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1、情态动词高考常考点讲解与分析附答案第十一讲:情态动词一、常见考点: 1. can, must, may, should, might表示推测时的区别 2. cant,mustnt, may not, neednt等否定形式的用法 3. should和ought to表示“义务”和“推断”的用法 4. shall和will 作为情态动词用时的用法特点 5. need 和 dare 作为情态动词和实义动词用时的用法特点 6. had better, used to 和would rather的各类用法特点。二、 情态动词的基本用法:1. can(could)(1) 能.、会.(表示能力) He c

2、an speak English better than you注意:be able to 强调经过努力、克服困难等完成某事;则was/were able to表示过去经过努力等成功的做成了某事;could 表示原来具备某种能力,现在没有这种能力了(2) 能够。、可以。(表示可能、许可) “May I use your telephone?” “Yes, you can.” / You cant park your car in this street. 注意:此时,can可以表示表示理论上的或逻辑上的,或偶尔发生的事情,或一时的事情或特有的事情。如:It can be windy on th

3、e top of the mountain./ she can be forgettable sometimes./ Tigers can be dangerous. /Jogging can be harmful for the health. The temperature can fall to -60.(气温可降至零下60) (3) 请做。、得。(表示温和的命令) I will do the cooking, and you can do the washing. 我来做饭,请你去洗衣服(4)能不能。,要不要。(用于疑问句,表示客气的请求、提议) Can you give me a l

4、ift to the station? Cant you lend me 10 dollars?请你借给我10美元吧?(5)构成下列特殊句式: can not/ can never.too.或cannot.enough.“无论怎么。也不过份; 越。越好 ;非常。” One cannot be too carefull. 越认真越好。 cannot help doing./ cannot help but do./ cannot but do.”“禁不住;不由得;不得不” When a close friend dies, you cannot feel but sad. 当一个密友死的时候 ,

5、 你会禁不住伤心的. (6) can 还可以用于一般疑问句和否定句表示推测?someone is knocking. Who can it be ? 而在肯定句中表推测要用must和may2. may/ might(1) 可以。(表准许、请求) eg: You may go home now, Susan. 苏珊,你现在可以回家了(2) 但愿;祝。(表愿望、祝福;此时,句子要用倒装语序) May you succeed.祝你成功。(3) 为了,为了能够(用于目的状语从句so.that./ such.that.)He works hard so that he may get good grad

6、e.(4) 即使,无论(用于让步状语从句中) Whatever he may say, I dont believe him.(5) 构成句型 may as well do sth/ might as well do sth (不妨去做某事,还是做某事的好)(6) May 的否定回答不用may,-May I use your bike?-No, you mustnt/ Youd better not. / please dont (肯定:Yes, please. / Certainly)3. must (1) 必须、得、要(表义务、必要性、命令)Animals must eat to live

7、.(为了活下去,动物必须吃东西。) -Must I washing the sidhes at once? -No, you neednt. / yes , you must 注: mustnt 表示“禁止、不准”。Eg: You mustnt play with the knife; you might hurt yourself. (2) 必定(表必然性)。 Everyone must die. 每个人都必定会死。(3)偏偏、偏要、硬要(表固执、不满等):If you must know, Im going to help him look for an apartment.如果你偏要知道

8、,那我告诉你,我要去帮他找一套公寓。(4)想必、一定、准是(表推测,只用于肯定句)。 He must be ill. He looks so pale. (5) must 的否定回答用: No, you neednt/ No, you dont have to4. shall (1) 用于第一、第三人称,表示征求对方意见,请求指示等:Shall we go out for a walk?注:may 征求对方的许可,而shall是征求对方意见May I have a look?我能看一下嘛?Shall I have a look? 要我看一下嘛?(2) 用与第二、第三人称,表示说话人的命令、警告

9、、强制、允诺、威胁或决心等:eg:He shall be sorry one day, I tell you. 我告诉你,他早晚有一天会后悔的(警告) Dont worry. You shall get the answer this very afternoon. (允诺)。 Nothing shall stop us from carrying out the plan. (决心)(3) 应。/须。/ 得。(用于法律、规则等条文中): The fine shall be given in cash.罚款应以现金5. should (1) 应该(表义务、责任) :We should atte

