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1、Words1Words & PhrasesWords & Phrases1. Advertising is an intensely c_ business. 2. Thousands of people c_ into the stadium to watch the final game. 3. The college is c_ the students hard for the summer exams. 4. Our shouts e_ through the silent streets. 5. The school had to close for lack of f_.6. E

2、_ drinking will do harm to your health.7. We regret to i_ you that your application has been rejected. 8. The investigation will i_ into the exact circumstances of the sale.9. It sounds a m_ (=good) idea.10. The m_ requirements for the job are a degree and two years experience.11. She s_ no pains to

3、 bring up the child.12. My child is very sky and s_ from meeting strangers.13. You ought to k_ better than to go swimming after a meal.14. The union made the company pay higher wages, which c_ _ the profits.15. He had no b_ saying those nasty things about her.16. At first the man wanted 120 yuan for

4、 his old bike, but e_ he s_ _ 100 yuan.17. The driver p_ _ by the side of the road to give an old woman a l_.18. Rice is a_ in the river valleys.19. It a_ _ 30 per cent of railway accidents.20. Dust had a_ during the weeks she was gone.21. To prove their theories, scientists a_ a certain amount of d

5、ata as evidence.22. The factory c_ coal at the rate of 400 tons a day.23. One last effort c_ defeat into victory.24. I have some British pounds that I would like to change into Chinese c_.25. Good health is largely d_ on the good nourishment.26. He d_ his money in the bank.27. The price is far in e_

6、 of what I can afford.28. Love and hate are two e_ of feeling.29. The two of them have f_ differences on this issue.30. Have you mastered the f_ of retail selling?31. They performed a series of experiments, which were all successful; h_ their theory is well supported.32. The bleeding must be coming

7、from an i_ injury.33. As the sun became warmer, the snow began to m_.34. We have enough r_ of food to last a year.35. We must make the best of our natural r_.36. The life of the farmers is g_ by the r_ of the season.37. Butter is cheap when it is p_, and d_ when it is scarce.38. The government decid

8、ed to d_ _ its gold reserves to get over the financial c_.39. A g_ loan showed the banks faith in Father and p_ him _ the business trouble.40. Scientists have a_ a new theory to explain this p_.41. The prisoner a_ to the judge for m_.42. The police a_ to people to drive slowly during the r_ hour.43.

9、 The health a_ are investigating the matter.44. The “Oxford English Dictionary” is the best a_ on English words.45. He bore a heavy b_ to raise his family after his parents died.46. I dont want to b_ you with my problems.47. The tree c_ a long shadow on the grass.48. He is not easily c_ _ (=depresse

10、d).49. The minister c_ the latest crime figures as proof of the need for more police.50. Only a c_ person would believe your stories.51. That new machine is very useful, but hes e_ when he calls it the greatest invention ever made!52. He is an e_ talented player in NBA history.53. I enjoyed all his

11、novels with the e_ of his last.54. He is giving her French lesson in e_ for English lessons.55. Just because you are rich, it doesnt f_ that you are happy.56. A ship appeared on the h_.57. The Prime Minister j_ the action of the Government.58. Do you think you are j_ in treating your old mother like

12、 that?59. You should make an o_ before writing a composition.60. The earthquake had been p_ several months before.61. He wrote a p_ to this book.62. She p_ her talk by apologizing for being late. (=She p_ her talk with an apology.)63. Hunger p_ him to steal.64. She was very p_ in answering my letter

13、.65. They were p_ to respond to out call for help.66. She came in and a_ she was going to get married.67. My mind kept s_ from the discussion to other things.68. I always put my left shoe on first; Im s_ about it.69. This book is too t_; I need a practical guide.70. His diary t_(s_; c_) light on lif

14、e in England in the seventeenth century.71. The company is b_ out a new sports car.72. Many new books have been b_ out these years.73. Difficulties can b_ _ a persons best qualities.74. In an e_, the Smiths can f_ _ _ their savings.75. They are traveling to France b_ _ _ London.76. Say something by

