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1、英语会话办公室英语会话最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!太平洋英语,免费体验全部外教一对一课程:Dialog 1How are you?A: Hello, John. How are you?B: Fine, thanks. And you?A: Great.译文A:你好,约翰!身体好吗?B: 很好,谢谢,你呢?A: 非常好。Dialog 2May I introduce myself?A: I believe youre Mr. Benson, arent you?B: Yes, I am.A: May I introduce myself? My nam

2、e is Lisa. Im with Bank of America.B: How do you do, Ms. Lisa? Im glad to meet you.译文A:我想您是班森先生吧?B:是的。A:我能做一下自我介绍吗?我是丽莎。我在美国银行服务。B:你好,丽莎女士。很高兴认识你。Dialog 3Id like you to meet Mr. Smith.A:Mr. Smith, have you met Mrs. Johnson?Smith: No, I havent had the pleasure.A: Mrs. Johnson, Id like you to meet my

3、good friend Mr. Smith. Mr.Smith, this is Mrs. Johnson.Mrs. Johnson: How do you do?Smith: Nice to meet you, Mrs. Johnson. Welcome to our university.译文A:史密斯,你见过琼斯夫人了吗?史密斯:还没能有此荣幸。A:琼斯夫人,我给您介绍我的好朋友史密斯先生。史密斯,这是琼斯先生。琼斯夫人:你好。史密斯: 很高兴认识你。欢迎到我们学校来。Dialog 4How do I address you?A: Im your new English teacher,

4、 Jack Martin.B: How do I address you?A: I suppose you could call me Mr. Martin, but thats too formal. I prefer my first name Jack.B: O.K. Jack. My name is Jane Smith.A: What shall I call you, Miss Smith?B: Jane will be fine.译文A:我是你新的英文老师,杰克马丁。B:我怎么称呼你呢?A:我想你应该叫我马丁先生,但那太正式了。我喜欢我的名字杰克。B:好的,杰克。我叫珍史密斯。A

5、:我怎么叫你,史密斯小姐吗?B:叫珍就好了。Dialog 5See you later.A: Well, gotta go.B: Where are you going?A: To the library.B: O.K. See you later.A: See you later.译文A: 哦,我得走了。B: 你去哪儿?A: 去图书馆。B: 好吧。回头见。A: 再见。Dialog 6Its a nice day.A: Its a nice day, isnt it?B: Yes. Much better than yesterday.A: But I hear it may get wind

6、y this afternoon.B: I dont mind as long as it doesnt rain again。译文A:今天天气不错。B:是啊,比昨天好多了。A:不过我听说下午要起风。B:只要别再下雨就行。Dialog 7Whats your hobby?A: Whats your hobby?B: I like playing tennis. How about you?A: I happen to like tennis too. How about a game some time?B: O.K.译文A: 你的爱好是什么?B: 我喜欢打网球。你呢?A: 我恰好也喜欢网球。

7、什么时候赛一场怎么样?B: 好的。Dialog 8Whats your favorite movie?A: Do you like movies?B: Yes, I do.A: Whats your favorite movie?B: My favorite movie is Brave Heart.A: Do you have this movie?B: Yes, I have this movie at home.译文A: 你喜欢电影吗?B: 是的,我喜欢。A: 你最喜欢哪部电影?B: 我最喜欢的电影是勇敢的心。A: 你有这部电影吗?B: 是的,我家里有这部电影。Dialog 9What

8、do you do for a living?A: What do you do for a living?B: Im a teacher.A: What do you teach?B: I teach English.A: Do you like to teach?B: Of course, I do.译文A: 你做什么工作?B: 我是个老师。A: 你教什么?B: 我教英文。A: 你喜欢教书吗?B: 当然。Dialog 10How can I get in touch with you?A: How can I get in touch with you?B: You can reach m

9、e by calling 321-5525.A: Are you at this number all the time?B: No, its my office number. You can reach me at 345-1264 after five.译文A: 我怎么和你联系呢?B: 你打321-5525可以找到我。A: 你一直都在吗?B: 不,这是办公室电话。五点以后你可以打345-1264。Dialog 11Its a small world.A:I think Ive seen you before.B: No, I dont believe so.A:Your face is

10、so familiar. Wait! I know! We were on the same plane to New York last summer.B:Yes. Now I remember.A:What a coincidence meeting you in Washington!B:Its a small world.译文A: 我想我以前见过你。B: 不,我不那么认为。A: 你很面熟。等等!我知道了。去年夏天我们坐过同一班去纽约的飞机。B: 是的。我现在想起来了。A: 在华盛顿遇到你真巧!B: 这世界真小。Dialog 12Are you free tonight?A: Are y

