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辽宁师大附中届高三高考考前精品卷 英语.docx

1、辽宁师大附中届高三高考考前精品卷 英语2015年辽师大附中高三年级模拟考试(精品卷) 外语试卷命题人:高三外语组第一部分 听力(满分30)略第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40)第一节( 共15小题;每小题2分;满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑)ABreathe, wave and smile. Along with more than 300 other seniors, I marched into the stadium on the afternoon of May 10. The audience burst i

2、nto deafening cheers. The huge stadium shook with all the whistling and clapping.It was as if a Hollywood superstar had walked on stage. And indeed, every single senior that day was a star of the moment. Each deserved it. The seniors had been preparing for four years for this once-in-a-lifetime mome

3、ntthe commencement (graduation ceremony).Seated, I waited anxiously for the opening address. As a foreign exchange student, I was not able to receive a diploma. However, I still had the wonderful feeling of being part of things. Like the other graduates, I was dressed in marron cap and gown.Our prin

4、cipal, Mr. Glover, delivered a short, warm greeting. The US national anthem followed and then, hands on chests, a solemn Pledge of Allegiance(美国的爱国誓言).Students who had excelled academically gave farewell speeches. The tears in some eyes convinced me that many had deep feelings about the occasion. It

5、 was as the class motto says, “Life brings us tears, smiles and memories. The tears dry; the smiles fade; but the memories last forever.”Then came the core (the most important part) of the commencement. Hundreds of names were announced. Each graduate walked across the stage to receive his or her dip

6、loma from the principal. From the different cheers each graduate got, we had the funny sense that it was a kind of competition of who could cheer the loudest.To be honest, the presentation of diplomas got boring. A girl sitting next to me even started yawning. But it wasnt boring for those receiving

7、 the diploma: they would treasure the moment the principal placed the sacred brown document in their hands for the rest of their lives.A new page in the book of that persons life had turned. They were glimpsing their futures: futures of challenge, hardship, perhaps loneliness too, which would take a

8、ll of their courage.21. Whats the article mainly about?A. An American high schools graduation ceremony.B. The opening ceremony of a sports meeting.C. A presentation of college diplomas.D. A US colleges farewell party.22. Which of the following statements about the author is FALSE?A. She was one of t

9、he graduates. B. She was a foreign exchange student.C. She was excited to receive her diploma.D. She felt it great to be at the ceremony.23. The right order of the following events is_.a. Diplomas were presented to graduates.b. Students gave farewell speeches.c. The US national anthem was played.d.

10、The principal gave a short, warm speech.e. Seniors went into the stadium.A. b,c,a,d,e B. c,d,b,e,a C. d,b,e,a,c D. e,d,c,b,a24. From the text, we can conclude that_.A. a diploma ensures a good jobB. a diploma guarantees a bright futureC. the commencement symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in li

11、feD. everyone felt excited at the presentation of the diplomaBThe secrets of happiness all lie in your Operating System. The trouble is that we get blinded by our Operating System. This is because our Operating System attempts to fit whats happening around us into our Operating Systems expectations.

12、 Anything different is resisted as much as it can be. So your Operation System is always going to be riddled with flaws(缺点) and errors. Its in its nature. This is where all progress and evolution comes from . Every flaw and bug you discover and fix in the Operating System is another leap forward in

13、the quality of your life.The evolution of society comes from the fact that each generation rebels against the previous one. And so each generation discovers a flaw and caused an upgrade in our cultural Operating System.The established order in every field and every area of life will find itself chal

14、lenged. And over time more and more flaws will be discovered about what we previously believed to be facts. This is how life progresses and advances.Now every day across the world there are hundreds of instances where people are making new discoveries and overturning old beliefs. This is the process

15、 of life.If you want something that you dont have -its your Operating system that is blocking it off to you. This means you have to identify the flaw in your Operating System that is blocking you from having what you want. Then you transform the structure of your Operating System to let it in.Opport

16、unities are around you all the time. There is never a boat that you must catch. There is another boarding all the time. It is only the fact that you arent seeing the opportunities that stops you from getting what you want.Upgrading your Operating System is training it to show you the opportunities a

