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1、新目标英语八年级下册句子精华一网打尽1. 我有过一次不同寻常的经历!我昨天看见一个UFO。I had _ unusual _. I _ _ UFO._ alien, _ useful book, _ astronaut, _ apartment _ earthquake2. 除了Tom, 我们都在这儿,因为他生病在家。We were all here _ Tom because he _ _ at home. 3. 昨天老师告诉我们我们将举行一个派对。Yesterday the teacher told us we _ _ a party.Yesterday the teacher told

2、us we _ _ _ have a party. 4. 正当Helen弹钢琴的时候,她的妈妈进来了。_ Helen _ _ the piano, her mother _in.5. 在英语方面,她写作比听力好。In English, she is _ _ writing than listening.6. 你认为学好英语难吗?Do you think it is difficult _ _ English?7. 你为那房子支付了多少钱?How much _ you _ _ the house?8. 小偷在警察来之前逃跑了。The thief _ _ before the police _.

3、9. 当我听到这个吓人的消息的时候,我真的很害怕。When I heard the _ news, I _ really_. 10. 我认为在跳舞和唱歌方面她更擅长跳舞。I think she _ _ in dancing than singing. 11. 我经常帮助我妈妈洗衣服。I often help my mom _ the washing. 12. 快点!飞机两分钟后起飞。Be quick! The plane _ _ _ in two minutes.13. 种更多的树来保持空气清洁怎么样?What about _ more trees to _ the air _?14. 你多久

4、看一次电影?一周两次。_ _ do you go to movies? _ a week.15. 我没有说我生他的气了。I didnt say I _ _ _ him.16. 不要和我吵,我没做错什么。Dont _ _ me. I did _ _. 17. 我妈妈想让我每天喝牛奶。My mom _ me _ _ milk every day. 18. 我认为抄袭别人的作业不好。你应该克服它。I dont think it is good _ _ others homework. You should _ _ it. 19. 我明天将参加年终考试。祝你好运。I _ _the end-of-yea

5、r exam tomorrow. _ _. 20. 你能告诉我昨天晚上九点钟他们正在做什么。Could you tell me _ _ _ _ at nine last night? 21. 你不应该和你的父母争吵。 You _ _ _ your parents. 22. 我们能够去Hawaii是幸运的。It is _ that we _ _ _ go to Hawaii. 23. 当事故发生的时候,我在商店里。I was in the shop when the _ _.24. 我们应该及时归还图书馆的书。We should _ the books _ the library in time

6、.We should _ the books _ _ the library in time. 25. 住在如此小的房子里是让人不愉快的。It is _ to live in _ a small house. 26. 那位老人独自住,但是他并不感到孤独。The old man lives _, but he doesnt feel _. 27. 闭上你的眼睛,想象你正在天空中飞翔。Close your eyes and _ that you are _ in the sky. 28. 学生们需要时间和自由来放松。Students need time and _ _ _. 29. 我最好的朋友给

7、我写了一封信告诉我一些令人激动的事。My best friend _ me a letter and told me _ _.30. 当他昨晚参加考试的时候,他感到紧张。He _ _ when he had the exam last night. 31. 不要穿牛仔裤。如果你穿,我们将不让你进来。_ _ jeans. If you do, we _ _ you _.32. 如果你带食物到教室,老师将把它拿走。If you bring food to the classroom, the teacher _ _ _ _. 33. 如果你从别的学校带朋友来,老师会要求他们离开。If you_ f

8、riends from other schools, the teacher_ _ _ _ _.34. 如果你在聚会上乱跑或大喊,你将不得不离开。If you _ or _ at the party, you _ _ _ leave. 35. 成为一名职业运动员看起来是一个理想的工作。_ a professional athlete _ _ a dream job.36. 如果你成为一名职业运动员你将能够做你喜欢的事来谋生。If you _ a professional athlete, you will be able to _ _ _ _ something you love.37. 姚明

9、为慈善事业捐了很多钱。Yao Ming _ a lot of money _ _.38. 如果你运动为了谋生,你的工作有时候将会非常危险。If you play sports _ _ _, your job _ sometimes _ very _. 39. 如果你变的出名,人们会一直关注你,并到处跟着你。If you become famous, people _ _ you all the time and _ you _. 40. 如果你变的富有,你很难知道谁是你真正的朋友。If you are rich, you _ _ a difficult time_ who your real

