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1、中考英语语法复习必备第3章代词第三章代词代词就是用来代替名词,名词性词组或短语和句子的。代词的任务是使语言简练而表达准确。代词大多数都具有名词和形容词的功能。在同一环境中,当人名或其他一些名词第二次使用时,通常都用代词进行替代。代词的使用机率非常高,这是为了避免语言的重复。一、代词的概况1.代词的分类代词按其意义、特征以及句法功能,可分为:人称代词:I, you, he, she, it, we, they;物主代词:my, his, her, its, our, your, their; mine, his, hers, its , ours, yours, theirs;指示代词:this

2、, that, these, those, such, (the)same, so;反身代词:myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves;相互代词:each other, one another;疑问代词:who, whom, whose, what, which; whoever, whatever, whichever;关系代词:who, whom, whose, which, as, but, that; whoever, whichever;不定代词:some(someone, somebo

3、dy, something) any(anybody, anyone, a nything), all, another, few, little, many, much, one, other, everyone, both, eac h, either, everything;连接代词:who, whom, which, what.2.代词的性、数、格的变化(1)代词中只有人称代词、物主代词和反身代词的单数第三人称有性的区别,如:she, he ; her, his; herself, himself。提示:另外,修辞上习惯把sun, war, ocean, sea等用he来代替;把 mo

4、on, earth, motherland, peace, ship等用she来代替;把baby, pet等用it来代替。(2)各种代词都有单数和复数的区别。例如:each, every, another, the other, someone, everything等都是表示单数意义的代词;both, all, a few, many, seve ral等都是表示复数意义的代词。代词的单复数主要通过三种方式体现:通过不同人称的相应形式的变化体现单复数。he, she, it-they;I-we;my-our;mine-ours;me-us;him, her, it-them;myself-o

5、urselves; yourself-yourselves通过句子的含义确定 what, who, which, any, some 等代词的单复数。They have a new teacher this term.他们这学期有一位新老师。Who is he or she? (单数) 他或她是谁?They have several new teachers this term. 他们这学期有几位新老师。Who are they?(复数)他们是谁? 先行词和单复数决定了关系代词 who, which, that 等的单复数。Do you know the man who is talki ng

6、 to the headmaster?你认识那个正在跟校长说话的人吗?Do you know the men who are in the sitting room?你认识客厅里的那些人吗?(3)代词有主格、宾格和所有格的变化:人称代词有主格、所有格和宾格的变化。I(主格)-my(形容词性所有格) mine(名词性所有格)-me(宾格)he(主格)-his(形容词性所有格) his(名词性所有格)-him(宾格)she(主格)-her(形容词性所有格) hers(名词性所有格)-her(宾格)it(主格)-its(形容词性所有格) its(名词性所有格)-it(宾格)we(主格)-our(形容

7、词性所有格) ours(名词性所有格)-us(宾格)相互代词和不定代词有所有格的变化:ones, ones, others, others,each others, one anothers,anybodys, somebodys,everybodys, nobodys二、人称代词替代人或事物的代词被称为人称代词。1.人称代词的用法(1)作主语:We enjoy swimming in summer.我们夏天喜欢游泳。Both the brothers are the explorers.兄弟俩都是探险家。(2)作直接宾语:Who went to meet her at the airport

8、 yesterday?昨天谁去机场接她的?(3)作间接宾语:Will you show me the way to the school?你可以指给我去学校的路吗?(4)作介词的宾语:She often goes to school together with me.她经常与我一块儿去上学。(5)作表语:It is he that lost my bike.是他把我的车弄丢了。Who is it? Its me.是谁? 是我。2.多个人称代词同时使用时的排列顺序当几个不同的人称代词作主语时,I和me总是放在最后一位(表示礼貌)。顺序是:单数:you+he/she+I/me复数:we+you+t

9、hey例如:You, she and I are in the same group.我、你和她在同一个小组。You, he and I should return on time.我、你和他都应按时返回。代词并列有顺序,单数并列2 3 1,复数并列1 2 3,若把错误责任担,第一人称最当先。时时注意比身份,人总要在动物前。单身男女同时到,男士反而要优先。3.人称代词复数we, you, they的泛指用法we, you, they在句中有时并不表示特定的人,因此不用译为“我们”、“你们”、“他们 ”。例如:They speak French on that island.在那个岛上,人们说法

10、语。You never realize what will happen.人们没有意识到将要发生什么事情。We had a good harvest this year.今年这里获得了一个大丰收。4.人称代词it的特殊用法(1)表示天气、时间和距离等。It was wet all day yesterday.昨天一整天都是小雨不断。(指天气)What time is it? Its nine oclock.几点了? 九点了。(指时间)Its about two hours walk.步行大约两个小时。(指距离)(2)it 用于打电话时,指人。 “Hello, it is Susan.”“喂,我

