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1、托福考试综合口语机经综合口语 Integrated Speaking S3456 TASK 3场次:20170415CN Task3(new) 阅读标题:Cancel the science class requirement原因 1:no need for non-science students to take science class 原因 2:too difficult for science students to register听力 态度:反对原因 1:University should hire more instructors of science class and sh

2、ould add more science classes原因 2:Taking science class may have unexpected connection to other subjects for example she produced flower paintings by observing flowers in science lab 场次:20160710CN Task3(new) 阅读标题:Dining Hall to close during Spring Break变化:The school is planning to close the dining ha

3、ll during the spring break. 1. There are not enough students on campus.2. Student could go to the restaurant in town to have some food.听力态度:Man disagrees.原因 1:There are some students on campus during the spring break. They have to stay here to study or work. In fact, the school could have another op

4、tion. To open the dining hall for only an hour or to provide a smaller menu.原因 2:Going to town for food would be too time-consuming. Students want to make the best use of their time finishing their big assignments or something. 场次:20161210CN Task3(new) 阅读标题:library training Day原因 1:大一新生不知道怎么用图书馆 原因

5、2:学完之后学生需要做 assignment 听力 态度:反对原因 1:没必要,学生都在网上查资料 原因 2:assignment 增加新生负担 20150328CN Task3 (new) 阅读标题:建议学校开办 psychology department 的 magazine。 原因 1:这是对学生努力的认可。原因 2:可以让其他学生学习如何组织材料。听力态度:女生同意 原因 1:对以后就业好,是很不错的 accomplishment。原因 2:其他系学生可以因此 develop organizational skills 并有效 利用 resources。 20150418CN Task

6、3 (new) 阅读标题:学校要取消 junk food 的贩卖。 原因:这有利于学生的健康饮食和合理消费。 听力态度:男生反对该倡议原因 1:他认为对 junk food 不必那么苛刻。原因 2:假如学生想买这种食品而不得则会转向校外,这样会花更多 的钱。 20160924CN Task3 (new) 阅读标题:Remove TV from Dormitory Lounge原因 1:都去看电视节目了,减少了大家沟通交流的时间。原因 2:电视节目太吵。听力态度:反对 原因一:正是因为看了电视节目,大家才有沟通交流的话题。 原因二:Lounge 和各个房间都有门,可以把门关上,就不会吵到大 家了

7、。 20161126CN Task3(下午) (new) 阅读标题: University should put tables outside the dining hall 原因 1:减少食堂过度拥挤的情况。原因 2:可以享受宜人的天气。听力态度:不同意 原因 1:食堂拥挤是暂时的。目前另外一个食堂正在整修,几周就可 以完成。原因 2:建议摆放的位置是个草坪。有很多人踢足球,所以在那里吃 饭很有风险。 20160903CN Task3 (new) 阅读标题:ice-skating rink converted into student housing 变化:认为当前学生数量上升,意图把滑雪场

8、改成学生宿舍,该滑雪 场在镇中心,离学校 4km 远。听力态度:男同学认为不应该改造。 原因 1:Its fun. 很多学生喜欢这个滑雪场。如果改造,很多学生会 upset。原因 2:离校区太远,不便参与很多校园活动。 20160910CN Task3(new) 阅读标题:Community Service Opportunity for Incoming First-Year Students 变化:学校准备让大一新生参加社区附服务。一来是能为社区的社团 提供自愿者。二来是有利于大一新生交朋友。听力 态度:女生赞同这一观点 原因 1:她们正有计划为孩子们建造一个室外操场。志愿者人数一多, 她

9、们就能够更快完成建设。原因 2:她当年进来时候也是想去认识人,但却没有办法。这样更加 有利于新生融入大学生活。 20161022CN Task3(new) 阅读标题:school request that students club contain at least ten members原因 1:学校不好拨款:不能清楚判断资金流向,可能会浪费钱。 原因 2:人员过少不会长久存在下去。 听力态度:反对原因 1:学校在学生会活动上的资金支持很少只有一些小型的活动比 如 hiking,并没有浪费学校很多钱。原因 2:不管时间存在的长久,俱乐部为学生提供了交朋友的机会这 对他们未来事业都会有好处。