10、friends are. 41. 今天下午将会有一场足球赛。 _ _ _ a football match this afternoon.There _ _ _ _ a football match this afternoon. 42. 打扰一下,你能告诉我邮局在哪儿吗?Excuse me, could you tell me _ _ _ _ _?43. 如果明天下雨,我就不去了。If it _ tomorrow, I _ _. 44. 如果明天下雨,我就不去了。 If it _ _tomorrow, I _ _. 45. 老师告诉他下次不要迟到了。The teacher told him

11、_ _ _ late next time. 46. 我将不再相信你了。 I _ believe you _?47. 幸运的是,当我打电话的时候他在家。_, he was in when I called. 48. 你能用法语说这个单词吗?Can you _ this word in French?49. 昨天什么使你感到不快乐?What _ you _ _ yesterday?50. 他没有告诉我飞机几点钟起飞的。He didnt tell me _ _ the plane_ _. 51. 正当Ann骑着自行车的时候,她遇到了Lucy。_ Ann was riding a bike, she

12、_ Lucy.52. 当他妈妈到家的时候,Jack正在看电视。When his mom got home, Jack _ _ TV. 53. 接下来发生了什么事? What _ next?54. 接下来将会发生什么事? What _ _ next?55. 我的衣服过时了。我应该怎么办?My clothes _ _ _ _. What _ I do?56. 我也不喜欢它。I dont like it, _. 57. 今天早上我把作业忘在家里了。I _ my homework at home this morning. 58. 我的老师经常告诉我对待别人要友好。My teacher often t

13、ells me _ _ _ _others.59. 我发现学好英语很简单。I found _ easy_ _ English well.60. 我的朋友没有邀请我去他的生日派对。我不知道怎么办。 My friend didnt _ me _ his party. I dont know _ _ _.61. 污染将会更少吗?是的。Will there be _ pollution? Yes, _ _.62. 树将会更少吗? 不是。 Will there be _ trees? No,_ _.63. 人将会更多吗? Will there be _ people?64. 自由时间将会更少吗? Wil

14、l there be _ free time? 65. 人们将会拥有机器人吗?_ people _ _?66. 人们不会拥有机器人的。People _ _ _. 67. 去年我去了上海,并且爱上了它。I _to Shanghai last year and _ _ _ _ it. 68. 有许多著名的预言从来没有实现。There are many famous predictions that never _ _.69. 1929年前,电影是无声的。Before 1929, there was no _ in movies.70. 最大电影公司之一的老板曾预言没有人想看演员讲话。One of

15、the biggest movie companies predicted that no one _ want to see actors _. 71. 日本科学家已经使得机器人走路和跳舞。 Japanese scientists _ already _ robots _ and _. 72. 然而,它可能要花费上百年。However, it may _ _ _ years. 73. 我不喜欢独自居住。I dont like _ _. 74. On the weekend, Ill _ _ _ _ (能够穿)more casually.75. 已经有机器人在工厂里工作了。There are

16、already robots _ in _. 76. 机器人永远不会烦。 Robots will never _ _. 77. 新型机器人将会有很多不同的形状。 New robots will have many different _. 78. 一百年前, 电动牙刷似乎不可能。 A hundred years ago, electric toothbrushes _ _. 79. 我们永远不知道将来会发生什么。 We never know _ _ _ in the future. 80. 昨天我和我最好的朋友争论了。I _ _ my best friend. 81. 我的衣服过时了。 My

17、clothes _ _ _ _. 82. 我不想使他惊讶。 I dont want to _ _.83. 我不想在电话上谈论它。I dont want to talk about it _ _ _. 84. 我需要弄些钱来支付夏令营。 I _ _ _ some money _ _ _ summer camp. 85. 我朋友和我留一样的发型。My friend has _ _ haircut _ I do.86. 除了我之外,班里其他人都被邀请了。_ _ in my class _ _ _ _. 87. 我非常不安,不知道做什么。Im very _ and dont know _ _ _. 8

18、8. 我把我的作业忘家里了。 I _ my homework at home. 89. 请你给我一些建议好吗? Could you please _ _ _ _?90. 疲劳的孩子们直到7点才到家。The tired children _ get home _ 7pm.91. 当UFO到达时,你正在干什么?What _ you _ when the UFO _?92. 当UFO着陆时,男孩正沿着大街走。The boy _ _ down the street when the UFO _. 93. 正当女孩购物时, 外星人出来了。 _ the girl was shopping, the ali

