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1、阅读理解题之推理判断题解题技巧归纳 阅读理解题之推理判断题解题技巧归纳Count to one Hundred Before You Speak In class,the teacher,with his back leaning against the stove,said to the students,Before you speak,you should think and count to at least 50,and for important matters to 100.No sooner had the teacher stopped talking than the st

2、udents began to count. at last all the students shouted together,1.98,99,100.teacher,your clothes are on fire.数到一百再说课堂上,老师背靠火炉站着,对学生们说:“说话前要三思,起码数到50,重要的事情要数到一百。”老师的话音刚落,学生立刻从“1”开始数起来。最后一起喊:“98,99,100!老师,您的衣服着火了。”推理题经常使用的提问方式有: It can be inferred/ concluded that_. Which of the following conclusions

3、can we draw according to the passage? In which of the following publication would this passage most likely be printed?The passage implies, but doesnt directly state that_. The writer suggests that_. Whats the authors attitude toward_?The writer probably feels that_. The author uses the examples of.

4、to show that_. 判定推理是一种创造性的思维活动,但它并非无章可循。 推理判定题要在阅读理解整体语篇的基础上,把握文章的真正内涵。要吃透文章的字面意思,从字里行间捕捉有用的提示和线索,这是推理的前提和基础;要对文字的表面信息进行挖掘加工,由表入里,由浅入深,从具体到抽象,从非凡到一般,通过分析、综合、判定等,进行深层处理,符合逻辑地推理。不能就是论事,断章取义,以偏概全。要忠实于原文,以文章提供的事实和线索为依据。立足已知,推断未知。立足现在,猜测未来。不能主观臆想,凭空想象,随意揣测,更不能以自己的观点代替作者的观点;要把握句、段之间的逻辑关系,了解语篇的结构。要体会文章的基调,

5、揣摸作者的态度,摸准逻辑发展的方向,悟出作者的弦外之音。一、细节推断题 要求考生根据语篇关系,推断具体细节,如时间、地点、人物关系、人物身份、事件等。一般可根据短文提供的信息,或者借助生活常识进行推理判定。 【例题】 A visitor visits an island where two tribes live. One tribe always tells the truth and the other always lies. The truth tellers live on the western side of the island, and those who lie live

6、on the eastern side. The visitor wants to determine whether the native beside him is a truth teller or not by asking only one question. He asks the native,“Go and ask the native in the distance which side of the island he lives on.” When the messenger returns, he says, He said he lives on the wester

7、n side of the island. Is the messenger a truth teller or not? How can the visitor be sure? 1. According to the messengers answer, the visitor can conclude that_ A. The messenger lives on the western side of the island because he tells the truth. B. the messenger lives on the eastern side of the isla

8、nd because his answer may be a lie.C. its hard to determine whether the messenger is a truth teller or not.D. the messenger probably lives in the western side of the island because his answer may be true. 2. The native in the distance says he lives on the western side of the island. According to his

9、 answer, which conclusion of the following is wrong? A. He may live on the eastern side of the island. B. He may live on the western side of the island. C. He may be telling the truth. D. He cant be telling the truth.解析: 第1题是推测有关信使(近处的当地人)的情况的。我们知道,讲真话的部落住在岛的西部,撒谎的部落住在岛的东部。这个信使去问远方的当地人住在岛的哪一边(东部还是西部

10、)。远方的当地人只能有两种情况,要么住在岛的西部,要么住在岛的东部。假如他住在岛的西部,他就是一个讲真话的人,他就会如实回答他住在西部。假如他住在岛的东部,他就是一个撒谎的人。他本来住在东部,但在回答时,必须要说谎,他只能回答他住在西部。所以远方的当地人不管是住在东部还是西部,他的回答只有一个:“我住在西部”。假如信使告诉参观者远方的当地人住在西部,信使无疑是说了真话,那么信使一定是住在岛的西部。反之,假如信使告诉参观者远方的当地人住在东部,那么信使就说了假话,信使肯定住在东部。故此题答案是A。 第2题是推测远方的当地人的情况的。从短文提供的信息来看,我们无法判定远方的当地是住在岛的东部还是岛

11、的西部,两种情况都是可能存在的。此题要留意情态动词的语气。A.“他可能住在岛的西部”;B.“他可能住在岛的东部”;C.“他可能讲了真话”。上述A、B、C三种情况都是可能的。D.“他不可能讲真话”,语气太绝对。推测错误。故答案为D。 二、因果推断题 要求考生根据已知结果推测导致结果的可能原因。考生要正确把握文章的内涵,理解文章的真正含义。 When the young waitress near my house started saying hello to me every day, I was very happy. She was at least fifteen years young

12、er than I. One day she signedme to come near. When I walked over, she asked,“Are you single? “Why, yes. I answered, smiling at her happily. “So is my mother. she said, “Would you like to meet her? 1. The writer talked about the waitress age because he thought_.A. she was young B. it a pleasure to ma

13、ke friends with her C. she was beautiful D. it strange for her to fall in love withhim2. The waitress said hello to the writer every day because_. A. she lived near his house B. he often went to visit her motherC. she wanted to be friendly with him D. she loved him very much 解析: 这是两道推测原因的题目。女服务员天天向作

14、者示好,作者产生误解,以为女孩对他有意。考虑到他们年龄相差悬殊,作者认为女孩爱上他有点希奇。故第1题答案是D。女孩问作者是否单身,并提到她母亲也是单身,并邀请他与她母亲见面,可见,女孩天天向他问好,目的是想取得他的好感,进而搓和他和她母亲。第2题答案是C。 The entertainment profession or “show business attracts many young people. Unfortunately, only very few can hope to become famous and successful. Talent is not enough, bec

