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1、11 第三中学七上英语期中考第三中学七上英语期中考2013-2014 年上半学年广州市第三中学初一年级英语科期中考试卷笔试部分五、语音辨别(共 10 题,每小题 1 分;满分 10 分)A)请找出选项中划线部分的字母组合与所给音标发音相同的单词,并在答题卡上将该项涂 黑。()16.16./u:/ B.about B.must B.stands B.cook C.mouth C.card C.drinks C.foot D.around D.other D.plays D

2、.food B)请指出下列各句中哪个单词划线部分的字母发音与其他单词划线部分的字母发音不同。()20.20.The Chinese teacher eats breakfast at the break time.A B C D ()21.21.The boy enjoys playing with toys.A B C D ()22.22.The German girl sat on the grass with her dog.A B C D C)请指出下列各句中划线单词的重音位置与其他划线单词不同的选项。()23.23.The hungry animal got its present-

3、a banana-below the table.A B C D()24.24.Many people around the world keep a diary.A B C D ()25.25.My Geography teacher asks us to write a report on pollution.A B C D 六、单项选择(共 15 题,每小题 1 分;满分 15 分)()26.26.My uncle is _ engineer.His favourite hobby is playing _ badminton.A.a;the;the;/D.a;/1

4、()27.27.Meimei is not happy these days,so she _ goes out to play.A.sometimes B.usually C.seldom D.always()28.28.-_ are they talking about?-They are walking about their trip.A.Who B.Whose C.What D.Which()29.29.-Oh,so many people in the park.-Nobody likes to stay at home _ this sunny B.on

5、 D.for()30.30.Its important for us _ another foreign language.A.learning learning C.learns learn()31.31.Tina is a good dancer.She is good at _.A.dancing B.dances dance()32.32.They are _ books and we are all _ in them.A.interested;interested B.interesting;interestingC.inte

6、rested;interesting D.interesting;interested()33.33.Would you like _ to the cinema with me this Sunday afternoon?A.going B.go go D.goes()34.34.-_ you have something to eat?-No,I _.Maybe Helen _.A.Do;doesnt;do B.Do;dont;does C.Do;do;does D.Does;doesnt;do ()35.35.There isnt any _ in the fridge.We

7、need to go to the supermarket.A.oranges B.milk C.eggs D.dumplings()36.36.-Mum,there is _ rice in the box.Do you want me to get some?-Oh,you dont need to.We have _ noodles instead.A.a few;a few B.a little;a little C.little;a few D.few;alittle()37.37.I will do _ best to help C.mine D.mys

8、elf()38.38.Mike does his homework and _ to play football after school every day.2 go B.go C.goes D.went()39.39.-Do you like playing tennis?-No,_ I like football.I play it every day.A.and B.but C.or didnt say _ about you.A.something bad B.anything bad C.bad something D.bad anythi

9、ng 七、完形填空(共 10 题,每小题 0.5 分;共 5 分)What is the best way to study?This is a very important question.Some Chinese students often _41_ very hard for long hours.It is a _42_ habit,but it is not a good way to study.An efficient(高效率的)student must _43_ enough sleep,enough food and enough rest.Every week you

10、_44_ to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places.Its good for your _45_.When you return to your study,youll find yourself _46_ than before and youll learn more.Maybe we can _47_ that learning to study is _48_ taking Chinese medicine(中药).We dont mean its bitter(苦的).We mean that lik

11、e Chinese medicine,the efficiency of your study comes _49_ but surely if you _50_ a good way to study.() C.sleep D.think()2.A.worse B.better C.good D.bad()3.A.have C.make D.want()4.A.want B.hope C.need D.hate() B.stronger C.fatter

12、inner()7.A.say B.guess D.know()8.A.about C.from B.slowly C.easily D.difficultly()10.A.give B.believe C.use D.discuss 八、阅读理解(共 20 题,每题 1.5 分;共 30 分)3(A)Most young people like to go to rock concerts these days.They like the loud and exciting sound of the music and they

13、enjoy the excitement of a big concert.Rock stars usually have a different style.Their music is exciting and different,and the way they dance and dress makes them popular with young people.The words of rock songs are usually quite simple,but the music itself is complex(复杂).But some rock stars have pr

14、oblems after they become famous.They dont know what to do when they suddenly succeed,and they often start to drink or take drugs(毒品).Then their health becomes bad.Some,like Elvis Presley(猫王),died at a very young age because ofdrugs.51.Most young people like _ these B.noise C.rock music

15、D.drugs47.52.A big rock concert can make young people _.A.sad B.happy C.unhealthy D.excited53._ simple.A.The words of rock songs are B.Rock stars are C.The styles of rock stars are D.Rock music is 54.What may happen after some rock stars suddenly become famous?A.They become unhealthy.B.They dont kno

