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1、五年级英语上册14单元知识点归纳与练习题新广州版2014五年级英语上册1-4单元知识点归纳与练习题(新广州版) dule 1 HbbiesUnit 1 hats ur hbb?一、兴趣爱好的词组:pla puter gaes, pla usi, llet staps, eep pets, ae del ships, read bs, tae phts, ae aes, plant trees, gr flers, stud plants, listening t usi, singing, daning, draing, pla the pian, pla hess, pla basetbal

2、l二、句型:1 hats ur hbb?2 D u lie? es, I d / N, I dnt3 I lve/lie4 I en (favurite) hbb is 6 is (favurite) hbb7 Is ur hbb eeping pets? es, its / N, it isnt三、重点精析:1 lve/lie/en ding sth 喜欢做某事如:I lie listening t usi 我喜欢听音乐。他喜欢集邮。 _2 hbb is ding sth 我的爱好是如: hbb is reading bs 我的爱好是看书。我爸爸的爱好是拍照。 _3 re than 多于 ,

3、 超过 fr 自于如:I have lleted re than 3 hundred staps fr 20 untries 我已收集了自二十个国家的300多张邮票。ane有九十多本英语书。 _4 ever 每一的,每个的ever da 每天 ever night 每晚 ever ear 每年 ever Frida 每周五 during + 时间 表示在某段时间里 during da 在白天 during the suer hlida 在暑假期间6 se f + 名词 中的一些如:Se f the students are fr Aeria 这些学生中的一些自美国。【即时演练】一、根据句意及首

4、字母补全单词。1 I have a _ plane It an fl high2 I lie plaing usi e_ da3 Des he lie _ staps4 I lie siing d_ hlida Xialings hbb is _ del ships She has _ t_ 0 ships二、选择。( ) 1 D u llet _, Sin ? A stap B staps stapes D stapps ( ) 2 _ stap is hbb A llet B llets lleting D lleted ( ) 3 hbb is _ A sing B singing si

5、ngs D singings( ) 4 D u have _staps fr hina? A se B uh little D an ( ) These are se staps _ anada A f B fr at D n ( ) 6 Is there a birthda ard _ e? A f B fr fr D n ( ) 7 Tinna _lts f staps A have B has having D haves( ) 8 Des he lie an staps? A es, he des B N, he desnt lie es, he lies D N, he dnt 三、

6、选词填空。 abut fr during than 1 These letters are _ apan 2 Lts f students en plaing puter gaes _the inter hlida 3 It is _ne hundred eters lng 4 There are re _ 3 students in lass nt d lleting fr have A: Hell, d u llet staps? B: es, _staps is hbb These are staps _anada A: D u _an staps fr hina? B: N, I _

7、_四、阅读短,正确的写“T”,错的写“F” dad rs fr nda t Frida in a ban he uses the puter t unt ne His b is ver iprtant in the banDad is als bus at he At eeends he s dinner Usuall he s Italian fd n Sundas he aes five piees f pizza Seties he s hien and aes hinese fd u athes and helps hi I help dad, t I ash the dishesan

8、 peple thin it is strange fr a an t But dad ens his hbb ing relaxes hi He is a eeend ( )1 fathers b is using puter t unt ne in a ban( )2 father usuall s hinese fd( )3 I help father dinner and ther ashes the dishes( )4 father desnt lie ing( ) n Sunda he aes fur piees f pizzaUnit 2 His hbb is draing一、

9、短语:rite stries, d se reading, eep dus and hiens, dra artns二、句型:1 hats ies hbb? His hbb is 2 hen des ie usuall dra? He usuall dras 3 hat des ie give his friends fr their birthda?4 hat present des A give t T? hat des she ant t d hen she grs up? She ants t be a riter三、重点精析:1 gr up 成长,长大 ant t d 想要做如:he

10、n Lu grs up she ants t be an English teaher 当露丝长大后,她想成为一名英语教师。当我长大后我想成为一个画家。 _2 ver uh 非常,很,十分如:r u an pla the pian ver uh 吴先生很会弹钢琴。anent很喜欢收集邮票。 _3 begin t d sth 开始做某事他开始学英语。 _4 be in truble 有麻烦,处于不幸,陷入困境 如:hen u are in truble, the ill help u 当你是处在困难中的时候,他们会帮助你。【即时演练】一、单项选择 ( ) 1 This stap is _ hin

11、aA t B fr in ( ) 2 D u _ staps ?A llet B lleting ae ( ) 3 anet _ _lts f staps _ 20 untries A have, in B have, fr has, fr ( ) _ at the pl is hbb A Si B Siing Sis ( ) D u lie _ t usi?A listen B listening listens ( ) 6 D u have _ staps fr hina ? A se B an an ( ) 7 lleting staps is _ A hbb B lie lve ( )

12、 8 Plaing ftball _ hbb A is B a are ( ) 9 There are se ards _ anada A in B f fr ( ) 10 D u ant _ t hina A t g B g ging二、用所给词的正确形式填空。1 I lie _ (tae) phts2 This birthda ard is fr _ (I) ther3 A ant _ (g) fishing n Saturda4 ie _ (nt lie) taing phts hen Dave _ (gr) up, he _(ant) t be a 6 _ (dra) isnt hbb

13、 hbb is _ (llet) staps I have re than 200 _(stap) fr 30 _ (untr)7 ie taes his _ (lur) penils and _ (dra) a piture8 Sa lies _ (pla) ftball, but his brther _ (d nt) lie it三、根据具体情况回答问题。1、hats ur hbb?_2、D u lve plaing ung fu?_3、hat d u ant t d hen u gr up?_4、hats ur fathers hbb?_、Is ur hbb aing del ship