10、20161112CN Task3(new) 阅读标题:wait list program 变化:一些课程的报名人数已满后,可以将那些对该课程感兴趣的学 生放到 wait list 上,如果有学生放弃该课程,则 wait list 上的学生 可以参加。原因 1:给其它对于该课程感兴趣的学生一个机会原因 2:根据感兴趣的人数,可以另开新课听力态度: 觉得设置该项目帮助不大原因 1:就算 wait list 的学生能够加入,也是在开课一两周之后,可 能跟不上课程的进度。原因 2:开了新课不会是同一个老师教,而且不一定是学生意向的时 间。 20161119CN Task3(new) 阅读标题:shut

11、 the gym down原因 1:to update locker rooms and shower facilities原因 2:students can use an off-campus gym freely听力态度:girl disagrees原因 1:Unnecessary to shut the whole gym down, just shut the area they are working on, and students can change their clothes and take shower in their dorms cuz dorms are close

12、 to the gym.原因 2:the off-campus gym is far away from campus, it will take 30 mins to there and another 30 mins back to school, plus students will always feel exhausted after working out, so they may not willing to walk anymore. 20161203CN Task3(new) 阅读标题:Selling snacks during movie screening原因 1:Stu

13、dents will enjoy watching movies more if they can eat some snacks.原因 2:The club can raise money by selling snacks. 听力态度:不同意原因一:Eating will be annoying and noisy. Crunching will be a great distraction since it is a small room.原因二:It is not financially beneficial for the clubs. That is because only sm

14、all number of students will go to watch the movies on campus. They cannot sell much. And this little money is not worth the effort the club needs to take. 20161210CN Task3(new) 阅读标题:Notice on policy change in room transfer requirements 变化:将原来的学期初接受调换寝室请求改为开学 5 周后。原因 1:学生中心学期初的事务太多。原因 2:给已经确定寝室的学生一个好

15、的环境。 听力态度:赞成原因 1:学期初的时间应该留给工作人员处理 higher priority 的事 务。原因 2:总会有很多 move-in and move out, 很干扰学习,而学期 初的学业表现很重要。 20160123CN Task3 阅读标题:Open a child care center变化:学生建议在学校开办 child care center 一来可以帮助老师和学 生看孩子;二来可以帮忙教孩子。听力态度:男生赞成。原因 1:可以减轻有孩子的教师及学生的负担,而且费用比起城里的 托管班便宜,可以节省开销。原因 2:还可以给男生所在的 children education

16、 department 的学 生提供实习机会,有利于获得教学经验,可以写进简历,应聘时被录 用几率高。 20160319CN Task3 阅读标题:学校公告推迟一小时上课变化:上课时间从 8am 改为 9am。1.让学生睡更久,精力充沛更利 于学习。2.教授有更多时间准备课程。听力态度:男生不同意。原因 1:如果学生知道不用早起自然会睡得更晚,实际上会减少休息 时间。原因 2:教授那个时间正好赶上早高峰,反而在路上浪费更多时间。 20160409CN Task3 阅读 标题:faculty advisors help student write senior theses 变化:学校要求学生完

17、成一篇比较复杂的论文 senior thesis, 需要学 生做调研,同时给学生配置一个 faculty advisor,可以帮助学生解决关 于 research skill 的问题。 听力态度:The boy thinks it is a great idea. 原因1:他们以前没做过类似的作业,在research 的过程中可以学到 很多。原因 2:他觉得和导师沟通, 既方便又可以解决关于 essay 上的很多 问题,还能帮他们提升实验技能。 20150111CN Task3 阅读标题:建议信变化:一个学生写信建议让教授们在天气好的时候组织室外上课。 听力态度:男生反对。原因 1:他认为这会

18、起反作用,学生会更容易分心,比如朋友路过时 会打招呼,还有可能会看鸟,但教室可以把这些干扰因素隔绝在外。 原因 2:他觉得在室外上课不方便,因为上课空间不足,有的人可能 得站着,且学生不方便记笔记或使用电脑。 20150711CN Task3 阅读标题:Ban bikes in the center of the campus变化:Many students get around campus by riding bicycles, which is good. However, I think in one area in particular the center of campus be

19、tween the academic buildings should be prohibited. The sidewalks connecting the academic buildings are narrow, when students ride their bikes on the sidewalks, it would be unsafe for other students who are walking to their classes. In order to ensure that students follow the rule, anyone caught ridi

20、ng the bikes in this area should be made to pay a fine.听力态度:The woman disagrees with the plan.原因 1:学生骑车时一般都比较小心,到了人行道自然会下车,不需 要 policy.原因 2:学校专门找人来监督浪费资源,还有更重要的事情去做。 20151108CN Task3 阅读标题:create a website for student musicians 变化:The student proposes that the university should create a website for s

