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1、高校图书馆的服务创新与大学生的素质教育中英文对照高校图书馆的服务创新与大学生的素质教育中英文对照Service innovation of university library and the quality education of college students. In both Chinese and English 【论文摘要】现代大学在教育创新、培养创新型人才和大学文化生成的过程中,学校图书馆担负着极为重要的地位和发挥重要的作用。本文在阐述高校素质教育内涵的基础上,肯定了高校图书馆在大学生素质教育中的优势,分析了高校图书馆服务中存在的问题及原因,进而提出了高校图书馆必须积极开展服务

2、创新,树立服务补救意识,提高馆员的职业素质,实行个性化服务等措施,从而为大学生的素质教育提供保障。【 abstract 】 in modern university education innovation, cultivating innovative talents and university culture in the process of generation, the school library for the extremely important position and play an important role. Based on the illustration o

3、f the connotation of quality education in colleges and universities, must have the advantages in college students quality education in university library, analyzes the problems existing in the service of university library and the reasons, and proposed the university library must innovate service ac

4、tively, establish the consciousness of service recovery, to improve the professional quality of librarians, implement personalized service measures, which provide guarantee for the quality education of college students. 【论文关键词】高校图书馆;素质教育;服务创新;个性化服务【 key words 】 university library; Quality education;

5、 Service innovation; Personalized service 高校图书馆是知识、情报、信息的传播中心,是学校进行素质教育的主要阵地之一,在大学生素质教育中有着特殊的地位和作用。所以,高校必须结合自身办学特点大力抓好图书馆的建设,以促进素质教育的开展与深化。University library is the spread of knowledge, intelligence, information center, is one of the main position of carrying out diathesis education in higher school

6、, in college students has a special status and role in quality education. Therefore, colleges and universities must be combined with their own school-running characteristics strongly pays special attention to library construction, and to promote the development of quality education and deepening. 一、

7、高校素质教育的内涵First, the connotation of quality education in colleges and universities 素质教育是一种全新的教育理念,是以提高人的素质,进而服务于社会为目的的教育,即以提高国民素质、实现社会发展目标为宗旨的教育。国务院关于深化教育改革全面推行素质教育的决定明确提出,高等教育实施素质教育要以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为重点,要让学生感受、理解知识产生和发展的过程,培养学生的科学精神和创新思维习惯,重视培养学生收集处理信息的能力、获取新知识的能力、分析和解决问题的能力、语言文字表达能力以及团结协作和社会活动的能力。Qua

8、lity education is a kind of brand-new education idea, is to enhance peoples quality, and service to the society for the purpose of education, namely, to improve the national quality, realize the goal of social development for the purpose of education. Department under the state council about deepeni

9、ng education reform and comprehensively promote quality education decision clearly put forward that higher education to implement quality-oriented education to cultivate students innovation spirit and practice ability as the key point, to let students experience and understand the process of knowled

10、ge generation and development, cultivate the students scientific spirit and innovative thinking habits, pay attention to the training students ability to collect process information, acquire new knowledge, analysis and problem-solving skills, language ability and solidarity and collaboration and the

11、 ability of social activities. 二、高校图书馆在大学生素质教育中的优势Second, the advantages of university library in the college students quality education (一)资源优势(a) resource advantage 高校图书馆具有丰富的各种载体的馆藏资源,为开展素质教育提供了物质基础。丰富的馆藏资源吸引着求知欲望强烈的大学生,大学生可通过多种渠道和手段来获取自己所需要的信息,为素质教育提供了充分的保障。University library has a rich collecti

12、on resources, all kinds of carrier provides a material basis for quality education. Rich collection resources to attract college students seeking knowledge desire strong, college students can through various channels and means to get their required information, provides quality education with full g

13、uarantee. (二)技术优势(2) technical advantage 高校图书馆现代化设备比较完备,为大学生素质的培养提供了技术保障。高校图书馆借助丰富的知识存储和先进的计算机应用技术向大学生提供各种文献信息服务,通过各种手段和途径收集信息,开发网络资源,电子阅览室、视听室、多媒体阅览室为大学生提供查阅信息资源的场所,先进的信息检索设施为学生提供了实践的手段。Modern equipment relatively complete, the university library provides technical support for the cultivation of th

14、e students quality. University library with rich knowledge storage and advanced computer applications technology to college students to provide all kinds of literature information service, through various means and ways to gather information, develop network resources, electronic reading room, multi

15、-media room, multimedia reading rooms for college students to provide access to information resources, advanced information retrieval facilities provides a practical means for students. (三)人员优势(3) personnel advantages 高校图书馆拥有一批理论和实践丰富高信息素质的馆员,他们具备加工、处理和组织、检索信息能力,敏锐的信息意识,熟练使用各种信息工具,他们是大学生素质教育的领航员。Uni

16、versity library has rich theory and practice, higher information literacy of librarians, and their processing, processing, and organization, retrieval, information ability, keen information consciousness, skillfully use all kinds of information tools, they are the students quality education of the p

17、ilot. (四)环境优势(4) environmental advantages 图书馆高雅的文化环境和文明的服务氛围,对培养大学生良好的思想道德起着决定性作用,使他们在学习中领会人生的真谛,调适自己的偏颇,约束自己的行为,逐渐完善自我,提高自身素质。对学生来讲,这种教育行为是一种无声的示范,是潜移默化的促进,能激励学生树立良好的学风和积极向上的人生态度。Library service atmosphere of elegant culture and civilization, to the cultivation of college students good ideological

