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1、外教聘用合同供参考聘 用 合 同郑州大宇教育培训中心聘 用 合 同聘方(聘请单位)单位名称:法定代表人:委托代理人:地址:电话:传真:受聘方(外国专家、外籍专业人员)姓名:性别:出生日期:国籍:证件号码:境外住址:电话:传真:一、双方本着合法、公平、平等自愿、协商一致、诚实信用的原则和友好合作的精神,自愿签订本合同并保证认真履行合同约定的各项义务。二、合同期自 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止,其中第一个月为试用期。三、受聘方的工作任务见附件。四、受聘方的税前月薪为人民币 元,其中 %可按月兑换外汇。其他有关待遇见附件。五、聘方的义务:(一)向受聘方介绍中国有关法律、法规和聘方有关工作制度,以及有




5、后,受聘方离华费用由聘方负担;聘方若无故解除合同,除负担受聘方离华费用外,还应当向受聘方支付违约金。九、本合同附件为合同不可分割的组成部分,与合同具有同等法律效力。十、本合同自双方签字之日起生效,合同期满即自行失效。当事人一方要求签订新合同,应当在本合同期满30天前向另一方提出,经双方协商一致同意后签订新的合同。 受聘方合同期满后,在华逗留期间的一切费用自理。十一、合同争议解决方式当事人双方合同争议时,尽可能通过协商或者调解解决。若协商、调解无效,可向当地人事或劳动仲裁机构申请仲裁。对仲裁结果不服的,可向人民法院提起诉讼。本合同于 年 月 日在 签署,一式两份,每份用中文和英文写成,自签署之日

6、起生效。聘方: 受聘方:附件: CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENTZhengzhou dayuEducation training centerCONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENTEmployer(Party A)Name of the Employer:Legal Representative:Agent ad litem:Address:Tel:Fax:Employed Foreign Experts or Professionals(Party B)Name:Sex:Date of Birth:Nationality:ID Number:Overseas Address

7、:Tel:Fax:.Both parties,in line with the principles of legality,fairness,equality,mutual agreement,honesty,and trustworthiness,on a voluntary basis,and in a spirit of friendly cooperation,agree to sign this contract and pledge to fulfill all the obligations stipulated hereinafter.The term of this con

8、tract shall be from to ,with the first month set as probation period.Tasks assigned to Party B (see the appendix).Party Bs mouthly salary shall beRMB (before tax),of which % can be converted into foreign currency on a monthly basis.Please see the appendix for terms and conditions on other remunerati

9、ons and benefits concerned.Party As Obligations:1.Party A shall inform Party B of relevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China as well as any institutions and administrative stipulations concerned with Party Bs employment as herein provided.2.Party A shall conduct regular supervisi

10、on,inspection and review of Party Bs working performance.3.Party A shall provide Party B with necessary working and living conditions.4.Party A shall deploy fellow staff for Party B for coordination affairs.5.Party A shall pay Party Bs salary as scheduled.Party Bs Obligations:1.Party B shall observe

11、 relevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China and shall not interfere in Chinas internal affairs.2.Party B shall observe any institutions and administrative stipulations concerned with its employment,and shall be subject to Party As arrangements,supervision,inspection and review of

12、 his/her working performance.Without Party As consent ,Party B shall not conduct any part-time job assigned by any other party.3.Party B shall fulfill the tasks assigned to him/her with high standard within the prescribed timeframe.4.Party B shall respect Chinas religious policies,and shall not cond

13、uct any religious activities incompatible with his/her status as a foreign expert.5.Party B shall respect Chinese peoples ethics and customs.Revision,Cancellation and Termination of the Contract;Both parties shall abide by the contract and shall refrain from revising,canceling,or terminating the con

14、tract without mutual consent.1.Revision of the contract.This contract can be revised with mutual consent.Before both parties have reached an agreement,the contract shall be strictly observed.2.Cancellation of the contract .This contract can be canceled with mutual consent.Before both parties have re

15、ached an agreement,the contract shall be strictly observed.(1)Under the following conditions,Party A shall have the right to inform Party B in writing of the cancellation of this contract:a.Party B fails to fulfill this contract or the obligations and agreed conditions as herein stipulated,and fails

16、 to amend his/her actions after Party A has pointed it out;b.On the basis of the physicians diagnosis,Party B fails to resume normal work after a sick leave for a period of successive 30 days.(2)Party B has the right to inform Party A in writing of the cancellation of the this contract under the fol

17、lowing conditions:a.Party A fails to provide Party B with necessary working and living conditions as stipulated in this contract;b.Party A fails to pay Party B as scheduled.(3)In case either party asks to terminate this contract ,it shall give a 30 day notice to the other party in writing,and the co

18、ntract shall only be terminated after 30 days.(4)This contract can be terminated upon mutual agreement by both parties.3.Termination of the contract.(1)This contract shall be terminated once it expires.(2)This contract may be terminated with the mutual consent of both parties,and it shall be strictl

19、y observed until both parties reach an agreement otherwise.Breach Penalty When either party fails to fulfill any part or all of the obligations as stipulated in this contract,that is,in the event of breach of the contract,the said party shall pay a breach penalty of US800 to 3000 or equivalent to 3

20、to 10 times Party Bs monthly salary in RMB.If both parties consider it necessary to determine an exact sum of the breach penalty,or to determine a breach penalty higher or lower than the above-mentioned amount,it shall be explicated in the appendix of this contract.When Party B claims to cancel this

21、 contract due to force majeure,it shall produce certifying documents issued by competent authorities;after the contract is cancelled with Party As consent,Party B shall bear the traveling expenses thus incurred;and when Party B fails to provide any valid reason to cancel this contract,it shall bear

22、the traveling expenses thus incurred and pay the breach penalty to Party A as stipulated in this contract.When Party A claims to cancel this contract due to force majeure,and the contract is thus cancelled with Party B consent,it shall bear Party Bs traveling expenses thus incurred;and when Party A

23、fails to provide any valid reason to cancel this contract,it shall bear the traveling expenses thus incurred to Party B and pay the breach penalty to Party B as stipulated in this contract.The appendix of this contract forms an indispensable part of this contract and shall have the same legal effect

24、 with the text of this contract.This contract shall take effect upon being signed by both parties and shall be automatically terminated upon expiration.when either party requires signing a renewed contract,it shall forward its request to the other party 30 days prior to the expiration of this contra

25、ct,and both parites shall sign the new contract through consultations and mutual consent.Upon the expiration of this contract,Party B shall bear all the expenses incurred during his own stay in China.Settlement to DisputeAny dispute in connection with this contract shall be first of all settled betw

26、een both parties concerned through friendly consultation.In case no settlement can be reached through consultations or intermediation,both parties shall submit the said dispute for arbitration with local personnel authorities or the local labor arbitration system.In case either party refuses to acce

27、pt the arbitration award,it may bring an action before the peoples court .This contract is signed by both parties at (location)on this (date).This contract is in duplicate ,each in both Chinese and English versions,and both shall take effect upon being signed at the same time.Party A: Party B:(Signature) (Signature)Appendix:

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