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1、英语写作规范学术英语写作期末论文格式要求一、论文的基本结构二、引用文献的格式要求(一)引用文献的基本格式这里我们分两种情况来介绍引文的基本格式:第一种情况是把文献作者作为句子的一部分(通常作主语),我们把它叫做“格式1”;第二情况是把作者的姓放在括弧里,我们把它叫做“格式2”。在同一篇论文中,以上两种格式可以同时使用。格式1格式1的基本做法是,把作者的姓(Family name)作为句子的一部分(通常作主语),随后用括弧标出所引用文献的出版年代。比如:Long (1991) argues that without this, outcomes such as those from immers

2、ion education are likely to occur, with a lack of sustained development.如果文献有两个作者,则要将两个作者的姓都写出来,并用and连接(不能用&符号连接)。比如:Perkins and Gass (1996) argue that, since proficiency is multidimensional, it does not always develop at the same rate in all domains.如果文献有三个或三个以上(六个以下)的作者,论文中第一次引用时必须把所有作者的姓都写出来,用逗号隔

3、开,最后一个作者的姓用and连接。Sanders, Spooren and Noordman (1992) presents a useful taxonomy of coherence relations. 在第二次及以后再引用该文献时,只需写出第一个作者的姓,再加上 et al.,比如:Sanders et al. (1992) studied coherence relations based on four criteria. 如果文献有六个或六个以上的作者,论文中第一次引用时只需写出第一个作者的姓,再加上 et al.和年代。使用格式1时,如有必要(如直接引用整句或句子的一部分),可

4、以在年代后面再加上所文献的具体页码。出版年代与页码之间用冒号隔开。比如:Messick (1989:20) presents what he calls a progressive matrix.另外,页码也可以放在所引用文献的末尾,比如:Gould (1989) explains that Darwin used the metaphor of the tree of life “to express the other form of interconnectedness genealogical rather than ecological and to illustrate both

5、success and failure in the history of life” (p. 14).如果所引用的内容在原文献中跨页(直接引用时一般应该只跨两页),则要标出页码范围,比如:Hu (1994:56) points out that text studies in the 1960s and early 1970s are more or less concerned with “text grammar” and textual “grammaticality”.或Hu (1994) points out that text studies in the 1960s and e

6、arly 1970s are more or less concerned with “text grammar” and textual “grammaticality” (pp. 56).在直接引用文献时,如所引用的内容较长(一般超过50单词),则应该另起一段,上下各加一个空行,左右缩进各4个字符,字体为5号字。比如:Lorenz (1999) voiced a very similar view that because in written communication, coherence cannot be explicitly negotiated face-to-face bet

7、ween text producer and text receiver, “writers therefore have every reason for trying to be unequivocal and to make their ideas, intentions and arguments unmistakably clear. One way of doing this is to carefully signal logical relations and thereby signpost the path to coherence for the reader. Cons

8、equently, when looking at the fabrication of coherence in written discourse, we need to pay special attention to those explicit signposts of coherence, i.e. the texts cohesive ties” (p. 55).格式2格式2的基本做法是,把作者的姓、出版年代以及页码均放在括弧里,出版年代紧随作者的姓,中间用逗号隔开,之后是页码。比如:This approach tends to assume an automatisation

9、or practice view of learning (Bruton, 2002).The first criticism is that the text-based researchers choose to study the text itself for “methodological convenience” (Givn, 1995: 59).如果文献有两位作者,则必须把两位作者的姓都写出来,用&连接(不能用and),比如:One validates not a test, but a principle for making inferences (Cronbach & Me

10、ehl, 1955: 297).注意:所有的标点符号(包括逗号,冒号,句号等)均为英文标点符号,各个符号之间用空格隔开。(二)转引的格式所谓转引,是指论文作者并没有看到某个文献的原始出版物,而是在另外一个文献中看到的。比如Chapelle在其1998年的某个文献中引用了Shepard在1993年发表的文章中的内容。现在论文作者看到的是Chapelle的文献,而不是Shepard的原始文献。如果论文作者希望引用Shepard的话,则应该用下面的格式:If construct validity is seen as an exhaustive process that can be accompl

11、ished over a 50-year period, test developers may be inclined to think that any validity information is good enough in the short run (Shepard 1993: 444, cited in Chapelle 1998).上例中的cited in表示“转引自”。注意,学位论文中不能有过多的转引的内容(参见有关文献综述的要求)。(三)如何引用论文集的文献论文集是指各章节由不同作者撰写并由一位或几位作者编辑出版的著作。负责编辑出版的作者称为editor(s),封面和扉页

