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1、雅思口语机经2011年02月19日雅思口语机经考试日期:2011.2.19Part 1Introduction1.Tell me something about your work?2.Tell me about your studies?City3.Tell me about the city you come from.4.What do you think about the lifestyle in the city? Cooking5.Do you like cooking?6.When do you usually cook?Reading7.Do you like to read

2、 book?8.How much time do you spend in reading book?9.When you were young, what kind of book did you like to read?10. What kind of book do you like best?11. What do you usually read? Why?12. What is your favorite magazine?13. What kind of newspaper do you have in China?House14. What are the requireme

3、nts for your house decorations?15. Is the place you are living good for your child? Why?16. Do you know your neighbors? If not, Why?School17. How long have you been a student?18. What do you enjoy most about your studies?18. Why did you choose this university?19. What is your major in your universit

4、y? Why did you choose it?20. Why did you choose this school?21. How long have you been a college student?22. Tell me something about your campus life?23. Do you prefer to be a student or to be a working person? Why?TV program24. What kind of TV program do you like when you were younger?.Hometown25.

5、Is your hometown good for raising a child?Transportation26. What kind of transportation do you usually take and why?27. How to improve the transportation system in your country?28. How is the traffic in your hometown?29. How much do you spend on transportation? Is the fare high?30. How to improve th

6、e traffic problem?Communicating31. What kind of communication do you prefer?32. How often do you use telephone?33. How often do you write an email or letter?34. Which do you prefer to use telephone or email?35. Do you prefer to send an email or write a letter? Why?36. When do you use telephone?37. D

7、o you prefer to have a face to face communication or to communicate by phone?Clothes38. Do you think clothes is important for you? 39. What is your opinion about clothes?40. When do you wear formal clothes?Household Chores41. Do you think it is necessary for a child to help in household chores? Why?

8、42. Is there any changes in your household chores now?43. What kind of household chores did you do when you were a child?Shopping1.How do people shop now?2.What is the difference between the way people shop before and now?3.Do you like shopping?4.Do you often go shopping?5.Do you think that modern p

9、eople spend too much time on shopping?6.What kind of shop do you like?Language1.Did you learn your English well?Film1. What type of film do you like?Computer1.Do you use computer?Relax1. Do you think to it is important to relax?2. How do you usually relax?Friend1. Do you like to make friends with pe

10、ople?2. What kind of friend do you like ?3. Talk about a interesting experience of making a friend.4. Do you need a long time to know a person?Season1. Which season do you like? Why?Family1. Does your family always treat you as a child? 2011年02月19日雅思写作机经考试日期:2011.02.19图表作文图表种类线图来源:图表The line chart s

11、hows the number of music CDs brought from different places in an European country.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.图表要素回忆此次小作文柱线图属于较常见的图形,难度不大。三根线分别显示了supermarket,Internet,music shop的CD销售情况。 议论文话题类别社会类考题文字:Some people think t

12、hat women should play an equal role as men in military force or police force, others say women are not suited for such kind of work. Discuss both side and give your own opinion.本次写作考试点评:线图虽然是比较熟悉的图形,但是考生也要注意对趋势与数量的对比进行多样化表达。大作文关于关于女性服兵役的问题,属于老题但是有一定难度。提问方式属于讨论类,考生可以清晰地写出文章的结构框架。另外,尤其是高中考生一定要注意自己社会现象

13、和信息的及时补充。2011年02月19日雅思阅读机经考试日期2011.2.19Reading Passage 1考试大中国教育考试门户网站(wwwExamda。com)Title:BondiBeach来 源:Question types:T / F / NG; Short Answer; Matching大致内容介绍澳大利亚的海滩的发展史,说到原来发展的不好,后来因为受英国的海滩影响逐渐发展起来,再后来举办了悉尼奥运会。Reading Passage 2Title:Womens EducationQuestion types:段落Matching;人名Matching; Summary大致内容

