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北京课改版英语九年《Unit 8 Grandma to the Rescue》word教案和练习.docx

1、北京课改版英语九年Unit 8 Grandma to the Rescueword教案和练习2011-2012学年9年级英语(北京实验版)全册素材(含教案和练习)Unit 8 Grandma to the Rescue一、教学内容Unit 8 Grandma to the rescue二、教学目标知识目标:熟练掌握本单元课文中的单词,短语和句型。能力目标:培养学生的综合运用知识的能力。三、教学难点培养学生的综合运用知识的能力四、重点知识单词:本单元所有单词(单词表中)短语:1. sore throat 嗓子痛2. have an x-ray 照x 光片3. pull out of the to

2、oth 拔牙4. take some medicine 吃药5. have a drip 输液,打点滴6. suffer from 忍受7. measure the height and weight 测身高和体重8. take a chest x-ray 照胸透9. take the pulse 测量脉搏10. draw some blood 抽血11. advise sb.( not ) to do sth. 建议某人做某事/ 建议某人不要做某事12. have a pain in the back 后背痛13. nothing serious 没事,不严重14. three times

3、a day 一天三次15. medical check-up 体检16. take your blood pressure 量血压17. a blood test 验血18. be tired of 厌倦19. feel sick 感到恶心/ 感觉不舒服20. miss doing sth. 想念做某事21. spend time with sb. 花时间和某人一起度过22. homemade strawberry pies 家里做的草莓派23. wait for 等候24. a couple of minutes later 几分钟之后25. feel terrible 感到不舒服26. c

4、arry a small bowl in one hand 一只手里拿着一个小碗27. one the other 一个另一个28. make feel better 使某人感觉更好29. a corner of the quilt 被子的一角30. feel tired of staying in bed 呆在床上感到厌倦/ 讨厌呆在床上句型:She was tired of feeling sick. 她讨厌生病。She missed going to school and seeing her friends. 她想念上学的日子,想念朋友们。 Linda loved spending t

5、ime with Nonnie.Hows my girl? Nonnie was carrying a small bowl in one hand.Linda waited impatiently for her grandma to arrive.五、重点知识讲解Linda had been in bed with the flu for nearly a week. She was tired of feeling sick. She missed going to school and seeing her friends. She missed playing in the park

6、 and going to the library.译文:琳达患了流感,已经在床上躺了将近一周了。她讨厌生病。 她想念上学的日子,想念朋友们。 她想念去公园玩或去图书馆。1) be in bed with the flu 患了流感在床上躺着2) be tired of 讨厌Im tired of dancing. 我讨厌跳舞。He is tired of reading. 他对读书感到厌烦。I am tired of waiting. 我已经等得厌烦了。同义词:be fed up with 对厌烦 例如:I am fed up with Cart. 我受够卡丁车了!Im fed up with

7、 her grumbling. 我讨厌她老发牢骚。Im fed up with your complaints. 你的抱怨我听厌了。Im fed up with all this argument. 我受够了这种争论。Im fed up with all this treatment. 我受够了这种待遇。Im fed up with all those nonsense. 我真听腻了所有那些胡言乱语。Im fed up with this boring life. 我受够了这种枯燥的生活。Im fed up with his endless talk. 他没完没了地讲啊讲,我都听烦了。Im f

8、ed up with this wet weather. 我对这阴雨天气厌倦极了。3) feel sick 感觉不舒服,感觉恶心4) miss doing sth. 想念做某事On Friday, Lindas mom had to go back to work, so Grandma was coming to stay with her for the day. Linda loved spending time with Grandma. She was hoping her grandmother would bring some homemade strawberry pies a

9、nd chocolate biscuits. Grandma made the best biscuits in the world. Linda waited impatiently for her grandma to arrive. Finally, she heard voices downstairs. A couple of minutes later, Grandma walked in.译文:星期五,琳达的妈妈要去上班,所以外婆会来陪她呆一天。琳达很喜欢和外婆呆在一起。她希望外婆能给她带来一些家里自己烤制的草莓馅饼和巧克力饼干。外婆做的饼干是世界上最棒的。琳达急切地等待着外婆的