15、ause show business is as competitive as any other business .Without a good manager ,a performer can never hope to succeed .Fashion is important in this business, too. The best tailor in the world will never be a success if he makes old-fashioned clothes. In exactly the same way, a performer must cha

16、nge his “act in order to follow the taste of the moment. This is true for actors, dancers and comedians, but perhaps most of all singers. “Pop stands for “popular and a pop singer has to work very hard to become popular .He must either give the public what they already want, or he must find a new wa

17、y of singing that will attract their attention. Even when he has succeeded, and his records are sold everywhere, he can not relax. Then he must work harder than ever because there are always younger singers trying to become famous and to steal some of the popularity. The life of a successful pop sin

18、ger is not at all easy. He can only relax when he is alone, because everything he does is watched and reported in the special newspaper written for the “fans”. The fans are the most important people in the world for the singers. They buy his records, they go to his concerts and they make him rich an

19、d famous. But they can be very annoying, too. Sometimes their enthusiasm get so hysterical that they do anything to get a “souvenir (纪念品). They steal handkerchiefs, they tear off buttons, and they even cut off pieces of the unfortunate singers hair. Many singers have been forced to hide. A pop singe

20、r has to spend a lot of money on clothes, because he must always look smart or at any rate different. He must have a luxurious car. And most important he must always keep smiling for the benefit of his public. 1. Why must a pop singer have a good manager?_. A. To protect him from his fans B. To look

21、 after his business interests C. To help him to change his “act D .So that he can relax2. Why must a pop singer work even harder when he has become famous?_ A. Because he wants to attract the attention of the public B. Because he wants to sell more records C. Because he wants to become popular D. Be

22、cause he wants to stay popular 解析: 1. 答案为B。因果推断题。根据Talent is not enough, because show business is as competitive as any other business. Without a good manager, a performer can never hope to succeed .我们可以知道,正因为这个行业竞争激烈,所以表演者需要一个好的经纪人。帮助演员策划和安排商业表演活动,协助他的演艺事业的发展。故B项正确。 2. 答案为D。因果推断题。Then he must work

23、harder than ever because there are always younger singers trying to become famous and to steal some of the popularity. 一个成名演员要更加努力地工作,直接原因文中已有论述,即,表演行业是个竞争十分激烈的行业,新人不断涌现,对成名演员造成很大的压力。那么间接原因是什么?通过前面的分析我们可以推断出成名演员更加买力地工作,是因为他要保持他的名气,延长他的艺术生命。 Once Napoleon stayed in a small inn. The next morning, he w

24、ent to thank the innkeeper. “You, have served me well, innkeeper, “said Napoleon. “I wish to reward you. Tell me what you want. “Sir, we want nothing, “said the innkeeper. “But will you tell us something? “What is it? Napoleon asked. “We have heard a story. said the innkeeper, “that once during the

25、war, a small village was taken by the Russians. You happened to be in the village. You hid while they looked for you. Will you tell us how you felt when they were looking for you? Napoleon looked very angry. He called in two of his soldiers. Then he pointed to the door. The soldiers took the innkeep

26、er and his wife out into the yard. At the end of the yard was a wall. The innkeeper and his wife were led to the wall. The soldiers tied the hands of the innkeeper and his wife. Napoleon watched, saying nothing. “Please, sir. begged the innkeeper, “Dont kill us! we meant nothing! The soldiers moved

27、back. The innkeeper saw them raising their guns. Then Napoleon called: “Ready! Aim! The wife screamed. “Stop! said Napoleon. He went to the innkeeper, “Now, you know the answer to the question you asked me just now, dont you? 1.Why did the innkeeper ask Napoleon to tell him how Napoleon felt when he

28、 was being looked for? A. He wanted to know the difference between a general and an ordinary people. B. He looked down upon Napoleon, for he thought a great man shouldnt be defeated. C. He showed his sympathy (同情) to Napoleon in time of danger. D. He was interested in others failure, especially Napo

29、leons. 2. Why did Napoleon ordered his men to tie the couple? A. Because he wanted to teach the innkeeper a good lesson for bothering him.B. Because he wanted to kill the couple to get rid of his anger. C. Because he wanted to show that he was so admiring a general that nobody could upset him.D. Bec

30、ause he wanted to made the innkeeper know that a general like him had the same feeling as the ordinary people in face of danger. 解析: 1. 此题为因果推断题。根据“Sir, we want nothing, said the innkeeper. “But will you tell us something? 可以看出来,这个店老板问拿破仑这个问题是出于好奇。他想知道作为将军的拿破仑与普通人到底有什么区别。故答案为A。2. 因果推断题。从最后一句话“Now, y

31、ou know the answer to the question you asked me just now, dont you? 可以看出拿破仑并不想杀这个店老板,他这样做的目的是想让他体验一下他当时的感受。故可推出面对危险像拿破仑这样的将军与普通人没有什么两样。故答案为D。三、人物性格、态度及观点判定题 高考阅读测试中有些是考查考生对作者的主导思想、被描写人物语气、言谈话语中流露的情绪、性格倾向和作者或文中人物态度、观点等方面的理解题。做这一类题时一定要留意:1)由表及里的正确把握字里行间的意思,切勿用自己的主观想法或观点代替作者的思想观点。 2)特殊留意那些描写环境气氛的语言,以及表

32、达感情、态度观点的词语。要特殊留意作者在文章中的措词,尤其是表达感情色彩的形容词。 3)能结合自己平时积累的有关英语国家的文化传统、风俗习惯等背景知识来识别评价。 A well-known old man was being interviewed and was asked if it was correct that he had just celebrated his 99th birthday, “Thats right, said the old man. “Ninety-nine years old, and I havent an enemy in the world. They re all dead.“Well sir, said the intervie

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