11、ou free tonight?B: Yes, I am.A: Shall we have dinner together? I know a place that has excellent food.B: O.K. Ill be happy to join you.译文A: 你今晚有空吗?B: 有空。A: 我们能一起吃晚饭吗?我知道有个地方的菜很棒。B: 好的。我会很高兴和你一起吃晚饭。Dialog 13Would you like to join me?A: Im going to see a movie tonight. Would you like to join me?B: Sou

12、nds great. What are you going to see?A: Vertical Limit.B: Ive been wanting to see that movie for a long time. What time shall we go?A: The movie starts at 7:30, lets leave at 7:00.B: All right.译文A:我今晚要去看电影,你要不要一起去?B:听起来不错。你要看哪部片子?A:垂直极限。B: 我一直想看那部电影。我们几点出发?A: 电影7:30开始,我们7:00出发。B: 好的。Dialog 14When is

13、 the best time for you?A: Are you free tomorrow?B: Yes, I am.A: Id like to see you. Theres something I want to tell you.B: Fine.A: When is the best time for you?B: Anytime after five is fine.A: Ill pick you up at half past five.B: O.K. See you then.译文A:你明天有空吗?B:有空。A:我想过来看看你。有些事想跟你说。B:好的。A:你什么时候方便?B:

14、五点以后都可以。A:我五点半来接你。B:好的。到时候见。Dialog 15Its up to you.A: What would you like to do tonight?B: I dont care. Its up to you.A: Well, which one would you prefer, dinner or a movie?B: Either one. I just want to get out of here.译文A: 今天晚上想做什么?B: 无所谓。由你决定。A: 那么,你想去吃晚饭,还是去看电影?B: 随便哪个都行。我只想出去。Dialog 16Would you

15、like a cup of coffee?A: Would you like a cup of coffee?B: Yes, thanks.A: Do you take sugar or cream in your coffee?B: Neither, I like mine plain. And you?A: I like mine black with a pinch of sugar.B: Thats very good. May I have a refill?译文A: 你要不要来杯咖啡?B:好的,谢谢。A:你的咖啡要放糖或牛奶吗?B:都不要,我喜欢什么都不加的。你呢?A:我喜欢黑咖啡

16、加少许糖。B:那很好。能再来一杯吗?Dialog 17Help yourself, please.A: Help yourself, please.B: Thank you, I will. Mm, its delicious. Did you make it?A: Yes, I did.B: Youre an excellent cook.译文A:请慢用。B:谢谢,我会的。嗯,很好吃。你做的吗?A:是的。B:你真是个好厨师。Dialog 18Lunch is on me.A: Would you like to have lunch with me at a new restaurant I

17、 heard about?B: Im sorry, all I can afford today is a Big Mac.A: Come on. Lunch is on me.B: I couldnt do that.A: Dont be silly. I insist.B: Well, if you insist. Thank you.译文A: 我听说一家新餐馆,要不要和我一起去吃中饭?B: 抱歉,今天我只吃得起一个大汉堡。A: 来吧。中饭我付。B: 我不能那么做。A: 别傻了。我坚持这样。B: 好吧,既然你坚持。谢谢。Dialog 19Is this seat taken?A: Excu

18、se me. Is this seat taken?B: No, it isnt.A: Would you mind moving over one seat so my wife and I can sit together?B: No, not at all.A: Thank you.B: Youre welcome.译文A: 对不起。这位子有人吗?B: 不,没人。A: 你介意挪一个位子,好让我太太能和我坐一起吗?B: 不,一点也不介意。A: 谢谢你。B: 不客气。Dialog 20Id like to have roast beef.A: May I help you?B: Yes, I

19、d like to have tomato soup, roast beef and mashed potatoes.A: How do you want the beef? Rare, medium or well-done?B: Well-done, please.A: Anything to drink?B: Water will be fine.A: Fine. And how about you?C: Same here. And Ill have a large coke.译文A: 能为你服务吗?B: 是的。我要番茄汤、烤牛肉和马铃薯泥。A: 你的牛肉要怎样的?五分熟,七八分熟,还

20、是全熟?B: 请来全熟的。A: 要喝点什么?B: 水就好。A: 好的。您呢?C:我也一样。我还要一杯大杯的可乐。Dialog 21Same here.A: Have you been to the new theatre on the Central Street?B: Yeah, I went there last week with my girlfriend.A: How do you like it?B: Oh, I think its really excellent.A: But I thought the price was too high.B: Same here.译文A:

