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1、大学英语5 单元2答案 与翻译Unit 2 练习答案 Reading 1 1.b 2.a 3.d 4.b 5.c 2 1. new information technology 2. services from medicine to movie making 3. less competitive 4. built plants in America 5. built plants in the American South 3 1.converge 2.recession 3.descent 4.Competition 5.declared 6.reflected 7.consumer 8

2、.resort 9.revolution 10.requires 4 1.k 2.e 3.d 4.h 5.j 6.i 7.b 8.c 9.f 10.l 11.g 12.a 5 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.T 9.TUnit 2 练习答案 Writing 1 1.d 2.d 3.d 4.d 5.d 2 1.I am deeply impressed by your active participation. 2.present here take one more day opinions 5.I have to declare t

3、he conference closed now. 6.Thank you very much for Unit 2 练习答案Listening and Speaking 1 1.a 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.d Script1.W:You poor thing! How did it happen? M:I broke it playing football. Q:What happened to the man? 2.W:It must be dangerous to drive a car on such a hill. M:Yes, in some parts cars must b

4、e driven in low gear. Q:Which of the following is right? 3.W:I always thought that the president was a much over-praised man. M:Thats my view also. Q:What did they think about the president? 4.W:Excuse me, but can you tell me if the bus that goes to the University passes here? M:Well, you have to tr

5、ansfer at Park Street to catch a University bus. Q:What did the man mean? 5.W:Why do women wear perfumes that smell like flowers? M:Because they like men to follow them as bees follow flowers. Q:According to the man, what is the reason that women like flower-fragrant perfumes? 2 1.a 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.a

6、Script Conversation 1 A:You can let me try your case. B:Can I have a choice? A:Yes, you can. You can choose to have a jury of your peers. B:What are peers? A:Theyre people just like you. B:Like me? A:Yes, your equals. B:Forget it. A:Why? B:I dont want to be tried by a bunch of thieves. Questions: 1.

7、How did speaker A explain the word “peers” to speaker B? 2.How did speaker B respond to Speaker As second suggestion? 3.Where did this conversation happen? Conversation 2 W:Are you here for the conference? M:Yes, And you? W:Yes, What do you think of it so far? M:Pretty good. Who are you with? W:John

8、. Im a manager in the sales division. M:Oh, really? I work for Motorola. My name is Li Xianshi, by the way. W:Glad to meet you. I am Mary Ann. Questions: 4.What do you think the speaker are talking about? 5.What is the womans job? 3 1.A customer. 2.Pleasant. 3.He was interested in her. 4.He struck h

9、er gently on her shoulder. 5.The speaker took a wrong cart. Script At the supermarket I noticed an elderly man who seemed to be following me wherever I went. As I moved to each aisle, there he was, smiling at me. Now I was wondering if he was interested in me. At the dairy counter I was checking out

10、 the eggs when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw that it was the same man. “Lady,” he finally said, “you have my shopping cart.” 4 1.borrowed 2.filled 3.baked 4.without 5.checkbook 5 1.Yes. I need a single room for two nights. 2.Im sorry, I dont. 3.Itll be OK. I dont mind the locati

11、on of it. 4.Thank you very much. 5.Good night. 6 some travelers cheques 2.down in the lobby 3.for you to change money 4.we have room service 5.need some laundry services 6.the laundry collection 7 (Open) 8 (Open) Unit 2 练习答案 Grammar Focus 1 1.will have lived 2.will have been 3.will have arriv

12、ed 4.will have completed 5.will have visited 6.will have lost 7.will have finished 2 1.At this time of next year, I shall have been a teacher for ten years. 2.he passenger boat will have arrived at Shanghai by the midnight of tomorrow. 3.He will have definitely handed in his paper. 4.Im going to fet

13、ch the manuscript the day after tomorrow, I think you will have completed it at that time. 5.He will have delivered the goods by the end of this year. Unit 2 练习答案 Self-Assessment 1 1.c 2.b 3.b 4.d 5.c 6.a 7.b 8.b 9.c 10.b Script1.W:Are you ready to order now? M:Could you give me your menu? Q:Where d

