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1、版英语二00015单词解析I. New words and expressionsNew words1. critical adj. 有判断力的;判断公正(或审慎)的2. non-fiction n. 纪实文学3. position n. 观点;态度;立场4. statement n. 说明;说法;表态5. question v. 表示疑问;怀疑out of question / out of the question6. evaluate v. 估计;评价;评估7. context n. 事情发生的背景,环境,来龙去脉8. value n. values pl.是非标准;价值观valuabl

2、einvaluable=pricelessvalueless9. represent v. 描述;表现representative adj./n.10. assertion n. 明确肯定;断言11. sufficient adj. 足够的;充足的 sufficiency insufficient12. statistic n. statistics pl.统计数字;统计资料13. integrate v.(使)合并,成为一体14. authority n.专家;学术权威;泰斗 an/the authority on sth. authorize15. compare v. 比较;对比 com

3、pare A with B compare A to B16. subject n. 主题;题目;题材17. consistent adj. 相符的;符合的18. inconsistency n. 不一致19. assumption n. 假定;假设20. case n. 具体情况;事例 in case in case of fire in case that a case in point confirmed/suspected cases21. directly adv. 直接地;径直地22. identify v. 找到;发现23. valid adj. 符合逻辑的;合理的;确凿的 va

4、lidity n. 有效性,正确(性) invalid24. credible adj. 可信的;可靠的 incredible=unbelievable25. landmark n.(标志重要阶段的)里程碑26. relevant adj. 紧密相关的;切题的 relevancy n. 关联;恰当 irrelevant27. current adj. 现时发生的;当前的28. appropriate adj. 合适的;恰当的 inappropriate Its (not) appropriate that .29. bias n. 偏见;偏心;偏向30. considerably adv. 非

5、常;很;相当多地 consider considering considerable considerate consideration31. Democrat n. (美国) 民主党党员,民主党支持者民32. Republican n. (美国)共和党党员,共和党支持者33. reflect v. 显示;表明;表达34. informed adj. 有学问的;有见识的 well-informed ill-informedPhrases and Expressions1. apply to 使用;应用2. put forth 提出;产生3. take into account 考虑到;顾及4.

6、 accept/take at face value 相信表面;信以为真5. with a grain of salt 有保留地;持怀疑态度地I. New words and expressionsNew words1. confidence n.自信心;把握相关词:confidentbe confident of sb. / sth.have / lose confidence in sb. / sth.注意比较:confident / confidential2. program v. 训练;培养3. mastery n. 控制;驾驭4. destiny n. 命运;天命;天数5. dra

7、matically adv. 巨大地;惊人地;显著地6. quality n. 质量;品质7. subconscious adj. 下意识的;潛意识的8. please v. 使满意;使愉快9. command n.(给人或动物的)命令10. knowingly adv. 故意地;蓄意地11. impact n. 巨大影响;强大作用12. matter v. 事关紧要;有重大影响13. confident adj. 自信的;有自信心的14. sense n.(对重大事情的) 感觉,意识15. eliminate v. 排除;清除;消除eliminate all grammatical mist

8、akesbe eliminated in the first round16. disempower v. 剥夺;使失去权利;剥夺力量注意构词法:dis(表示否定)+em(使,赋予)+poweren- / em-常见的动词前缀,如:enable, enrich, endanger, enlarge等。empower v. 授权,赋予权利17. self-esteem n. 自尊(心)18. limit v. 限制;限定区分两个名词limit和limitation。There is a limit / are limits to ones life.There is no limit / are

9、 no limits to knowledge.Everyone has his own limitations.19. infinite adj. 极大的;无法衡量的相关词:finite, finitely, infinitely20. stifle v. 压制;扼杀;阻止21. creativity n. 创造力相关词:create, creation, creator, creative, creatively22. internal adj. 内心的;头脑中的23. insignificant adj. 微不足道的;无足轻重的相关词:significant, significance,

10、 significantly, insignificance24. commonly adv. 通常;常常25. alternative n. 可供选择的事物,替代物have no alternative but to do sth.Is there any alternative to going to the cinema?26. fabulous adj. 极好的;绝妙的Phrases and Expressions1. carry out 完成(任务)2. be up to 取决于3. have an impact on/upon 对产生巨大影响4. rub out 用橡皮擦掉(字迹等

11、)5. be in control of掌管;管理;控制I. New words and expressionsNew words1. spill v.(使)洒出,泼出,溢出2. respond v. 作出反应;响应respond toresponse3. interview v. (媒体)采访,访问4. creative adj. 创作的5. occur v. 发生;出现It occurred to me that6. remove v. 拿开;去掉7. refrigerator n. 冰箱8. grip n. 紧握;紧抓9. slippery adj. 滑的;滑得抓不住(或站不稳、难以行走