14、讲对于女性接受大学教育的文章,哪些国家允许,哪些不允许,还讲了好几个例子关于女性成功读书,并有所成就的。介绍女科学家的发展,说原来在欧洲女的不允许学Science,但是意大利的一个XX学校开创了先河,一个XX女性是第一个这个学校毕业的科学家然后讲她的贡献,以后又讲了大概3个女科学家的故事,都是先介绍她的背景,再讲她的贡献。Reading Passage 3Title:Transport in UKQuestion types:Heading; Multiple Choice; T / F / NG大致内容讲道路交通状况,交通拥挤的情况如何改善,以及公路运输的成本问题。点评:本次阅读考试题型中,

15、Matching题目数量占主流,填空题数量也较多,选择数量偏少,第二篇文章较简单,第三篇普遍反映较难,学生的做题时间比较紧张。教师应指导学生在备考中做好Matching题型的时间分配,强调Matching题型的做题顺序和技巧。2011年02月19日雅思听力机经考试日期2011年02月19日Section 1版本号场景题型NewConsultingCompletion详细说明讲爬山的,一个男的咨询类似课程,分为初级,中级,高级等类似的课程,然后有时间和针对的训练目的不一样。1-10填空题1. safety2. Tuesday3. 1 hour4. wall / rock5. 256. Thurs

16、day7. summer8. not include transports9. prevention10. supervisionSection 2版本号场景题型NewTravellingChoice / Matching详细说明一个desert travel agency的介绍。都去哪里,在那里都能干些什么。前面选择,后面地点配对都能干什么。考试大论坛11-13选择题11-13. A, A, C14-20搭配题14-20.选项live in tent accommodation, mountain climbing, horse riding和wild animals。Section 3版本

17、号场景题型V06130 S3TutorialChoice / Completion详细说明一个女生essay got a low score, she felt so depressed, tutor给她分析她论文的不足,并告诉她正确准备论文的步骤。21-24选择题21.论文分数为什么低?The grade is so bad because:选C.缺乏好的证据来支持论点didnt support the essay with evidence.22.老师对她example的advice? Problem with examples:选B.有些例子不合适Some of them are ina

18、ppropriate.23. Jen find it extremely difficult to:选C. Decide how much detail to include24. Professors suggestion:选A. Try to read in other readers standpoint25-30填空题写essay的步骤25. Decide the purposeof the essay26. what reader knowsand expects27. Collect only relevantmaterial28. Use one sentenceto summa

19、rize the whole essay29. Write a outlinenote30. Write first draftSection 4版本号场景题型V08125=V08231S4ChemistryCompletion详细说明利用太阳能进行水净化31-40填空题31.一些地下水,海水因为有太多的 salts所以不能使用(可能这里salts是指多种矿物质,不是盐,所以用的复数)32. SW40可以用在hospitals33.虽然这个SW40比较好用,但是它purify water too slow34.这个设备的推广使用得到了哪个组织的协助 Health International35

20、. SW40 can output 9 litres water in a sunny day.(先出现了7 litres,可能是一般天气情况下的,但是在一个气温大于18度的晴天里就是9 liters)36. A SW40 can support the water use of a family(先出现了一个man每天用多少的水,后来出现了个family)来源:考试大翻页后面是一个流程图,题目中间没有停顿37. clip made of glass.38. SW40和水平面的夹角是12.539. UV射线 can destroy germs40.一个管子滴水到一个圆心的桶里,这个桶叫什么?w

21、ater tanks综合点评两新两旧,难度适中2011年02月17日雅思听力机经考试日期2011年2月17日Section 1版本号场景题型V07141 S1TravelCompletion详细说明1.第3次来这个地方2.他最喜欢这个地方的什么,他说了一堆可以直接忽略,最后说but如果只选最喜欢的一个他选weather3. most impressive place最喜欢的地方,Town Hall4.为什么喜欢food?quality来源:5.问他怎么来的,他说他想搭train,不过他是乘plane来的6.然后好像开始问他年纪了,有三个组,他说他刚过了40岁生日,所以应该是over 407.旅

