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PMC工作流程PMC workflow.docx

1、PMC工作流程PMC workflowPMC工作流程(PMC workflow)PMC工作流程(PMC workflow) PMC代表产品材料控制的缩写形式,意思为生产及物料控制通常它分为两个部分- PC和MC。 电脑:生产控制或生产管制(台、日资公司俗称生管主要职能是生产的计划与生产的进度控制)。 主持人:物料控制(俗称物控),主要职能是物料计划、请购、物料调度、物料的控制(坏料控制和正常进出用料控制)等。 所以对一个PMC的要求就是:该人协调能力如何及是否懂得合理有效利用-规划时间 个人认为PMC的职位没什么专业知识的限制,只要该人性格外向点,善于与人沟通,基本上没什么难的。 但是要做的好

2、可就得花一定的时间了 基本要求办公软件得熟练,起码是Excel的运用,然后是初进入公司对公司产品的研究,产品生产周期,机器设备生产能力,物料采购周期(最重要的是关键零件的L / T),做到最后是有能力辅助(提醒)工程在发更改将会对公司现有材料及成品出货造成多大影响,这已经是参与公司的运作及协助决策了,这就算是该PMC到了一定高度了。 PMC的流程从大的来看就是公司的运作流程:从销售得到订单开始,PMC就该接手并参与到后面所有的工作中,新产品的关务的合同备案(如无外销则无需海关备案),然后是根据需求得到MRP(物料需求计划),指导采购下单并根据料况及时调整生产,因为料况的变化是比较大的,所以工作

3、的重点肯定是根据料况来调整生产。 成品好后还得关注是否及时入库,然后出货扣账,再就是关务出货是否会有问题直到物品到达客户手中你还得考虑到中途是否产生损坏(RMA),当然了,做到后面就是细节问题了。 生管这项工作对任何加工部门都是举足轻重的。随着公司的发展,经过多年的经验累积和不断的改善,加上各种生管系统的开发和运用,目前在笔者工作的nwing自动机加工部(以下简称”加工部”),这项工作开展起来已十分得心应手,应付一般性的问题更是绰绰有余了。但情况总是在不断变化的,时不时会有新的问题冒出来考验我们的应对能力。如何更高效地适应当前的要求,更大程度地发挥加工部生管作用,更有效地满足客户需求,这是加工

4、部生管人员必须面对的一个恒久的改善主题。 加工部生管的工作内容 加工部生管目前的工作内容可分为两类。 第一类:相关数据处理。 加工部生管要处理的资料很多,其中最主要的有以下六种。 蓝图扩散。即按系统文件要求和生产制程需要将蓝图扩散至相关单位,对于返修工件还要在蓝图上标示清楚返修内容,然后将生产联络单发至备料工段备料。这是加工部生管工作的第一步,也是至关重要的一步。一套订单的顺利生产不仅涉及到加工单位,还涉及到相关程序设计单位而设计单位能否及时投入并保障工作的流畅进行,就取决于蓝图扩散的正确和及时。 制程变更。制程的正确排配关系到能否有效降低成本、节省加工时间和确保客户的要求精度。我们的业务人员

5、由于要负责大量的订单制程设计,因此制程的错误就难免时有发生,制程的合理性也可能被加工人员质疑,所以制程的变更不可避免。一般来说,制程变更由加工人员向业务人员提出,由业务人员根据加工人员的要求进行变更。 Process changes are related to changes in program design, resulting in new contact statements and processes. Blueprint change. Each order will have a large number of production drawings, and drawing

6、the design inevitably have unreasonable errors or processing, the production unit must clear processing blueprint and with the proposed changes to the service personnel, management personnel in a timely change will be sent to the new blueprint the blueprint for the diffusion unit, to ensure the blue

7、print design and machining of surface consistency. Accounting treatment. There is no doubt that the amount of shipment of a processing unit thus reflected. The shipment details to processing department and customers on the bills remain the same, this is the first point; second is the principal subsi

8、diary Divission and inter department, inter plant internal operations to transfer and processing of the shipment details remain the same. The key point of the accounting treatment is that a lot of money is collected and no account is transferred. Outsourcing data processing. Outsourcing as a mandato

9、ry processing method is unavoidable in certain processing areas. For some departments, the outsourcing has been involved in the manufacture of more than 90% finished parts as a process. In order to make the cooperation more smooth and more efficient, the relevant data must be prepared. Systematic an

10、d detailed information provides a platform for mutual confidence between the two sides of the cooperation and strengthens the willingness to cooperate. Data maintenance of TITOP system. TITOP, as a virtual warehouse of the group, is responsible for a large number of entry and exit operations, and re