19、en _ _. 94. 这起谋杀案发生在大约三十年前。 The murder _ _ about thirty years ago. 95. 他绕地球的飞行持续了22个小时。 His flight around the Earth _ about 22 hours. 96. 他说我很勤奋。 He said I _ _. 97. 她说她不在生我的气了。 She said she _ _ _ me _. 98. 他说他明天给我打电话。 He said he _ _ _ tomorrow. 99. 他说他上周去上海了。 He said he _ _ Shanghai last week. 100.

20、她说帮助别人改变了她的生活。 She said _ others _ her life. 101. 起初,稀薄的空气使她感到恶心。 At first the thin air _ her _ _.102. 如果今天举行派对会如何? What _ _ if we have party today?1. 明天的天气将会如何?会是雨天。_ _ the weather _ _ tomorrow? It will be _.2. 我上周考试失败了。I _ the exam last week.3. 下学期我将尽我最大的努力学习英语。I _ _ _ _ _ English next termsemeste

21、r.4. 我希望你身体健康。I hope you _ _ _ _.5. 我和我的表妹相处的很好。I _ _ _ _ my cousin.6. 他坚信这个预言总有一天会实现。He is sure that this prediction _ _ _ one day.7. 4月14日青海玉树发生了一次地震,很多人受伤。An earthquake _ in Yu Shu on April 14, and many people _ _.8. 你曾经去过游乐园吗?_ _ _ _ _ an amusement park?9. 他从来没有去过迪斯尼乐园。我也没有去过。I _ _ _ _ Disneylan

22、d. _ _ _. _, _. _ _, _. 10. 你曾经听说过这个故事吗?_ _ _ _ _ the story before?11. 我成为一名老师已经五年了。I _ _ _ _ for five years.12. 将来我会考虑当一名英语老师而不是导游。In the future I will _ _ _ an English teacher _ _ a tour guide.13. 这个东南亚的小岛是一个度假的好地方。This small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful place _ _ a holidayvacation.14.

23、超过四分之三的人口是华人。_ _ three _ of the population _ Chinese. 15. 我会唱英文歌曲。 我也能。I can sing songs in English. _ _ _.16. 你以前曾经见过他吗?_ _ _ _ him before?17. Jack已经来中国好几年了。Jack _ _ _ _ for several years.18. 王老师在哪儿?他去图书馆了。Where is Mr. Wang? He _ _ _ the library.19. 学生们正在滑冰为慈善机构筹钱。Students are skating _ _ _ _ _.20.

24、Tom是第一个开始的,他已经滑了整整五个小时。Tom was the first _ _. He _ _ _ for the _ five hours.21. 你收集贝壳多久了?已经5年了。_ _ have you been collecting shells? _ five years._ five years ago.22. 我们已经用尽了空间来储存它们。We _ _ _ _ room _ _ them.23. 随便问一下,你的业余爱好是什么?_ _ _, whats your _?24. 谢谢你送给我那些漂亮的邮票。Thanks for _ me the beautiful _. 25.

25、 我了解中国的历史越多,我越喜欢住在中国。_ _ I know about Chinese history, _ _ I enjoy _ in China.26. 你介意把音乐调小吗?一点都不介意。Would you mind _ _ the music? No, _ _ _. 27. 你介意不要穿那件旧牛仔裤吗?当然不介意。Would you mind _ _ the old jeans? Of course not. 28. 你介意我在这儿吸烟吗?对不起,你最好不要。Would you mind _ _ here? Sorry, _ _ _.29. 请你把音乐调小好吗?好吧,我马上做。Co

26、uld you please _ _ the music? OK, Ill do it _ _ _ _ _.30. 请你不要老跟着我好吗?Could you please _ _ me around?31. 什么使你厌烦?当别人插队时我会变得厌烦。What _ you? I _ _ when someone _ _ _. 32. 你介意小点声音吗?你介意我坐在这儿吗?Would you mind _ _ _ _?Would you mind _ _ here?33. 在公共场所,大声讲话是不礼貌的。_ _ in public places is _. 34. 我们应该小心不要在公共场合大声咳嗽或打喷嚏。We should _ _ _ _ cough or s

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