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1、考研英语完形基础必备完型填空的备考思路1. 背诵近十年真题,要求大家背诵一篇240-280字的文章2. 背诵近十年真题中的所有选项,选项基本上体现了完型填空考查 的范围每个单词一定要知道对错的原因,知道每个单词的准确用法3. 把握解题技巧与方法,没有解题技巧指导的考研完型是比较失败 的考研完型4. 背大批量的词组(搜索 李玉技高频词组)5. 适当的做一些模拟试题完型填空的时间安排从寒假或3月到7月都是把握真题阶段7、8月背单词,巩固提高9、10月最后一篇过真题10月以后做一些模拟试题解题技巧与方法1. 卷子发下来后,利用红花绿叶原则做题。红花词:某个单词在历年真题中每次出现都选绿叶词:屡出现屡

2、不选,屡不选屡出现红花绿叶原则能帮助我们做对2-5个题红花词:however, yet, although, because绿叶词:since, ever since, now that, what,if only, in case(lest) or else, about, as to, with regard to, with(in) reference towhat 有三大特点:1.what从句只能做主、宾、表从句2.what不能放在名词后Passage 8(2003年) Teachers need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual,

3、and physical changes that young adults experience. And they also need to give serious 21 to how they can best 22 such changes. Growing bodies need movement and 23 . but not just in ways that emphasize competition. 24 they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emo

4、tional challenges, teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the 25 that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are 26 by others. However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be 27 to plan activities in which ther

5、e are more winners than losers, 28 . publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews, 29 student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs. A variety of small clubs can provide 30 opportunities for leadership, as well as for practice in successful 31 dynamics. Making friends is ext

6、remely important to teenagers, and many shy students need the 32 of some kind of organization with a supportive adult 33 visible in the background. In these activities, it is important to remember that young teens have 34 attention spans. A variety of activities should be organized 35 participants c

7、an remain active as long as they want and then go on to 36 else without feeling guilty and without letting the other participants 37 . This does not mean that adults must accept irresponsibility. 38 they can help students acquire a sense of commitment by 39 for roles that are within their 40 and the

8、ir attention spans and by having clearly stated rules.21. A thoughtB ideaC opinionD advice22. A strengthenB accommodateC stimulateD enhance23. A careB nutritionC exerciseD leisure24. A ifB althoughC whereasD because25. A assistanceB guidanceC confidenceD tolerance26. A claimedB admiredC ignoredD sur

9、passed27. A improperB riskyC fairD wise28. A in effectB as a resultC for exampleD in a sense29. A displayingB describingC creatingD exchanging30. A durableB excessiveC surplusD multiple31. A groupB individualC personnelD corporation32. A consent B insuranceC admissionD security33. A particularly B b

10、arelyC definitelyD rarely34. A similarB longC differentD short35. A if onlyB now thatC so that D even if36. A everythingB anythingC nothingD something37. A offB downC outD alone38. A on the contraryB on the averageC on the wholeD on the other hand39. A makingB standingC planningD taking40. A capabil

11、itiesB responsibilitiesC proficiencyD efficiency2. 明白A、B、C、D选项的规律、A、B、C、D的个数都是4-6个之间,四个答案基本均匀分布、完型填空中一般而言A较多、没有连续三个答案都一样的情况,连续两个答案都一样的情况 是0-3个,前后答案彼此都不一样的情况是17-20个、在五个一组的答案中,至少要出现三个字母(此规律同样适合阅读理解)3. 完型填空文章的基本特点、首段首句一般不出题(2001除外),降低了文章的难度。除了首段首句外,基本上每一句话都要出题、每篇文章都有明确的主题和作者的态度(态度重要)、总分结构进行到底,降低了完形的难度、

12、逻辑关系非常明确五大逻辑关系:对立关系、因果关系、并列关系、总分关系、递进关系以后学习把重点放在逻辑关系题4. 同义原则:在四个选项中,当两个或三个实词互为同义词时,答案往往在其中。当两个或三个虚词互为同义词时,往往都不选。当四个选项有一个共同的意思时,该意思往往不能够入选。1997年Manpower Inc., with 560,000 workers, is the worlds largest temporary employment agency. Every morning, its people 41 into the offices and factories of Americ

13、a, seeking a days work for a days pay. One day at a time 42 industrial giants like General Motors and IBM struggle to survive 43 reducing the number of employees, Manpower, based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is booming. 44 its economy continues to recover, the US is increasingly becoming a nation of par

14、t timers and temporary workers. This 45 work force is the most important 46 in American business today, and it is 47 changing the relationship between people and their jobs. The phenomenon provides a way for companies to remain globally competitive 48 avoiding market cycles and the growing burdens 4

15、9 by employment rules, healthcare costs and pension plans. For workers it can mean an end to the security, benefits and sense of 50 that came from being a loyal employee.41. A)swarm B)stride C)separate D)slip 42. A)For B)Because C)As D)Since43. A)from B)in C)on D)by 44. A)Even though B)Now that C)If

16、 only D)Provided that45. A)durable B)disposable C)available D)transferable 46. A)approach B)flow C)fashion D)trend 47. A)instantly B)reversely C)fundamentally D)sufficiently48. A)but B)while C)and D)whereas 49. A)imposed B)restricted C)illustrated D)confined 50. A)excitement B)conviction C)enthusias