12、)10. content n. 所容纳之物;所含之物11. veritable adj. 十足的;名副其实的;不折不扣的12. yell v. 叫喊;大喊;吼叫13. lecture n.(冗长的)教训,训斥,谴责14. mess n. 肮脏;杂乱;不整洁15. rarely adv. 罕有;很少;不常rare animals / stampsRarely is he late for class.16. puddle n. 水洼;小水坑17. eventually 最后;终于18. restore v. 使复原;使复位;使复职19. sponge n. 海绵块20. effectively

13、adv. 有效地effectiveineffective注意区分:effective / efficient21. tiny adj. 极小的;微小的22. discover v. 了解到;认识到;查明discovery23. grasp v. 抓紧;抓牢24. lip n.(容器或凹陷地方的)边,边沿25. renowned adj. 有名的;闻名的;受尊敬的26. remark v. 谈论;评论27. opportunity n. 机会;时机28. scientific adj. 科学(上)的;关于科学的sciencescientist例如:The medical science is m

14、aking great progress in the treatment of cancer.You should provide scientific evidence instead of subjective evidence to prove this theory holds water.Several world-renowned scientists will be invited to attend the forum.29. valuable adj. 很有用的;很重要的;宝贵的Phrases and Expressions1. in this manner 用这种方式2.

15、 setapart from 区别;使与众不同I. New words and expressionsNew words1. glance n. 瞥一眼;匆匆一看;扫视2. touch n. 修饰;润色;装点3. frost n. 给(糕饼)覆上糖霜4. aesthetic adj. 审美的;有审美观点的;美学的5. triumph n. 巨大成功;伟大胜利6. lumpy adj. 多块状物的;为块状物覆盖的7. frosting n. 糖霜(用以装饰糕饼等)8. blender n. (电动)食物搅拌器9. fixings n. pl.(菜肴的)配料10. requisite adj. 必

16、需的;必备的;必不可少的11. utensil n. (家庭)用具,器皿12. phoenix n.(传说中的)凤凰,长生鸟13. clutter n. 杂乱的东西(尤指不需要的或无用的);杂乱14. present v. 把交给;颁发;授予注意作为动词和名词时的发音差别。再如:import, export, record, produce等。15. anniversary n. 周年纪念日16. flash n. 闪光;闪耀17. position v. 安装;安置;使处于 18. slide v. (使 )快捷而悄声地移动19. explode v. 突然爆发,进发(感情)explosio

17、nexplosive n. 炸药 adj. 爆炸性的20. slip v. 悄悄疾行;溜21. flip v.(开);按(按钮)22. trumpet v. 发出喇叭声23. gesture v. 做手势;用手势表示24. grandly adv. 骄傲地;自负地25. slightly adv. 略微;稍微26. off-balance adj. 不平衡的;不稳定的27. layer n. 层;表层28. inspection n. 检查;查看;审视29. moan v. 抱怨30. interject v. 打断(别人的讲话);插话31. gently adv. 温柔地;温和地;和缓地32

18、. disaster n. 灾难;不幸;彻底失败33. storm v. 气呼呼地疾走34. slam v. (使)砰地关上slam the door shut35. silently adv. 悄悄地;静静地silentsilence v. / n.36. moist adj. 微湿的;湿润的moisture n.37. suffer v.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦,受难,受折磨suffer pain(s) / torture(s) / losses / failuressuffer from a splitting headache38. occasional adj. 偶然的;临时的o

19、ccasionoccasionally39. issue n. 重要议题;争论的问题40. significance n. (尤指对将来有影响的)重要性,意义significantsignificantly41. stuff n. (事物名称不详、无关紧要或所指事物明显时用)东西,物品,玩意儿42. awfully adv. 非常;极其43. troublesome adj. 令人烦恼的;令人痛苦的44. deserve v. 值得;应得;应受45. frustration n. 令人懊丧(或懊恼、沮丧)的事物frustrate v.frustrated adj.46. carpet n. 地

20、毯47. emerge v. 露头;显现区分两个名词:emergence / emergency48. dignity n. 自豪;自尊;自重indignity n. 侮辱,轻蔑,无礼举动49. sanitation n. 环境卫生50. sacrifice n. 牺牲;舍弃sacrifice A for Bmake self-sacrifice51. tender adj. 易损坏的;纤弱的;脆弱的52. responsibility n. 责任;负责responsible (to sb. / for sth.)irresponsibleresponsibly53. occasionally

21、 adv. 偶然;偶尔;有时候54. consequence n. 结果;后果Phrases and Expressions1. from scratch 从头开始,从零开始2. run out of 用完,耗尽3. stay up 熬夜I. New words and expressionsNew words1. reflection n. (关于某主题的)思考,回忆2. loyalty n. 忠诚;忠实;忠心耿耿3. recognize v. 承认;意识到4. betray v. 辜负;对不忠5. indeed adv. 其实;实际上6. virtue n. 高尚的道德;正直的品性;德行7