11、cords the actual status of each order. It is a necessary system requirement for the processing department. TITOP data maintenance can provide the basis for the management system of the company, and ensure the timely and accurate handling of accounts. The second category: order processing. There are

12、a lot of orders to be processed by the processing department, and the concrete can be divided into six kinds. Order following and delivery reply. Each order has its own delivery requirements, and under normal circumstances, the processing department will have one to two thousand orders at the same t

13、ime in production. So many orders are required to be properly managed, managed and controlled in order to meet the customer requirements to maximum extent. For quick order processing, not only requires students to have a preliminary analysis of management personnel of the order, to judge the rationa

14、lity of the process, but also can survive on the processing of personnel management personnel and reasonable arrangement of the order processing schedule to keep control of the process, construction, completion and delivery of the next section of supervision. The preparations for the confirmation an

15、d access to information for timely convey. From the beginning to accept a set of processing orders, must be on the delivery confirmation, combined with the existing production capacity evaluation and preliminary reply on the business staff, and the need to constantly change according to customer req

16、uirements to re confirm and update delivery, to all orders are to plan for, guarantee the trusted processing Department degree. Order processing in outsourcing section. When the production capacity is insufficient or the relevant resources are insufficient, the management may seek external support o

17、r outsource the order, and the outsourcing order must effectively control its progress and delivery. Undertake external orders. When the processing department in accomplishing their orders and orders, to undertake external force or other units to assist processing project orders, management accordin

18、g to the feedback information or business personnel according to the corresponding unit management negotiation results considered, set section, single section in order to undertake. The processing department can control the progress of these orders in a timely manner, and reply to the entrusted unit

19、s for delivery on time. Packaging shipment. For the inspection of completed orders, production personnel shall be packaged and paste product labels, print invoices in management system, and the corresponding order of data maintenance in TITOP system, and then shipped to the finished goods warehouse.

20、 Supervise on-site machining process. Because the order production process is likely to occur many unexpected conditions or there are certain problems, Such as the program or electrode errors, abnormal processing, workpiece process leakage row, section shipment is not timely, so in order to ensure t

21、he order schedule, processing department to supervise the production process and deal with the abnormal situation, to promote the production efficiency, ensure the delivery date, to meet customer needs. Production coordination meeting. Weekly processing department production personnel should be at t

22、he head of the class organization and the scene held one to two times the production coordination, to focus on the establishment of the work process, to coordinate the order, informed of the current order situation of each section and load conditions, to solve problems in production. The organizatio

23、n of production coordination benefit is relatively easy to accept the order information section in charge, and can compose the project team to deal with the important orders, which saves time and energy management, production personnel can make the time and effort spent on more important work. The t

24、ime taken by the processing department to process the above tasks varies from time to time. Sometimes a problem may take a long time to deal with, and even the same thing has to be verified many times before it can rest assured. But the order status is always updated, has been the new situation and

25、new problems, which require all processing department production personnel must improve work efficiency, and strive to do something that day that day to finish, otherwise may not be able to do the work of many people. From the processing department itself, in order to improve work efficiency, we mus

26、t master the correct method of work, with a positive and responsible attitude. Work practice of raw pipe production in processing Department In our opinion, the processing of pipe to do their work must be done in four aspects: the differentiation of students management work; play the field productio

27、n personnel management role of the order; and on-site processing personnel to solve the easy problems in building new management concept. The following are our specific practices. The work of differentiated tubes. This is to make better use of the human resources of the field units. As early as the

28、first half of 2004, the management department of automatic processing Department adjusted the internal work of the management department, and pointed out that the more time it invested in the order, the better the job was. So what can be done to find the right platform for differentiation and to spl

29、it it up? Data processing is clearly not needed. Because it does not need to have a clear understanding of the whole process, and do not analyze the rationality of the processing technology and process. Order processing is different, and it can be properly differentiated. In fact, for the differenti

30、ation of order processing, processing department executives are very concerned with the project team, specialized organizations, to explore how to strengthen customer express case control, demonstration six days delivery order in the heat treatment process under the situation without working methods

31、 can also follow up the management and delivery on time. If this method can be found, no doubt, the management of the work will be successfully differentiated, will greatly enhance our efficiency, but also greatly strengthen the control of orders. As a result, the processing department will have mor

32、e time to process orders, not only to expand the content of the work, but also to make the work done better. At present, we are moving towards this goal, and have achieved certain results. Give full play to the control role of the site health management personnel. As the processing site management p

33、ersonnel, if the daily work is just getting a tube to arrange with reminder orders from the company, the job is too meaningless! Because of the above 80% orders are from the companys management system, each section can see at any time, without the need for health management special treatment. 20% other t

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