10、nd the meeting .我们应该参见这次会议。(2)应该会、想必会、一定会(表预期):The concert should be great fun. 音乐会一定很有意思。(3)竟然、居然(表惊讶、遗憾):Im glad that your story should have won the first prize. 我很高兴,你的小说居然赢得头奖。(4) 一旦、万一(用于条件状语从句中):If she should know the truth, she would be greatly depressed.万一她知道了实情,她将会非常失望(5) 用于一些表示命令、建议、请求等动词后

11、面的that从句中,如:suggest, demand, recommend,advise,且,should可以在这个that从句中省略。They demanded that she (should) leave at once.(6) 究竟是、到底是(与疑问词连用,表示意外、纳闷、惊讶等)Who should come in but my old friend Betty!我当是谁进来了呢,原来是我的老朋友贝蒂啊。(7) 用于与将来事实相反的if条件状语从句中,此时省略if , 还可以引起倒装If I shoud be free tomorrow, I would go wth you .=

12、Should I be free tomorrow, I would go with you.6. will(1) 表意愿,用于各种人称陈述句:If you will read the book, Ill lend it to you. 如果你愿意读这本书。(2)表请求,用于疑问句:Will you close the door? It is a bit cold. (3) 表示某种倾向或习惯性动作:The door wont open.(这门打不开) Fish will die out of water.(4) 表命令、叮嘱: No one will leave the examinatio

13、n room before 12 oclock.12点前谁也不得离开考场。(5)表猜测:That will be the postman at the door. 门口想必是邮差。7. would (1) 常常、经常(表过去的习惯性动作):We would stay up all night talking our future.区别:used to _(2) 老是、偏要(表示说话者的厌烦、焦躁):Thats exactly like Susie. She would come to me just when I was busy.苏西就是那个样子,她老是在我忙碌的时候来找我。(3)就是(不能

14、)(用于否定句,主语一般是物,表某物一时的、暂时的特性)That door wouldnt open.(4) 表示客气的请求、建议;或婉转的表达个人的想法、看法:Would you mind if I open the window?8. ought to (1)表义务、应该,口气比should稍重。 You are his father. You ought to take care of him. (2) 表推测,暗含很大的可能: Han Mei ought to konw his telephone number.9.used to 表示过去的习惯性动作或状态,现在不发生或存在。疑问式和

15、否定式有两种:如I usednt to smoke.= I didnt use to smoke.10. have to (would rather+do) have to和must的意义相近,只是 must侧重表示说话人的主观看法,而have to 则表示客观需要,如:I must study hard. I had to give it up because of illness.11. need 和 dare 这两个词都即可用作情态动词, 也可用作实义动词。1 用作情态动词,主要用于否定句和疑问句; 用作实义动词,主要用于肯定句(当然也可以用于否定句等)2 用作实义动词:You need

16、nt do it yourself.=You dont need to do it yourself.I need to tell them the news. need的主语是物时,其后的动词可以是:doing或to be done. The table needs painting. = The table needs to be painted. dare 在否定句中,用作实义动词时,其后的to可带,也可以不带。 He did not dare (to) look up. 他不敢抬头看。 I dare say. 为固定习语,意思是“我敢说。”三、 情态动词+have done的用法:情态

17、动词+have done一定表述的是过去的事情,且表示对过去发生的事情的推测、判断,或表某种强烈的语气(如惊讶、责备、赞叹等) must + have done 表“过去肯定发生了某事”。The room is clean. Someone must have cleaned it. 注:绝对没有下面的形式:mustnt have done. may/might + have done 表示“过去可能发生了某事”,其中might 的语气要婉转些;但是主句中动词是过去时,一定要用might,如He said she might have missed the train. could + hav

18、e done,表示“过去本来能够做成某事,但是没有做到”:You could have succeeded. cant/couldnt have done 表示“绝不可能发生了某事”:He couldnt have taken all the medicine at a time. should/ought to +have done, 表示“过去本来应该做某事,但实际上未做” You are late again. You ought to have come one hour earlier. shouldnt+ have done/ 或oughtnt to have done, 表示“过

