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本文(新人教版初中八年级上册英语Unit3Immoreoutgoingthanmysister第一课时教学设计10页.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、新人教版初中八年级上册英语Unit3Immoreoutgoingthanmysister第一课时教学设计10页Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sisterPeriod 1 (Section A 1a-1c)教学设计【教材分析】本教材采取循环滚动的内容安排体系。本单元出现的语言材料如人物的外貌特征、性格特征在初一下册都有重点展现。语言结构形容词的比较级也沉浸在小学英语教材以及初一的教学内容中。本单元通过Personaltraits这一话题既再现了已有语言项目,又把形容词比较级这一结构规范化,并对己有语言项目进行拓展,学生通过讨论选择何种个性朋友,提高认知、思维能力

2、。第一课时全面展示本单元语言材料。通过几对双胞胎特征的比较展示本单元话题:Iammoreoutgoingthanmysister.听力材料提供学生规范的进行比较运用的句型结构:morethan-er/ierthan【教学目标】Ability objectives:1.train the students to compare the people and tell the similarities and the difference to compare people 3.learn the rules of changing adjective into comparative

3、 degree .use comparative degree to compare people.1. 熟练掌握以下词汇和短语: outgoing, better, loudly, quietly, hard-working, competition, fantastic, which, clearly, win, singing competition, have fun 2. 熟练掌握并运用下列句型。(1) Thats Tara, isnt it?(2) Sam has longer hair than Tom. (3) Both Sam and Tom can play the dru

4、ms, but Sam plays them better than Tom. (4) I think she sang more clearly than Nelly. (5) But the most important thing is to learn something and have fun.过程与方法:词汇教学采取PPT演示对比的方式进行教学,让学生在真实或半真实情境中操练、激发热情,理解含义,并学会运用;听力教学采取先听,整体感知,再听,抓住重点,理解文意,完成听力任务的方式;口语教学采取 pairwork 问答式的口语交际活动、学唱英语歌的形式进行操练;语法教学总结规律、例

5、句引导,抓住特征、模仿操练。情感态度与价值观:In our life everyone has his or her good or bad habits at the same time. Everyone has his or her shortcoming.we should overcome the bad habits and keep good healthy .to encourage students to be brave honest kind people.【教学重点难点】(1)通过听,能区别人与人的不同之处。(2)理解比较级所表达的含义。(3)掌握比较级的构成。(4)S

6、am has longer hair than Tom . (5)Both Sam and Tom can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom.【教具】录音机,PPT【教学过程】一、导入(启发探究 6分钟)pare different people and different things before class. How do we describe people? Lets describe the following people.(以2个明星(潘长江和姚明)为例,让学生尽可能多的复习描述人的形容词。)一起核对描述人的形

7、容词 write and we can group them into some pairs like sectionA2. Compare people.(1) tall : Jim is taller than Tim .quiet : Lucy is quieter than Lily , etc .(2) late : Lucy was later for school than Lily . free : Lucy was freer than Lily last weekend ,etc .(3) heavy : Jim is heavier than Tim . funny :

8、Jim is funnier than Tim , etc .(4) thin : Lucy is thinner than Lily . big : This apple is bigger than that one . etc . 当A 和B做比较时时,用A +be +比较级+ than +B比较对象. 来表示。如:My room is smaller than yours. 我的房间比你的小。She got there earlier than I did. 她比我到得早。(以句型示例带动学生认识做比较的句型,并描述图片“潘长江、姚明”。导入新课,并进一步联系句型。)二、自学(自主探究

9、 3分钟)I Before we describe the people in 1a, lets learn the new words.outgoing at adj.外向的 better bet(r) adj.更好的;较好的 adv.更好地loudly ladli adv.大声地;高声地;花俏地 quietly kwatli adv.安静地;悄悄地;平静地II 写出下列各形容词的反义词.1. short_2.old_ 3.busy_4. thin_5.calm_6.early_7. good_8. hot_9.cool_10.ugly_11.same_12.happy_13. health

10、y_ 14. friendly_ 15. expensive_三、交流(合作探究 10分钟)I、完成17页1a1、Match each word with its opposite.2、出示三对双胞胎表演的图片,观看并辨别不同之处看图片,用尽可能多的形容词来描绘图中六个人物。注意要用到1a中的几组反义词。SamhaslongerhairthanTom.BothSamandTomcanplaythedrums,butSamplaysthembetterthanTom.3、比较下列句子:a. Tom has short hair. a. Tom is calm. | b. Tom has shor

