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1、英语考试英语专业八级人文模拟题模拟题1 Which of the following is the British oldest daily newspaper?A The Telegraph B The Guardian C The News of the World D The Times2 The river Thames is in _.A Wales B Scotland C England D Northern Ireland3 The Industrial Revolution started in _.A the Great Britain B the United State

2、s C Canada D Austrilia4 Which of the following is true under Thatchers administration?A The proportion of owner-occupation decreased.B Public housing became more important.C Many public houses were sold to people.D The UK became more European-like in its housing arrangement.5 Britain has its nuclear

3、 naval force since _.A its one of the developed countries in the worldB its a traditional sea powerC it has an advanced industryD its able to produce submarines6 Which of the following is the oldest national Sunday newspaper in Britain?A The Times B The Guardian C The Observer D The Financial Times7

4、 Big Ben was named after _.A Christopher Wren B Benjamin Hall C Ben John D G. Stephenson8 The Capital of Wales is _.A Swansea B Cardiff C Rhonda D Belfast9 _ is Englands biggest naval base.A Portsmouth B Southampton C Plymouth D Dover10 There are two major national parties in Britain: the Conservati

5、ve party and _.A the Liberal Party B the Democratic Party C the Labour Party D the Republican Party练习题答案及题解:1 D, 英国历史上最悠久的日报是泰晤士报。2 C, 泰晤士河位于英格兰。3 A, 工业革命最早从英国开始。4 C, 1979年撒切尔夫人成为英国第一任女首相。她提出的政策称被为“撒切尔主义”。其内容包括国有企业私有化,采用货币主义政策以控制通货膨胀,削弱工会的影响,加强市场因素在经济中的作用,将公有住房卖给公众,强调法律和秩序。在一定程度上讲,她的计划是成功的。她领导英国经济度过

6、了一段最繁华的时期。5 B, 英国拥有其海军核力量与其一贯的霸主地位是密切相关的。6 C, 观察家报创刊于1791年,是英国创刊最早的星期日报纸。7 B, 据说Big Ben 得名于它在1859年修建时候的建造者 Benjamin Hall。8 B, 威尔士位于大不列颠的西部。首府:加的夫。9 A, 英国最大的海军基地是普茨茅斯。10 C, 英国奉行的是两党制。其两大主要政党是保守党和工党。1.Canada is the worlds _country in terms of land area.A. largest B. second largest C. third largest D.

7、fourth largest 2 Which of the following people didnt use to be the British Prime Minister? A Margaret Thatcher B Winston Churchill C Horatio Nelson D John Major 3 By tradition, the leader of the majority party is appointed _ by the Sovereign in the United Kingdom. A Prime Minister B Member of Parlia

8、ment C Lord of appeal D Speaker of the House 4 The Tories were the forerunners of _, which still bears this nickname today. A the Labour Party B the Conservative Party C the Liberal Party D the Social Democratic Party 5 In the United Kingdom, the party which wins the _ number of seats in the House o

9、f Commons becomes the official Opposition. A largest B second largest C third largest D fourth largest 6 The term “British disease” is now often used to characterize Britains _ decline. A political B educational C military D economic 7 The 1980s was remembered as the decade of _. A globalization B n

10、ationalization C privatization D competition 8 Today, in Britain, _ is called a “sick” industry. A coal mining B iron and steel C textiles D shipbuilding 9The capital city of Canada is _ A Montreal B Toronto C Albert D Ottawa10 _ created the industrial working class, the proletariat, and it later le

11、d to trade unionism. A The Chartist Movement B The Industrial Revolution C The French Revolution D The Glorious Revolution练习题答案及题解:1.B 加拿大位于美国以北,是世界上仅次于俄国的第二大国家。2 C, 撒切尔夫人,丘吉尔和梅杰都曾经做过英国首相;而纳尔逊(1758-1805),英国海军统帅,因作战负伤,右眼失明,失去右臂。后任地中海舰队司令,在特法尔加角海战中大败西班牙联合舰队,本人受重伤阵亡,号称 Viscount Nelson。3 A, 在英国,按照传统,多数党