19、去不应该做某事而做了某事”This is my letter. You shouldnt have opened it. neednt + have done 表示“本没有必要做某事,而做了” There was plenty of time, so she neednt have hurried. 有充足的时间,所以她没有必要哪么急的。注:如果是对现在或将来的情况进行推测或判断,要用:“情态动词 + V-原”。四、must 表示推测时:其反义疑问句的构成如下:He must be a teacher, _?She must have finished the work, _?She must

20、 have finished the work last night, _?She must have finished the work by the end of last month, _?五:同步巩固训练:基础训练:1. -shall I tell John about it? -No,you _.A.neednt B.wouldnt C.mustnt D.shouldnt2. Peter _come with us tonight. But he isnt very sure yet.A.must B.can C.may D.will3. I didnt see her in the

21、 meeting room this morning. She _ at the meeting.A.mustnt have spoken B.Shouldnt have spokenC.neednt have spoken D.cant have spoken4. I didnt hear the telephone.I _ asleep.A.must be B.must have been C.should be D.should have been5. -_ I open the door for you?-No,thanks.I can manage by myself.A. Will

22、 B. May C. Shall D. Should6. One ought _ for what one hasnt done.A.not to be punished not be not to punished D.not be punished7. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _escape. A.had to B.would C.could D.was able to 8. I told Sally how to get here,but perhaps I

23、 _ for her.A.had to write it out B.must have written it outC.should have written it out D.ought to write it out 9. A computer _ think for iself; it must be told what to do.A.cant B.couldnt C.may not S.might not 10. Tell Tom that he _have the book next week. A.shall B.will C.can D.would11. If you rea

24、lly want yourself to be in good must_always_so much. A.not;be smoking B.not;have smoked not;be smoking D.not be;smoked12. With so much work on hand,you _to see the game last night. A.mustnt go B.shouldnt go C.couldnt have gone D.shouldnt have gone13. Someone is knocking at the door.W

25、ho _it be?A.may B.must C.will D.can14. -Look,it _be Tom. -No,it _be him.He has gone to Beijing. A.may,mustnt B.must,may C.must,cant D.can,may not15. Dont be worried.The news _ be ture.A.may not B.mustnt C.neednt D.wont16. Its possible that Mr.wu is working now. The sentence means _. A. Mr .Wu must b

26、e working now B. Mr . Wu cant be working now C. Mr . Wu should work now D. Mr .Wu may be working now 17. You mother must be at home,_ she? A.mustnt B.doesnt C.isnt D.cant18. - _ I watch TV this evening?- Yes,but you _ finish your homework first.A. Must;can B. May;must C. Must;may not D. Must,cant 19

27、. -_I sleep here?-No,you _.A. May;neednt B. May;mustnt C. Can;need D. May;may20. -Must I turn off the light now? _.A.neednt B.mustnt C.cant D.wont21. You _ so early.A.need come B.doesnt need come C.needs come D.neednt come22. We _ them.They can do it by themselves.A.need help B.dont need help

28、 C.dont need to help D.neednt to help23. Youd better _ in class.A.not talk B.not to talk C.dont talk D.not talking24. You _ go with us now,or you will be late. A.shall B.should C.would D.could25. - Need I go to work now? -Yes,you _. A.need B.can C.may D.must 26. Could you tell me if there _plenty of

29、 rain in your hometown? B.would be C.are D.was 27. A boy was crossing the street in front of my car,and I _ stop very quickly.A.must B.have to C.has to D.had to 28. Xiao wang _have been to Japan.He has never told this.A.will not B.can not C.shall not D.may not 29. She _have had a hard life since

30、 she looked much older than her age.A.may B.may not C.mustnt D.must 30. He went home because his mother was ill.We _have waited for him at the bus station for a long time.A.neednt B.need C.must D.shall31. You are late for class.You _have come to school earlier.A.shall B.must C.will D.should 32. Mr Wang is wet through.He _caught in the rain. A.must be B.must have been C.must has been D.must nave(答案详解见最后面)2007年真题:1. Hows your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautif

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