17、m D)importance 动词题解题的六种方法1、看主语,注意主谓搭配的一致性(主要看主语是人还是物)主语必须是人的动词: believe、regard、think、be impressed by、 intend、require、doubt主语一般是物的动词:manifest2、看宾语,注意动宾搭配的一致性宾语怎样确定:、看宾语是人还是物跟人作宾语的动词:assure、impress跟物作宾语的动词:ensure、看宾语是抽象名词还是具体名词只能跟抽象名词作宾语的动词:enhance只能跟具体名词作宾语的动词:fasten、label、feed 既可能抽象也可跟具体名词作宾语的动词 :ti

18、ghten3、从动词及物或不及物的角度出发做题不及物动词: dispose、cope、speculate、approve、contribute 有时及物和不及物搭配不一样 4、根据主语和宾语的逻辑关系判定动词5、根据动词后的介词以及介词宾语判定答案6、根据能够对动词起到限制性成分来判定动词 (一般指形容词) 2001The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases 31 the trial of Rosemary We

19、st.In a significant 32 of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a 33 bill that will propose making payments to witnesses 34 and will strictly control the amount of 35 that can be given to a case 36 a trial begins.In a letter to Gerald Kaufman, chairman of th

20、e House of Commons media select committee, Lord Irvine said he 37 with a committee report this year which said that self regulation did not 38 sufficient control. 39 of the letter came two days after Lord Irvine caused a 40 of media protest when he said the 41 of privacy controls contained in Europe

21、an legislation would be left to judges 42 to Parliament.The Lord Chancellor said introduction of the Human Rights Bill, which 43 the European Convention on Human Rights legally 44 in Britain, laid down that everybody was 45 to privacy and that public figures could go to court to protect themselves a

22、nd their families.“Press freedoms will be in safe hands 46 our British judges,” he said.Witness payments became an 47 after West was sentenced to 10 life sentences in 1995. Up to 19 witnesses were 48 to have received payments for telling their stories to newspapers. Concerns were raised 49 witnesses

23、 might be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to 50 guilty verdicts.31. A as to B for instance C in particular D such as32. A tightening B intensifying C focusing D fastening33. A sketch B rough C preliminary D draft34. A illogical B illegal C improbable D improper35. A publicity B penal

24、ty C popularity D peculiarity36. A since B if C before D as37. A sided B shared C complied D agreed38. A present B offer C manifest D indicate39. A Release B Publication C Printing D Exposure40. A storm B rage C flare D flash41. A translation B interpretation C exhibition D demonstration42. A better

25、 than B other than C rather than D sooner than43. A changes B makes C sets D turns44. A binding B convincing C restraining D sustaining45. A authorized B credited C entitled D qualified46. A with B to C from D by47. A impact B incident C inference D issue48. A stated B remarked C said D told49. A wh

26、at B when C which D that50. A assure B confide C ensure D guarantee名词题五方法 形容词题四方法 副词题三方法名词题解题的五种方法1、名词作主语时,谓语或表语就是信息线索 2、名词作宾语时,谓语动词就是线索 3、根据名词前后的介词判定名词4、根据已有名词来判定已选名词5、当名词后面出现定语从句或同位语从句时,从句就是线索形容词解题的四种方法1、形容词作表语时主语就是线索2、有副词修饰形容词时副词就是线索3、当多个成分同时修饰一个名词时,答案就在修饰成分中4、当形容词修饰名词时,名词就是线索副词题解题的三种方法1、根据主旨做题2、

27、同义原则3、根据时态来判断做题顺序12步法、做题方法5种、重要语法现象做题顺序12步法1、先看选项,再看文章看选项:、利用红花绿叶原则做题 、使用同义原则 、重点做逻辑关系题 、看文章,做好and题,and前后要么选同义词,要么选同一范围 的词,要么用句子对应成分分析法做and题、做所有的not题、做表语题、做复现题、做动词题,名词题,形容词题,副词题、利用概率原则做题做题方法1、 关键线索定位法2、 句子对应成分分析法3、 时间线索定位法4、 生活常识解题法5、 总分结构解题法重要语法现象:定语从句三个词引导定语从句的情况:1、as :关系代词,引导定语从句,其先行词可以是单词,也可以是句子

28、。2、as引导的定语从句位置灵活3、在引导限制性定语从句的时候,as只能用在固定结构中,which却没有这样的限制。在引导非限制性定语从句的时候,用as表示主句与从句是顺承或一致关系,用which表示主句与从句是对立或否定关系。 He is honest as we know. As we know he is honest.1、than作关系代词引导定语从句2、than在后面的句子当中作主语3、主句必须要有比较级 I have many books _I displayed here. (which) I have as many books _I displayed here. (as)1

29、、but作关系代词引导定语从句2、主句要用否定式3、but相当于not.that 或not whoHe has more wine than is good for his health.完型填空4分技巧红花绿叶原则每次出现,每次都选的单词为红花词。每次出现,每次都不选的词为绿叶词。我们先确定下,红花词有哪些。比如说排名第一的however,在94年到08年的考题中出现了9次。每次出现基本上都选了。排名第二的also;红花词有5个。绿叶词:是见到后不选的词;排名第一的是:since,在15年的考试中出现了12次,屡出现屡不选。而且谁跟since谁倒霉,since家族都不选。同义词:eversince,nowthat一次都没选过。绿叶词:是见到后不选的词;还有两拨绿叶词,一个是涉及到虚拟语气的词.排名第一的是:if only ;要想了解这个词还有only if.only if 就是if ;但是if only 却不是only.only if 既不是红花也不是绿叶。if only或者I wish 后面跟句子,它后面的句子都是过去时态.这也是是否选者此词的依据。概率原则研究这么多年,完型填空中ABCD各有多少个.翻到121页即答案部分. 统计各个答案的出现次数和概

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