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1、初中英语词组短语和句型归纳421八年级英语词组,短语和句型归纳1. work hard =study hard 努力工作/学习(work hard on /at sth.); 2. in class在课堂上,after class课后; 3. think of认为,觉得; 4. think about考虑,think out想出; 5. speak to sb.对。说; 6. talk to / with sb.与某人交谈; 7. talk about sth./ sb.谈论有关的。; 8. try to do sth努力去做某事; try doing sth.试着做某事; 9. try /

2、do ones best to do sth.尽力而为去做某事; 10. give sb. some advice给某人一些建议 ( a piece of advice, three pieces of advices ); advise sb. ( not ) to do sth.建议某人(不)做某事 11. try not to do sth.努力不做要做 12. the key to the door开门的钥匙 13. the answer to the question这个问题的答案 14. the way to the hospital通往医院的路 15. in pairs两人一组/

3、一对 ( work in pairs ) 16. in groups成组的 17. have a good / great / wonderful time = enjoy oneself玩得开心 18 help sb. with sth. = help sb. ( to ) do sth.帮助某人做某事 19. next to隔壁,紧挨着 20. close to ( come close to me )靠近 21. all the time总是,一直 22. in English23. say it in English用英语说它 24. each other互相 25. help wit

4、h each other互相帮助 26. learn from each other互相学习 27. take a deep breath做深呼吸28. pick up a book 捡起一本书( pick a flower摘花 ) 29. one the other(一个。另一个) 30. someothers一些。另一些 31. the other day另一天 32. take photos拍照 33. take a photo of拍一张。的照片 34. find out查出,弄清楚 35. look for sth.寻找。 36. find sth找到。 37. all over t

5、he world= around the world世界各地 38. take off脱下,起飞,删除 39. again and again反复的 40. dream of sth梦到。. 41. dream of doing sth.梦到做某事 42. travel around the world周游世界 43.sell out卖光,售完 44. hear about / of听说 45. in space在太空中 46. in the universe在宇宙中 47. go around围绕 48. so many stars这么多星星/明星 49. so much water这么多水

6、 50. in science在科学方面 51. at night(from 912am)在夜晚 52. in the night ( from 6pm6am)在夜间 53. on the radio通过电台/收音机 54. on the computer在电脑上 55. on TV 56. on the Internet 在因特网上 57. in the newspapers在报纸上 58. work on sth.从事。 59. hundreds of数百。 60. thousands of 上千。 61. millions of上百万。 62. billions of数十亿 (1)63.

7、 more than = over超过,多于 64. for example例如 65. such as比如 66. raise money筹钱 67. drop out of school = stop doing to school退学 68. be different from = be not the same as与。不同 69. pay for付款,pay sb. money for sth. 70. an 8-year-old girl = a girl of 8 years old一个8岁的女孩 71. in the last /past fifteen years在近15年里

8、 72. ask for a job找工作 73. ask a policeman for help向警察寻求帮助. 74. with the help of the teacher = with the teachers help在老师的帮助下 75. of course = sure = certainly当然 76. look after / take care of照顾; look after well = take good care of 77. thanks a lot = thank you very much 78. drink a lot喝得很多 79. on the fa

9、rm在农场里 80. in the fields在田野上 81. at the factory在工厂里 82. on / in the street在街上 83. on the road在路上 84. since then自从那时起 85. too much food / money太多的食物/钱 86. too many people / books太多的/书 87. give concerts举办音乐会 88. go to the / a concert去听音乐会, at the concert在音乐会上; go to a cinema去看电影, at the cinema在电影院里 89

10、. not only but also不仅。而且 90. sometimes = at times有时 91. now and then偶尔 92. play the piano / the violin弹钢琴/拉小提琴 93. play together一起玩 94. have a try = want a go = try试一试 95. have a party / meeting举办一个晚会/开个会 96. have a sport meeting举办运动会 / have a parents meeting开个家长会 97. make a pizza做匹萨饼 98. make tea泡茶

11、 99. meet sb. at the airport在飞机场接某人 100. Whats she like ? 她的性格如何? She is friendly / kind.她很友好。101. What does she look like ? 她长得怎样? She is pretty. /tall.漂亮/很高。 102. What is she ? = What does she do ? = What is her job ? 她是做什么的?She is a nurse.护士 103. have sth. to eat / drink有些吃的/喝的 104. have sth. to