22、. trend n. 趋势;趋向;倾向;动态;动向8. befriend v. 做(尤指需要帮助者的)朋友;友善相待9. request v. (礼貌或正式地)请求,要求10. trendy adj. 时髦的;赶时髦的11. multitude n. 众多;大量12. mutual adj. 共有的;共同的mutual respect / understanding辨析:mutual / manual / manure / mature / menu / mental13. term n. 词语;术语:措辞14. site n. 网站;站点15. acronym n. 首字母缩略词16. pe

23、rish v. 丧失;湮灭;毁灭17. thought n. 想法;看法;主意;记忆18. gossip n. 流言蜚语19. challenge v. 考查的能力;考验的技巧20. akin adj. 相似的;类似的21. deposit n. 存款22. account n. 账户accountantcurrent accountdeposit account23. interest n. 利息24. well-being n. 健康;安乐;康乐25. welfare n. (个体或群体的)幸福,安全与健康26. essence n. 本质;实质;精髓27. seek v. 寻找28. n

24、otoriety n. 恶名;坏名声notorious 相当于infamous29. premise n. 前提;假定 ;30. exploit v. 利用(为自己谋利)31. reconnect v. 再联系;再联络32. virtual adj. (通过计算机软件,如在因特网上)模拟的,虚拟的33. assure v. 使确信;向保证assure sb. of sth.assure sb. that34. caution n. 警告;告诫35. lyric n. 歌词36. undisputed adj. 不容置疑的;毫无疑问的;不可争辩的37. generation n. (统称)一代人

25、,同代人,同辈人generation gapfour generations living under the same roofPhrases and Expressions1. stick by 坚持忠于;不离不弃(某人)2. through thick and thin 不畏艰难险阻go through thick and thin3. lead to 导致,造成(后果)4. a multitude of 众多的;大量的5. perish the thought 甭想了;但愿不会如此6. engage in (使)从事,参加7. in essence 本质上8. assureof 使放心

26、;向保证9. pay attention to 注意10. warnof 警告某人某事I. New words and expressionsNew words1. tribute n. (尤指对死者的)致敬;悼念;吊唁礼物2. rear v. 抚养;养育;培养比较:rear / rare3. ungrateful adj. 不领情的;忘恩负义的比较:ungrateful / disgraceful4. traitor n. 背叛者;叛徒;卖国贼5. faith n. 信任;相信;信心6. reputation n. 名誉;名声7. prone adj. 易于发生某事的;很可能的8. mali

27、ce n. 恶意;怨恨malicious9. settle v. 把放好;安放10. absolute adj. 肯定的;无疑的;明确的11. unselfish adj. 无私的;忘我的;不谋私利的selfless12. selfish adj. 自私的13. desert v. 抛弃,离弃,遗弃(某人)dessert14. treacherous adj. 不可信任的;背叛的;奸诈的15. prosperity n. 兴旺;繁荣;成功;昌盛prosper v.prosperous adj.16. poverty n. 贫穷;贫困poorpoverty-strickenconscience-

28、strickengrief-strickenpanic-stricken17. sickness n. 疾病;不健康18. wintry adj. 冬天的;寒冷的19. fiercely adv. 猛烈地20. lick v. 舔21. sore n. 痛处;伤处;疮22. wound n. (心灵上的)伤,创伤23. roughness n. 艰辛;艰难24. guard n./v. 警卫;守卫;保卫security guardlifeguardbodyguardblackguard25. pauper n. 穷人;贫民;乞丐26. constant adj. 不变的;固定的;恒定的27.

29、journey n. (尤指长途)旅行,行程28. heaven n. (the heavens pl.天空29. outcast n. 被抛弃者;被排斥者30. friendless adj. 没有朋友的31. homeless adj. 无家的32. faithful adj. 忠实的;忠诚的33. privilege n. 特殊利益;优惠待遇34. accompany v. 陪同;陪伴accompany sb. to the airportaccompany sb. on the piano35. scene n. 事件;场面;情景36. embrace n. 拥抱37. pursue

30、v. 追求;致力于pursuitin hot pursuit of sb. / pursuit of the sun38. paw n. (动物的)爪39. alert adj. 警觉的;警惕的;戒备的40. watchfulness n. 警惕Phrases and Expressions1. turn against 背叛2. be prone to 易于3. stand by 支持;帮助;忠于4. take wings 飞走5. fall to pieces 崩溃;倒塌;解体I. New words and expressionsNew words1. blessing n. 好事;有益之事2. subsistence n. 勉强维持生活;生计3. sugar cane n. 甘蔗4. corn n.

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