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1、雅思口语第二三部分周末班雅思口语第二三部分Stage 2 The Long Talk (3-4 minutes) Describe a website you often visit You should say: what it is how you learned about it what it contains And explain why its so useful. Stage 3 the two-way discussion (4-5 minutes) 1) What do you think is the advantage and disadvantage of the I

2、nternet? 2) Do you think using the Internet is good for children? 3) In what ways has the Internet changed education? 4) What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying things on the Internet? 5) Do many people take advantage of e-commerce in your country? 雅思口语第二阶段 出题范围: 很广 题目范例 Describe your id

3、eal house You should say: What type of houseWhere you would like it to beHow you would like to decorate it And explain why you like that kind of house.Important Notice! 1)强烈建议用好一分钟的准备时间,写出 outline 2)不要遗漏题目要求。最好是按照题目的提示一步一步往下说,能多说一点的多说一点,不能多说则少说点,总之所有要点均需覆盖 3) 不要因为被考官打断而影响情绪,因为考官打断你一般是因为时间限制。4)根据题目判断

4、所需的时态。考察的技能:考生在规定的时间根据题目的提示和要求准备并描述 人,物,地,事的能力 People cards1) Tell me about a person you like to talk to. (a school friend) You should say: Who the person is How often you talk to him/her What you like to talk about/what is your subject And explain why you enjoy spending time with him/her 2) Tell me

5、 about an interesting old person you know. You should say:Who s/he isHow old s/he is What sort of person s/he is How you met him/her Why do you find s/he is interesting And explain how you feel about this person. 3) Tell me about a leader you admire in politics, business or sports. You should say:Wh

6、o s/he is How you knew him/her What he did And explain why you admire him/her. 4) Describe a person who helped to take care of you when you were a child. You should say: Who took care of you How long did s/he took care of you How s/he looked after youAnd explain whether you liked him/her. 5) Tell me

7、 about a famous person who is important in your country. You should say: Who s/he is What s/he does What s/he is famous for Why s/he is important 6) Tell am about someone you want to be similar to You should say: Who the person is/was What kind of person s/he is/was How you know him/her And explain

8、why you want to be similar to him/her 7)Tell me about someone you know who has helped a lot of people You should say: Who s/he was How you know him/her What s/he did to help others And explain what you think of him/her Exercise 1 Tell me about a person you like to talk to. You should say: Who the pe

9、rson is How often you talk to him/her What you like to talk about/what is your subject And explain why you enjoy spending time with him/her Outline: Exercise 2 Describe a person who helped to take care of you when you were a child. You should say: Who took care of you How long did s/he took care of

10、you How s/he looked after youAnd explain whether you liked him/her. Outline Event/Experience Cards 1) Describe a family event you enjoyed (such as a birthday, wedding, or family dinner) You should say: When and where it was What was the event for What happened during the event And explain why you en

11、joyed it so much. 2) Tell me about an outdoor activity you like. You should say: What it is Where you do it How often you do it And explain why you like it 3) Describe a lesson or a training session you enjoyed. You should say: What it was when and where it was What the teacher taught and what you l

12、earned And explain why you enjoyed it. 4) Tell me about a job you would like to do in the future You should say:What it is What preparations you need to makeWhat difficulties you may encounter And why you want to do the job5) Tell me about a small business you want to start in the future You should

13、say:What kind of business What kind of people you want to employ Where you want to start it And explain why you want to start it 6) Describe a gift you sent to someone recently You should say: What was the gift who you gave it to why you chose the gift How s/he felt about the gift. 7) Describe a spo

14、rt event you enjoy watching You should sayWhat it is Where you usually watch itWith whom you watch it And explain why you enjoy it 8) Tell me about something you lost You should say:What you lost When and where you lost it. Why you lost it And explain how you felt. 9) Tell you about an activity you

15、enjoyed as a child You should say: What is was Who you did it withWhich part you took And explain why you enjoyed it10) Tell me something youd like to succeed in in the future. You should say: What it is What difficulties you might have in achieving the successWhat you need to do to prepare for it A