12、一般会注明edited by,或在编辑者后面用括弧注明(Editor(s)。在论文集中,前言(Preface)、导论( Introduction)及每篇文章(或每章)都单独署名。引用论文集的内容时,要根据文献作者进行引用,不能用编辑者的姓名进行引用。比如,M. A. Gernsbacher和 T. Givn在1995年编辑出版了一本名为Coherence in Spontaneous Text的论文集。其中有A. Sanford和L. Moxey写的一篇文章Aspects of coherence in written language: a psychological perspective

13、。如果要引用这篇文章的内容,则应该按以下格式:Obviously Reinharts criterion of relevance is in fact obviously psychological, since “relevance can only be defined with respect to background knowledge, and reasoning processes” (Sanford & Moxey, 1995:163).在这种情况下,论文后面的参考文献的写法是:Sanford, A. & L. Moxey. 1995. Aspects of coherenc

14、e in written language: a psychological perspective. In Gernsbacher, M. A. & T. Givon. (Eds.), Coherence in Spontaneous Text. 161-187. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.(四)如何引用中文文献在用英文撰写论文的过程中,如果要引用中文文献,要将引用的中文部分、作者以及出版物的信息翻译成英文,然后按英文论文的引文格式引用。比如:For example, text studies in t

15、he 1960s and early 1970s were more or less concerned with “text grammar” and textual “grammaticality” (Hu, 1994:56).These scholars chose to study coherence as a social phenomenon, rather than a mental phenomenon (Zhu & Yan, 2001).与以上两例对应的参考书目为:Hu, Z. 1994. Discourse Cohesion and Coherence (In Chines

16、e). Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.(胡壮麟. 语篇的衔接与连贯M. 上海:上海外语教育出版社.)Zhu, Y. & S. Yan. 2001. Reflections on Systemic-Functional Linguistics (In Chinese). Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.(朱永生, 严世清. 系统功能语言学多维思考M. 上海:上海外语教育出版社.)注意,在英文论文中引用中文文献时不能写作者的全名(如Hu Zhuangli

17、n, 1994),也不能直接用中文(如胡壮麟,1994或胡,1994)。在参考书目中,首先提供英文信息,并在文献名称后面加上(In Chinese),表示该文献是用中文写的。一般的学术期刊都会提供期刊名称及文献题目的英文翻译,作者不要自己随便翻译。也有一种用汉语拼音来转写文献名称的做法,但这一做法并不流行。(五)正文中引用汉语要求、通用缩略语及范例: 正文中如需引用汉语例句,需按国际惯例要求操作:首先给出汉语拼音,然后在下一行给出逐字对应的翻译,第三行再给出整句或段落的翻译,如引用内容超出一行,整句或整段翻译在逐字翻译之后完整给出;以下是汉英对译中常用的缩略用语和例句,供参考。1Sfirst

18、person singular pronoun1PLfirst person plural pronoun2Ssecond person singular pronoun2PLsecond person plural pronoun3Sthird person singular pronoun3PLthird person plural pronounASPaspect markerCLclassifierCPcomplementizer phraseEXPexperiential aspect markerNEGnegative morphemeNPnoun phrasePERFperfec

19、tive aspect markerPROGprogressive aspect markerPRTparticleVPverb phraseAA undergoes deletionA BA dominates BFP Functional phrase(PRT)Particle is optional *ungrammatical structure?odd structure#grammatical but infelicitous structure(1) Dng guyun de mow-l zh shngxi H Tinchng y g rn de when orchard DE

20、hutch-inside only leave Hu Tiancheng one CL person DE shhu, Xiy ji li de gng qn le. K t yzh b zhdo t time Xiuya then come DE more often PRT but 3S all-through NEG know 3S shn-hu hi gn zhe y g “shngyn” ne. Mi dng t t-jn body-back still follow PROG one CL sound PRT every when 3S step-enter guyun sh, n

21、 “ sh sh ” de shngyn ji gn zhe xing q-li le. orchard time that rustle DE sound then follow PROG ring up-comePRT When Hu Tiancheng was left alone in the hutch of the orchard, Xiuya then came more often. But she never knew that behind her followed a “sound”. Every time when she stepped in the orchard,

