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1、NetApp基本安装配置指导书netApp存储基本安装配置指导书2005 Network ApplianceAll rights reserved本文档介绍NetApp公司存储在数据中心安装,配置,测试功能的相关步骤及方法。一、前 言Network Appliance公司1992年成立于美国的Sunnyvale, 是一家跨国性高科技公司,专业从事网络存储设备和CDN设备的生产、开发及销售业务,现今在全球拥有超过100家分支机构,员工超过3,900余人。公司是网络数据存储解决方案的市场领导者,其统一网络存储设备及网络缓存解决方案(NetCache)提供高效、简捷、可靠的数据存取。 自1992年成

2、立至今,全球已安装了超过60000台,连续8年以每年营业额和利润翻番的速度高速增长,其销售和利润增长率均位居全美高科技企业前列。1999及2000年度,网域存储技术公司连续两年被美国财富杂志(Fortune)评为美国100家增长速度最快公司中的第4位, 是有史以来纳斯达克(NASDAQ)100强和S&P500强中最年轻的公司,而我们的首席执行官Dan Warmenhoven先生也以其杰出的管理才能被美国商业周刊(Business Week)评为2000年度全球25名管理精英之一。在2005年, 被全美评为最适合人工作的IT公司第5位。NetApp的存储产品在维护管理上的简便性是世界公认的,其管

3、理成本非常低,真正体现了Appliance的设计理念。著名的研究机构INPUT的调查结果表明,NetApp的整体拥有成本在数据库的应用环境下,是众多厂商中最低的。大约只有EMC的Symmetrics的25%。而管理维护成本只有主机厂商的存储产品的管理维护成本的不到十分之一。二、 NetApp存储安装 如果安装一个全新的NetApp存储,首先将Console线连接到存储上,加电存储并进入存储console, 具体步骤如下所示:CFE version 1.2.0 based on Broadcom CFE: 1.0.35Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003 Broad

4、com Corporation.Portions Copyright (C) 2002,2003 Network Appliance Corporation.CPU type 0x1040102: 650MHzTotal memory: 0x40000000 bytes (1024MB)Starting AUTOBOOT press any key to abort.Loading: 0xffffffff80001000/21632 0xffffffff80006480/9820318 Entry at 0xffffffff80001000Starting program at 0xfffff

5、fff80001000Press CTRL-C for special boot menu.Interconnect based upon M-VIA ERing Support Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Berkeley Lab http:/ Sep 1 02:09:51 GMT cf.nm.nicTransitionUp:info: Interconnect link 0 is UPThu Sep 1 02:09:51 GMT cf.nm.nicTransitionDown:warning: Inter

6、connect link 0 is DOWNSpecial boot options menu will be available.ispfc: Fibre Channel adapter 0c appears to be unattached/disconnected. If adapter is in use, check cabling and if connected to disk shelves, also check seating of LRC cards.Thu Sep 1 02:10:16 GMT fci.initialization.failed:error: Initi

7、alization failed on Fibre Channel adapter 0c.NetApp Release 7.0.1R1: Wed May 18 23:02:49 PDT 2005Copyright (c) 1992-2005 Network Appliance, Inc.Starting boot on Thu Sep 1 02:09:50 GMT 2005Thu Sep 1 02:10:19 GMT diskown.isEnabled:info: software ownership has been enabled for this system(1) Normal boo

8、t.(2) Boot without /etc/rc.(3) Change password.(4) Assign ownership and initialize disks for root volume.(4a) Same as option 4, but create a flexible root volume.(5) Maintenance mode boot.Selection (1-5)? 4aZero disks and install a new file system? yThis will erase all the data on the disks, are you

9、 sure? yZeroing disks takes about 23 minutes.对于启动的菜单提示(1) Normal boot. - 正常启动, 效果如启动时候不输入“Ctrl+C”一样。(2) Boot without /etc/rc. -启动存储时不执行/etc/rc设置参数。(3) Change password. -如果忘记存储超级用户密码,可以用这选项修改。(4) Assign ownership and initialize disks for root volume. -初始化硬盘并设置硬盘属组关系,建立传统方式下的系统卷。(4a) Same as option 4,

10、 but create a flexible root volume.-如选项4相同,但建立Flexible的系统卷。(5) Maintenance mode boot.-进入维护方式。 初始化硬盘大概需要23分钟,这个时间是所有硬盘同时做条带化,与硬盘数目多少无关,只与硬盘容量和转数相关。.Thu Sep 1 02:54:06 GMT Disk 0b.19 Shelf ? Bay ? NETAPP X272_SCHT6073F10 NA06 S/N 3HZA1ZT600007532BV0E : disk zeroing complete

11、Thu Sep 1 02:54:06 GMT Disk 0b.21 Shelf ? Bay ? NETAPP X272_SCHT6073F10 NA06 S/N 3HZ9X24T000075267YNK : disk zeroing complete Thu Sep 1 02:54:13 GMT lun.metafile.dirCreateFailed:error: Couldnt create vdisk metafile directory /vol/vol0/vdisk.DBG: Set filer.serialnum to: 31

12、0042422ifconfig e0a mediatype auto Configuring onboard ethernet e0a. Contacting DHCP server. Ctrl-C to skip DHCP search . Thu Sep 1 02:54:13 GMT rc:info: Contacting DHCP server Thu Sep 1 02:54:14 GMT ltm_services:info: Ethernet e0a: Link up Thu Sep 1 02:54:20 GMT rc:info: DHCP config aborted by user

