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初中英语 基本词汇语法解析 以字母M开头的单词.docx

1、初中英语 基本词汇语法解析 以字母M开头的单词Mmachine min n. 【C】机器;机械Do you know how to handle the machine? 你知道这机器应怎样操作吗?This machine grinds up these rocks into powder. 这部机器把这些石块磨成粉末。mad mdadj. 神经错乱的,疯狂的; 对狂热,着迷; 生气的,恼火的Dont be mad at me.不要对我大发脾气。be mad at sb.对某人发火She went mad after the death of her son.儿子死后,她就疯了。go mad变

2、得发疯Most of the young students are mad about pop music. be mad about 对入迷。绝大多数青年学生对流行音乐着迷。madam/madame mdmn. 夫人;女士What can I do for you, madam? 夫人我能为您做点什么吗?【易错警示】Madammadam夫人,女士,多用于对已婚或未婚女士的礼貌称呼,后面不跟姓名。MissMiss小姐,是对未婚或不知婚姻状况的女性的称呼,可与姓氏连用。MrsMrs太太,夫人,是孟赢mistress的缩写形式,对已婚妇女的称呼,后接丈夫的姓或姓名。MsMs女士,在不清楚对方是否已

3、婚的情况下可用,要与姓氏或姓名连用magazine mgzinn. C杂志;期刊Have you looked up the magazine he mentioned yesterday? 你找到他昨天提到的那本杂志吗?magic mdkadj. 有魔力的,神奇的 n. 魔法;巫术Thatkeywasmagictome.我认为那把钥匙有魔力。Can you perform magic?你会表演魔术吗?mail meln. U 邮件;邮包,邮递 vi. 邮寄;寄出We do our business by mail.我们通过邮递做生意。Howwouldweevermailhimthephoto

4、?我们可怎么给他邮寄照片呢?main menadj. 主要的;首要的Hismainworkistoreceiptforeachlot ofgoods.他的主要工作是给每一批货物开收据。mainly menladv. 主要地,首要地Itismainlybecauseofmyfault.这主要是由于我的过错。make mek (made, made) v. 创造;做 使得,迫使;使成为,选举为Mary made a paper boat for her brother.玛丽为她的弟弟做了一只纸船。 make sb. sth. /make sth.for sb.为某人做某物The news made

5、 him very happy.这消息使他非常高兴。【make sb.+adj.使某人His jokes made us all laugh.他的笑话把我们都逗笑了。make sb. do sth.使某人做某事Could you make yourself understood in Russian?你能用俄语表达你的意思吗? make oneself done使某人自己被The Internet makes it easy to get much new information in a short time.互联网使短时间内获得大量新信息变得很容易。make it+adj.+to do s

6、th使做某事变得近义词辨析: make / produce / do / let 1.make, produce, 作“生产、制造”讲时,二者可以互换。e.g. They produce cars in the factory.(They make cars in the factory)这家工厂生产轿车。2. make 与do 二者表示不同的“做”,通常说做一个 动作,用do来表示,而做一种以前并不存在的东西,则用makee.g. -What are you doing? 你在做什么?-Im cooking. 我在包饺子。3. make与let “让”的意思。Let一词含有提出建议的意思,而

7、make一词则带有强制性,命令的意味。e.g.Mum let me stay at home last night.昨晚妈妈让我呆在家里。短语:1. make (good)use of 好好利用 e.g. We should make good use of the knowledge we have. 我们应该充分利用我们的知识。2. make a contribution to 贡献给,捐赠3.make a decision 做出决定4.make a mistake 犯错误5.make a telephone call (to )(给)打电话6. make a face 做鬼脸7. mak

8、e friends 交朋友8. make sure 确保,确认 9. make up 组成,占。e.g.Are all animal bodies made up of cells? 所有动物的身体都是细胞组成的吗?10.make up for 祢补,补偿。 e.g.Hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence. 勤能补拙。11.make up ones mind 下决心。e.g.We make up our mind to study hard. 我们决心好好学习。12. be made of 由组成。(看得出原料) e.g.M

9、y table is made of wood. 我的桌子是木头制成的。13. be made from由组成。(看不出原料) e.g.Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是葡萄酿成的。14. make noise 发出令人不愉快的声音15.make ones living 谋生 e.g.He makes his living by giving piano lessons. 他以教授钢琴为生。【易错警示】1.make,let与have表示“使役”Makemake一词带有强制性和命令的意味。例如:Mum made me stay at home last night.昨晚