12、do有事要做 105. introduce sb. to sb. else把某人介绍给其他人 106. cant wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事 cant help crying情不自禁得哭了 107. dance music舞曲 108. a warm coat保暖外衣 109. be proud of sb. / sth. = take pride in 为。感到骄傲 110. be the proud of是。的骄傲 111. get/ be angry with sb. ; be angry at sth 生某人的气 112. be afraid of sth./ doi

13、ng sth. ; be afraid to do sth. / that害怕某事/做某事 113. get good / bad marks = get good / bad grades获得好/不好的成绩 114. on the left / right在左/右边 115. on ones left hand / right hand在某人的左/右手边 116. go straight ahead直接向前走 117. go along / down沿着。 (2)118. go across the square走过广场 119. the Great Hall of the people人民

14、大会堂 120. a kind of 一种 121. all kinds of 各种各样的 122. different kinds of fishes / fruits不同种类的鱼/水果 123. kind of = a bit / a little一点儿 124. do some shopping = buy things买东西 125. go shopping = go to shop去购物 126. go shopping for clothes去买衣服 127. turn right / left向右/左转 128. at the corner of the street在街的拐角处

15、, in the corner of the room在房间的角落里, on the corner of the desk在桌角上 129 on a clear day在一个晴朗的日子里 130. at the crossing of 在。的十字路口 131. take the boat back = go back by boat坐船回来 132. the science lab科学实验室 133. live in peace和平生活 134. be in danger = be dangerous处于危险中; be in safety = be safe很安全 135. be in tro

16、uble有麻烦 136. It makes me sad / happy / angry.这使得我很沮丧/开心/生气 137. on earth究竟,到底 ( What on earth do you want to say ? 你究竟想说什么?) 138. in nature reserves在自然保护区里 on bamboo以竹子为食 140. rare animals稀有动物 141. offer to do sth主动提出做某事; offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb.主动给某人提供某物 142. something special特殊的

17、东西 143. decide to do = make a decision to do决定做某事 144. agree with sb同意某人 145. agree to do sth.同意做某事 146. plan to do计划做。 147. take place发生, happen发生(偶然性发生的事), sth. happen to sb.某人发生某事, Great changes have taken place in the past ten years in this village.这个村里近19年发生了巨大的变化。 What happened to you yesterda

18、y ?你昨天出来什么事? 148. be full of 充满的, The bus is full of people.这辆公共汽车装满了人。 149. be filled with充满的,The bottle is filled with sand.这个瓶子里装满了沙子。 150. fill. with用。装满, Please fill this bottle with sand.请把这个瓶子装满沙子。 151. give a wonderful / warm welcome to sb.热烈欢迎某人 152. in the twentieth century在二十世纪 153. on hi

19、s twenty-first birthday在他的第二十一岁的生日上 154. live on the fifth floor in this building住在这座楼里的第五层上 155. say goodbye to sb.与某人告别 157. say hello to sb.向某人问候 157. say “ yes” / “ no” to sb.对某人说是/不 158. play a joke on sb.与某人开玩笑 159. the high temperature高温 160. all day整天 161. take ones temperature量某人的体温 162. in

20、 the south of China = in South China在中国的南部,在华南 163. from time to time有时 164. depend on依靠,依赖 165. live on以。为生 166. at the moment = right now / now此刻,现在 (3)167. a pleasant trip一次令人愉快的旅行 168. Whats the weather like in London in spring ? = Hows the weather in London in spring ?伦敦的春天气候如何? 169. What will

21、the weather be like tomorrow ? 明天将会啥天气? 170. The rain is heavy. = its raining heavily / hard.= Its very rainy./ Theres a heavy / hard rain.雨下得很大。 171. What bad weather ! = How bad the weather is ! 多么糟糕的天气啊! 172. What a cold day ! = How cold it is !好冷的天啊! 173. It may be quite cool tomorrow. = Maybe /