11、是苏姗。”(3)用 it 代替婴儿或小孩。Look at the baby, it has just fallen asleep.看那个孩子,她刚睡着。(4)it 作形式主语或形式宾语。It is polite to say hello to others when you meet th em.(形式主语)当你遇到别人时,打声招呼是礼貌行为。She found it easy to finish all the exercises.她觉得做完所有的练习很容易。(形式宾语)(5)it 用于强调句型。例如:It is her father who is a policeman.原来她的父亲是一名

12、警察。It was a watch that I received on my birthday.我生日那天收到的是一块手表。三、物主代词表示所有关系的代词叫作物主代词。1.物主代词的种类物主代词分为名词性和形容词性的两类物主代词:形容词性:my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their名词性:mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs2.物主代词的用法(1)物主代词的使用,一定要与它所修饰的名词在人称、数和性等方面一致 ;当需要泛指或不清楚性别时,用his或their来表示。例如:Each woman

13、has her own style of dressing.女人都有自己的服饰风格。Everyone here has his own work to do.这里的每一个人都有自己的工作可做。They tried their best to protect the environment around the town.他们尽最大努力保护小镇周围的环境。Each player in the team must finish his ten thousand meters running everyday.队里的每个运动员每天都要跑完自己的10,000米。(2)表示“其中之一”或“其中一些”,须

14、用双重所有格形式,即“of+名词性物主代词”。Mike is a friend of mine.=Mike is one of my friends.麦克是我的一个朋友。This dish of yours is the most popular.你的这道菜最受欢迎。(3)形容词性物主代词形容词性物主代词在句子中可作定语。You should pay more attention to your health when you are getting old.当人们变老时,应该更加注意自己的健康。Her mother is a lawyer. She is very proud of her.

15、她的妈妈是律师。她很为她自豪。(4)名词性物主代词作主语:The history of this country is very long, but ours is much longer than it. 这个国家的历史悠久,但我们国家的历史比它更悠久。作动词的宾语:My bike is broken. Can I use yours?我的自行车坏了,可以用一下你的吗?作介词的宾语:His idea is much more different from mine.他的想法与我的有很大的不同。作表语:This dictionary is hers, not mine.这本词典是她的,不是我的

16、。巧记物主代词的用法“形代”修饰名,不可独立用;“名代”独立行,可作主、宾、表。四、反身代词英语中表示“我自己”,“你自己”,“她自己”等含义的代词,叫作反身代词。1.反身代词的种类: 单数 复数第一人称:myself; ourselves第二人称:yourself; yourselves第三人称:himself, herself, itself; themselves2.反身代词的用法反身代词在句子中可以作宾语、表语和同位语。(1)作同位语用于加强语气,其位置较为灵活。例如:The child can dress himself now.=The child himself can dres

17、s now.这孩子现在会自己穿衣服了。She spoke to the headmaster himself.她对校长本人讲。(2)作直接宾语、间接宾语和介词宾语:(表示动作返回到发出者,主语和宾语为同一人或物 )She saw herself in the water.她在水中看见了自己。(直接宾语)比较:She saw her in the water.她在水中看见了她。(另外一个女人)The girl taught herself English.这姑娘自学英语。(直接宾语)He was cold and hungry, so he bought himself a bowl of no

18、odles at a small food stand.他又冷又饿,就在一个小摊上给自己买了一碗面。(间接宾语)The manager gave himself a three-day leave.这位经理给自己放了三天假。(间接宾语)Edison looked at himself in the mirror and got an idea.爱迪生对着镜子瞧自己,忽然想出一个主意来。( 介词宾语)“Dont worry about me! I can look after myself.” she said. (介词宾语)她说:“别为我担心,我能够照顾好自己。”(3)作表语。You will

19、 be yourself again soon.你一会儿就会好的。Her mother was not quite herself yesterday.她的母亲昨天感到特别不舒服。3.由反身代词构成的习惯用语:(1)by oneself 表示“独自”,“单干(不要别人帮忙)”The boy made a model plane all by himself.这个男孩完全独自一人做了一架航模。Can you do these exercises by yourself?你能独自完成这些习题吗?(2)of oneself 表示“自动地”The smoke disappeared of itself

20、.烟自动地消失了。The window suddenly opened of itself and an ugly dog came out.那扇窗突然开了,一条极丑陋的狗跳了出来。(3)between ourselves 表示“私下讲”Between ourselves, dont you think he is quite believable?咱们私下里讲,你不认为他是一个完全可以信赖的人吗?Between ourselves, I dont think he is honest.咱们俩个私下说,我认为他不够诚实。(4)among themselves 表示“相互”,“在他们之间”。Wh