10、妈妈让我待在家里。Letlet一词含有提出建议和允许的意思。例如:Let us play basketball.让我们打篮球吧。Havehave普通用词,have sb. do sth.让某人去做某事。例如:I had him arrange for a car.我让他安排一辆汽车。 made of,be made from,be made in与be made up ofbe made ofbe made of由制成(看得出原料)。例如:My table is made of wood.我的桌子是木头制成的。be made frombe made from由制成(看不一出原料)。例如

11、:Wine is made from grapes.葡萄酒是葡萄酿成的。be made inbe made in指的是产地,意思为“于制造”。例如:The caps are made in Russia.这些帽子产于俄罗斯。be made up ofbe made up of由构成,例如:The class is made up of fifty students.这个班由五十名学生组成。man mnn. C (pl. men) (总称)) 人;人类;成年男子He is a nice young man.他是一个很好的青年。Man has been trying to control natu

12、re.人类一直在努力控制自然。manage mndv. 组织;管理;设法做到He manages a hotel for his father.他替他父亲经营一家旅馆。How did you manage to get their approval?你是怎么设法得到他们支持的? manage to do sth.设法做某事【易错警示】manage to do sth.与try to do sth.manage to do sth.manage to do sth.指设法做成某事,含有成功之义。例如:He managed to get the work done with very little

13、 help。在没有多少帮助的情况下,他设把工作完成了。try to do sth.try to do sth.指尽力做某事,但不一定成功。例如:He tried to get the work done with very little help.他争取在没有多少帮助的情况下完成工作。manager mndn. C经理;经纪人 The chef, staff, and managers are all Chinese.厨师、工作人员和经理都是中国人。manatee ,mnti; mnti n. C海牛Wewatcheddolphin,manatee,sea lionandwhaleshows.

14、 我们看了海豚、海牛、海狮和鲸的表演。mangrove mgrvn. C红树,红树林Theyliveinsidethe basesofthreeoftheenormousmangrove-liketrees. 村民们住在三棵巨大的像红树一样的大树底部。manner n. C举止,礼貌;风格,习惯习俗注意:作“礼貌,风格,习惯”解时,通常用复数:good/ bad manners 有/没有礼貌。 e.g. Its bad manners to laugh at people. 嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。 作“方式、方法”及“态度”解时,常用单数;表示方式或方法时,用介词in。e.g. I dont l

15、ike his manner. 我不喜欢她的态度。 He objected in a forceful manner. 他表示坚决反对。many men ( more, most) pron. & adj. 许多;大量的;短语:1. a great/good many 非常多的,很多的。e.g.A great many people took part in the match.许多人参加了比赛。2.many a 许多(与单数名词连用,谓语动词也用单数)。e.g.Many a man was killed in the traffic accident. 许多人死于车祸。【易错警示】many,

16、a lot of/lots of与muchmanymany许多的,大量的,只与可数名词连用。例如:I stayed in England many weeks.我在英格兰逗留了许多周。a lot of/lots ofa lot of /lots of许多的,大量的,与可数名词及不可数名词连用都行。在陈述句中用的多,但一般不与表示时间或距离的量词连用。例如:There were a lot of/lots of people on the square广场上有许多人。muchmuch许多的,大量的,只与不可数名词连用,例如:There is much water on the ground.地上

17、有许多水。map mpn. C 地图;路线图Lookitoutin themap.把它从地图上找出来。March mtn. C,U三月She was born in Austria on March 6, 1920.她于1920年3月6日在奥地利出生。march mtvi. 前进;行军;n. 行进;行军;vt. 使前进;使行军After a short march, the column entered the village.短途行军之后,队伍进入了村子。Fights between police and marchers lasted for three hours.警察和游行者之间的战斗

18、持续了3个小时。He marched into the kitchen without knocking.他没敲门就快步走进了厨房。mark mkn.C,U 1痕迹, 污点;2符号,记号;3分数; v.做记号,打分I got a good/poor mark in English.我英语得分高/低。 get a good/poor mark得高/低分The exit sign was marked with an arrow.出口标记用箭头标示。be marked with用标记market mktn. C市场;集市; 短语 :1. the money market 金融市场。2. the s

19、tock market 证券市场 Every year, 250,000 people enter the job market.每年有250000人进入就业市场。marriage mrdn. C,U 结婚;婚姻Thestorybeginswiththeirmarriage. 故事以他们的婚姻开始。marry mrv. 结婚,与结婚;嫁娶,把嫁出短语:1.marry sb. 和某人结婚 e.g.John is going to marry Jane. 约翰将要和简结婚。2. be/get married 结婚e.g.They got married last month. 他们上个月结婚了。

