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1、8AUNIT1Unit1 Friends教材分析:本单元的主题为朋友,Comic Strip部分通过Eddie 和Hobo两只小狗的对话,激发学生对本单元的兴趣,引出友谊与分享的主题;Welcome to the unit 中介绍了朋友的一些品质,旨在提前教授一些新的单词和短语。阅读部分以青少年杂志的三篇题为”Best friends”竞赛作文为例,为学生更多地展示了好朋友的优秀品质,进而激发学生对朋友的认识及对友谊的思考。词汇部分训练学生使用形容词来描述人物的相貌。语法部分旨在引导学生进一步认识形容词,学习并掌握形容词比较等级的构成和运用;另外,还通过调查户外活动的语境展示了“(not) a

2、s + adj. + as这个结构的用法”。综合技能中,Millie和Sandy谈论了他们的未来计划,进而巩固所学知识。学习技能以一封学生诉说苦恼的信,教授学生在阅读时,如何寻找文中的要点和关键词,以便更易于理解和记忆。中心任务鼓励学生用所学词汇描述自己最好的朋友,以次训练学生的听、说、读、写一系列技能。检测部分通过一个班级的调查和一篇日记的阅读,复习了运用形容词来描述人和物的知识。教学目标:通过谈论自己朋友的外貌和优秀品质,学习正确使用形容词,在此基础上,进一步学习并掌握形容词比较级和最高级的构成和使用,在反复练习中不但增进了朋友间的交流和了解,也使友谊得到升华和巩固;同时,通过词汇的学习、

3、综合技能的训练、学习技能的了解和任务的完成,使学生各个方面的能力得以提高。教学重点和难点 教学重点:1.学习描述朋友的外貌和品质. 2.形容词比较级和最高级的构成和使用 3.学会用“(not) as + adj. + as”这个结构比较两个人或物教学难点:1.形容词比较级和最高级的构成和使用 2.怎样写描述朋友的文章 学情分析和教学建议朋友和友谊这个话题,对学生来说从来都不陌生,在经过一年的学习之后,他们已经积累了很多描述人的外貌和品质的词汇,所以谈谈他们最好的朋友对学生来说不是难事,从身边的朋友着手,便于激发他们的兴趣。教学中教师可以采用多种教学策略,创设贴近生活的情境,利用教学挂图及制作的

4、多媒体课件来展开课堂Work alone, Pair work, Group work 的口语交际活动。词汇教学可以通过事物或者图片进行,引导学生进行描述,增加对词汇的理解;听力与口语教学以角色扮演、模仿对话或复述短文为主,强调对主要信息的获取和输出;阅读教学可以帮助学生把短文变成对话,降低难度,然后过渡到复述短文或模仿描述;写作教学以填空造句、模仿写作为主;语法教学旨在引导学生掌握规律,反复模仿操练,对于不规则形容词的比较等级的构成,提醒学生要进行比较记忆,并经常复习。课时安排:10课时Period1:Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 教学目标:1. 能用适

5、当的词描述人的外貌和性格特点。2. 能简单的说出好朋友所具有的好的品质。教学重、难点:能用形容词合理形容人的外貌和朋友的品性。教学准备:录音机教学步骤:Step1 Warm-up T shows the pictures and introduce some places of interest and animals in Beijing.Ss talk about people in the photos with the adjectives describing appearance and personality, such as friendly, helpful, kind, p

6、olite, clever, etc.Step 2 Presentation T: There are some more words to describe people. For example, we can say Yao Ming is good-looking. But we never say hes beautiful! We dont use beautiful to describe a boy or a man. If someone likes music or is good at music, we say he or she is musical. Teach “

7、good-looking” and “musical”. Step 3 Practice 1) Play a guessing game. Ss describe their best friends in the class and guess who are talked about.2) Ss complete the table in Part B, P7. Then work in pairs to exchange their ideas and have a debate. Sentences can be used:I think my good friend should b