16、w what to do.C.They begin to drink a lot.D.All the above.55.What is NOT true about Elvis Presley?A.He was a pop star.B.He died when he was old.C.He took drugs.D.He had a bad health.(B)Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land again.They want to bring water to the deserts,so people can

17、 live and grow food.They are learning a lot about the deserts.But more and more of the earth is becoming deserts all the time.Scientists may not be able to change the deserts in timeWhy is more and more land becoming desert?Scientists think that people make deserts.Peopleare doing bad things to the

18、earth.4 Some places on the earth dont get much rain.But they still dont become desert.This is because some green plants are growing there.Small green plants and grass are very helpful to dry places.Plants dont let the hot sun make the earth even drier.Plants dont let the wind blow the earth away.Whe

19、n a little bit of rain falls,the plants hold the water.Without the plants,the land can become a desert much more easily.56.“desert”means _.A.a large sandy area where plants cannot grow easilyB.a large area of land covered with trees,a large woodC.a piece of flat countryD.a very high hill57.Land is b

20、ecoming desert little by little(渐渐地)because _.A.plants cant grow thereB.there is not enough rainC.people havent done what scientists wish them to doD.scientists know little about the deserts58.Which is the main idea of the first paragraph?A.Scientists know how to change desert into good land.B.Land

21、is becoming desert faster than scientists can change it back into good land.C.If scientists can bring water to desert,people can live and grow food there.D.More and more places are becoming deserts all the time.59.After reading this,we learn that _.A.plants can keep dry land from becoming

22、 is good to get rid of(去除)the grass in the desertsC.all places without much rain will become is good to grow crops on dry land60.We can find the article in a _.A.novel B.dictionary book D.guidance book(C)5 There were three brothers,John,Jack and James.Every year on their mother

23、s birthday,they sent her expensive presents.They liked to show her how rich and successful they were.The oldest brother,John,was the richest of the three and he wanted his mother to know this.I must give her something that is the only one in the world,John thought.He advertised(登广 告)in the newspaper

24、s.Wanted-the best gift for the woman who has everything.For many days his telephone did not stop ringing.People phoned him from all over the world.They wanted to sell him“the best gift”.However,they did not have anything that was the only one in the world.Then,less than a week before his mothers bir

25、thday,a man came to his office.He was carrying a large bird.“This bird,the man said,can speak ten languages and sing any popular song.There is no other bird like it in the world.I will listen to it,John said.If you are telling the truth,I will buy the bird from you.The man asked the bird to talk to

26、him in French,tell him a joke in Japanese and sing a famous popular song.The bird did as the man said.John paid one hundred thousand dollars for the bird.Then he sent the bird to his mother with a birthday card.The day after his mothers birthday he phoned her.Well,Mother,he said,What did you think o

27、f the bird?Oh,it was delicious,dear,she said.61.Why did the three brothers send their mother expensive presents?A.Because they liked buying presents.B.Because they wanted to show her how rich they were.C.Because their mother liked expensive presents.D.Because she would be angry if they didnt buy her

28、 presents.62.What did John want to buy for his mother?A.The most expensive present in the world.B.Something his other brothers had not given her.C.A perfect that was the only one of its kind in the world.D.A delicious bird.63.Why did so many people phone John?A.Because they wanted to sell him beauti

29、ful things.B.Because they wanted to borrow money from him.6 C.Because they wanted to sell him the best presents.D.Because they wished his mother a happy birthday64.What did his mother do with the bird?A.She learned how to speak French.B.She cooked and ate it.C.She sang a famous popular song.D.She le

30、t it fly away.65.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A.A rich man B.A clever bird C.Mothers birthday D.Adelicious present(D)Picture Show Films at the Museum TheatreThere are 12,000 pictures on show here.Two European(欧洲的)films on SaturdayYou can see the whole Chinese history!afte

31、rnoon at the Museum Theatre.See BrokenPlace:City Museum Window at 2:30.The Workers is at 4:45.ForPrice:¥30 more information,call 498-7898.Time:9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.Monday-Friday International Picnic Do You Want to Hear“The Zoo”?Are you tired of eating the same food“The Zoo”,a popular rock group fromev

32、ery day?Come to Central Park on Saturday Australia,will give their first US concert(音乐and enjoy food from all over the world.会)this Saturday night,at 8 at Rose Hall,CityDelicious and not expensive.College.Noon to 5:00 p.m.66.On Saturday afternoon,you can _.A.see two films B.go for a picnicC.go to a

33、concert D.see a picture show 7 67.You can enjoy a concert if you _.A.go to the City Museum B.go to the City College C.go to the City Theatre D.go to the Central Park68.“The Zoo”is _.A.a place with many animals in it Australia music group C.from the U.S.D.going to give their concert on Sunday night69.Lily is free on Friday,she can _.A.see a picture show B.see two European films C.have a picnic

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