21、tudent musicians where they can find people of the same interests and post information about concerts or music related events. 听力 态度:The woman agrees for two reasons.原因 1:She and her friends always practice songs together, and they play rock music. However, they dont happen to know a drummer who cou

22、ld play the drum. But now, with the website, they could find one easily.原因 2:When she goes to campus concerts, there are few people there. Thats because people dont know about those concerts. So now, with the website, more people will come to the concerts. 20151114CN Task3 阅读标题:set writing course in

23、 school writing centre 变化:学生建议在学校的写作中心设置写作课程,因为那里的反馈可 以让学生改善学术写作技能并且提高作业效率。听力态度:男生反对。 原因 1:学生有很多机会和教授沟通,教授的单独指导比 writing centre 的要好。原因 2:学校不同建筑之间很远,学生来去写作中心很浪费时间,就 无法很好地完成其他作业了。 20151121CN Task3 阅读标题:open the university gym to the off-campus people 变化:The university is planning to open the universit

24、y gym to people off-campus due to two reasons. The first reason is that the university can charge them a monthly fee and use the money to upgrade the gym facility. And the second reason is that it wont affect the students life that much.听力态度:The woman agrees with the plan.原因 1:Her first reason is th

25、at itd necessary now for the university to upgrade the facilities because some of them are really old, this way the university doesnt have to charge the students or the faculty.原因 2:As for the second reason, she mentions that its a pretty small town anyway, so not a lot of people will use the gym an

26、d it wont make too big a difference for students. 20150807NA Task3 阅读标题:Open new writing centre. 变化:学校决定开一个新的写作中心。学校到时候会请 tutors, 来辅 导学生如何写 papers 和 reports。在这个写作中心,给学生提供相关 职位,增加工作经验, 帮助他们更好的找工作。听力态度:女生表示赞成原因 1:可以帮助需要的同学,因为教授一般很忙,没有时间帮学生 改论文,这个 center 正好可以帮忙。原因 2:为那些写作好的同学提供工作经验,为以后找工作提供帮助。 20150919

27、NA Task3 阅读标 题 : Eliminate the humanalities requirements of science students. 变化:建议学校让科学系学生免修人文学科。因为,学生不感兴趣浪 费时间,有分散精力。本来 4 年修专业课就很难了,还要修人文太艰 难。 听力态度:女生不同意原因 1:刚开始不感兴趣,但是学着学着就爱上了。比如她自己以前 不爱历史课,上了一年发现还挺有意思的。原因 2:只要学生好好安排课程时间,还是可以搞定的,再说还有暑 期课程可以参与。 20140621CN Task3 阅读标题:阅读志愿者应该被支付工资。 变化:文章说应该给乐队志愿者付钱,

28、不然他们就不会好好干活,而 且付了钱就能得到更多的 training.听力态度:男生同意。原因 1:因为大部分志愿者都有主业,一般都会先考虑自己的主业。 比如他的一个朋友就为了老板的工作,放弃了排练。原因 2:第二个就是应该让更有经验的人示范给他们看设备的用法, 这样更好。 20140329NA Task3 阅读 标题:The university adds a small coffee shop to the lobby. 变化:In the Newsletter a student suggests the university adds a small coffee shop to th

29、e lobby of fine art building.听力态度:The woman agrees. 原因 1:Students have no place to buy coffee or snacks between classes.原因 2:Draw attention to the work of fine art students. 20140405NA Task3 阅读标题:Proposal of selling snack and drinks in the campus bookstore.变化: Reasons: 1. It provides students with f

30、ood and drinks when they are finding books to read. 2. Students may get hungry during class breaks. 听力态度:Disapproval原因 1:Students may spill drinks on books and ruin them. Some books are expensive.原因 2:There is already a convenience store in campus close to the building where classes are held. Studen

31、ts are unlikely to go to the other side of the campus to buy food from the book store. 20140913NA Task3 阅读标题:hold a sale for used items变化:学生建议学校 hold a sale for used items. 因为 1:学生可以 花较少的钱买 used items; 2:学生有很多不用的东西可以通过这个活 动卖掉。听力 态度:女生同意该建议原因 1:Students cant afford new items. 女生说自己中学时想买 自行车但是太贵,如果有跳蚤市场,就可以买 used items,则很省钱 原因 2:It is easier for students to get rid of useless things in the dormitory. 20141121NA Task3 阅读标题:学校向新生提供室友信息。 变化:学校决定给新生公开室友信息,包括名字和联系方式。这样方 便提前联系。并且也可以规划一下谁带什么

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