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1、鞋业商务英语鞋业商务英语Do you like this model ? 你喜欢这款吗?What would you like ? 你喜欢什么样的?What goods will you order? 你想订什么样的货?How do you pack them ? 你想怎样包装它的?The style is out of stock ? 这款没货!How do you like this color? 你觉得这颜色怎样?Take your time ! 请随便看!We have some special offers ! 我们有一些特价产品!We have ready stock ! 我们有现

2、货!The quantity is too small! 这个数量太少了!Can you order more ! 能不能订多点呢?It is our latest model ! 这个是新款!It is up to date style! 这是新货(新款)!Its high qullity 这是好的质量!Its well-made ! 质量很好!This is class one ! A级货!Sorry! the price is fixed ! 对不起!一口价!This is the best price ! 这是最低价!This is the last offer! 这是最低报价!The

3、 goods are not available! 那货还没准备好!We have a rush on this model ! 这货很畅销!The material is very expensive ! 现在面料很贵!Its very hard to make 做工很难!How many piese would you like to order ? 你要多少数量?May i know what items you are intersted in ?我可以知道你对哪个产品感兴趣吗/This order will be delayed ! 这个单要推迟!I will deliver the

4、 order tomorrw! 我明天可以帮你送货!Where would you like us to deliver the goods! 把货送到哪里呢?When will you deliver the goods ? 什么时候要送货?I promise, have stock a few day later ! 我保证!过几天就有货!We can deliver the goods in end of this month ! 我们能在月底交货!We can deliver the goods in 15 days ! 我们能在15天内交货!Because our factory i

5、s too busy ,can we deliver the goods later ?因为工厂比较忙,我们能不能迟点交货?If this color is not available ,would you like another one ?如果这颜色没有,其它的行吗/The order is too small ,we cant afford delivery !这个定单太小,我们负担不了那费用!We will try our best to deliver it as soon as possible !我们会尽快交货!Hope you will come again next time

6、 !希望你下次再光临!Hope to see you again !希望再见到你!Hope you will be our business partener !希望你成为我们合作的伙伴!Make sure you will sign on the order !务必在定单上签名!cash on delivery!交货付款!C.O.D is our usual way !交货付款是我们通常的方式!Take care of you belonging !请看好你的财物!How can i reach you !我怎么联系你呢?Enjoy you trip !旅途愉快!鞋类英语短语、句子.一.港宝

7、瑕疵(COUNTER DEFECTS)1.Counter sheet not lasted under insole(港宝没有拉邦至中底之下)2.Wrinkled counter caused either by poor lasting or by wrinkled chemical sheet(拉邦不良或港宝片皱折造成后套皱折)3.Soft chemical sheet due to wrong materials or wrong primer (港宝片品质不良或处理不良以致港宝太软)4.Crooked chemical sheet(港宝位置歪斜)5.Low positioned che

8、mical sheet(港宝位置过低)6.Blisters on counter(后套部位有气泡现象)7.Back height not uniform within pair by 2 mm or more (后套高度不一致达2mm 或超过更多)8.Other counter defects (其他港宝瑕疵)二.Crooked Upper Defects (鞋面弯斜瑕疵)1.Topline crooked or wavy(鞋领口歪曲或成波浪状)2.Back seam off center, twisted or not vertical to heel seat, by 2mm (后合缝车线

9、不正,偏离中线、扭曲或没与后跟垂直-偏离达2mm。)3.Back heights not uniform within pair (左脚后套高度不一致)4.Different vamp length of left and right foot over 2 mm (左脚鞋面长度不同,相差超过2mm。)5.other crooked upper defect (其他鞋面弯斜瑕疵)三.Color Variation defect(色差瑕疵)1.Poor antique treatment ( 锈色处理不良 )2.Color variation between different piece of

10、 upper(鞋面不同部位的色差)3.Color of stitching and upper material not matching (as per confirmation sample) 车线材料与鞋面材料颜色不对(参照确认样品)4.Wrong color on ornaments and lace(装饰物与鞋带色差)5.Variation between left and right shoes(左右脚色差)6.Poor printing and embroidery(鞋面不良印刷或刺绣)7.Contrast color of PU coating and back fabric(

11、PU面及布里成对比色)8.Other color variation defects(其它色差瑕疵)四.Damaged Upper Defects(鞋面破损瑕疵)1.Scratch mark on upper (鞋面擦痕)2.Visible roughing marks more than 1.5mm or conspicuous (看得见的磨粗过高,超过1.5MM 或很显眼.)3.Cut upper (鞋面破裂)4.Torn upper caused either by high stitch density or poor reinforcement. (因不良补强或车线针距太密造成的鞋面

12、破裂)5.Poor heat embossing. (高温后压花不良)6.Toe box collapsing(鞋头下陷)7.Missing or incorrect material embossment(材料压纹消失或不正确)8.Loose or missing ornament parts.(装饰配件丢失或松动)9.Broken strap(前带或后带断裂)10.Other damaged upper defeats.(其它的鞋面破损瑕疵)五.Eyelet and lace defects(鞋眼和鞋带瑕疵)1.Punched hole bigger or smaller than eye