14、oes the conversation take place? 2.W:Where are you now? M:At the office and checking the curricula for next term. Q:Who may the man be? 3.W:If stopped by a plain-clothes officer, you have the right to request a uniformed officer to be present. M:You mean I should stay in the car with the doors locke

15、d and windows up? Q:Whom did they talk about? 4.W:Dont leave your purse or briefcase near a window or a door. M:Should I move TV, stereos and computers away from windows? Q:What were they talking about? 5.W:You know, I was nervous about bringing my husband to the hospital. M:Oh, no worry, I know tho

16、se doctors always pray before eating. Q:What did the woman worry about? 6.W:Tell me what, specifically, is wrong with it. M:Its all snow white on the Disney Channel. Q:What were they talking about? 7.W:How can I keep my marriage blooming? M:Whenever youre wrong, admit it. And whenever youre right, s

17、hut up! Q:What did the man suggest? 8.W:And you, Sir, what would you like? M:Well, Im on a diet. Q:What did the man most probably want? 9.W:Im sorry, we can do nothing with this bag. This is not the post office. M:But you send people to London, dont you? Q:Where may this conversation occur? 10.W:My

18、Dad never throws anything out, he even has some stamps used more than 50 years ago. M:Great! But youre really a silly girl. Q:Why did the man say so? 2 1.c 2.c 3.d 4.a 5.b 3 1.许多美国公司在和日本公司做生意时都没有成功,其原因是在商务谈判中他们选派的谈判人员都太年青,而他们的日本谈判对手的年龄往往可以做他们的父亲。 2.商务名片在日本决不是一张普普通通的纸片。 3.商务交往都开始于交换名片。 4.我想提醒大家注意的最后一

19、点是如何进行商务会谈或谈判。 5.首先,话不能太多。日本文化从本质上讲更看重非言语的交流。 4 1.c 2.a 3.d 4.b 5.c 6.c 7.a 8.d 9.a 10.d 11.c 12.c 13.c 14.d 15.a 16.d 17.a 18.b 19.a 20.c 5 1.a 2.c 3.d 4.b 5.c 6.a 7.d 8.d 9.b 10.a 6 A Spring Outing It was fine last Sunday. The sky was deep and blue without clouds. The air was fresh and clean witho

20、ut smog in it. It was comfortably warm with the bright sunshine and a gentle breeze in the air. Birds were singing happily in the trees and, strangely enough, the trees seemed to be more green and attractive, the flowers more charming and beautiful, than usual.We enjoyed ourselves very much that day

21、. We got up early in the morning for an outing. First we visited the North Spring Park where we not only took lots of photographs but also painted pictures in oils and Chinese ink. Then we climbed Jinyun Mountain, at the top of which we had a picnic. After that we played some interesting games.We we

22、re terribly tired when we returned home. We lay on our beds without even taking off our clothes. Though we were hungry, we didnt feel like eating anythingrelaxation was more important than supper! We fell into a deep sleep in no time. And when we woke the next morning, it was already 8:10nearly time

23、 for lectures! Oh, exhaustion results in sound sleep! Unit 2 课文参考译文Practical reading 美国和日本的工业兴衰仅仅几年前,人们还普遍认为美国沦为世界二流经济强国已是不争的事实。然而,这种看法已一去不再复返。欧洲和日本如今已相继受挫,而美国持续的经济繁荣却令世人惊羡。 曾经落后的产业如汽车业、机械制造业和钢铁业如今卷土重来,要报一箭之仇。美国而非日本将是新一代信息技术以及从医药到电影制作等前沿产业的主宰者。美国的经营者们在培育企业竞争能力方面比他们的欧洲、日本同行们遥遥领先。 这种转折反映了10多年来在经济衰退、管理

24、混乱、严峻的国际竞争和新技术等因素的驱使下有时是主动而更多是被迫进行的变革。在某些有烟工业钢铁冶炼、机械制造,特别是汽车产业面临两种选择:要么大幅度提高生产能力和产品质量,要么退出竞争缴械投降。美国的经营者们选择了前者,并计划到90年代末将生产能力翻一番。 1986年戴维豪尔贝斯坦的预测一书问世,专门研究福特和日产两大公司,讲述“日本崛起和美国工业悄然衰落”的故事。实际此时福特已正在恢复元气,而日产却开始走下坡路。此后,福特占美国市场的份额由21.2%攀升到25.4%,而日产同期份额已微弱下降,下滑到4.5%。 如今,德国宝马和奔驰汽车制造商正在美国南方设新厂。为了降低新型车的造价,已在美国设