14、s?_ 6、hen d u ften read bs?_四、写作。 请谈谈你的爱好或你朋友的爱好,写一写,不少于五句话。_ dule 2 AbilitiesUnit 3 I an si ver fast一、词组:read fast, up high/far, run fast, sing ell, dane ell, help hildren learn, gr fd fr peple, get nes fr peple, ae ahines fr peple二、句型:1 I an si ver fast2 hat an u d? I an 3 an he run fast? es, he a

15、n N, he ant4 I gd at draing hat are u gd at?三、重点精析:1 be gd at sth / ding sth 擅长某事,擅长做某事他擅长画画。 _2 lets = let uslet sb d sth 让某人做某事如:Lets g siing tgether 让我们一起去游泳吧。让他帮你。 _3 help sb d sth 帮助某人做某事如:h an help hildren learn? 谁能帮助学生学习呢?你能帮我做家务吗? _4 fr 为了工人能够为人们建房子。 _ hpe t d sth 希望做某事如:I hpe t see u again

16、我希望再见到你。他希望冬天会下雪。 _6 praise 赞扬,赞美,表扬 praise fr 因为赞美如:He praised her fr her urage 他赞美她的勇敢。7 be prud f 自豪,为而骄傲如:I a prud f being an English teaher 我为作为一名英语教师而感到骄傲。你的父母为你感到骄傲。 _【即时演练】 一、用所给的词的正确形式填空。1 hat an u _(d)? 2 I an _(lean) the lassr 3 sister an d an things at he, s she is ver _(help) 4 ther an

17、_ () the eal Teahers an _(帮助孩子学子)6 Lets _(一起去游泳)7 Dtrs an _ (帮助病人)8 Are u _ (擅长)plaing tennis? 9 rers an _(ae) ahines fr peple10 He hpes _ (in) a prize fr his tea二、从AB三个选项中选择合适的答案,把序号填写在题前括号内。( ) 1 _ an u d? A hat Bh here ( ) 2-an u dane ell? - _ AI an sing ell Bes, I d es, I an ( ) 3 _ u helpful at

18、 he? A D B Are an( ) 4 Let her _ the dr A pens B lses pen( ) I a a gd b I an _ parents d se huse r Ahelpful B help helping ( ) 6 hat an I d _ u? Af Bfr t ( ) 7e an help _ A her B she he ( ) 8 -an ur father pla basetball? -_ A es,she an Bes,he ant N,he ant ( ) 9 He ften helps _ lean the r Ae B I ( )

19、10 He usuall _ anials _ his sisterAdra, ith B dras, ith dras, fr三、对答如流。( )1hat an u d? A es, he is( )2D u lie siing? B N, I ant( )3Is he gd at singing? I an ash the ind( )4an u ater the flers? D Running is hbb( )hats ur hbb? E N, I dnt( ) 6 Des he help hi? F es, he desUnit 4 an u d her?一、句型:1、an u d

20、 her? es, I an N, I ant2、h gives iain a present?3、hat ill he d? He ill bee a ln 4、h an help e?二、重点精析:1、spea + 某种语言如: an u spea hinese?2、d nes her 做家庭作业他经常在晚上八点钟做作业。 _3、tal ith sb 与某人聊天 tal abut 谈论某事你们在谈论什么? _我喜欢跟你聊天。 _4、ae sb d sth 使某人做某事如:He alas aes e laugh 他总是让我大笑。我父母使我每天看新闻。 _【即时演练】 一、选择题。( )1、h

21、at _he d n Sunda?A、d B、des 、is ( )2、hat _u lie fr lunh? A、are B、d 、des ( )3、H an peple are there _ ur fail?A、in B、n 、ith ( )4、Everne _siing ver uh A、lie B、lies 、liing ( )、_ tie is it n?A、H B、hat 、hen ( )6、Its tie _lunh A、fr B、t 、fr have ( )7、She ill _t the par this rningA、ges B、g 、ging ( )8、an ur br

22、ther_?A、 B、ing 、s ( )9、u an _ in the par A、si B、sleep n the benh 、tae a al ( )10、an u help us _ ? A、lean the r B、leaning the r 、leans the r ( )11、I an sing _A、gd B、ell 、bad ( )12、an u help _, ie?A、he B、hi 、his ( )13、Lets help ur father _the flersA、ater B、aters 、atering( )14、hat an he d? A、He des his

23、 her B、He an up high 、He ants t run( )1、an I tae a b? A、es, f urse B、es, u are 、es,I an( ) 16、A is gd at _A、des the lng up B、d the lng up 、ding the lng up( )17、an u _hinese? A、sa B、tell 、spea( )18、The an _ plaing ung fu A、is gd at B、are gd at B、is gd fr( )19、I lie _str A、spea B、tell 、telling( )20、Le

24、ts _ a al in the par A、ging B、g 、ges二、将问题的编号写在相应答语前的括号内。( ) 1 hats ur favrite fd? A I ften pla ping-png( ) 2 hat d u have fr dinner? B e have English and art ( ) 3 hat d u d n Sundas? I lie fish ( ) 4 hat da is it tda? D I have fish and rie ( ) hat lasses d u have n ndas? E Its ednesda ( ) 6 hats sh

25、e lie? F Shes tall and thin ( ) 7 hat is ur bbb? G He an run fast ( ) 8 hat an he d? H His hbb is plaing usi三、阅读理解根据下面短内容判断句子正误(正确写T;错误写F)。 naes hn I have a happ fail e an d huser father an the eals ther an ash the lthes brther an ash the dishes sister an set the table I an put aa the lthes I lve fail( ) 1There are fur peple in hns fail( ) 2hn has a brther He an set the table ( ) 3hns father an the eals ( ) 4hns lthes are dirt, his brther an help ( ) hn has a happ fail

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