12、的领导人由君主任命为首相,首相从本党内部挑选一些领导人担任各部部长职位。4 B, 托利党是英国保守党的前身。5 B, 在英国,在下议院中赢得第二席位的政党为反对党,它也有它自己的领导和影子内阁(shadow cabinet)。6 D, 现在“英国病”这一术语经常用来指英国经济上的衰退。7 C, 正如20世纪40年代被看作是国有化的时代一样,20世纪80年代被看作是私有化的时代。包括英国石油、航空、钢铁、电讯在内的几乎40% 的国有公司实现了私有化。8 A, 英国煤矿业被称为生病工业。英国的煤产量在一战前达到顶点,如今的英国的煤矿业衰退,从而导致矿工的数量、煤矿的总产量大大下降。9 .D加拿大首

13、都是渥太华,位于安大略省东南部与魁北克省交界处,是加拿大的经济政治中心,同时也是加拿大的文化中心。10 B, 工业革命产生了工人阶级,即无产阶级。后来形成了工会制度。1.Which of the following tribes first came to Britain? A Roman B Anglo-Saxons C Jutes D Celts 2.The Hundred Years War between Britain and France was fought _. A from 1327 to 1453 B from 1337 to 1453 C from 1347 to 145

14、3 D from 1357 to 1453 3.The Republic of Ireland became independent in the year _ A 1918 B 1920 C 1945 D 1949 4.The English Civil War is also called _ A the Puritan Revolution B the second Magna Carta C the Long Parliament D the Anglican War 5.Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the Engli

15、sh Channel in the _ and the North Sea in the east, A eastB south C west D north6.The largest lake in Britain is _. A. Loch Lomond B the Lough Neagh C Windermere D Ullswater 7.Where do the majority of people in Scotland live? A In the Highlands B In the central Lowlands C In the Uplands D In the west

16、 of Scotland 8.The two important crops in Britain are _ A barley and corn B wheat and rice C barley and oats D wheat and barley 9 Which is the largest city in Scotland? A Cardiff B Edinburgh C Glasgow D Manchester 10 Which is the correct name to use to refer to Britain in a political way? A Great Br

17、itain B The British Isles C The United Kingdom D England 答案1.D 凯尔特在公元前700年到英国,罗马人在公元1到5世纪统治英国,5世纪中期盎格鲁撒克逊人侵占英国,因此凯尔特人是最早踏入英国的。3.D 爱尔兰共和国在1949年独立。4.A 英国内战于1642年到1646年间发生,国王查尔斯与议会发生争执,实际上是国王与清教徒之间的矛盾引起的,结果议会胜利。5.B 英国南面与法国隔着英吉利海峡。6.B 英国最大的湖是内伊湖,最长的河流是塞文河。7.B 苏格兰中低部适合人类生存,是苏格兰工业和人高度集中的地区。8 D 小麦和大麦是英国最重要

18、的庄稼。9 C, 格拉斯格是苏格兰最大的城市和经济中心。10 C, 提起英国,很多人会使用名字“Britain”,“England”或“British”, 但这往往会惹恼苏格兰人,威尔士人以及北爱尔兰人。从政治角度来讲,“the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”或 “the United Kingdom/UK”是英国正确的叫法。“the British Isles” 则是地理意义上的名字,包括Great Britain,the whole of Ireland ( Northern and Southern),the C

19、hannel Islands and the Isle of Man 这些岛屿。1 _ is the key to Industrial Revolution. A Iron B Cotton Textile C Coal mining D Steam engine 2 _ became a literary current during the period of the successful Industrial Revolution. A Criticism B Modernism C Romanticism D Renaissance 3 Modern football game be

20、gan in _. A China B France C England D Germany 4 _ is the leader of the British government. A Prime Minister B Queen C President D Governor 5 The second largest city in England, _ , is a metropolitan district and an industrial and manufacturing city. A Edinburgh B Belfast C Glasgow D Birmingham 6 _