22、 the “rustle” sound came about right after her.(2) Birn zhdo le shu xinhu ne?other-people know PERF speak gossip PRT What if they find out and there will be talks? (3) Wmen h y-bi (ji) ba.1PL drink one-CL wine PRT Lets drink some cups/#a cup of wine!(4) W sh n de fx, znmen bi gu tin-d de.1S be 2S DE

23、 husband 1PL pay-homage-to EXP heaven-and-earth PRT I am your husband, (it is the fact that) weve had a wedding ceremony.注意:为保证论文正文的连续性和缩短的篇幅,正文内容引用例句的汉语原文需在正文后以附录的形式给出。如果引用的汉语是字、词或单句,汉语可以与拼音、逐字翻译和成句翻译同时出现,不用附录形式出现。例:附录 1 (1)当果园的茅屋里只剩下胡天成一个人的时候,秀雅就来得更勤了。可她一直不知道她身后还跟着一个“声音”呢。每当她踏进果园时,那“沙沙”的声音就跟着响起来了。

24、(2)别人知道了说闲话呢?(3)我们喝一杯(酒)吧。(4)我是你的夫婿,咱们拜过天地的。(六)关于引文的其他注意事项1关于重复引用。在同一段落中,连续两次或两次以上引用同一文献时(中间没有引用其他的文献),从第二次开始,不重复文献作者的姓和出版年代,而是用ibid.代替。如所引内容在不同页码,可以在ibid.之后加上页码。比如:A principle of text sequencing is that “without overt indications to the contrary, the order of mention of certain items may be assumed

25、 to reflect the order of these items in reality or in our conceptualization of reality” (Dik, 1997: 435). This equals to say that textual description of events or states-of-affairs should follow either the order which actually exists in the worlds described or the order in which we perceive the worl

26、ds. As Dik (ibid.: 436) further points out, “as long as the ordering within the discourse is in accordance with these natural defaults, this adds to the overall coherence. Where such orders are shifted around, overt markers must warn the interpreter of this marked situation”.2有时论文中不是直接或间接引用文献,而只是为了描

27、述或介绍研究现状而提及某些文献,往往同时提及多种文献。在这种情况下可以采用如下格式(注意使用e.g.,):The situation with accuracy is not so clear. Some studies (e.g., Foster & Skehan 1996; Skehan & Foster 1997; Mehnert 1998) do suggest that accuracy is raised when there is planning, but other studies (e.g., Crookes 1989; Ortega 1999; Wigglesworth

28、1997, 2001) do not support this claim. 在这种情况下,可以用两种方法来安排文献的顺序。一是按文献的年代排列,较早的排在前面(如上例);二是按作者的姓氏的字母顺序排列。我们统一要求按文献的年代排列。3在同一处提及一个作者不同年代的文献时,可在括弧中列出若干个年代,用逗号隔开,按时间顺序排列。比如:According to Halliday (1973, 1978, 1985, 1994), language has three main metafunctions, namely, ideational metafunction, interpersonal

29、 metafunction and textual metafunction.4如果需要同时引用某个作者在其独立完成的某个著作中的观点以及这个作者与其他作者合作的著作中的观点,可以采用下列两种格式:However, McNamara (1995; McNamara & Lumley, 1997) has challenged the Bachman model.However, researchers have challenged the Bachman model (McNamara, 1995; McNamara & Lumley, 1997).5在同一篇论文中如果需要引用同一作者在同一

30、年出版的两种或两种以上的文献,则在年代后面用a, b, c等进行区分。比如:He draws up a possible research agenda that would flow from the inclusion of a social perspective and in-deed such a research agenda has already borne fruit in several studies of the nature of the interaction in oral tests (Porter, 1991a, 1991b).在参考书目中按下列格式列出对应的

31、条目:Porter, D. 1991a. Affective factors in language testing. In Alderson, J. C. & B. North (Eds.), Language testing in the 1990s: the communicative legacy . 3240. London: Macmillan.Porter, D. 1991b. Affective factors in the assessment of oral interaction: gender and status. In Anivan, S. (Ed.), Current developments in language testing. Vol.25. 92102. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre. 6在同一论文中如果需要引用的两个作者的姓氏相同(即使出版年代不同),则需要加上作者的名字(First name)的首字母加以区分。比如:R. Dawkins (1986) and M. S. Dawkins (1980) have contributed to an understanding of consciousness in animals.

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