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1、高考英语总复习同步练习课后强化作业24外研版必修4Word版含答案必修四Module 6Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World.用所给词的适当形式填空attack, frighten, exist, claim, likely, cover, adapt, disappear, predict, indicate1He _ he hasnt done something wrong.2The laws have _ for hundreds of years.3Most students have little difficulty _ to co

2、llege life.4The clouds has spread and nearly _ the entire sky.5Hes _ ever to find a job again because he hasnt realized the reason why he failed last time.6A woman was _ and robbed by a gang of youths.7It is _ even to think of the horrors of nuclear war.8You never know how shell react: shes so _.9Re

3、d sky at night _ fine weather the following day.10The plane _ behind a cloud.答案:1.claims2.existed3.adapting4.covered5unlikely6.attacked 7.frightening8.unpredictable9.indicates10.disappeared.完成句子1她声称那只戒指是被偷的,而不是遗失的。She _ the ring was stolen, not lost.2他努力使自己适应新的情况。He tried hard _ the new conditions.3

4、一种新方法提供一个答案,并且有可能帮助弄清楚更大的问题。A new approach offers an answer, and may _ an even bigger question.4因为我们没有足够的时间,让我们谈正题吧。Lets _ because we dont have enough time.5我们幸福的童年应归功于父亲的辛勤工作。Our happy childhood is _ our fathers hard work.答案:1.claimed adapt himself to3.throw light on4come straight to the p

5、oint5.due to.单项填空1(2011德州模拟)The mother got a bit _, for her daughter should have come back home from school.Acalm BeagerCimpatient Danxious答案:D考查形容词辨析。calm“平静的,镇静的”;eager“渴望的”;impatient“不耐烦的”;anxious“焦急的”。句意:这位母亲有点焦急,因为她的女儿本应该已经从学校回来了。2(2011青岛模拟)It was _ of my secretary not to have let others distur

6、b me this morning when I was occupied with my work.Agenerous BpoliteCconsiderate Drude答案:C考查形容词辨析。generous“慷慨的”;polite“有礼貌的”;considerate“体贴的”;rude“粗鲁的”。句意:今早在我忙于工作时,我的秘书不让他人打扰我,真够体贴周到的。3As time is limited, Ill _ at once.Acome to power Bcome to the pointCbe off the point Dbe in power答案:B考查固定短语。come t

7、o power“上台,掌权”;come to the point“谈正题”;off the point“跑题”;in power“掌权”。句意:由于时间有限,我马上就谈正题。4These toy cars are _ different sizes, shapes and colors.Ain BwithCof Dat答案:C考查介词与固定搭配。be of the same/different size/shape/age/color大小/形状/年龄/颜色相同/不同。5Look! There are so many snakes on the street, which _ that some

8、thing strange might happen.Aindicates BthinksCinstructs Dexplains答案:A考查动词辨析。句意:看!路上有很多蛇,这暗示有可能发生奇怪的事情。6Every year, because of the destruction of man, many of the earths plants and animals are _.Adying out Bdying downCdied out Ddied down答案:A考查die短语与语态。die out“灭绝”;die down“渐渐消退”。这两个短语都不能用于被动语态。句意:每年,由

9、于人类的破坏,地球上很多动植物正在灭绝。7He claimed _ nothing to do with the murder.Ahaving BdoingCto have Dto do答案:Cclaim“声称”,后面跟动词不定式。另外此处又考查了固定短语have nothing to do with“与无关”。故选C。8Many farmers in China go to the city to _ a fortune.Afind BdoCmake Daccept答案:C考查固定搭配。make a fortune表示“挣钱,发财”。9Most students have little tr

10、ouble _ college life.Aadopting Badopting toCadapting Dadapting to答案:D考查名词辨析及其搭配。adopt“采纳,收养”,为及物动词,可排除A、B两项;adapt“适应”,且往往与介词to搭配表示“适应(某种环境)”,故答案选D。10(2011葫芦岛市四校联考) If you can get challenges to encourage_annoy you, more can be achieved than you thought in the first place.Arather than Bless thanCother

11、 than Dmore than答案:A句意:如果你能使机遇激励你而不是惹你生气,那么你就能从中得到比你一开始想得到的多很多。rather than“而不是”;less than“比少”;other than“除之外”;more than“不仅仅是;多于”。11During an earthquake, the great part of damage and loss of life were caused _ collapse of buildings and other effects rather than from the quakes themselves. Which is WR

12、ONG?Aon account of Bduing toCowing to Dby reason of答案:B根据句意可知,此处表示“由于,因为”,A、C、D都正确;B项应为due to。12She is young, but thats _.Aat this point Bup to a pointCto the point Dbeside the point答案:Dat this point“就在这时”;up to a point“在某种程度上”;to the point “切中要害;切题”;beside the point“不重要,不相干”。句意:她很年轻,但这并不重要。据句意应选D项。

13、13Most of them hope these discoveries can _ the origins of the human beings.Athrow light on Bcome to lightCbring to light Dcome to life答案:A考查词组辨析。句意:他们大多数人希望这些发现能帮助弄清楚人类的起源。throw light on“弄清楚,阐明某事”;come to light“显露”,是不及物词组;bring to light“使显露”;come to life“复活,苏醒”。根据句意应选A项。14Here was a nice little pre

14、sent for everyone, with a suitable poem _ to it.Aattached BattackedCattracted Dattributed答案:A考查动词辨析。句意:每个人有一个精美的小礼物,礼物上都附有一首恰当的小诗。“把附到上”,此处作定语修饰poem。attack“袭击,攻击”;attract“吸引”; “把归因于”。15Hes made general manager while still less than 30.Thats really quite _!Anothing BsomethingCan