15、_ _ an apology.77. The tournament is open to a_ as well as p_.78. The robbery occurred in b_ daylight, in a crowded street.79. She c_ me with neglecting my duty.80. How much do you c_ for mending the shoes?81. He was arrested on the c_ of murder.82. Several companies are c_ against each other for th

16、e contract.83. He is not c_ to look after the children on account of his carelessness.84. He d_ (=turned down) an invitation to dinner.85. He enjoys challenge so he chose a d_ job.86. He is a d_ boss who is not easy to satisfy.87. Thousands of people d_ against the price increases.88. Can you d_ wha

17、t you said just now?89. She was angry at being d_ the chance to see the manager.90. He earned an i_ amount of money.91. How can you be i_ to the sufferings of starving people?92. The corridor was j_ with people and luggage.93. Her o_ left the tennis court in tears.94. The o_ feature of Guilin is its

18、 beautiful scenery.95. Newspapers play a p_ part in public life.96. The young writer has recently come to p_.97. The villagers agreed u_ to build a new bypass.98. His laziness c_ _ _ him; he failed in all his final exams.99. As Tom would not accept the salary I could offer, I have no a_ but to give

19、the job to someone else.100. The new policy of the government will b_ the m_ of the people.101. Fresh air is b_ to health.102. One should not b_ ones friends.103. Dont try to c_ anything from me.104. His bike was stolen and i_ _ he had to walk home.105. You shouldnt act c_ to the doctors advice.106.

20、 The President pledged to fight government c_.107. The doctors d_ is whether he should tell the patient the truth or not.108. The newspapers e_ the activities of the secret organization.109. He has made a g_ mistake.110. Newspapers are i_ daily.111. Mother o_ that the prices were too high.112. He wa

21、s p_ to be a captain.113. An accident r_ him helpless.114. He is an u_ stranger to me.115. I fearlessly u_ what I think is the highest truth.116. Our hostess went to great l_ to make sure we were comfortable.117. Please r_ from smoking during the performance.118. I was a_ in the book and didnt hear

22、you call.119. That school puts more e_ on reading.120. Air is i_ to life. (A balanced diet is i_ for good health.)121. You may find i_ style in his paintings.122. The police are making i_ about the crime.123. She i_ after my mothers health.124. Our i_ shows that the enemy is advancing.125. The queen

23、 was wearing a m_ silver dress.126. The company m_ toys.127. Many factories sell m_ goods abroad.128. The animals broke l_ and ran away.129. This is not the o_ picture, but just a copy of it.130. He was a brilliant and o_ teacher.131. He reads Tolstoy in the o_.132. She was found in p_ of drugs.133.

24、 His nationality isnt r_ to whether hes a good lawyer.134. He tried to r_ himself laughing.135. Please keep the cards in s_.136. The office was t_ from Belfast to Dublin.137. The accident of the factory u_ the need for better safety standards.138. The advantage c_ in its simplicity.139. We can r_ hi

25、s statement to three simple facts.140. He a_ me of his readiness to help.141. This medicine will e_ you (=make sure that you get) a good nights sleep.142. I rest a_ that she will succeed.143. There are often d_ changes in the international situation.144. Because she has a f_ manner, shes slow in mak

26、ing friends.145. People here are really nice and h_.146. Dont cheat her, for she is such an i_ girl.147. Dont be m_ with the tip; the waiter is such a nice young man.148. The young actress is very m_ about her success; she says it is as much as the result of good luck as of her own abilities.149. Ha

27、ving found a mistake in his calculation, the engineer was o_ to do the work all over again.150. Their villa o_ the sea.151. Such a mistake shouldnt be o_.152. The doctor will be here p_.153. The doctor is p_ writing a book.154. Mike s_ in despair at the thought of the opportunities he had missed.155. Cook the meat for a long time so that its really t_.156. Several major firms are known to have t_ for the construction of the new airport.157. The government is inviting t_ for building a new oil pipeline from Sco

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