22、 Perhaps it will be quite cool tomorrow.明天可能天气相当凉爽。174. You must be joking.你一定在开玩笑吧。 175. The best time to visit England is in spring.参观英国的最佳时间是在春天。176. Its a good idea to wear a warm coat.穿上保暖外套是个好主意。 177. Its great fun to go on holiday.去度假很有趣。 178. Its nice to swim in the sun.在阳光下游泳很好。 179. Im tru

23、ly sorry.我的确很抱歉。 180. You mustnt talk too loudly.你们不准大声讲话。 181. You must wrap hongbao in red paper.你必须用红纸包红包。 182. You can open your present immediately / at once.你可以马上打开你的礼183. hang on别挂断 184. do some cleaning打扫卫生 185. do some washing洗衣服 186. do some reading看书 187. eat noodles with chopsticks用筷子吃面条

24、 188. accept a present(自愿)接受礼物 189. throw about 190. throw away litter扔垃圾 191. on time按时,准时 192. in time及时 193. look up抬头看,向上看 194. look up a word in a dictionary在字典里查单195. look up some information on the computer在电脑里查信息 196. on the first day of the Chinese New Year在中国新年的第一天 197. meet him for the fi

25、rst time第一次见到他 198. speak to older people对长辈说话 199. tea with milk加奶的茶, Chinese tea with nothing中国清茶 200. leave without saying a word什么也没说就离开 201. get married to sb./ be marriedto sb.结婚 202. marry sb.嫁给某人/娶某人 203. be good / better / the best at sth.擅长与某事 204. do well / better / best in sth. 205. have

26、 problems doing sth.做。有困难 206. suggest doing sth.建议做某事 207. suggest + Object Clause从句(用于虚拟语气) , suggest that sb. should do sth. ( 其中that 和 should可以省略 ) 208. all together一起 209. beat sb. / ones class / ones team / ones country赢得。,打败。 210. win the match / game / competition赢得了。 (4)211. want to do sth.

27、, want sb. to do sth. 212. warn sb about sth.提醒某人注意某事,warn sb. (not) to do sth.警告某人(不)做某事 213. tidy up收拾,整理 214. take up占用 215. all the time一直,总是; all the same仍然 216. as well as并且,还; as well = too 也 217. come out出来,出版 218. as a result结果 219. sb. be interested in sth.某人多某事感兴趣 ; sth is interesting某事有趣

28、 220. at the end of在。尽头/底 221. by the end of到。为止/结束时 222. at last = in the end / finally最后,终于 223. in life在生活中 224. in fact = actually事实上 225. What do you think of ? = How do you like ?/ What does it feel like? 你认为。如何? 226. take sth to sb.把某物带去给某人 227. feel like doing sth. = want to do / would like

29、to do想做某事 228. bring sth. to sb.把某物带来给某人 229. far away遥远 230. hold a line等一下 231. whether or not是否。还是不 232. a couple of几个,一些 233. by the way顺便说一下, in the way用这个方法, on the way to school在去上学的路上, on ones way home在某人回家的路上 234. worry about , be worried about担心。 235. day after/by day 一天天的 236. year after

30、year年复一年 237. make friends with sb.与某人交朋友 238. turn back转身 239. take a message for sb.捎个口信给某人;leave a message for sb.留个口信给某人;have a message for sb.有个口信给某人; give a message to sb.给某人一个口信 240., sometime next week下周的某个时间 241. every time每次 242. get to know开始认识,渐渐认识 243. remember to do sth.记得要做某事244. reme

31、mber doing sth.记得曾经做过某事 245. so that以便 246. forget to do sth. , forget doing sth. 247. sometime某时 sometimes有时. some time一些时间, some times几次,几倍248. the early autumn初秋 249. as usual 像往常一样 250. smile at sb.对某人微笑 , laugh at sb.取笑某人 251. hear sb do / doing sth, see sb. do / doing 252. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事253. make sb + adj.(happy/sad)使某人开心/沮丧 254. Dont mention it.不客气255. look down 向下看 256. close down关闭,停止 257. in person亲自 258. have bread fro breakfast 早餐吃面包 259. join in加入 260. make sure 务必弄清楚 261. in the past 在过去 262. explain sth. to sb.把某事解释给某人 263. turn on / off打开/关闭 264. turn

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