15、ything Deverything答案:Bquite something意为“非同寻常;令人惊奇”。句意:他不到三十岁就当上了经理。那真得非常了不起。.完形填空(2011江南十校联考)It was at a concert that I happened to find David. He, was holding his head at a strange _1_ as if he were staring down at something. Then the truth struck me. He was blind. The last thing he remembers _2_ w

16、as his daughter being born. Then the world went _3_.Bad luck is no stranger to this 44yearold man. His mother died of cancer, and his weak father had to _4_ 11yearold David to the care of the state.Things seemed always to go from bad to _5_. Two years ago, his beloved guide dog pulled him out of the

17、 _6_ of a truck. David was not hurt. The dog _7_.But David does not feel sorry for himself. “These are just little obstacles(障碍)you have to _8_ in your life,” he said.He has to make a daily twohour trip to his working placethe Xray department of an _9_ room.It was a hard job to _10_. Before he got i

18、t, David was determined to escape the workshop run by the Lighthouse, an organization _11_ to help blind people. He wanted a job of developing Xray film, something _12_, not just he, must do in the dark, including people with _13_ eyesight. The Lighthouse called many hospitals, with no result, _14_

19、they offered to pay his first three months salary.David works alone in a dark room that _15_ of chemicals. He cannot wear gloves. _16_, he could not feel. Since this is an emergency room, lives can be put _17_ or out of danger. His directress says she trusts him 100 percent.He makes $20,000 a year.

20、But his motivation goes _18_ money. “By working, I can actualize my own _19_. Thats the most important!” he said. What a shining example for us to _20_! David是一个盲人,一生遭受许多不幸,但他通过自己的不懈努力,最终实现了个人的价值。1A. ankle B. direction C. angle D. attitude答案:C根据上下文内容及逻辑可知,David抬着头,以一个奇怪的角度来看事物,所以用angle。“at a.angle”表

21、示“以角度”。ankle“踝关节”;direction“方向”;attitude“态度”,均不符合语境。2A. doing B. feeling C. seeing D. hearing答案:C根据上文可知,David是个瞎子,以及“Then the world went.”可以推测,David记得他看到的最后一件事情就是他女儿的出生。3A. blank B. colorful C. empty D. silent答案:ADavid后来眼睛瞎了,所以对他来说世界就变成一片空白。4A. bring up B. bring in C. give up D. give in答案:CDavid的父亲无

22、力抚养他,所以把他交给国家抚养。“give”表示“把交给”。5A. worse B. good C. better D. mad答案:A由上下文内容可知,David的境况一直不好。所以用from bad to worse表示“每况愈下”。6A. bottom B. path C. front D. back答案:BDavid的导盲犬把他从卡车的车道上拉了过来。7A. killed B. sacrificed C. died D. injured答案:CDavid得救了,他的导盲犬却死了。kill表示“死亡”,sacrifice表示“牺牲”injure表示“受伤”时,均为及物动词,

23、应用被动语态。8A. seek B. overcome C. surround D. search答案:B“overcome obstacles”表示“克服障碍”。9A. upstairs B. emergency C. information D. underground答案:B由第17空所在的句子内容可知,David在医院急诊室的放射科工作。10A. deal with B. get through C. take up D. come by答案:D由本段中David和灯塔机构所做的努力可知这份工作来之不易,故应选come by,表示“设法得到”。11A. intended B. aime

24、d C. offered D. devoted答案:A灯塔机构的目的是帮助盲人。be intended to do sth.表示“为打算(设计)的”。12A. everyone B. nobody C. someone D. none答案:A不光是他,包括视力正常的人,每个做这个工作的人都必须在黑暗中工作,故应用everyone表示“每个人”。13A. common B. poor C. normal D. actual答案:C见上题解析。normal eyesight表示“视力正常”。14A. because B. if C. in case D. even though答案:D即使灯塔机构

25、为David付头三个月的工资,许多医院也不愿接受他。even though表示“尽管,即使”。15A. consists B. smells C. allows D. fills答案:B根据下文的“this is an emergency room”以及常识可知,这个房间里能闻到药味。smell(of sth.),表示“有(或发出)的味道”。16A. However B. Unfortunately C. Otherwise D. Besides答案:C他不能戴手套,否则他就不能感知(事物)了。otherwise表示“否则”。17A. at risk B. in brief C. up wit

26、h D. in charge答案:A根据语境可能此处应选at risk“处于危险中”与out of danger“脱离危险”相对应。18A. into B. beyond C. onto D. below答案:B根据空后他说的话可知,他的动机超越了(挣)钱。19A. blindness B. income C. value D. experience答案:C通过工作,David可以实现他自身的价值,actualize my own value表示“实现自身的价值”。20A. set B. take C. hold D. follow答案:D我们要以他为榜样。用follow.example表示“

27、以为榜样”。.短文改错(2011杭州二检)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在其下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。A lot of people thought that teachers need to love our students and that they need to hav

28、e an expert knowledge of their subjects. These ideas are, of course, true to a certain degree and they are perhaps a little of too simple. It is impossible for anyone love everyone they know, and teachers deal with the large number of students over the years. On the other hand, teachers could certai

29、nly be able to make their students feel that they are concerning. A good knowledge of the subject is extremely important, but equal important is the ability to pass that knowledge on to the students effectivelya teacher need to be trained in the skills of teaching.答案:A lot of people that teachers need to love students and that they need to have an expert knowledge of their subjects. These ideas are, of course, true to a certain degree they are perhaps a little too simple. It is impossible for anyone love everyone they know, and teachers deal with large number of students over the years.

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