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1、高考英语翻译答案高三英语中译英专项班级_ 姓名_ 学号_ 成绩_ Daily Practice 1 1.调查研究表明男人戒烟比女人要容易些。(show)The survey shows that it is a bit easier for a man to give up smoking than it is for a woman. 2.这么多人在这次交通事故中幸存下来,真是一个奇迹。(a wonder)It is really a wonder that so many people have survived the traffic accident. 3.她把自己的成功全部归功于她家

2、人的支持。(owe)She owed her success entirely to the support of her family. 4.这份英语书面练习太难,一个普通初中生做不出。(tooto)This written English exercise is too difficult for an average/ ordinary junior high school student to do. 5.无论他如何努力,他似乎永远学不好物理。(seem)He seems never to learn physics well no matter / however how hard

3、he works.Or: It seems that he can never learn Daily Practice 2 1.为了满足旅游业的需要,上海最近几年建设了许多旅馆。(meet)Many hotels have been built in Shanghai to meet the needs of tourism in the past few years. 2.一定有人帮忙,否则他不可能这么快完成这项复杂设计。(or)Someone must have helped or he couldnt have finished this complicated design so s

4、oon. 3.我印象最深的是这一仪器的发明者是一位中学生。(impress)What impressed me most was that the inventor of this instrument was a high school student. 4.最重要的不在于别人怎么看待你,而在于你怎么看待自己。(notbut)What really matters is not how others feel about you but what you think of yourself.5.你认为我有必要在课余尽量多讲英语吗?(asas possible)Do you think it

5、necessary for me to speak as much English as possible after class. Daily Practice 31.要不了多久你就会掌握计算机的基本知识。(pick up) It wont be long before you can pick up the basic knowledge of the computer.2.一旦养成了抽烟的习惯,你会发现很难戒掉它。(once)Once you have formed the habit of smoking, you will find it hard to get rid of it.

6、3.你做出这道数学难题没碰到什么困难吗?(have trouble)Dont you have any trouble in working out this difficult math problem?4.如果我想沿河岸散步,你愿意跟我一起去吗?(if)Would you like to go with me if I want to take a walk along the river?5.杰克说他看过这本小说,但要说到细节,他却一无所知。(as to)Jack said he had read the novel, but as to the details he knew noth

7、ing about it. Daily Practice 41.你是否可能给他输血要看你的血型与他的血型是否相配。(depend)Whether you can transfuse blood to him depends on whether your blood type matches (with) his.2.在足球比赛中,守门员的职责是尽一切努力阻止对方队员进球。(effort)In a football match, the duty of a goal keeper/ goalie is to make every effort to prevent the opposite t

8、eam/ opponent team scoring goals.3.那个地区独特的自然风景每年吸引了来自世界各地的游客。(attract)The unique natural scenery of that area attracts tourists from all over the world.4.开车前禁止喝酒的原因是它会使司机的判断力减弱。(forbid)The reason why it is forbidden to drink before driving is that it will weaken drivers judgment.5.世界各国的领导人在会上就如何反对恐怖

9、主义发表了各自的意见。(fight)The leaders from different countries gave their own point of view on how to fight against the terrorism at the meeting. Daily Practice 51.从观众们的掌声判断,他的告别演出非常成功。(success)Judging from the applause of the audience, his farewell performance was a great success.2.尽管盲人失去视觉,但他们的触觉比正常人灵敏的多。

10、(sensitive)The blind lose their sense of sight, but their sense of touch is much more sensitive than normal people.3.那位拳击手在击倒对手后称世界上没有人敢向他挑战。(knock out)That boxer claimed that no one in the world dared challenge him after knocking out the opponent.4.一个刚从大学毕业的没有实践经验的人是很难找到一个高薪职位的。(difficulty)A man wh

11、o has just graduated from university without practical experience has difficulty in finding a well-paid job.5.“水往低处流”是个不可改变的自然法则。(flow)That ”water flows from a high place to a lower place” is a law of nature that we will not change. Daily Practice 61.非常感谢你给我提供了这么好的练习口语的机会。(appreciate)I appreciate yo

12、ur kindness in providing me with so good a chance to practice my oral English.2.他在求职面试中的出色表现给主考官留下了深刻的印象。(impress)His excellent performance in the job interview impressed the interviewer deeply.3.杰克逊先生在五年前的意外事故中双目失明,但他从未失去对生活的信心。(be blinded)Mr Jackson was blinded in an accident 5 years ago but he ne

13、ver lost his confidence in life.4.为了解决一系列的社会问题,他们决定在政府的支持下建立更多的养老院。(set up)They decided to set up more homes for the aged supported by the government to solve a series of social problems.5.各国政府必须采取措施来面对可能发生的灾难。(face)Action must be taken by the government to face the disasters which may occur in the

14、future. Daily Practice 71.你不能过分责备他,因为年轻人犯些错误是很自然的。(blame)You cant blame him too much, since it is natural for the young to make some mistakes.2.为了解决饮水问题,村民们集资挖了口深达60米的井。(asas)Villagers dug a well as deep as 60 meters by collecting money to solve the water problem.3.他查阅了各种资料想要了解番茄是何时引入中国的。(consult)He

15、 consulted different kinds of materials to learn when tomatoes were introduced into China.4.我非常佩服那些终年在沙漠地区勘探石油的人。(prospect)I admire those who prospect oil in the desert areas all the year round.5.在许多证据面前,那人不得不承认那是他第五次在夜里抢劫别人。(face)Facing may evidences, that man had to admit that it was the fifth tim