13、let.(鞋眼与打洞不合)2.Poor eyelet attachment. (鞋眼钉合不良)3.Loose eyelet. (鞋眼松落)4.Paint coat peeling off. (鞋眼的漆层剥落)5.Rust eyelet or other mental buckles. (鞋眼或其它的金属扣生锈)6.Wrong length. (错误的长度)7.Wrong color 、wrong material or wrong type of lace.(鞋带颜色、材质、型式不对)8.Broken yam(断纱)9.Eyelet row not uniform by 2.4mm.(鞋眼排列

14、不整齐,偏离达2.4mm)10.Dirty marks on lace.(鞋带有不良记号)11.Shoelaces tied together. (左右脚鞋带系在一起)12.Other eyelet and lace defects. (其它的鞋带和鞋眼瑕疵)六.Lining Defects (includes vamp、sock and counter lining) (内里瑕疵,包括鞋面、鞋垫、后套里)1.Lining dirty or damaged or wrinkled (内里不洁、破损或皱折.)2.Trimming damage on topline stitching, caus

15、ing lining to show gap (修内里口造成的破损导致开口。)3. Sock lining gap not deeper than 2mm.鞋垫里位置歪斜达2 mm或超过(鞋垫贴合不良)。4.Cementing off, between upper and lining (鞋面与内里贴合不良。)5.Poor or unclear marking (不良或不清楚的标记。)6. Other lining defects (其它内里瑕疵)七.Stitching Defect(针车车线瑕疵)1.Crooked stitching (out of stitching mark)车线歪斜(

16、偏离记号点)2.Stitching too close to seam edge (针车太靠近边距)3.High, low or uneven stitch density (针距太密,太松或不平均)4.Loose or tight stitching (车线太松或太紧)5.Skipped stitch on upper (跳针)6.Incorrect needle type (不适用的针型)7.Incorrect thread size (线的粗细不对)8.Open seam (车线接合裂开)9.Thread end (线尾未修剪干净)10.Other stitching defects(其

17、它针车线瑕疵)八.Upper dirty(鞋面不洁)1.Glue stain (贴标痕迹)2.Dirty marks (不洁的记号)3.High glue line more than 1.5mm in any area(胶线太高于任何部位超过1.5CM)4.Frayed edge of PVC upper material (PV/PVC 鞋面材料毛边)5.Mold or mildew 发霉6.Other upper dirty defects(其它鞋面不洁瑕疵)九.Wrinkled upper defects(鞋面皱折瑕疵)1.Wrinkles caused by poor lasting

18、 (拉邦不良造成的皱折)2.Wrinkles caused by poor bottoming(贴底不良造成的皱折)3.Wrinkles caused by distorted upper(鞋面变形造成的皱折)十.X-ray Defects(X-RAY瑕疵)1.X-ray lines on any part of upper showing through due to edge folding, chemical sheet, toe cap ,etc(由于拗边,港宝片、鞋头包片等引起的任何鞋面部位的透痕)2.X-ray lines of upper lasting allowance sh

19、owing through on bottom due to improper buffing or filler(大底贴邦部位不平顺有X-ray产生,由于磨粗不平或填腹不良引起)十一.Sole Bottom Dirty Defects(大底不洁瑕疵)1.dirty marks (不洁记号)2.poor outsole printing or paint peels off (大底印刷不良或上漆剥落)3.Rough edge of EVA outsole (EVA底边未磨匀)4.Impurities in sole material (大底物料不纯)5.Other Bottom dirty d

20、efects(其它大底不洁瑕疵)【核心提示】鞋类英文-QC验鞋术语QC的工作:通常要与客户沟通联络,负责鞋样板、大货生产质检全过程;与跟单配合反馈质检工作;汇报质检结果 鞋界QC的工作:通常要与客户沟通联络,负责鞋样板、大货生产质检全过程;与跟单配合反馈质检工作;汇报质检结果,向主管提交报告,针对存在的问题提出改善建议,要用到的一些常用词汇.Wrapping not even攀帮不均匀Shank too loose铁心太松Heel not straight后套不正Sole come off底脱胶Wrong pattern 纸板错误Wrong material材料错误Wrong cutting裁

21、断错误Toe broken down鞋头凹陷Color variation色差Wrong last 楦头错误Wrong colour颜色错误Damaged upper鞋面破损Not in pair不配双Crooked back stay 后套歪斜Crooked upper鞋面弯曲Crooked屈曲,不平顺Vamp length鞋头大小Lasting off center攀歪Sole laying not proper(centered)贴底不正确Back strap too high(low,long,short)后拉带太高Abrasion磨损Stitching not on the mark

22、不照记号齿车Angle on insole中底发角Vamp open up鞋面掀开Wrapping not tight攀帮不紧Shank not straight铁心不正Cementing comes off脱胶Outsole not smooth大底不平Gore too weak松紧带弹性不佳Cement on heel鞋眼沾胶Cementing no good接着力不佳Cleanness not enough清洁度不佳Vamp split off 鞋面爆开Color not matching色差Loose thread脱线Broken thread断线Trun yellow变黄Turn dark变黑Pinch in 缩进去Flatten变平Rough粗糙x-ray透痕smeary污染hairy 起毛gaping 缝隙sole adhesion大底欠胶chip碎屑dirty 脏的g

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