17、ll around you. And then life is like picking fruit from a tree.25. According to the passage, our Operating System _. A. resists valuable things as more as possible B. neglects everything that happens around us C. always attempts to meet its expectations D. is not essential to our happiness sometimes

18、26. The underlined part “be riddled with” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by _. A. be opposed to B. be free from C. be friends with D. be full of27. If you want to improve the quality of your life, you should _. A. avoid mistakes in your everyday life B. discover flaws in your Operating System C. tak

19、e all the information around you D. take a suspecting attitude towards life28. According to the author, our society progresses because _. A. the young approve of what their ancestors did B. younger generations put the wrong things right C. computers have undated the old Operating System D. old compu

20、ters are constantly replaced by new onesCYou never see them, but theyre with you every time you fly. They record where you are going, how fast youre traveling and whether everything on your airplane is functioning normally. Their ability to withstand almost any disaster makes them seem like somethin

21、g out of a comic book. Theyre known as the black box. When planes fall from the sky, as a Yemeni airliner did on its way to Comoros Islands in the India ocean on June 30, 2009, the black box is the best bet for identifying what went wrong. So when a French Submarine(潜水艇) detected the devices homing

22、signal five days later, the discovery marked a huge toward determining the cause of a tragedy in which 152 passengers were killed. In 1958, Australian scientist David Warren developed a flight-memory recorder that would track basic information like altitude and direction. That was the first mode for

23、 a black box, which became a requirement on all U.S. commercial flights by 1960. Early models often failed to withstand crashes, however, so in 1965 the device was completely redesigned and moved to the rear of the plane -the area least subject to impact - from its original position in the landing w

24、ells(起落架舱). The same year, the Federal Aviation Authority required that the boxes, which were never actually black, be painted orange or yellow to aid visibility. Modern airplanes have two black boxes: a voice recorder, which tracks pilots conversations, and a flight-data recorder, which monitors fu

25、el levels, engine noises and other operating functions that help investigators reconstruct the aircrafts final moments. Placed in an insulated(隔绝的) case and surrounded by a quarter-inch-thick panels of stainless steel, the boxes can withstand massive force and temperature up to 20,000 ft. Experts be

26、lieve the boxes from Air France Flight 447, which crashed near Brazil on June 1, 2009, are in water nearly that deep, but statistics say theyre still likely to turn up. In the approximately 20 deep-sea crashes over the past 30 years, only one planes black boxes were never recovered. 29. In paragraph

27、 1, the author wants say the black box _. A. is an necessary device on an airplaneB. comes from a comic book C. can prevent disaster D. can control the function of an airplane30. Why was the black box redesigned in 1965?A. New materials became available by that timeB. The early models often got dama

28、ged in the crashC. Too much space was needed for its deviceD. The early models didnt provide the needed data.31. The black boxes were painted orange or yellow to _.A. distinguish them from the color of the planeB. warn people to handle them with care C. make them easily identifiedD. obey the interna

29、tional standards32. What do we know about the black boxes from Air France Flight 447? A. There is still a good chance of their being recoveredB. There is an urgent need for them to be reconstructedC. They have stopped sending homing signalsD. They were destroyed somewhere near BrazilDHilary Smith be

30、longed to a good family. But by the age of twenty, he had spent all the money the good old family had. He then had some trouble with the bank and was put in prison. He escaped from the prison and ran to Australia without delay. Hilary did not like Australia and Australia did not like Hilary. What he

31、 could do seemed to be one of two things: die or work. Then he remembered that he was not alone in the world. He had an aunt.She was his fathers only sister, but his father used to say she brought no glory to the family. Hilary, of course, tired to discover what she had done. It seemed that she had

32、failed to marry a nobleman. Instead, she had chosen a husband who was connected with “trade”. Of course as soon as she became “Mrs. Parks”, her brother considered her dead. Later on, Mr. Parks died and left her a lot of money; but that did not bring her back to life in her brothers opinion.Hilary discovered his aunts address. Fortunately she remained faithful and honest to him e

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