10、到来。终于,她听到了楼下传来的声音。几分钟之后外婆走了进来。知识点:1) a couple of minutes later 几分钟过后2) stay with her for the day 陪她一天3) spend time with sb. 花时间和某人一起度过spend vt. 用(钱), 花费 消耗, 用尽, 浪费 消磨(时光), 度过spend money on books 花钱买书spend all ones energies 竭尽全力spend a lot of care on sth. in doing sth. 在某事上做某事时费很多心血spend ones blood a

11、nd life for the cause of communism 献身于共产主义事业He doesnt spend much time on his homework . 他花在作业上的时间不多。How do you spend your leisure? 你是怎样消磨空闲时间的?They spent three months at sea last summer. 去年夏天他们在海上度过了三个月。【典型例题】我爸爸用了3 天的时间看完了这部小说。My father _ 3 days _ this novel.我每天花费30分钟读英语。I _ English.踢足球每天花费孩子们一个小时的

12、时间。The children _ every day.我妹妹每天做作业花费两个小时的时间。My sister _ every day.周末我将和我父母一起度过。I _with my parents.4) impatiently不耐烦地, 忍受不了地, 急躁地, 急欲地, 急切地 例句:Cried his wife impatiently. 他的太太不耐烦地嚷起来了。He answered her impatiently. 他不耐烦地回答她的问题。Waggled her foot impatiently. 焦急地摆着她的脚。Most honest; most impatiently. 最诚实的

13、;最不耐心地She waved them away impatiently. 她不耐烦地挥手让他们走开。The fellow pushed impatiently forward. 这家伙急不可耐地往前窜。He paged through the magazine impatiently. 他不耐烦地翻那本杂志。He waited impatiently in the blind. 他不耐烦地等在埋伏处。Alice had turned back to him, waving impatiently. 爱丽丝转身向他喊,不耐烦地挥着手。He tapped his foot on the flo

14、or impatiently. 他不耐烦地用脚轻轻地敲击地板。patient n. 病人, 承受者 adj. 忍耐的, 容忍的; 有忍耐力的, 有耐心的; 坚韧的Be patient! 耐心点儿!be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心例句:The patient was saved. 病人得救了。Be patient with them. 对他们要耐心。“Hows my girl?” she asked Linda. “I heard you were feeling terrible.” Grandma was carrying a small bowl in one hand

15、. A quilt was over her other arm.“Hi, Grandma!” said Linda cheerfully. “Are those pies and biscuits?” she asked.“I knew you would love them, but dont eat too much.” Grandma handed the bowl to her granddaughter.“Why did you bring a quilt with you?” asked Linda.“Well, I thought the quilt might make yo

16、u feel better, too,” said Grandma, “It was your mothers favorite quilt when she was a little girl.”“Did you make it?” Linda asked her grandmother.“Yes,” Answered Grandma softly, “I made it when your mother was small.”译文:“你好吗,我的孩子?”她向琳达问道,“我听说你很难受。”外婆的一只手拿着一个小碗,另一只手臂上搭了一床被子。“你好,外婆。”琳达高兴地说,“那是馅饼和饼干吗?”

17、她问道。“我知道你会喜欢它们的,但不要吃得太多了。”外婆把碗递给了孙女。“你为什么还带一床被子呢?”琳达问。“我想这床被子也许能使你感觉好些。”外婆说,“这是你妈妈小的时候最喜欢的被子。”“是你做的吗?”琳达问外婆。“是的。”外婆轻声说,“我在你妈妈很小的时候做的。”知识点:1) carry a small bowl in one hand 一只手里拿着一个小碗 2) bring a quilt with you. 随身带张被子3) hand the bowl to her granddaughter. 把碗递给她的孙女4) make you feel better 使你感觉好些5) make

18、 a quilt for my mother 给我妈妈做张被子Linda rubbed a corner of the quilt against her cheek. “I like this piece best.” she said, pointing to a large sunflower block.“That was from your moms dress when she was 6.” said Grandma smiling. “It was her favorite dress, but she outgrew it by her next birthday.”“Gra

19、ndma, do you have a story for every block on this quilt?” asked Linda.“Almost every one,” answered Grandma, “Maybe you will remember and tell your own grandchildren these stories one day.”Linda thought for a moment. “Grandma, you were right. This quilt did make me feel better. The pies and biscuits

