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1、culture7.1 (1 : Interviewer, JT = Jeff Toms). How do you prepare people to do business internationally?jT How we prepare people to do business internationally really depends on the task that theyre undertaking on behalf of their company or Organization. For example, if you re being sent by your comp

2、any to live and work overseas for a period say of two or three years, as an assignee. then we would provide you either with a one- or two- day programme covering such issues as: cultural awareness. Practical issues of living in, working in. as well as how to deal with culture shock, which everybody

3、goes through when they go on assignment. Well also deal with particular issues such as schooling. health care and. in particular parts of the world increasingly. with security. However. if, as is the case now. many more people are not actually going to live overseas but have international responsibi

4、lity. You need a different set of learning tools and that is, first of all. a general Cultural awareness and understanding of how you should really operate when dealing with people with other cultures; teaching you how to negotiate contracts; communication. just generally whether thats by telephone.

5、 by e-mail or even by the written word. The words that you choose have a very dim:rent effect on the recipient depending on which culture youre conversing with. Another important area these days is presentation skills. In the past it has been assumed that you use the same presentation from your home

6、 country when presenting to a more multi-cultural audience. Thats very much not the case, and we teach people even down to the kind of words you use on the slides, the colours you use, and indeed how to deal with questions and answers and manage your audience because of course in different cultures

7、there s a different response. Finally. its very important we believe here at Farnbam Castle, to underpin all this with some ability to communicate in the host language. Whilst English is still very much regarded as the International language of business. it is increasingly expected that people will

8、make at least some effort and attempt to learn the language of the people that they are dealing with, particularly in a social environment. It really demonstrates an interest and an affinity with the people that really you are trying to build relationships with and, of course. business is all about

9、building relationships.7.2 (1 = Interviewer, JT = Jeff Toms) And are there certain skills and techniques for doing business Internationally. which can be applied in any culture?JT I think rather than skills and techniques there are some very strong personality traits that those people who tend to be

10、 more successful in an intentional business environment tend to demonstrate. For example, flexibility and adaptability would be a particularly strong requirement, the ability to observe. participate in something and adapt your own set of skills and knowledge and your own way of doing things. To actu

11、ally listen more carefully would be another strong trait that you really ought to demonstrate. Adaptability listening and I think really to take an approach with a very positive attitude. I think anybody who approaches cultural issues with a very negative attitude will get a very negative response f

12、rom the people they are trying to do business with . 7.3 (1 = Interviewer, JT = Jeff Toms) I And can you give us examples of typical cultural mistakes made by people doing business internationally? JT There are lots of quoted examples and I think they are really to do with attitudes. particular face

13、ts of cultures. For example, time would be a very important cultural aspect that you really do have to learn if you are from a western culture then how you do approach time and how you do business. For example. in a country like Saudi Arabia would be very important. Other examples are really attitud

14、es to hierarchy. For example: there are many US corporations who have very young. high-flying business, very successful business executives. For example. if you send one of those individuals to meet and do business with a seniorAsian businessperson. again Japan comes to mind, then they will be met w

15、ith a very distinctively negative response. and what indeed w happen is that the senior Asian businessperson will see it very much as an insult probably either leave the meeting or refuse to attend the meeting and will actually send somebody who they think is of equal status and age to negotiate wit

16、h that individual and because that lower individual, more junior individual doesnt have the authority then you re very unlikely to achieve anything out of that meeting.7.4 1 I was thrown in at the deep end when my company sent me to run the German office. I was only given two days notice to prepare.

17、 2 We dont really see eye to eye about relocating the factory. The Finance Director wants to move production to the Far East. but the rest of the board want it to remain in Spain. 3 I got into hot water with my boss for wearing casual clothes to the meeting with our Milanese customers . 4 Small talk

18、 is one way to break the ice when meeting someone for the first time. 5 I really put my foot in it when I met our Japanese partner. Because I was nervous. I said Who are you? rather than :How are you? 6 l get on like a house on fire with our Polish agent; we like the same things and have the same se

19、nse of humour. 7 When J visited China for the first time I was like a fish out of water. Everything was so different. and I couldnt read any of the signs! 8 My first meeting with our overseas clients was a real eye-opener. I had not seen that style of negotiation before.7.5 A So where did you go for

20、 your summer holiday? B Italy. A Did you have a good time? B Yes. It was OK. A And which part of Italy did you go to? B Tuscany. A I went to Pisa - really enjoyed it. What did you think of it? B Nothing special. A Oh right. So, . . . hows it going at work:7 B Were really busy. A Thats really good. i

21、snt it? B I dont know about that. 7.6 1 Im sorry. I didnt catch your name. 2 Im sorry. Im afraid Im going to the opera on Tuesday. 3 Not for me thanks; Im not very keen on fish. 4 Im sorry. I really must get going. It was really nice talking to you. 5 Welcome to our headquarters. 6 Michael, can I in

22、troduce you to John Perry? Johns over from the States. John, this is Michael Andrews, my boss. 7 let me get this. 8 Heres to our future success. 9 Im very sorry to hear about what happened. 10 Im sorry Im late. The traffic was terrible.7.7 Is this your first visit to the Far East? No, i come here qu

23、ite often. Oh, really, what do you do? Im the marketing Director for a small import-export company. How long have you been there? Nearly ten years. Have you been to Hong Kong before? B No. This is my First trip.A Business or pleasure? B Business, Im afraid.A How long have you been here? B A week.A A

24、nd how long are you staying? B Till tomorrow night.A Where are you staying?B At the Peninsula Hotel.A Whats the food like?B its very good, but eating at the Peninsula can be quite expensive.A So. what do you think of l-long Kong?B I really like it. Theres so much to do.7.8 (CE = Catherine Eng)CE Ill

25、 talk first about building relationships with the Chinese. then move on to suitable conversation topics. After that, Ill comment on gift- giving and. finally, mention a couple of points to think about when dealing with Chinese visitors. Its important to remember that business relationships with the

26、Chinese are built on person al trust and respect. Everything you do during visits must show that you consider your visitors to be Important people. Developing a personal relationship and having a good social programme will often be more important than a business meeting. Remember that status is impo

27、rtant. The most senior person may not speak English as well as other, more junior. members of the group. However. you should pay careful attention to everything that person says. Make an effort to learn and use a few words in Chinese. Your visitors Will appreciate this. If theres someone in your com

28、pany who speaks Chinese, it may be better to use that person instead of a professional interpreter. It will be cheaper and the Chinese may trust a company member of staff more quickly. Be careful about topics for discussion at social events. Dont embarrass visitors by introducing difficult- topics.

29、They will be eager to leam about life in your country and about its culture. Now a word about gifts. Chinese people will often refuse a gift a number of times before finally accepting. Dont offer anything thats too expensive. Give similar gifts to people who are at the same level Of importance Wrap

30、your gifts in red paper which is considered a lucky colour. Chinese people will appreciate any famous brands of the country theyre visiting. Punctuality is very important. They expect people to arrive on rime for a meeting. To arrive late shows a lack of respect. Sincerity is highly valued by the Chinese.

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