16、e to rob others at night. Daily Practice 8 1.我们现在努力学习的目的就是在将来为国家贡献一份力量。(aim at)That we work hard at present is aimed at contributing our part to the country in the future.2.所有的参考书只能在阅览室里看,不能带出去。(available)All the reference books are available only int the reading room and cant be taken out.3.据信这架飞机已

17、在那个小岛上安全着陆。(believe) It is believed that the aeroplane has landed on that small island safely.4.如果我们对自己的缺点视而不见,就不可能进步。(blind)We wont make any progress if we are blind to our faults.5.大量的砍树和使用杀虫剂肯定会扰乱生态平衡。(certain)It is certain that cutting down too many tress and using insecticides will disturb the

18、balance of nature. Daily Practice 9 1.为了弄清楚每个学生的不同需要,林老师利用整个暑假进行家访。(clear picture)In order to obtain a clear picture of every students different needs, Mr Lin spent the whole holiday visiting the students homes.2.我很高兴有机会用英语与外国人交流。(communicate)I am very happy to have a chance to communicate with fore

19、igners in English.3.许多市民向市长抱怨上下班时间交通堵塞。(complain)Many citizens complained to the mayor about the traffic jam in the rush hours.4.与人们预料的相反,那所大学女学生的比例正在下降。(contrary)Contrary to what people have expected, the proportion of girl students in that university is declining.5.短暂的犹豫便他失去了赢得奥运金牌的机会。(cost)A mome

20、nts hesitation cost him the chance to win the Olympic gold medal.Daily Practice 10 1.他成功地为自己的观点作了辩护,这给人们留下了深刻的印象。(defend)He defended his own point of view successfully, which left a deep impression on the people.2.他是否能成为复旦大学的学生,视入学考试成绩而定。(depend)Whether he can be a student of Fu Dan University depen

21、ds on the scores of the entrance exa.3.你昨天提出的建议值得进一步的考虑。(deserve)The suggestion you made yesterday deserves further consideration.4.我们必须开发我们国家的自然资源。(develop)We must develop the natural resources of our country.5.毫无疑问,环境对孩子的成长有很大的影响。(effect)There is no doubt that the environment has a great effect on

22、 the growth of children,. Daily Practice 11 1.关于他的旅行我不清楚,只知道他大概要离开三个月。(except)I know nothing about his journey, except that he is likely to be away for 3 months.2.那些想要出国的人,可能在获取签证的过程中遇到很大的困难。(experience)Those who want to go abroad may experience the great difficulty in getting a visa.3.他们总是为争论而争论,而重

23、未获得实际的结论。(forsake)They always argue for arguments sake and never reach a practical conclusion.,4.他们是通过电话而不是用书信的形式来保持联系的。(in the form of)They keep in touch with each other by telephone instead of in the form of letters.5.即将举行的物理考试据说有相当的难度,所以我们必须作好充分的准备。(be said)It is said that they coming physics exa

24、m will be rather difficult, so we should get well prepared for it. Daily Practice 12 1.人们对于那些乐于帮助他人脱离险境的人总是满怀感激之情。(grateful)_People are always grateful to those who are ready to help others out of danger. 2.像世界上其他语言一样,中文也在随着时代不断地变化。(keep)Chinese keeps changing with the time, like other languages in

25、the world. 3.他直到发明一种新药后,才在医学界一举成名。(not until)He didnt make his mark in the medical field until he discovered a new medicine.4.这房间里的湿气显然对孩子们的健康不利。(obvious)It is obvious that the dampness in the room does harm to childrens health._ 5.他从未想到解决的办法就在手边。(occur)It has never occurred to him that the solution

26、 is close at hand._ Daily Practice 13 1.他有可能来参加我们的晚会吗?(possibility)_Is there any possibility that he will come to our evening party?_ 2.我很遗憾地通知你,你不能胜任那工作。(qualify)_I regret to inform you that you are not qualified for the job there._ 3.很多人喜欢参观这个博物馆,它常常使人想起中华民族的古老文明。(remind)Many people like to go to

27、visit the museum, which constantly reminds people of the Chinese old civilization._ 4.孩子们很容易照着他们看到的样子做。(do the same as)Children are likely to do the same as what they have seen._ 5.他似乎已经意识到他本来不该那样做。(seem)He seems to have realized that he shouldnt have done that._ Daily Practice 14 1.这只箱子太重,没有四个男生帮忙是

28、不可能搬上楼的。(suchthat)This is such a heavy box that it cant be carried/ moved upstairs unless four boy students come to help._ 2.有消息传来说,他因为在物理方面做出了重大发现而被授予了诺贝尔奖。(word)Word came that he was awarded the Nobel Prize for his great discovery in physics._ 3.他的房间比我的房间大一倍,换句话说,我的房间只有他的房间的一半大。(in other words)His

29、 room is twice as big as mine, and in other words, my room is only half as big as his._ 4.人的一生不可能永远是一帆风顺的,你应该勇敢地面对一个又一个挑战。(face)A persons life cant be successful all the time and you should face one challenge after another._ 5.为了吸引更多观众,一位著名影星被邀请到了这节目。(appeal)To appeal a larger audience, a famous movie star was invited to the show._

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