8、e very becauseI agree. / I dont agree with you because Its quite important for a friend to be ? Do you think so? I dont think my good friend must be very 3) Teach “sad”, “believe”, “honest” and “joy”.Ss complete Part A, P7 and report individually.4) T explains some language points.Step 4 Presentatio

9、n1) T: Whos Eddies good friend? Why?T plays the tape of the Comic strip and Ss try to find out the answer to the question.(Hobo is Eddies good friend because they always share things with each other.)2) Ss read the Comic strip and answer the questions:a) What does Eddie give Hobo?b)What does Hobo wa

10、nt?c) Do you think Eddie is a true friend? Why?3) Ss read the dialogue in pairs and try to act it out.4) T explains some language points.Step 5 Practice1) Ss act out the dialogue and they are encouraged to add in something they like.2) Discuss: Who do you like better as a friend, Eddie or Hobo? Why?

11、3) Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about their good friends.Step 6 SummarizeT: Today we have learned some important qualities about a good friend. It seems that we all think appearance is not so important, but a friend should be helpful and honest. And I hope everyone can be like that and you wil

12、l have more friends.Step 7 Homework1) Describe a good friend of yours with the words and phrases learnt in this lesson.2) Finish the Workbook exercises.Period2: Reading (1)教学目标:1. 能谈论各自的朋友2. 能用所学知识和方法表达朋友的品质3. 通过讨论朋友的外貌和品质,增进朋友间的了解教学重难点:能用形容词的各种形式形容人的外貌和朋友的品质。教学准备:录音机教学步骤:Step 1 Revision. T: Yesterd

13、ay we learnt to talk about friends, can you tell me 1) What are the most important qualities of a good friend?2) What are the very important qualities of a good friend?3) Whats your good friend like?T: Is your friends appearance very important to you?Ss: No.T: Good. We should never judge a person by

14、 his appearance or clothes. But itll be good for you to learn some words to describe your friends appearance, right?T shows the pictures and teaches “shoulder-length”, “slim” and “poor eyesight”.Step 2 PresentationT: I have a good friend. Do you want to know her? What do you want to know about her?

15、Shows a picture. Describe my good friend. Introduce some new expressions:As tall as; be willing to; have a good sense of humor; feel boredStep 3 PracticeSs do Part B2, P9 individually. After checking the answers, T asks some Ss to give some more details about the appearance of each person in the pic

16、tures.Step 4 Presentation 1) T: Teenagers magazine is holding a writing competition about good friends. Some students have written some entries for it. Please read and find out whether the following statements are true or false.T plays the tape recorder for the Ss to repeat.Ss read and do Part C1, P

17、10.2) Ss read the articles again and do Part B1 on their own.3) Fast readingPlease read and find out their main qualities.1-generous, helpful2-humorous (have a good sense of humor), funny3-true friend, kindStep 5 Read for detailsT: What do we usually write about when we describe our friends?Ss: Appe

18、arance, personalities T: Yes, in which paragraph do we usually write about the appearance?Ss: Paragraph 1.T: And in Paragraph 2?Ss: Personalities.T: Right. We also call it personalities. In the 3rd paragraph we can write about their behaviors or future plans.Complete a table after reading their entr

19、ies once more.Step 6 Retell 1) T: So we have got a table about them. And you have known a lot about them. Can you say something about them according to the information in the table. 2. Give Ss 3 minutes to prepare3. Ask 2-3 Ss to retell the three articles. Step 7 Practice1. Ss do Part C2, P10 and fi

20、nd out who each of the personalities will vote for and fill in the blanks. Then check the answers by asking and answering in pairs Who will Amy/ Simon/ Sandy vote for?2. Ss vote for one of the best friends described in the articles and tell the reason why. 3. Ss do a class vote for a best friend. Wr

21、ite a brief description about a person they consider as a best friend. Read some of the descriptions and then vote for one of them. Explain why they vote for that particular person.Step 8 HomeworkRetell the articles about the three best friends.Period3: Reading (2)教学目标:1能谈论各自的朋友2能用所学知识和方法表达朋友的品质3通过讨

