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1、西南最新版0181语言学导论网上作业及课程考试复习资料有答案0181语言学导论第1批作业单选题There are _ morphemes in the word policemen.A: twoB:threeC:fourD:five参考答案:B单选题_ studies the changes in language and language use with respect to social factors.A:SociolinguisticsB:Comparative linguisticsC:SyntaxD:Computational linguistics参考答案:A单选题By _,

2、we mean language can refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker.A:cultural transmissionB: interchangeabilityC:displacementD:creativity参考答案:C单选题The branch of linguistic study called _ is concerned with how speakers use the sentences of a language to achieve effective and s

3、uccessful communication.A:sociolinguisticsB:pragmaticsC:syntaxD:computational linguistics参考答案:B单选题The syllabic structure of the word children is _.A:CVCCVCB:CCVCCCVCC:CCVCCVCD:CVVCCVC参考答案:A判断题The distinction between competence and performance was proposed by F. de Saussure.参考答案:错误单选题Which one of the

4、 following statements does not account for the primacy of speech over writing in linguistic analysis? _A:Speech existed long before writing systems came into being.B:Speech is more complex than writing.C:Genetically children learn to speak before learning to write.D: Written forms just represent in

5、this way or that the speech sounds.参考答案:B单选题Language serves the _ function when it is used to express the speakers feeling or attitude or to arouse a certain feeling or attitude in the hearer.A: phaticB:informativeC:emotiveD:directive参考答案:C单选题Modern linguistics regards the written language as _.A:pr

6、imaryB:betterC:secondaryD:unchangeable参考答案:C单选题Which of the following is not a design feature of human language?A:ArbitrarinessB:DisplacementC:DualityD:Meaningfulness参考答案:D单选题Language is said to be arbitrary because there is no logical connection between _ and meanings.A:senseB:soundsC:objectsD:idea

7、s参考答案:B单选题If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it is said to be _.A:prescriptiveB:analyticC:descriptiveD:linguistic参考答案:C单选题Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.A:FalseB:True参考答案:B单选题Foreign language learners errors may be cau

8、sed by _.A:borrowing patterns from the mother tongueB:extending patterns form the target language, e.g. by analogyC:expressing meanings using the words and grammar which are already knownD:all the above three参考答案:D单选题A _ is any morpheme or combination of morphemes to which an affix can be added.A:ro

9、otB:free morphemeC:stemD:suffix参考答案:C单选题_ are produced when the nasal passage is opened by lowering the soft palate ant the back of the throat and the air is allowed to pass through it.A:Semi-vowelsB:AffricatesC:NasalsD:Glides参考答案:C单选题Of the following sounds, _ is a rounded vowel.A:auB: u:C:ju:D:e参考

10、答案:B单选题Which of the following statements is FALSE:A:Language is just for communication.B:Language is one of many ways in which we experience the world.C: Language is a sign system.D:Language is arbitrary and conventional.参考答案:A单选题_ is the study of meaning in language.A:SyntaxB:Applied linguisticsC:M

11、orphologyD:Semantics参考答案:D单选题When language is used for establishing an atmosphere or maintaining social contact rather than for exchanging information or ideas, it serves a _ function.A:expressiveB:evocativeC:performativeD:phatic参考答案:D第2批作业判断题The distinction between competence and performance is pro

12、posed by Halliday.参考答案:错误判断题Hyponymy refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form.参考答案:错误判断题Derivation refers to the process by which new words are formed by the addition of affixes to the roots, stems, or words.参考答案:正确判断题Two speakers of the same language or diale

13、ct use their language or dialect in the same way.参考答案:错误判断题Componential analysis is a way in which the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components, called semantic features.参考答案:正确判断题“alive” and “dead” are complementary antonyms.参考答案:正确判断题For the vast majority of children, language de

14、velopment occurs spontaneously and requires little conscious instruction on the part of adults.参考答案:正确判断题Pidgins are linguistically inferior to standard languages.参考答案:错误判断题“Smog” is a word formed by the word-forming process called acronymy.参考答案:错误判断题Some languages are inferior, or superior, to othe

15、r languages.参考答案:错误判断题Observations of children in different language areas of the world reveal that the developmental stages are similar, possibly universal, whatever the nature of the input.参考答案:正确判断题Language use varies from one speech community to another, from one regional group to another, from