11、ter hair than Sam. b. Tom is calmer than Sam.小组内说一说a、b两个句子有什么不同?你能理解这种比较的句子吗?(让学生自己总结句型的特点以及用法,进一步加深对比较句型的认识。)4、小组活动:和你的组员共同比较图中三对双胞胎的不同点。II、完成17页1b1、听录音完成1b。录音播放同时抓住关键信息边听边记录打乱三对双胞胎的人名并板书于黑板上。T:Therearethreepairsoftwinbrothersandsistersinthepicture.Butwhoswhosetwinbrother?Whoswhosetwinsister?Then,l

12、istentotherecordingandnumberthepairsoftwinsinthepicture.Playtherecording.2、Listen again, talk about the differences.Who is tall, Tina or Tara?Who is heavy, Peter or Paul?Who has long hair, Tom or Sam?Who is quietly, Tom or Sam?Who is loudly, Tina or Tara?Who is short and thin, Peter or Paul? (听力提升,训

13、练学生抓住关键信息的能力。)3、大声朗读录音材料并明确其含义。(做完听力之后直接朗读听力材料,更正学生的语音错误,并进一步加深对重点句型的掌握。)III、完成17页1c1、两人一组完成1c对话.2、在全班表演对话.(语言的目的就是交流,训练学生运用重点句型与人交流的能力。)四、总结(引深探究 15分钟)形容词比较级的构成1.直接在形容词后加-er。taller, shorter, quieter, calmer2.以不发音的e结尾的形容词直接在其后加-r。cuter, nicer, finer, later3.以重读闭音节结尾并且末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个辅音字母再加-er. bigg

14、er, fatter, thinner4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,先改“y”为“i”,再加-er。funnier, easier, earlier5.多音节和部分双音节形容词在其前面加more。 more outgoing, more beautiful6.不规则变化good/wellbetterbest bad/badlyworseworst many/muchmoremost farfartherfarthest farfurtherfurthest littlelessleast口诀(chant)比较级有规律,词尾加上-er两兄弟; 要是以e来结尾,只有小二(r)跟上去;重读闭音节词要

15、牢记,双写千万别忘记;要是“辅音+y”来结尾,小艾(i)要把y来替,再加-er两兄弟;多音节词加上more,你看这样多容易。(总结形容词比较级的构成,并以生动有趣的口诀帮助学生记忆。)五、达标检测1. Tom is than Sam.(quiet)2. Pedro is than Paul.(short)3. Tina is than Tara.(friendly)4. Paul is than Pedro.(thin)5. Ruth is than Rose.(serious)6. Bob is a little than me.(outgoing)7. Lilei is than I am

16、.A. funny and outgoing B. more funnier and outgoingC .funnier and more outgoing D. more funny and outgoing 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. She is more and more _( beautiful )2. My bag is _( big ) than _( he ).3. Who is _ (old ) , Tom or Sam ?4. Peters story much _ (funny ) than that one. 5. Im _ (heavy ) than Tara.6

17、. Her hair is _ ( short ) than _ ( you ).完成句子。1. 他长得什么样子?他很高。 What does he _ _? He is tall.2. 他比我高。 He is _ (tall) than me.3.他的头发比我的短。 His hair is _ (short) than mine. 4.我来的比你晚。 I come _ (late) than you.六、句型转换1. Tom is thin . Jim is thinner .(合并为一句) Tom is _ _Jim . Jim is _ _ Tom .2. This computer i

18、s newer than that one .(同义句) That computer is _ _ this one .3. Tom is twelve years old . Jim is fourteen years old .(合并为一句) Tom is _ _ Jim .4. My cousin is calmer than his .(同义句) His cousin is _ than _ .5. Tom is healthier than Jim . (提问) _ is healthier , Tom _ Jim ?(课堂练习,加深学生对的记忆,帮助学生复习整节课内容。)七、Sing a song: The more we get together.The more we get together, together, together, the more we get together, the happier well be.For your friends are my friends, and my friends are your friends.The more we get together, the happier well be. (以英文歌曲结束课堂,歌曲中带有比较级,可以生动有趣的帮助学生记忆比较级。)

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