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1、六年级英语句法试题答案及解析六年级英语句法试题答案及解析1. 连词成句(10分)(1)is Where bookstore the?(2)get to I How can Beihai Park?(3)I go Sometimes to foot school on.(4)you do How America to go?(5)to my Come home subway by.【解析】略2. 按要求写句子。(10分)It often rains in summer in Yangzhou. (改为一般疑问句)_Do more exercises.(改为否定祈使句)_Their Chinese

2、 teacher goes home on foot after work.(改为同义句)_Heate two eggs and some bread for breakfast this morning.(对画线部分提问)_Jane gets up early.But Kate gets up earlier.(合并成一句话)_【答案】Does it often rain in summer in Yangzhou?Dont do more exercises.Their Chinese teacher walks home after work.Who ate two eggs and s

3、ome bread for breakfast this morning?Kate gets up earlier than Jane.【解析】思路分析:本题考查句型的转换,先要弄清句子的结构(主系表/主谓宾),再根据陈述句变成一般疑问句的步骤进行转换。名师解析:本句是陈述句改成一般疑问句,首先确定所以句子的时态,句中动词是rains,是一般现在时,将其变为一般疑问句找助动词do或does帮忙,但是it是第三人称单数,用助动词does,后面动词还原成rain,句号变成问号,其余照抄,故答案为:Does it often rain in summer in Yangzhou?易错提示:没有先根据

4、动词确定时态,找出一般疑问句开头的助动词是does。思路分析:本题考查句型的转换,否定祈使句只要有句首加dont即可。名师解析:本句所给是个陈述句,改为否定祈使句只要在句首加dont,其余照抄即可,意为不要做更多的练习,故答案为:Dont do more exercises.易错提示:不清楚否定祈使句的转换规则,而将其与改成否定句混淆。思路分析:本题考查句型的转换中同义句的转换,首先要确定时态再找出同义词组进行转换。名师解析:本句意为他们的汉语老师下班后步行回家。首先由goes home确定所给句子的时态是一般现在时,再找出句中go home on foot的同义词是walk home ,Th

5、ere Chinese teacher是第三人称单数,后面的动词walk要变化成walks,故答案为:Their Chinese teacher walks home after work.易错提示:不能确定同义词组go home on foot=walk home,并且此句是一般现在时态,句中动词要根据人称进行变化。思路分析:本题考查句型的转换对画线部分提问,如果画线部分是主语时,直接用who代替主语,后面内容不变。名师解析:本句中画线部分是主语he,对主语进行提问时,只要直接用who 代替原来的主语,后面保持不动就可以了,然后再在句子的末尾加上问号(?),意为:今天早餐谁吃了两个鸡蛋和一些

6、面包?故答案为:Who ate two eggs and some bread for breakfast this morning?易错提示:不知道对主语进行画线部分提问时只要用Who代替原来的主语,其余内容不变就可以了,而是按照一般的画线部分提问的规则来确定特殊疑问词,再将剩下的内容变成一般疑问句。思路分析:本题考查句型的转换将两条句子合并成一条句子的转换规则。名师解析:本句中earlier是early的比较级,即两者存在一个比较关系,句意:Jane起床起的早。但是Kate起床起的更早。后为一句即Kate起床起得比Jane更早,故答案为:Kate gets up earlier than

7、Jane.易错提示:审题不清,不知道翻译句意两者比较再进行合二为一。3. 句型转换。(10分)Please read Lesson One.(改为否定句)_ _Lesson One, please.Jackie has lunch at school.(改为一般疑问句)_ Jackie_ lunch at school?My favourite subject is Science.(对画线部分提问)_ _ favourite subject?They have maths on Tuesday and Friday.(对画线部分提问)_ _they have Maths?Ann is ten

8、 years old. Lucy is eight years old.(把两个句子合并为一个句子)Lucy is two years_ _ Ann.【答案】Dont readDoes;haveWhats yourWhen doyounger than【解析】思路分析:本题考查的是祈使句的否定句形式的正确书写。名师解析:所给的句子为祈使句,意为“请读第一课。”在变为否定句时应借助助动词Dont,而谓语动词应用动词原形。故可知正确答案应为Dont read。易错提示:本题容易忽略需要借助助动词Dont来变为否定句。思路分析:本题考查的是实意动词变为一般疑问句时的用法。应熟练掌握一般疑问句的变型。

9、名师解析:have lunch为固定短语,意为“吃午饭”,其中has为实意动词,作句子的谓语动词。因此在变为一般疑问句时需要借助助动词,因为主语为第三人称单数,故助动词应用does,而谓语动词要用动词原形。has的动词原形应为have。易错提示:在改为一般疑问句时需要借助助动词,往往会忽略助动词,或者认为助动词应用do而没有想到应用单数形式does。思路分析:本题考查对划线部分提问,需要弄清楚划线部分的内容从而判断正确的疑问词。名师解析:所给肯定句意为“我最喜欢的科目是科学。”将Science划线,应该是问“最喜欢的科目是什么”,且对此提问时应改为“你最喜欢的科目是什么?”,即What is

10、your favourite subject?易错提示:本题容易忽略代词的变化,只得出Whats my的错误答案。思路分析:本题考查对划线部分提问,需要弄清楚划线部分的内容从而判断正确的疑问词。名师解析:所给的肯定句意为“他们周二和周五有数学课。”划线部分为on Tuesday and Friday可知是对时间进行提问,应用When提问。而have在此作为实意动词,因此疑问句中要借助助动词do。易错提示:往往在做疑问句时会忽略助动词的使用。思路分析:本题考查的是对句意的掌握以及比较级结构的使用。名师解析:所给的肯定句意为“Ann十岁。Lucy是八岁。”因此分析可知Lucy比Ann小两岁。表示更