16、one social group to another, and even from one individual to another.参考答案:正确判断题What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study of meaning the context of use is considered.参考答案:正确判断题Bilingualism and diglossia mean the same thing.参考答案:错误判断题The standard language is a bet

17、ter language than nonstandard languages.参考答案:错误判断题A persons social backgrounds do not exert a shaping influence on his choice of linguistic features.参考答案:错误第3批作业单选题The Cooperative Principle that language users are believed to follow was initially proposed by_.A:GriceB: AustinC:ChomskyD:Saussure参考答案:

18、A单选题Language serves the _ function when it is used to talk about language itself.A:recreationalB:metalingualC:phaticD:performative参考答案:B单选题_are bound morphemes because they cannot be used as separate words.A:RootsB:StemsC:AffixesD:Compounds参考答案:C单选题Many Chinese English learners may, at the beginning

19、 stage, produce mans” and photoes” as the plural forms of man” and photo”. This is most likely the result of _ in the process of foreign language learning.A:Negative transferB:OvergeneralizationC:Positive transferD:mother tongue interference参考答案:B单选题Which of the following statements about machine tr

20、anslation is likely to be wrong? _.A: Machine translation has always been a chief concern in computational linguistics.B:There are areas where machine translation surpasses human translations.C:Sooner or later, machine translation will replace human translation completely.D:In some areas, human tran

21、slations surpasses machine translation.参考答案:C单选题According to Grices theory, a conversational implicature arises when the cooperative principle and its maxims are _.A:strictly observedB:secretly and deliberately violatedC:blatantly or apparently violatedD:Both A and B参考答案:C单选题Since /p/ and /b/ are ph

22、onetically similar, occur in the same environments and they can distinguish meaning, they are said to be _.A:in phonemic contrastB:in complementary distributionC:the allophonesD:minimal pair参考答案:A单选题The meaning carried by the inflectional morpheme is _.A:lexicalB:morphemicC:grammaticalD:semantic参考答案

23、:C单选题The assimilation rule assimilates one sound to another by copying” a feature of a sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones _.A:identicalB:sameC:exactly alikeD:similar参考答案:D单选题_ are often thought to be the smallest meaningful units of language by the linguists.A:WordsB:MorphemesC:PhonemesD

24、:Sentences参考答案:B单选题Bound morphemes are those that _.A: have to be used independentlyB:can not be combined with other morphemesC:can stand as words on their ownD: have to be combined with other morphemes参考答案:D单选题A _ vowel is one that is produced with the front part of the tongue maintaining the highe

25、st position.A:backB:centralC:frontD:middle参考答案:C单选题_ is a voiced alveolar stop.A:/z/B:/d/C:/k/D:/b/参考答案:B单选题The sound /f/ is _.A:voiced palatal affricateB:voiced alveolar stopC:voiceless velar fricativeD:voiceless labiodental fricative参考答案:D单选题The sounds produced without the vocal cords vibrating ar

26、e _ sounds.A:voicelessB:voicedC:vowelD:consonantal参考答案:A单选题Teaching culture in our language classes can _.A:get the students familiar with cultural differencesB:help the students transcend their own culture and see things as the members of the target culture willC:emphasize the inseparability of und

27、erstanding language and understanding culture through various classroom practicesD:All of the above.参考答案:D单选题Which of the following qualities is not the requirement of a good test? _.A:ObjectivityB:ReliabilityC:ValidityD:Both A and C参考答案:A单选题The relation between the two words buy” and sell” can be d

28、escribed as_.A: gradable antonymyB:converse antonymyC:complementary antonymyD:synonymy参考答案:B单选题The syllabic structure of the word achieved” is _.A:VCCVCCB:VCVCCC:VCVVCVCD:VCCVCVC参考答案:B单选题In first language acquisition, imitation plays _.A:a minor roleB:a significant roleC:a basic roleD: no role参考答案:A

29、第4批作业单选题 READING COMPREHENSION. Read the passage, choose the correct answerto thequestion following the passage. (Notice: In the final exam, there will be five questions following the passage.)Language is a system of arbitrary, vocal symbols which permit all people in a given culture, or other peopl

30、e who have learnt the system of that culture, to communicate or to interact.Now, what is meant by system? Every language operates within its own system, that is, within its own recurring patterns or arrangements which are meaningful to its speakers. The sounds, which are used to form words, which, in turn, are used in spe

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