16、nd whether you think you can achieve the success. 11) Describe a situation where someone gave you important advice. You should say: What was the situation Who gave you the advice What was the advice And explain what the advice meant to you. 12) Tell me about an impressive journey/trip you have exper

17、ienced You should say:How did you travel (by car/train/plane) Why you went there When you took the journey And explain why you still remember it so well. 13) Tell me about a new and exciting activity you have experienced. You should say:What you did When and whereWho you did it with And explain why

18、you enjoyed it 14) Tell me about an occasion when you were late for an important event You should say:When it was What you were late forWhy you were late And explain what was the result 15) Tell me about a project (or assignment) you ever did in your study.You should say:what was the project or assi

19、gnment how you did it what was the easy and difficult part of it And explain whether you enjoyed it (Why or why not) 16) Tell me about a recent change in your life. You should say: what is it what causes this changewhat is the result of this changeAnd explain why the change is importantSample 1Tell

20、me about an occasion when you were late for an important eventYou should say:When it was What you were late for Why you were late And explain what was the result Id like to tell you about my experience of being late for an English class. It happened on a Tuesday afternoon about two months ago, when

21、I was doing an English training course in BISU.(介绍事件发生的时间,地点)On that day, I had classes all morning, and after I had lunch, I felt a bit tired, so I took a nap, but I overslept and was twenty minutes late for the first class in the afternoon. It was the writing class. (谈为什么迟到,迟到了什么课)As a punishment

22、for my being late, the teacher asked me to sing an English song, but I couldnt sing any English songs, so I sang a Chinese song instead. I didnt sing very well and all my classmates laughed at me. I felt so embarrassed at that moment. After I finished singing, the teacher let me take my seat. And th

23、ats all about the story. (谈迟到后发生了什么)It was really one of the most embarrassing experiences Ive ever had in my life. The important lesson it taught me is that its really disgraceful to be late. From that time on, I was never later for class, and actually I was usually the first one to class. (183)Sam

24、ple 2 Tell me about something you lost You should say:What you lost When and where you lost it. Why you lost it And explain how you felt. A few months ago, I had my bike stolen in my neighborhood. (开门见山,说出你要讲什么)I like to ride my bike to get around if its a short distance. So, that morning, I cycled

25、to the supermarket to get some drinks, and after I got back, I parked my bike downstairs. And in the late afternoon, I wanted to go to a restaurant to have supper, but when I got downstairs, I found my bike was gone. And I immediately realized that it must have been stolen, because only I have the k

26、ey to the bicycle. And I remember clearly that I locked it. (谈被盗的经过)I didnt call the police, because it was a second-hand bike and it had no license. And it wasnt worth much. I got it only for 100 RMB. But I was really annoyed by the detestable thief and I swore at him hundreds of times in my heart.

27、 (谈发现被盗后自己的反应)Every day there are lots of strangers coming into the neighborhood I live in. The security guards never check their identity. So, its easy for bike thieves to come in and do their job and then ride the bike away. Maybe I should tell my thought to the neighborhood security and ask them

28、to do something about it. (207)(谈自己对这次被盗事件的感受)Exercise 1 Describe a family event you enjoyed (such as a birthday, wedding, or family dinner) You should say: When and where it was What was the event for What happened during the event And explain why you enjoyed it so much. Outline Exercise 2 Describe

29、 a gift you sent to someone recently You should say: What was the gift who you gave it to why you chose the gift How s/he felt about the gift. Outline Things Cards 1) Describe a language besides English youd like to learn. You should say: What languageWhat you know about the language Why you want to

30、 learn it And explain how you will learn it 2) Describe your favorite type of weather You should say: Whats the weather likeHow you feel in this kind of weatherWhat you do in this kind of weather And explain why you like it so much. 3) Describe a postcard or email youve received in the holidayYou sh

31、ould say When you received itWho it was from What it containedAnd explain how you felt when you received it 4) Describe a photo that is important for you. You should say: What it was about When did you take it Who took it for you And explain why you like it/its so important for you. 5) Describe a kind of useful electrical appliance equipment you use in your work or life other than the computer. . You should say:When you started to use it How you learned to use it.How often you use it And explain how impor

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