20、didnt hurt, either!”译文:琳达将被子的一角贴在自己的脸颊上,轻轻地搓着。她指着印着向日葵的布块说道:“我最喜欢这一块。”“那块布是从你妈妈六岁时的一条裙子上剪下来的。”外婆笑着说,“这是她最喜欢的那条裙子,但是第二年生日的时候,裙子就太小,穿不了了。”“外婆,这被子上的每一块布料你都有故事吗?”琳达问。“差不多每一块吧。”外婆回答,“也许你能记住这些故事,有朝一日讲给你的孙子们听。”琳达想了一会儿:“外婆,你说的对,这床被子确实让我感到好些了。这些馅饼和饼干也不错。”知识点:1)rub n. 摩擦, 困难, 障碍, 磨损处vt. 擦, 搓, 摩擦, 惹怒vi. 摩擦, 擦破

21、 相关短语:rub away 擦去; 磨掉; 消除rub down 擦全身;按摩;把磨平;彻底梳刷(马毛);全身搜查rub in 把(某种膏等)擦进表层; 把用力擦进去rub into 把(擦剂)擦进皮肤 rub off 擦掉, 消除rub out 擦掉, 磨去 美俚杀死rub up 擦亮, 温习; 想起; 调拌(颜料等)例如:rub down a horse 把马彻底梳洗一番rub down a suspect 对嫌疑犯进行搜身rub my back; rub oil into her skin. 擦我的背;在她皮肤上擦油。I rub my eyes. 我揉眼睛。Rub the surfac

22、e dry. 把表面擦干。 Rub the polish well in. 用力擦上抛光剂,使之渗入。First rub it to powder. 先把它碾成粉末。2)a corner of the quilt 被子的一角3)a large sunflower block 一大块印着向日葵的布块4)think for a moment 想了一会儿5)point to 指着point n. 点, 小数点, 标点, 地点, 要点, 特点, 尖端, 分数, 得分, 穴位vt. 弄尖, 强调, 指出, 加标点于, 瞄准vi. 指, 指向, 表明相关短语point to / at 指向point ou

23、t 指出The girl pointed to the building far away and told us that was her school. 小女孩儿指着远处的楼房并且告诉我们那是她的学校。Point out which is the most important question, please.请指出哪个是最重要的问题。Please help me point the pencil for me. 请帮我把铅笔削尖。Unit 9 Choices 预习导学学习本单元所掌握的重点知识单词(四会要求)close, interest, search, bad, like, way,

24、 gain, confidence, regret, happen, blame, easily, careful.短语:a lot of friends a few friends share the same interest make friends talk about try to do sth. keep the friendship in general in constant repair make choices fall in a bad habit take drugs because of in order to be involved in gain weight l

25、ose confidence in myself begin to do sth. have a bad temper make a right decision in time so as to give up have trouble at present within two weeks be careful with make a difference 句型:根据课文中相应句型完成下列句子1. 多喝点水对你有好处。_ to drink more water2. 晚上吃这么多对你的身体有害。_ to eat so much.3. 躺在床上看书对你的眼睛有害。_ in bed.4. 加强体

26、育锻炼对你的身体有好处。_ to do exercise.5. 随地吐痰是不好的。_ spit here and there.阅读课文,思考以下三个问题1. What friends are good friends?2. How do you make friends?3. What should you be careful about?【模拟试题】(答题时间:60分钟)一、单项填空从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Would you like to help him with _ maths, Timmy?A. my B. his C. her

27、 D. our2. Deng Yaping was born _ June 2nd, 1973. A. on B. to C. at D. in3. _ do you go to school every day?By bike.A. Why B. What C. When D. How4. What can you see in the picture?I can see a farm. And there _ a lot of animals on it.A. is B. are C. be D. am5. Dont worry. Theres _ wrong with your comp

28、uter.A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything6. Her daughter enjoys _ the piano very much.A. play B. to play C. playing D. played7. What do you often do after school?I _ basketball with my friends.A. play B. played C. will play D. are playing8. The Water Cube is one of _ sights in Beijing.A

29、. beautiful B. more beautiful C. most beautiful D. the most beautiful9. English people are sure that the 2012 London Olympics _ the city environment better.A. makes B. will make C. made D. has made10. I called you last night, but nobody answered.I _ dinner with my family in the restaurant.A. have B. had C. have had D. was having11. The room _, but now its dirty again.A. was cleaned B. is

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