22、论朋友的外貌和品质,增进朋友间的了解教学重难点:能用形容词的各种形式形容人的外貌和朋友的品性。教学准备:录音机教学步骤:Step 1 Revision1)T: For yesterdays homework I asked you to vote for a best student in your class. Now can you tell me your choice and your reason? Please describe that person in details and lets guess who it is. Then we can vote for him or

23、her, OK?2)T: Yesterday we also met three friends in Teenagers Magazine. Theyre Betty, Max and May. How much do you remember them?Ss have a group competition by answering questions about Max.Step 2 RetellingAfter the Qs, T leads Ss to tell the main idea of the passage, try to give them some help if n

24、ecessary.Step 3 Language pointsT: now lets look at some useful expressions in the passages.Give Ss some phrases for them to translate:1) She is as slim as I am.她和我一样苗条。as+形容词/副词的原级+as他不如我高。 He isnt as tall as I .他做作业和我一样认真。 He does homework as carefully as I do.我昨天到家不如我姐姐早。 I didnt get home as early

25、 as my sister yesterday.2) be willing to do sth. 愿意做某事我们愿意为希望工程筹集物品。We are willing to collect things for Project Hope.3) any time 随时,任何时候如有问题,随时给我打电话。 If you have any problem, call me any time.4) be ready to do sth./ be ready for sth. 乐于做某事;准备好做某事(状态)雷峰总是乐于助人。 Lei Feng is always ready to help people

26、.我准备好考试了。 Im ready for the exam.get ready to do/ for sth. 为作准备(动作)5)someone/people in need 需要帮助的人 We are in need of water. 我们需要水。 患难朋友才是真朋友。 A friend in need is a friend indeed.6) because of/becausebecause 后跟从句 because of 跟短语(sth/doing sth)因为下大雨,我们没做早操。We didnt do morning exercises because it rained

27、 heavily.We didnt do morning exercises because of the heavy rain.7) knock sth off 把某物从撞翻他把那个杯子从桌子上撞落下来He knocked the cup off the trable.8. bored/ boringbored (人感觉)无聊,乏味 boring (某物)无聊乏味乏味的会议使大家都感到很无聊。 The boring meeting made everyone feel very bored.9.have a good sense of humor = be very humorous 很有幽

28、默感10. a true friend 一个忠实的朋友11. worry sb. 使某人担忧12. keep a secret 保密13. say a bad word about sb. 说某人坏话说人坏话是不礼貌的。 Its not polite to say bad words about others.Step 4 Homework1) Ss can tell the main ideas about the three articles.2) Ss finish the exercises in the Workbook.Period4: Vocabulary 教学目标:1. 会用形

29、容词描述人的外貌。2. 会用恰当的词描述男孩或女孩。教学重难点:学会用合适的形容词描述朋友 教学准备: 1. 人物图片2. 写有形容词的卡片 教学设计Step 1 Warm-upT gives Ss 6 sentences to describe a person on the paper. Step 2 Presentation1) Teach “build” and “height”.2) Ss look at the pictures and learn more words to describe appearance. They try to find out what the wo

30、rds are used for- build, height, etc.Step 3 Practice1) Ss do Part A, P11.2) Ss find out more to describe- eyes, face, etc.3) Ss describe the people in the pictures with the words they have just learnt and each time theres something new added in.Step 4 Presentation1) T gives Ss some adjectives to des

31、cribe girls or boys.Girls:beautiful, pretty, lovely, slimBoys:handsome, good-looking, smartSs do Part B, P11.2) T: Now weve learnt a lot of words to describe girls and boys, face and hair, etc. Lets have a group competition. Please write down as many words as possible in the given time according to my instructions. You must listen carefully and make sure youre writing the right words. For example, if I ask you to write some words to describe hair, you cant write round or square, OK?a) Would you please write some words wh

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