18、and moral plays a decisive role, make them understand the true meaning of life in the study, to adjust their own bias, constraints on their behavior, gradually improve themselves, improve their own quality. For students, the education behavior is a silent demonstration, is gradually promote, can mot

19、ivate students to establish a good style of study and positive attitude towards life. (五)辅助优势(5) supporting advantages 图书馆是学校师生进行科学教研的辅助基地,图书馆的教育形式与课堂的教育是完全不同的。从某个角度来说,目前我国的课堂教育是为完成教育任务和达到某一种标准学术要求而进行的教育,是被动教育。而图书馆教育是根据学生的爱好、兴趣,对课堂教育给予补充的教育,是课堂教学的延伸,其教育形式更为灵活,既能通过图书资料帮助学生在专业领域里迅速提高,又能拓宽学生的知识面,培养学生的独

20、立性、创造性和开拓性。Library is the assistant of school teachers and students for scientific research base, library education form and education to the classroom is completely different. From a certain perspective, the current classroom education is to complete the education mission and reach a certain standa

21、rd of academic requirement for the education, is a passive education. And library education is based on students hobbies and interests, to supplement of classroom education to education, is the extension of classroom teaching, the education form more flexible, can through the books and materials to

22、help students increase rapidly, in the professional field and to broaden students knowledge, cultivate the students independence, creative and pioneering. 三、高校图书馆服务中存在的问题Third, problems existing in the service of university library (一)馆员服务意识淡薄,责任心不强。(a) service consciousness, the sense of responsibi

23、lity is not strong. 流通工作是图书馆工作的核心,“读者第一,服务至上”是图书馆工作的宗旨。但是由于根深蒂固的“以书为本”意识,部分馆员还存在着“我是图书的管理者,而不是服务者”的观念。接待读者态度傲慢,由于精神不集中,往往把读者要还的书漏还,而读者借的书却没有读进计算机,续借的书当还书处理了。有时工作人员操作不当,进行借阅操作时未能认真核对每一笔扫过的记录,及时清屏,发生漏还或漏借现象,甚至将后一读者的书借到前一位读者的借书证里了。Current work is the core of library work, reader first and service supre

24、me is the aim of the library work. But due to the deep-rooted to book for this consciousness, some librarians there is I am the master of books, rather than service idea. Receive readers of arrogance, due to lack of concentration, often the reader should also book leakage, and readers borrow books b

25、ut I did not read into computer, renew the books when also dealt with. Sometimes workers improper operation, carries on the lending operations failed to seriously check the record of every swept clear screen in time, leakage or leakage phenomenon also occurs, even after a readers borrow books to a r

26、eader in front of the library card. (二)读者不了解排架方法而随取随放(2) the reader does not understand shelving method and take over 由于读者缺少图书分类知识和不了解馆藏排架方法,查找图书都是看书名的多,按图书分类法查找的少。一些读者在查找图书时,发现一本好书后随手将手中的图书随意放在书架里,造成错架;还有读者在查阅图书时无目的随意取书,一下子拿下几本书,比较之后或拿不定注意而随意乱放“不需要”的图书,使得这些书很难回到原架位,造成错架的现象。Because the readers lack

27、of book classification knowledge and understand the library shelving method, find books are read a book name, according to the classifying books for less. When some readers to find books, found a good book at hand will be in the hands of the books on the shelves at random, the fault plane; With read

28、ers in consult books without a purpose casually pick up a book, suddenly had a few books, after comparing or feeling a little attention and optional place no need books, may make it harder for these books to return to the original position, caused the wrong phenomenon. (三)有意藏匿(3) deliberately hide 由

29、于借阅册数有限,一次不能把自己喜欢的图书全部借走,但又怕别的读者把这些图书借走,于是读者有目的地将其所需图书收藏在另类书架的隐蔽处,以方便自己下次借阅,造成错架的现象。Due to borrow royalty co., LTD., one cannot borrow all of their favorite books, but again afraid other readers borrow these books, so the reader has a destination will be the required books collection in alternative

30、bookshelf shelter, to facilitate their next time to borrow, caused by the wrong phenomenon. (四)乱架产生馆读矛盾(4) random pavilion read odds 在开架模式下,读者可以直接进库翻阅、查找图书,因而图书书标容易破损、残缺、脱落,工作人员没能即时修补。因为图书书标不清晰,读者无法将书放回原位而胡乱放在别的书架,以致检索到可供出借的图书时却找不到书。馆员疏于巡库,错架、乱架图书没有及时调整归位;有的图书因丢失、剔旧或者因破损下架,而又没能及时更改数据库的记录,出现了查询记录和实际情

31、况不一致的矛盾。In open mode, the reader, the search can be directly into the library reading books, and books in the label easily damaged, incomplete, fall off, the staff failed to instant repair. Label is not clear because the books, the reader cannot put back the books and on other shelves at random, so

32、the retrieved available to lend the books but cant find the book. Librarians failure to cruise library, wrong shelves, shelves books with no timely adjust the place; Some books lost and carved old or damaged shelves, and failed to change the database records, a query records and contradiction is inconsistent with the actual situation. 四、高校图书馆要积极开展服务创新,为大学生的素质教育提供保障Four, university library should actively carry out service innovation, which guarantees the quality education of college stude

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