20、3. be/get married to 跟某人结婚e.g.He is going to get married to her. 他要和她结婚。Mars n. 火星Theyfound thatinsome,MarsandVenuscollidedwiththe Earth.他们发现在有些情况下,火星和金星会与地球相撞。master mstn. C主人;户主;v. 掌握I can be a master of myself in learn ing.我在学习上可以做自己的主人。Its not easy to master a foreign language.掌握一门外语并不容易.match n

21、. C 比赛,敌手; 相配者;火柴 v.和相配They are playing an important match against Liverpool on Saturday.星期六他们和利物浦队有一场重要比赛。Ill go and buy a box of matches.我要去买盒火柴。The color of the shirt does not match that of the tie.衬衫的颜色与领带不相配。material mtrln. C,U材料,物质,原料 e.g. We use high-quality raw material for our goods. 我们的产品是

22、用优质原料制造的。I have enough material to make two dresses. 我有够做两件连衣裙的料子。maths msn. (sing.)数学Hesurpassedmeinmaths.他的数学比我学得好。matter mtn.U物质,材料; C事情,问题; ( the matter)麻烦事,毛病Matter can change from one state to another.物质能从一种状态变成另一种状态。Whats the matter with your leg?你的腿怎么了?No matter what you say, I like to liste

23、n.不管你说什么,我都喜欢听。 no matter what ( how, when, where.)不管什么(怎样,何时,何地)As a matter of fact, he didnt care about life and death.事实上,他根本没考虑生死问题。as amatter of fact事实上,实际上 短语: 1. no matter 不论,不管 2. as a matter of fact 事实上,其实。e.g. As a matter of fact, he didnt care about death and life.事实上,他根本没考虑生死问题。may memod

24、al v.可以,许可; 也许,可能; (表希望,祝愿,祈求等)祝,愿It may be necessary to buy a new one.也许有必要买个新的了。May you succeed!祝你成功!【易错警示】may be与maybemay be在may be中,may是情态动词,be是动词原形,两者构成完整的谓语形式,与主语形成系表结构,意为“也许是、可能是”。例如: I cant find my watch. It may be in your pocket.我找不到我的手表了,它可能你的口袋里maybemaybe是副词,意思是“也许、可能”,在句中作状语,常位于句首。例如:May

25、be shell come this afternoon.她可能今天下午来。May men.五月maybe mebi; -badv. 或许;大概Maybe I can act as a messenger for you.也许我能给你当信使。me mipron. 我(宾格)He was beginning to get very annoyed with me about my carelessness.因为我粗心大意,他已开始他 火了。meal miln. 餐;饭食My mother usually cooks a hot meal in the evening.我妈妈通常在晚上煮一顿热饭。

26、mean mi:n (meant, meant) v.意欲,打算;意思是,意味着What does this word mean?这个单词是什么意思? I mean thats his own decision to resign or not.我的意思是说辞不辞职是他自己的决定。【易错警示】mean to do sth.与 mean doing sth.mean to do sth.作“打算,意欲”解时,要用动词不定 式作宾语,即:mean to do sth.打算、意 图做某事。例如: Do you mean to tell me you dont care for modem art?你

27、的意思是打算告诉我你 不喜欢现代艺术吗?mean doing sth.作“意味着”解时,则要搭用动名词作 宾语,即:mean doing sth.意味着做某 事。例如: These new orders for our factory will mean working overtime.我们厂的新订 单意味着要加班。meaning minn. C, U意思,含义He says his life has lost its meaning since his wife died.他说妻子死后他的生命就失去了意义。meat mi:t n. U肉We ate little meat when we

28、were in the country.我们在农村时很少吃肉.、medical medk()ladj. 医学的;内科的 The bookstore doesnt sell medical books.这个书店不卖医学类书籍。短语:1.medical research 医学研究medicine meds()n; medsnn.医学;药Combine Chinese traditional medicine with western medicine.使中医与西医相结合。Take this cold medicine while I make the soup.我煮汤的时候你把这感冒药服下。短语:

29、1.take the medicine 吃药meet mit (met, met) v.碰见;相逢I have just met the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.我刚刚遇到了我想与之共度余生的 男人。I wish I could meet your wishes.我希望我能使你满意。meeting mitn.C聚会,相会Can we have a meeting to discuss that?我们可以开会来讨论那件事吗? have a meeting开会melon melnn. C, U瓜,甜瓜watermelon西瓜member membn. C成员,会员I am a member of our school football club.我是我们学校足球俱乐部的成员。memorize memrazv. 记忆,背诵 e.g.She can memorize facts quickly. 她能很快记住许多资料。memory mem()rn. C, U记忆力,记性 He had a good memory for faces, and he was sure he hadn

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