21、你去过中央大街的新剧院吗?B: 是的,我上星期和我女朋友去过。A: 你觉得那里怎么样?B: 噢,我觉得那里真是漂亮极了。A: 不过我觉得那里票价太贵了。B: 有同感。Dialog 22How do I get to the post office?A: Excuse me. How do I get to the post office?B: Its three blocks north on Wall Street.A: Where is Wall Street?B: Its one block west of here.A: One block that way, turn right a

22、nd go three blocks?B: Thats right.译文A: 对不起。请问去邮局怎么走?B: 在华尔街北面过三条街。A: 华尔街在哪儿?B: 在这里的西面一条街。A: 往那边走一条街,右转,再过三条街吗?B: 这就对了。Dialog 23Where can I wash my hands?A: Excuse me. Where can I wash my hands?B: Take the elevator to the second floor and turn right.A: To the second floor and turn right?B: Right. You

23、 shouldnt have any trouble finding them.A: But where is the elevator?B: Its right around the corner.译文A: 对不起,请问洗手间在哪里?B: 坐电梯到二楼然后右转。A: 到二楼然后右转吗?B: 对,很容易找到的。A: 但电梯在哪儿呢?B: 就在拐角处。Dialog 24Im just browsing.A: May I help you?B: No, thanks. Im just browsing.A: If you need any help, my name is Jane.B: Fine

24、, thank you. Do you carry tapered shirts?A: Yes, we do. What size do you need?译文A: 我能为你服务吗?B:不用,谢谢。我只是随便看看。A:如果你需要任何服务,我叫珍。B:好的,谢谢你。你们有尺码齐的衬衫吗?A:我们有。你要什么尺寸的?Dialog 25How much do I owe you?A: Are you being helped?B: No. Im looking for a tie.A: What color do you like?B: Blue.A: How do you like this on

25、e?B: Its very nice. Ill take this. How much do I owe you?A: You owe me $5.50 plus tax.译文A:有人为你服务吗?B:没有。我想挑一条领带。A:你喜欢什么颜色的?B:蓝色的。A:这条怎么样?B:很好。我要买它。我该给你多少钱?A:您要付我五元五角,外加税。Dialog 26What do you think of my new car?A: What do you think of my new car?B: Its very nice. What year and make is it?A: Its an 84

26、 Ford.B: How much did you pay for it?A: Three hundred thousand. I thought it was a reasonable price.B: I think so, too.译 文A: 你觉得我的新车怎么样?B: 很棒。是哪年、什么牌子的?A: 是84年的福特车。B: 你买这车花了多少钱?A: 三十万。我觉得这价钱很公道。B: 我觉得也是。Dialog 27Whats on your mind?A: Susan, youve been very quiet lately. Whats on your mind?B: Oh, Im

27、worried about taking my driving test.A: I thought you have taken driving lessons.B: I did, but I really need to practice more to feel confident.A: Why dont we go for a long ride this weekend?B: Oh, could we? Id love it.译 文A:苏珊,你最近很安静。你在想什么?B:噢,我在担心我的驾照考试。A:我想你上过驾驶课。B:我是上过,但我需要更多练习来取得自信。A:我们何不这个周末开车出

28、去兜兜风?B:噢,我们可以吗?我想去。Dialog 28Im sorry to hear that.A: How are you?B: Fine, thanks. And you?A: Well, I have a terrible headache.B: Im sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon.A: Thank you.译文A:你好吗?B:很好,谢谢。你呢?A:哦,我头疼得很厉害。B:听到这我很难过。希望你快点好起来。A:谢谢你。Dialog 29I thought so, too.A: Did he fail the exam

29、again? I thought he would pass this time.B: I thought so, too.A: Well, he must study harder next time.B: I agree completely.A: Ive never seen him study for any exam.B: Come to think of it, neither have I.译 文A: 他考试又没通过吗?我以为他这次会通过的。B: 我也这样想的。A: 那么,他下次得用功了。B: 我完全同意。A: 我从没看过他为任何考试而读书。B: 想到这里,我也没有看过。Dial

30、og 30I envy you.A: Did you say youre going to take a vacation next week?B: Yes. Im going to San Francisco for several weeks.A: I envy you. I wish I could get away for a while.B: Cant you take a vacation this summer?A: No. Theres too much work to do.B: Thats too bad.译文A: 你说你下周要休假吗?B: 是的。我要去旧金山两三周。A: 真羡慕你。但愿我也能出去呆一会儿。B: 你这个夏天不能休假吗?A: 不行。有太多工作要做。B: 真可惜。

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