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1、pep人教版小学六年级英语上册教案(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)全册教材分析本册书共六单元,课本内容共分六部分:Unit1 How do you go there?Unit 2 Where is the science museum? Unit 3 What are you going to do?Unit 4 Have a pen palUnit 5 What does she do?Unit 6 The story of rain一小学英语高年级的教材对学生提出了更高的要求。随着交际对话内容的深入,单词认读量和书写量进一步加大,同时要求学生从简单句型的描述逐步过渡到成段

2、语言的叙述和写作。为确保良好的教学效果,在教学新内容时要强调听准,辩清,观察,模仿,练习运用。即: 听音仔细静听;辩音辨清发音;观察注意观察; 模仿认真模仿; 练习积极练习; 运用实际运用。二课堂练习 A-活动手册它是本套教材教科书的主要组成部分,与课本同步进行。B-单元练习 每单元课后用一课时巩固前面内容。三录音带,投影片和教学挂图,音标卡片,字母卡片,教学图片。这些辅助材料,均为配合课本的系列辅助材料,不仅可以帮助教师有效的进行教学,而且可以活跃课堂气氛,增加学生学习英语的兴趣。四教学目的1 对小学高段英语学习的要求进一步提高,加强学生对英语的感性知识,激发他们学习英语的兴趣和培养能力,使

3、学生敢于大胆开口说英语,积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。在理解的基础上表演英语,尝试阅读英语故事及其它英语课外读物。2 打下较好的语音,语调和书写基础。3 养成良好的书写习惯,根据单词的拼写和发音规则认读和拼写单词。重点难点:“四会”单词的教学,每课的会话,单词的拼写,初步的写作。学生情况分析六年级是小学英语最后一年的总结综合性学习,学生有一定的基础,大部分学生对英语学习有兴趣,积极性,主动性较高,乐于学习。但随着内容的逐步加深,会有一部分学生失去新鲜感,在复习阶段学生差距会加大,产生一些消极的想法,还有少数家长学生认为英语不是主课,重视程度不够,也会影响学生学习英语的积极性和主动性。教师要注

4、意采取有效措施,在加大整体练习的基础上照顾到个体,使学生学习英语的兴趣得到保持。 具体措施1 经常进行学习目的的教育,用浅近易懂的语言生动的事例,让学生认识英语的广泛用途,以及通晓英语德才兼备的人才,对于我国现代化建设的重大意义。2 课堂教学手段要多种多样,不断创新,充分利用电教设备,精心设计课堂操练板及课堂作业,使课堂气氛轻松而不乱,热烈而不紧张,使得学生学习英语的主动性能充分发挥,学习感情的开放型能够得以保持。3 注意培养学生严肃认真,积极大胆的学习态度和踏踏实实,勤学苦练的学习习惯。4 适当的传授一些行之有效的学习方法,鼓励学生探索适合自己的学习方法。5 加大“听说读写”的力度,使瞬时记

5、忆变为永久记忆。教 学 进 度 表本学期共19周,除去国庆节放假、复习考试时间,实际授课约15周。周次日期主要内容19.1-.9.7How do you do there?29.8-9.15How can I get to Zhongshan park?39.16-9.22Where is the science museum?49.23-9.29How can I get to the museum?59.30-10.6国庆节放假610.7-10.13What are you going to do?710.14-10.20Where are you going this evening?8

6、10.21-10.27Recycle 1910.28-11.2Mid-term test1011.3-11.9Whats your hobby?1111.10-11.16Does your pen pal live in Shanghai?1211.17-11.23What does she do?1311.24-11.30Where does she go to work?1412.1-12.7Where does the rain come from?1512.8-12.14How to plant flower seeds?1612.15-12.21Recycle 21712.22-12

7、.27General revision1812.28-1.2General revision 191.3-1.9Terminal examination Unit 1单元分析一、 教学目标 1、本单元的能力目标及要求1) 能够准确使用介词表达使用何种交通工具。2) 能够听说读写与交通有关的动词短语和介词短语。3) 能够用所学语言知识描述通过什么样的交通方式到达某地。2、本单元的知识目标1) 掌握四会单词。2) 听说认读A.B和Lets chant部分的单词和句型。3) 掌握四会句型并能灵活运用。4) 能够了解本单元出现的字母组合的发音规律并能读出单词。3、帮助学生在掌握单词的基础上造出句子,编

8、出对话,学以致用。4、培养学生用英语交流的能力,为学生的进一步学习奠定基础。二、教学重点和难点1、 介词onby的准确使用2、 掌握询问他人怎样去某地的句型How do you go to?以及询问他人我能怎样去某地的句型How can I get to?四、教学时间本单元共6课时,每周3课时,2周完成。Lesson 11.Teaching aims Let the students master all the new words and expressions:by foot on bike bus train “How do you go to ?” “I go to by on foo

9、t” fluently.2.Teaching aids some pictures tape-recorder cards CAI3. Difficulties and emphasis The pronunciation of the word subway. The difference between “on” and “by”.4. Steps1) Greetings Say Hi” to everybody and talk something about the weather and the date.2) Warming-up Sing a beautiful song nam

10、ed “ When do you get up?”3) New contenta. T: I usually get up at 6:00 in the morning. But I get up at 7:00 this morning. I will be late if I cant come to school quickly. =When do you go to school? When do you get to school? Do you know when do I go to school? How can I go to school? Can I go on foot

11、?(With Ts action) I often come to school by bike. I come to school by bus today.b. Teach all the studentson foot Ask them to read the new phrase one by one. Teach all the studentsby bike Ask them to read the new phrase one by one. c. Then show them the pictures of train, plane, ship and subway. Ther