11、小应用比较级yonger,且要用连词than。易错提示:本题最容易忘记比较级的使用,从而写出错误的答案。4. 选择方框中合适的句子完成对话。 AI think big fish are better.BNo,we have eaten all up already.CI would like to eat fish.DAnd buy some grapes,please, Mum. E.Can we have some tomato soup, please?Mum: David, what would you like for dinner?David: _1_Mum: I like fis

12、h, too. Do you like big fish or small fish?David: _2_Mum: OK, Ill buy a big one.David: _3_Mum: Its a good idea.David: _4_Mum: I think we have some grapes in the fridge.David: _5_Mum: OK, I will go to the supermarket now.【答案】(1)C(2)A(3)E (4)D(5)B5. 根据汉语完成下列句子(1)在星期一,你午饭吃什么?What _ you have for lunch _

13、 Mondays?(2)我通常走路上学,有时骑车。Usually I go to school _. Sometimes I go by bike.(3)你准备买点儿什么?What are you going _?(4)春天来了,花儿红了,草儿绿了:Spring is coming. The _ are red and the _ is green.(5)墙上有一幅圆和一张地图。_ _ a picture and a map on the wall.【答案】(1)do; on(2)on foot(3)to buy(4)flowers; grass (5)There is6. 句型转换。(1)Y

14、ou can see that is a pear. (改为否定疑问句)_ _ see that is a pear?(2)I know the woman. (改为否定句)I _ _ the woman.(3)I can give her my pencil. (改为同义句)I can give my pencil _ _.(4)Xiao Hong isnt at school today. (对画线部分提问)_ _at school today?(5)She has a nice car. (改为复数形式)_ _ nice cars.【答案】(1)Cant, you(2)dont know

15、(3)to her(4)Who isnt(5)They; have7. 下面的感叹句由How还是What引导?(1) fat he is!(2) fast she runs!(3) a lovely dog!(4) an interesting film!(5) nice the food is!(6) a good boy!(7) kind his mother is!(8) a nice camera it is!(9) clever students they are!(10) slowly the rabbits run!【答案】(1) How (2) How (3) What (4)

16、 What (5) How(6) What (7) How (8) What (9) What (10)How8. 用祈使句写出以下标志的含义。(1) _ (2)_ (3)_ (4)_ (5)_(6)_(7)_ (8)_ (9)_ (10)_【答案】(1) No lying down. (2) No pet.(3) No fishing. (4) No entry. (5) No swimming.(6) No photos.(7) No litter. (8) Be quiet. (9) No smoking. (10) No parking9. 将下列各组单词重新排序,使其构成有意义的词组

17、。(1)fat,the,cat,white_(2)Olympics,green,a,great_(3)expensive, that, jacket, brown_(4)an, book, interesting _(5)round, three, plates, yellow _【答案】(1) the fat white cat(2) a great green Olympics(3) that expensive brown jacket(4)an interesting book(5) three round yellow plates10. ( )Do you have _ shell

18、s?Yes, I have _. Asome; anyBany; someCany; anyDno; some【答案】B11. ( )_.Thats Toms ruler.A. Whos Toms ruler? B. Whose ruler is it?C. What ruler is that?【答案】B12. 连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。(1)have,a,let,look, me_(2)me,maybe,help,you, can_(3)breakfast,she,has,make, to, help_(4)do,also,every,have,chores, to, we,day_

19、(5)here, a, having,great,we, are, time_【答案】(1)Let me have a look.(2)Maybe you can help me.(3)She has to help make breakfast.(4)We also have to do chores every day.(5)We are having a great time here.13. 连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。(1)doing,what,you,are,tomorrow_(2) meet,lets,five,at,oclock,Saturday,on_(3)are,we,

20、bowling,ten,playing,oclock,at_(4)dont,the,I,have,partner,a,class,for,tennis_(5)finds,a,tennis,some,Lisa,class,about,information,for_【答案】(1)What are you doing tomorrow?(2)Lets meet a five oclock on Saturday.(3)We are playing bowling at ten oclock.(4)I dont have a partner for a tennis class.(5)Lisa fi

21、nds some information for a tennis class.14. 句型转换。(1)I often play the guitar after school.(改为一般疑问句)_(2)I have to do my homework every day.(划线部分提问)_(3)He watches TV once a week. (划线部分提问)_(4)Ido so many chores at home. (划线部分提问)_(5)Ric gets up early twice a week. (划线部分提问)_【答案】(1)Do you often play the gu

22、itar after school?(2)What do you have to do at home?(3)How often does he watch TV?(4)Where do you do so many chores(5)How many times does Ric get up early a week?15. 翻译句子。(1)Music is more exciting than science._(2)Lisa will go on vacation_(3)Who can come to the club ?_(4)Last week Sue saw a very int

23、eresting movie._(5)Egypt is one of the oldest counties in the world._【答案】(1)音乐比科学更令人兴奋。(2)丽萨将去度假。(3)谁能来俱乐部。(4)埃及是世界上最古老的国家之一。(5)昨天晚上,苏看了一场非常有趣的电影。16. 根据要求完成句子(1)What about you ,Gao Wei?(改为同义句)_ _ you , Gao Wei?(2)I would like some jelly.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ like some jelly?3. Blow out the candles.(改为否定句)_ _ out the candles.(4) Here is a teddy b

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