21、at were they arguing about among themselves this time yesterday ?昨天这时候,他们在互相争论什么?The students often discuss the problems they have among themselves in the class meeting.同学们经常在班会上互相讨论他们所遇到的问题。(5)but yourself 表示“只你自己”Blame no one but yourself.谁也别怪,只怪你自己。About this you can ask no one but yourself.关于这件事

22、你别问别人,就问你自己吧。注意:常以反身代词作宾语的动词有:enjoy, help, amuse(使高兴), pride(使得意 ), behave(使举止规矩), busy(使忙碌)。On that day the children enjoyed themselvesin the park.那天孩子们在公园里玩得十分高兴。You should behave yourself in public.你应该在公众场合规范自己的举止。五、指示代词英语表示“这个”、“那个”、“这些”、“那些”等指示概念的代词,叫作指示代词。常 用的指示代词有 this, these, that, those; su

23、ch, so, (the)same 等。注意:this 和 these表示时间和空间较近的人或物;that 和 those 表示 时间和空间较远的人或物。1.指示代词的用法作主语:This is my opinion.这是我的看法。Thats much too expensive.那太贵了。作表语:What she likes to eat is just this.她喜欢吃的正是这个。Its this, not that.是这个,而不是那个。作定语:Please send these books and magazines to Mr. Baker.请把这些书和杂志给贝克先生送去。This

24、dish is delicious.这道菜很好吃。作宾语:She likes painting, but I dont like that.她喜欢画画,但我不喜欢。Dont you know this:“No pains, no gains.”你难道不知道这一点:“无劳不获。”2.指示代词的一些特殊用法用于打电话Hello, who is that speaking?喂,请问你是谁?This is Mary speaking.我是玛丽。this和that可以修饰形容词或副词I cant run that fast.我可跑不了那么快。The swimming pool is about this

25、 deep.那个游泳池大约有这么深。that 和 those 代替前面提到过的名词The culture in Egypt is as old as that in China. 埃及的文化与中国 的文化一样古老。These cars are much cheaper than those in the mainland.这些车比内地便宜多了。this, that 用于代替句子或其中一部分His bike was broken on his way to school. Thats why he was late this morning. (that代替前面整句话。)在上学的途中,他的自行车

26、坏了。那就是他今早迟到的原因。He broke his arm and that cost him over 100 yuan. (that代替he broke his arm)他摔断了胳臂,那使他花费了100多元。3.such 的用法such 可以在句子中作主语和宾语,意思是“如此,这样”。其单复数为同一形式。Such were the words he said.这些就是他说的话。(作主语)He has never worked on such a difficult problem.他还从未解过如此难的题。(作定语)注意:such与基数词以及all, no, these, those连用

27、时,应该放在 这些词之后。The film is not such I am interested in.这样的电影,我不感兴趣。(作表语)Take from the box such as you need.从盒子里拿走你需要的东西吧。(作宾语)If you are a brave man,show yourself such.如果你是个勇敢的人,就显出你的勇气来吧。(作宾语补足语)Such is the fact.事实就是这样。(作主语)4.same 的用法same表示相同的人或事,在句子中可以作主语、表语、定语和宾语。注意:same之前必须加定冠词the。The same is said

28、 of the other case.另一个案例也是同样的情况。(作主语)The two girls look the same.这两个女孩看上去一样。(作表语)We are in the same age.咱们俩人年龄一样大。(作定语)Do the same as I told you yesterday.按照我昨天告诉你的再做一遍。(作宾语) 的用法(1)so 用于代替对话中前面提到的内容,表示肯定的意思。Are you clear about what you should do next?你对下一步该做什么明确吗?Yes, I think so.是的,我想我是明确的。I don

29、t think he is an honest person and Ive told him so.我认为他不是一个诚实的人,这一点我已经对他表明了。(2)so 用于代替句子前面已经出现过的名词短语或形容词。They say that her daughter is a hard-working student. I dont think so .人们都说她的女儿是个非常用功的学生。我可是不这么认为。If smoking is harmful to your health, tail gas is much more so.如果说吸烟对人们的健康有害,那么汽车尾气就更有害了。(3)so 位于

30、句子开头,强调末尾的词。You have seen the film. So have I.你看过这部电影。我也看过(这部电影)。Her hometown is far from here. So is mine.她的家乡离这里很远。我的家乡也是(很远)六、不定代词不定代词是指那些比较笼统地表示人或事物的代词。1.不定代词的种类和用途不定代词有两类:肯定性和否定性。肯定性不定代词有:both, all, many, much, one, other, every, each, other, another , a few, a little, either, some(someone, somebody, something), any(anyone, anybo dy, anything), every(everyone, everybody, everything)。否定性不定代词有:no, neither, none; nobody, nothing。注意:不定代词的肯定和否定的形式相互都有对应的关系。all, everybody-no, nobody, none;both, either-neither;everything-nothing; some-none, no;somebody, someone-no one, nobody, none.som

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