12、e is one blank before each word. Give the students two choices: “on” or “ by”. And ask them: I go to school by bike. What about you ? I go to schoolHong Kong by Ask them to practice the sentence together. Ask one boygirl to practice with another one. Pairs work. Then check them.d. T: I go to school

13、by bike. How do you go to school? By car?Can you go to school by trainby planeby ship? Let the students to think about where can they go by trainby planeby ship. e. Show them the whole dialogue:A: How do you go to school?B: I go to school by bike.A: How do you go to Canada?B: I go by plane. Ask them

14、 to practice the dialogue in groups after listening the tape and imitate it.f. Choose 2 or 3 groups to come to the front to act the dialogue. g. Game Choose one boy to come to the front and face to others. The teacher will show them a picture of “by ”. Let the boy guess by using; I go to by h. Teach

15、 them the pronunciation on page 11.5. Homework Let them recite all the new words and expressions in this lesson. Try to make up a new dialogue after class. 6. Teaching notes.本课要求能够准确使用介词表达使用何种交通工具,其中介词的使用和有关交通工具的单词是重点,教授过程中subway学生比较陌生,需要多练。注意plane、foot划线部分发音。Lesson 21.Teaching aims Let the students

16、 master all the new words and expressions:by foot on bike bus train the new words and expressions.2.Teaching aids some pictures tape-recorder CAI3. Difficulties and emphasis The pronunciation of the word usually The difference between “usually” and “ sometimes”4. Steps1) Greetings Say Hi” to everybo

17、dy and talk something about the weather and the date.2) Warming-up Sing a beautiful song named “ When do you get up?”4) New contentT: I often come to school on foot. I come to school by bike today.How do you go to school? By car? By plane?Can you go to school by trainby planeby ship? Let the student

18、s to think about where can they go by trainby planeby ship. Then ask them to ask and answer one by one.Ask them to act the dialogue they to the tape and do the exercise on page 5.Then check them.T: Do you know why I go to school on foot but by car? Because my the screen. Let them read after the tape

19、 and try to imitate. Then ask them to play different role in the dialogue and work in groups. Then choose several groups to come to the front to act it out. They can add something new and make up a new one to practice.Learn a new song on age12.5. Homework Let them recite the Whole dialogue and try t

20、o write something about 31.Teaching AimsThe students can understand the dialogue in “Lets read”and can use them in their daily life.The students can master the sentences and answer the questions under the dialogue.They can do the “task time” well on page 6.2Teaching Aids Some cards, a tape-recorder

21、CAI3.Difficulty and emphasisa. The students can master the sentences “My .”b. The difficulty in this lesson is the pronunciation. The teacher mast does an example for the students, then let the students imitate.4. Teaching StepsA. Greetings and Revisiona. Sing a song named How do you go to school.b.

22、 Ask the students “How do you go to school?” c. Let the students recite “Lets talk.”B. New Contenta. Learn to say three new words: park、post office、bus stop, then listen to the tape and answer the questions: How do they go to the park? Where is Zhangpengs come to school on foot. I come to school by

23、bike today.How do you go to school? By car? By plane? Let the students to think about where can they go by trainby planeby ship. Then ask them to ask and answer one by one.b. T: My draw lines under the sentence which they think its important. Then listen to the tape3 times and answer the questions o

24、n page 6.c. Explain the part “ Lets read” sentence by sentence. Ask them to translate the difficult sentences into Chinese. Let them read after the tape 3 times. Then ask them to play different role in the dialogue and work in groups. Then choose several groups to come to the front to act it out. Th

25、ey can add something new and make up a new one to practice.d. Write the purple sentences on page 5. 5.HomeworkRecite the “ Read an Write”Imitate the dialogue to make a similar dialogue.6. Teaching notes本课主要是在阅读过程中检验基本句型的理解,学生理解课后问题和对话没问题,准确表述有难度,注意阅读前对基本句型的引导练习。Lesson 41. Teaching AimsThe students c

26、an master the words and phrases “ traffic lights、traffic rules ”. In their daily life , they can remember the traffic rules: Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light. Let the students know they must be active in the class.2. Teaching AidsTape-recorder cards3. Difficulty and e

27、mphasisThe new words “stop、wait” are the difficulty, the teacher can let the students guess the meaning and use these words as more as possible, this can Say “Hello” to everybody and talk about the weather and the date.Recite the “Lets read” or act out the new one.Ask and answer: How do you go to sc

28、hool? I go to school by bus.Then replace the red phrases. B. New Contenta.The T can ask for Ss ask them: Do you know the traffic rules? Show them three pictures of traffic rules. Try to learn: red lightstop、yellow lightwait、green lightgo. b.Lets play: The teacher prapare some cards before the class

29、(yellow lightred lightgreen light), then ask them do as the sign language . Then learn to say the traffic rules: Stop at a red light、Wait at a yellow light、Go at a green light.c. Ask for the two Ss come to the front. A S say the traffic rules, a S do as it. After the two examples, the teacher can as

30、k them work in pairs. A little later, choose one group to act , then practise one after another b. Listen to the tape of “Lets chant.” And ask the students try to sing follow the tape.d. Do the exercise on page 11, pay attention to the pronunciation of “i” and “ea”. 4. HomeworkRecite all the new wor

31、ds. Chant after class.5. Teaching notes.本课了解基本的交通规则,学生对教师发出的指令能够较快做出动作。Lesson5 1.Teaching AimsThe students can use the phrases “by bus、on foot、by bike ” frequently in their daily life.They can ask they get to .2Teaching Aidscards3.Difficulty and emphasis In this part , the new sentences “How can I get to ? You can go by” are the difficulty, the teacher must design many game to go to school.B. RevisionPlay some games to review the knowledge they to the t

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