13、 Configuring e0a using DHCP aborted. NetApp Release 7.0.1R1: Wed May 18 23:02:49 PDT 2005 System ID: 0084180259 (); partner ID: 0084180260 () System Serial Number: 310042422 () System Rev: E0 slot 0: System Board Processors: 1 Processor revision: B2 Processor type: 1250 Memory Size: 1022 MB slot 0:

14、FC Host Adapter 0b 14 Disks: 952.0GB 1 shelf with EFH slot 0: FC Host Adapter 0c slot 0: Dual SB1250-Gigabit Ethernet Controller e0a MAC Address: 00:a0:98:01:ac:20 (auto-1000t-fd-up) e0b MAC Address: 00:a0:98:01:ac:21 (auto-unknown-cfg_down) slot 0: NetApp ATA/IDE Adapter 0a (0x00000000000001f0) 0a.

15、0 245MB在硬盘初始化完,终端会显示硬盘信息,并且会自动通过DHCP获得IP地址,显示存储的硬件配置,例如CPU,内存,网卡等.Please enter the new hostname : fas270-bDo you want to configure virtual network interfaces? n: yNumber of virtual interfaces to configure? 0 1Name of virtual interface #1 : vif01Is vif1 a single s or multi m virtual interface? m Numb

16、er of links for vif1? 0 2Name of link #1 for vif1 : e0aName of link #2 for vif1 : e0bPlease enter the IP address for Network Interface vif1 : enter the netmask for Network Interface vif1 virtual interface vif1 take over a partner virtual interface duri

17、ng failover? n: yThe clustered failover software is not yet licensed. To enable network failover, you should run the license command for clustered failover.Please enter the partner virtual interface name to be taken over by vif1 : vif1Please enter media type for vif1 100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto

18、 (10/100/1000) auto: Would you like to continue setup through the web interface? n: Please enter the name or IP address of the default gateway: The administration host is given root access to the filers /etc files for system administration. To allow /etc root access to all NFS clients ente

19、r RETURN below.Please enter the name or IP address of the administration host: is the filer located? : Do you want to run DNS resolver? n: Do you want to run NIS client? n: This system will send event messages and weekly reports to Network Appliance Technical Support. To disable this

20、 feature, enter options off within 24 hours. Enabling Autosupport can significantly speed problem determination and resolution should a problem occur on your system. For further information on Autosupport, please see: Press the return key to continue.Fas3020 Thu Sep 1 02:5

21、8:58 GMT console_login_mgr:info: root logged in from console这段是设置存储主机名,IP地址,多个网口绑定提高网络流量,存储双机HA网口切换,网关,DNS,NIS等等,所有设置十分简单。如果设置错误或者需要更改,可输入指令“setup”重新设置。NetApp存储是现在唯一的一体化存储,能同时支持SAN,NAS,iSCSI,客户只购买了License,并激活相应的功能,真正实现Appliance。用 license add 命令添加新的License。这是可以查看一下LicenseFas3020 license cifs cluster

22、not licensed cluster_remote not licensed dafs not licensed disk_sanitization not licensed fcp not licensed gateway not licensed gateway_hitachi not licensed http not licensed iscsi multistore not licensed nfs not licensed smdomino not licensed smsql site snaplock not licensed snaplock_enterprise not

23、 licensed snapmanagerexchange not licensed snapmirror_sync not licensed snapmover not licensed snaprestore sv_linux_pri not licensed sv_ontap_pri not licensed sv_ontap_sec not licensed sv_unix_pri not licensed sv_windows_ofm_pri not licensed sv_windows_pri not licensed syncmirror_local not licensed

24、vld not licensed在确认CIFS license 输入之后,我们可以通过以下设置 CIFS:Fas3020 cifs setup This process will enable CIFS access to the filer from a Windows(R) system. Use ? for help at any prompt and Ctrl-C to exit without committing changes. Your filer does not have WINS configured and is visible only to clients on t

25、he same subnet. Do you want to make the system visible via WINS? n: n A filer can be configured for multiprotocol access, or as an NTFS-only filer. Since multiple protocols are currently licensed on this filer, we recommend that you configure this filer as a multiprotocol filer (1) Multiprotocol fil

26、er (2) NTFS-only filerSelection (1-2)? 1: 1CIFS requires local /etc/passwd and /etc/group files and default files will be created. The default passwd file contains entries for root, pcuser, and nobody. Enter the password for the root user : Retype the password: The default name for this CIFS server

27、is FAS3020. Would you like to change this name? n: Data ONTAP CIFS services support four styles of user authentication. Choose the one from the list below that best suits your situation. (1) Active Directory domain authentication (Active Directory domains only) (2) Windows NT 4 domain authentication

28、 (Windows NT or Active Directory domains) (3) Windows Workgroup authentication using the filers local user accounts (4) /etc/passwd and/or NIS/LDAP authentication Selection (1-4)? 1: 3 What is the name of the Workgroup? WORKGROUP: CIFS - Starting SMB protocol. It is recommended that you create the local administrator account (FAS3020administrator) for this filer. Do you want to create the FAS3020administrator account? y: Enter the new password for FAS

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