21、introduced Christianity into Britain. A The Celts B The Romans C The Viking Danes D The French 7 The real power of the British government lies in _. A the House of Commons B the cabinet headed by the Prime Minister C the Prime Minister D the Queen 8 In Britain, education is compulsory for children b

22、etween the ages of _ to _. A 5, 14 B 6, 17 C 5, 16D 6, 14 9 The longest river in Britain is _ , and the largest river in the USA is _. A the Seven River; the Missouri River B the Thames River; the Missouri River C the Severn River; the Mississippi D the Thames River; the Ohio River 10 The general el

23、ection in Britain is held every _ years. A four B three C six D five练习题答案及题解:1 B, 纺织业的改革是英国工业革命的主要成就之一。2 C, 工业革命时期的主要文学流派是浪漫主义。3 C, 现代的足球运动起源于英国。 其正宗的老家在英格兰,19世纪兴起。4 A, 英国的政体是君主立宪制。 国王(女王)是国家元首,但政府的首领为首相。5 D, 英国的第二大城市伯明翰位于英格兰中部平原,是国际化大都市,也是英国的工业和制造业中心。6 B, 公元43年,罗马人占领英国,其后统治了400多年。基督徒就是在这一时期由罗马人传入英国

24、的。7 B, 君主立宪制下,国王的作用更侧重于其象征意义,而实权为内阁所有,内阁由首相率领。8 C, 英国的教育体系中的义务教育阶段是5-16岁,这是每一位学生在学校学习的最低年限。9 C, 英国最长的河是塞文河,全长355公里,美国最长的河是密西西比河, 长4000公里左右。10 D, 英国大选每5年举行一次。1 _is the largest city and the chief port of the United States.A Washington D.C. B Los Angeles C San Francisco D New York City2 The flag of the

25、 United Kingdom, known as the union Jack, is made up of _ crosses.A one B two C three D four3 Washington D.C. is named after_.A the U.S. President George WashingtonB Christopher ColumbusC both George Washington and Christopher ColumbusD none of them4 _ was the home of the Lake Poets William Wordswor

26、th, Samuel Taylor, Coleridge and Robert Southey of 19th century Britain.A Lough Neagh B Windermere C Lake District D Coniston Water5 The first American president to be elected from the Republican Party was_.A Thomas Jefferson B James Monroe C James Madison D Abraham Lincoln6 Of the fifty states, the

27、 smallest state in area is_.A Rhode Island B Virginia C Texas D Montana7 The national flag of the United States is known as_.A the Star-Spangled Banner B Uncle Sam C Hot Dog D union Jack8 The number of the Representatives from each American state depends on the _.A contribution a state has made to t

28、he nationB populationC sizeD none of the above9 The term “Father of Waters” is used to refer to _.A the Amazon River B the Mississippi RiverC the Nile River D the Hudson River10 The statue of liberty was given to American people by_ as a gift in 1884.A France B Spain C Italy D Britain练习题答案及题解:1 D, 纽

29、约是美国最大的城市同时也是最重要的经济中心和最主要的港口。2 C, 英国国旗为红白蓝三色的米字旗(也叫“Union Jack”),是由三个十字组成。3 C, 首都命名为华盛顿是为了纪念美国的第一任总统乔治华盛顿,而联邦直辖区命名为哥伦比亚特区是为了纪念第一位从欧洲横渡大西洋到达西半球的探险家克里斯多拂哥伦布。4 C, 位于英格兰西北部和威尔士北部的湖区是英国著名的风景区之一,也是英国十九世纪湖畔诗人聚居的地方。5 D, 美国历史上的第一位共和党总统是亚伯拉罕林肯。6 A, 美国国土面积最小的是罗得岛。7 A, 美国的国旗是星条旗。8 B, 美国每个州派往众议院的代表人数应与本州人口成比例。9 B, 美国的“众河之父”指的是密西西比河。10 A, 美国的自由女神像是法国人赠予的礼物。1 The following were the f

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