22、游的种类:mid-range,忘了问什么了8.次来的目的,他又说了一通以前来是business,这次是tourism9.对accommodation的看法还是对旅馆的看法:good value10.他的职业,又说了很多,干过这个又干过那个,如果一定要确切的说,他是computer programmerSection 2版本号场景题型NewMovieTable Completion / Choice详细说明(场景概述)一个电影院的老板介绍电影院的发展和电影推介。考试大论坛第一个有图,让选现在那个电影院的位置是?电影院在Market的哪里第二个选择是说这个经理在最近2个月引进了什么东西?第三个是说

23、这个电影院超值的MEMBERSHIP中含什么,之后是一张表格,是三场电影的介绍什么时候放,在哪放,影片的一些介绍,和一些相关活动备注。Section 3版本号场景题型NewCourse discussionChoice / Matching详细说明(场景概述)是一个小学妹问她学长和学姐问题。前面两道选择题,第一个是关于mentor的好处,让选出三个来;第二个是关于小学妹为什么不喜欢经济学课程;后面一道对应题,小学妹问社会实践的好处,然后学长和学姐分别回答,对应哪个好处是谁说的。特别需要注意的就是那三个人的名字,尤其是学长和学姐,哪个是男的哪个是女的,学生到这个地方都感觉很懵。 Section

24、4版本号场景题型V09121 S4ArchitectChoice / Table Completion详细说明是一个人讲一名建筑师的历史。31-34选择题31. 为什么选这个题? 选C.先说从小就崇拜他,等等,最后听到个interesting life。32. 那个人为什么从事那行? 选BA. 受他父亲的影响(父亲是个做生意的) B.想要有别于传统,干点特别的(break from convention)C. 他第一次的选择错误了33.为什么那个人最后从伦敦回来了? 选BA.不详 B. More business opportunities C.受到尊重34.建筑师因为什么成名? 选C. 加入

25、了一个建筑行业协会并成为会长35-40表格题35.讲了3-4个那个人设计的建筑:第一个是用玻璃材料做的,窗户会leak36.不详37. 第二个建筑有一个很大的balcony38.建筑物现在用作什么?car park39.最后一个建筑原来是监狱,缺陷是囚犯没有空间 do exercises40.最后一个建筑物现在用作transport museum了综合点评由于是加考,故回忆较少。两新两旧,难度适中。2011年02月17日雅思G类写作机经考试日期:2011.2.17书信作文书信种类建议信书信instructionYour friend wants to choose a short course

26、 at a training centre in Canada, and youve just finished this course. He or she wants you to give some advices.1. Describe what youve done in the course. (content of course)2. Why you recommend this course.3. Your benefit from this course. 议论文话题类别社会类考题文字Some people believe the elderly said that life

27、 is better in the past.Do you agree or disagree? 本次写作考试点评:小作文为常考题型,相对较简单,但是注意自己设定具体建议和理由,这其实也对考生的相关课程信息了解提出了一定的要求;大作文关于老年人生活状况和从前的情况对比讨论,后者观点讨论起来难度要大一些,需结合身边实例来论证说明,考生应注意不同角度发散思维的训练。2011年02月17日雅思口语机经考试日期:2011.2.17Part 1Personal information & IntroductionWhats your name?Are you a student?What is your

28、 major?Do you think the major is useful?Do you have driving license?Will you teach your child to drive?How was your first day at work?Is the first day at work important? Why?When do you usually get up?Is it convenient for you to buy fresh vegetables and fruits?HometownWhere are you from?Wheres your

29、hometown?Where do you live?Do you live in a house or an apartment? Which one do you prefer?Whats on your apartments wall?How to improve your home?Which room do you like most?If you can redesign your home, what would you do?Whats your flat like?Whats on the wall?What can you see from your window?Are there any fitness facilities near your home?How often do visitors visit your home?Tell me about your city.What historical places would you recommend to see there?What culture events would be interesting fo

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