into laughter

18、87.犯法 be against the law/ break the law88.诱使某人做某事 lead sb. to do89.通向;导致 lead to90.斜靠 lean against91.依靠某人做某事 lean on sb. to do92.至少;最低限度 at least93.讲授;作关于的讲座 give a lecture on sth.94.给某人一个教训 teach sb. a lesson95.位于/在于 lie in96.乘电梯 take a lift97.要求搭车 ask for a lift98.点着的火柴 a lighted match99.很可能 It is

19、 likely that= be likely to do100. (靠)生活 live by doing1.严密保藏某物 keep sth under lock and key2.渴望得到某物 long for sth3.渴望做某事 long to do sth4.很久以前 long before5.不久,不久以后 before long6.照顾 look after7.轻视,看不起 look down on8.调查 look into9.把看作 look upon/ on- as-10.注意;留神 look out11.浏览;核查 look through12.依赖 look to = d

20、epend on = rely on = lean on13.输了一场比赛 lose a game14.输了一个球 lose by a goal15.灰心 lose heart16.沉迷干 lose ones heart17.茫然不知所措 be at a loss= be at sea18.停车场 the parking lot19.碰运气 try ones luck/ fortune20.使某人发疯 drive / send sb mad21.发疯 go mad22.寄航空邮件 by air mail23.寄信给某人 mail sth to sb24.保养公路 maintain a high

21、way25.主修(工程学) major in engineering26.多数;半数以上 a/ the majority of27.(有目的且快速地)冲向 make for28.偷;带着逃跑 make off with29.(1)开出;写出 (2)理解 make out30.(1)编造 (2)化妆 (3)构成;凑足 make up31.补偿;弥补 make up for32.成功地做某事 manage to do33.上市;出售 on the market34.娶;嫁;与结婚 marry sb = get married to sb35.事实上 as a matter of fact = in

22、 fact36.不要紧 It doesnt matter.37.意味着做- mean doing 38.本意为;打算做- mean to do39.用;依靠 by means of-40.同时;其间 in the meantime41.采取措施做某事 take measures to do42.纪念 in memory of43.提及做某事 mention doing-44.更不用说;此外 not to mention45.给某人带个口信 give sb a message46.给某人留个条 leave a message for sb47.牢记某事 keep/ bear sth in min

23、d48.拿定主意做某事 make up ones mind to do49.避免做某事 miss doing sth50.错误地做某事 do sth by mistake51.把误认为 mistake A for B52.把-和-混合 mix - with -53.流动图书馆 a mobile library54.心情好/坏 in a good/ bright/ bad mood55.没有心情做某事 be in no mood for doing sth/ to do sth56.一轮新月 a new moon 57.非常乐意做某事 be more than happy/glad/please

24、d/ready/willing to do58.以-的名义 in the name of59.以-的名字命名 be named after60.打个盹儿 take/ have a nap61.土产的 be native to62.如必要的话 if necessary= if it is necessary 63.非常需要 need sth badly64.对神经紧张的 be nervous about65.向某人点头 nod at/ to sb66.(表示惊奇)不是别的,正是 no(ne) other than67.记笔记 take notes68.仅仅;只不过 nothing but69.(

25、有意)注意 take notice of70.到现在为止 by now = up to now = up till now = so far71.既然;由于 now that72.许多(修饰可数名词) a good/ great many= a number of 73.反对做某事 object to doing sth / be opposed to doing sth74.强迫某人做某事 oblige sb to do = force sb to do75.因某事而感谢某人 be obliged/ thankful/ grateful to sb for (doing) sth76.遵守规

26、则 observe the rules77.庆祝某人的生日 observe ones birthday78.我想起一个主意。 An idea occurred to me.79.某人突然想起- It occurs to sb that-80.提供某人某物 offer sb sth = offer sth to sb81.主动提议做某事 offer to do 82.把对公众开放 open sth to the public83.为某人动手术 operate on84.依照某人的看法 in ones opinion85.对面的 be opposite to86.有次序;整齐 keep sth i

27、n good order87.混乱;发生故障 be out of order88.命令某人做某事 order sb to do89.文明的发源 the origin of civilization90.换言之 in other words91.除了 other than92.前几天 the other day93.克服缺点/困难 overcome ones faults/ difficulties94.悦人的景色 a pleasant outlook95.开阔视野 broaden/ widen ones outlook96.把归功干 own - to97.由于 owing to98.某人自己的

28、书 a book of ones own99.单独地;独立无援地 on ones own 100. 跟上时代 keep pace with the times= keep up with the times1.一双,一对 a pair of2.引起恐慌 cause a panic3.平行的;类似的 be parallel to/ with4.原谅某人做某事 pardon/ excuse/ forgive sb for doing sth5.禁止停车 no parking 6.(在中)起作用 play a part/ role in7.参与;参加 participate in/ take par

29、t in/ join in8.(过于)讲究的;挑剔的;吹毛求疵的 be particular about9.去世 pass away10.对(某人)有耐心 have patience with sb = be patient with sb11.为铺平道路 pave the way for 12.偿还(欠款) pay back13.还清债务 pay off the debt14.与某人和解;同某人言归于好 make (ones) peace with15.-所特有的 be peculiar to 16.用铅笔 in pen17.请求许可 ask for permission18.允许做某事 p

30、ermit doing sth19.允许某人做某事 permit sb to do sth20.孜孜不倦地学习 persevere in doing sth21.(固执地)坚持 persist in doing22.说服某人做某事 persuade sb to do= persuade sb into doing23.说服某人不做某事 persuade sb not to do = persuade sb out of doing24.分辨,挑出 pick out25.拾起;获得;学会;买到;(用车,船)接人 pick up26.去野餐 go on a picnic27.清楚地了解 get a clear picture of 28.一堆;一摞 a pile of29.同情/可怜某人 take/ have pity on sb30.人民解放军战士 PLA man31.用简明的英语 in plain English32.首先 in the first place = first of all= to begin with33.发生;举行 take place34.代替;取代 take the pla

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