25、厂的日本汽车制造商正在采取一项新的策略,尽可能多地提高本地产零部件的比例。这在几年前是无法想象的。 80年代前期,许多美国产品不但质量比其它国家低劣,价格也高昂的多。现在,美国已成为世界上从塑料到电脑软件等许多种高新产品和服务的廉价提供者。 仅仅降低产品造价并不足以征服一个越来越理智的消费者的世界。它需要卓越的源源不断的新思维,像将电脑、通讯和电视组合成多媒体就是其中一例。正如一些经济学家宣称的那样,我们正处于第三次工业革命之中。 6年前人们害怕的是日本在日用电器领域的主导地位会扩大到前沿技术领域,但日本没有保持住这个势头。实际上,美国英特尔和微软公司现在在电脑革命的几乎所有关键领域都处于领先

26、地位,如从软件到微处理器等等。 对高技术产品日益增长的需求有助于我们的实力增长。例如与日本相比,美国人均个人电脑拥有量比日本多两倍。这就意味着越来越多的美国商人学习使用新技术来提高生产。 Reading for appreciation 时间机器 时光行者手里拿着一个比小时钟稍大一点的东西。它很精致,是一个闪闪发光的金属仪器。时光行者看看我们三人:心理学家、医学家和我,然后又看了看手里的东西。 “怎么啦?”心理学家问道。 “这个小东西”,时光行者两肘撑在桌上,双手一起压在仪器上方说道:“这仅是一个模型。我计划利用机器来穿越时间。你们会注意到它看起来构造奇特,这根柱上有一个光怪陆离的外壳使它看起

27、来似乎不像真的。”他用手指指着那个部分又说道:“这里还有一个小的白色杠杆,这里还有另一个。” 医学家从椅子上抬起身,窥探着那个物体说道:“做得很漂亮。” “它花费了我两年时间,” 时光行者不以为然地回应道。然后当我们都效法医学家,起身打量机器时,他又说道:“现在我要你们清楚地知道,一按下这个杠杆就会使机器飞入未来,按下另一个又能使它飞回来。这个座舱代表时光行者的座位。现在我准备按下杠杆,机器会飞走。它会消失,会穿入未来时光,消失得无影无踪。仔细看看这东西,看看这桌子,直到你们确信里面没有骗人的机关。我不想浪费这模型,然后被人说成是吹牛家。” 也许有一分钟的沉默。心理学家似乎想对我说点什么,但又

28、改变了主意,然后时光行者把手指伸向杠杆。“不忙,”他突然说道:“把你的手给我。” 时光行者转向心理学家,拉住那个人的手,让他伸出食指,这样就成了心理学家自己把模型时光机器送下漫漫无尽的旅程。我们都看见杠杆转动。我绝对肯定没有任何诡诈。微风乍起,烛光闪烁。壁炉上的一根蜡烛吹灭了,小小的机器突然飞旋起来,渐渐模糊,一时看上去像一团鬼影,又像一团暗光闪烁的黄铜和象牙的漩流。然后远去消失得无踪无影。仅留下光秃秃的灯座和桌子。 所有人都沉默了一分钟。然后心理学家从困惑中恢复过来,突然向桌下看去。对此时光行者欢快地笑起来,“怎么啦?”他想起了心理学家的话。然后他站起身来走向壁炉上的烟盒,背靠着我们开始往烟斗里装烟。 我们互相呆望。“瞧瞧,”医学家说道:“你们把这事儿当真吗?你们真地相信那个机器会飞进时光里吗?” “当然。” 时光行者说道。然后他转过身来看着心理学家的脸,一边点燃他的烟斗。“不仅如此,我那里还有一台几乎快要完成的大机器,”他指了指实验室,“当它装配完成时,我要亲自做一次旅行。” “你的意思是说那台机器已经驶进了未来?”医学家问道。 “至于是进入未来还是过去我不知道到底是哪个,这很难肯定。”

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