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1、上海牛津英语2A配套课堂练习二年级英语第一学期 M1U1课堂小练习(EX1)Class_ Name_ No_签名_一、必会单词和句型快速读出下列单词和句子3遍,并说出中文意思,打单词重点掌握。单词: morning afternoon evening night apple bag big Mum fine five词组句型:1. Good morning. 早上好。 Good afternoon! 下午好! Good evening. 傍晚好。 Good night. 晚上好。 2. How are you today? 你今天好吗? Im fine. Thank you. Im very

2、well. Thank you. 3. Eddies day. Eddie的一天。二、字母邻居(尝试认读,注意大小写,选做):1. D E F 2. J K L 3.w x y 4. m n o5. e f g 6. P Q R 7. F G H 8. T U V9. a b c 10. D E F 11. h i j 12. K L M三、找出不同类的单词: 1. apple bag banana orange2. afternoon morning good night3. I you she am4. three tree four two5. how who what evening四

3、、选择题:1. ( ) _ are you? Im fine. Thank you.A. How B. Who C. What2. ( ) Here you are. _A. Thank you B. Good bye. C. Hello.3. ( )Look. The apple is _.A. fat B. tall C big4. ( )Do you like morning? _A. Yes, I like evening. B. No, I like morning. C. Yes, I like morning.5.( ) What colour is the bag? Its _

4、. A. nice B. blue C. fine五、问答配对:1 ( ) How are you? A. Goodbye.2 ( ) How is your father? B. Im very well.3 ( ) Good afternoon. C. Hes fine.4. ( ) Goodbye. D. Good afternoon.5. ( ) Good night. E. Good night.六、读短文判断对 T / 错F:Im the sun. Im big and round. In the morning, Im happy. Im warm. Hello, boys an

5、d girls. Lets go to the park. In the afternnon. Im hot. Im red. In the evening. Im tired (累的). Goodbye, boys and girls.( ) 1. Im the sun.( ) 2. The sun is small and round.( ) 3. In the morning, the sun is hot.( ) 4. In the afternoon, the sun is warm.( ) 5. In the evening, the sun is tired.七、抄写单词:苹果a

6、pple_ 书包bag_ 早上morning_ 下午afternoon_ 傍晚evening_ 夜晚night_二年级英语第一学期 M1U2课堂小练习(EX2)Class_ Name_ No_签名_一、必会单词和句型快速读出下列单词和句子3遍,并说出中文意思,打单词重点掌握。单词: boy girl big small cat dog tall short thin词组句型: 1. Im Danny. Youre Mary. 我是Danny 。你是Mary。 2. Who am I? 我是谁?Youre Kitty. 你是Kitty。 3. Is it a cat? Yes, its a ca

7、t. 它是只猫吗?是的。 4. Hi, Eddie! 你好, Eddie.二、找出不同类的单词: ( ) 1. A. boy B. ball C. doll( ) 2. A. cat B. fat C. dog( ) 3.A. girl B pear C. apple( ) 4. B are C. cat( ) 5. A.he B. you C. she三、选择题: ( ) 1. I _ a boy. A. is B. am C. are( ) 2. Who am I? _ are Miss Fang. A. You B. She C. I ( ) 3. What do you _?

8、 I see a chick. A. see B. can C. read( ) 4. Youre Eddie. _, I am Danny. A. Yes B. No C OK( ) 5. What _ you do? I can draw. A. do B can C are( ) 6. _ the flower. A. Look B Taste C Smell( ) 7. _ am I? Youre Miss Fang. A. Who B. What C. Where( ) 8. Im a boy. Its summer. I need_. A. dress B. shorts

9、ouse( ) 9. How many _? Nine. A. bicycle B. bicycls C bicycles( ) 10. Is this your friend? Yes, _ is. A. he B. I C. it四、问答配对:( )1. What do you see? A. No, I am tall.( )2. Are you short? B. I see a big apple.( )3. What do you like? C. Yes, its big.( )4. Who am I ? D. I like oranges.( )5. Is this apple

10、 big? E. Youre Kitty.五、读短文判断 T F: Hello, I am Eddie. I am a boy. I am tall. I am fat. I can draw two red flowers. This is Mary. She is a girl. She is tall. She is thin. She can sing and dance. She likes milk and cola.( ) 1. Eddie is a boy.( ) 2. Mary is a girl.( ) 3. Eddie can draw the tigers.( ) 4.

11、 Eddie is big.( ) 5. Mary likes water and cola.六、抄写单词(要求工整)大的 big_ 小的 small_ 高的 tall_ 矮的short_ 猫cat_ 狗dog_七、抄写下列单词(要求工整)boy Miss fat morning afternoon-二年级英语第一学期 M1U3课堂小练习(EX3)Class_ Name_ No_签名_一、必会单词和句型快速读出下列单词和句子3遍,并说出中文意思,打单词重点掌握。请背单词: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten elephant fiv

12、e stick snake touch knee词组句型:1. Are you Peter? 你是Peter吗? Yes, Im Peter. 是的,我是Peter。 No, Im Tom. 不,我是Tom。 2. Who are you? Im Kitty. 你是谁?我是Kitty。 Who am I? Youre Danny. 我是谁?你是Danny。 3. one elephant 一头大象two elephants 两头大象二、找邻居:1. _ E _ 2. J_ _ 3. _ x _ 4. m _ _5. _ f _ 6. _ _ R 7. _ G_ 8. T _ _9. a _ _

13、 10. D _ _ 11. _ i _ 12. _ L _三、找出不同类的单词: ( ) 1. A eight B ten C nine D flower ( ) 2. A snake B ball C rabbit D bear ( ) 3. A five B fine C nine D ten ( ) 4. A pen B pencil C rabbit D rubber ( ) 5. A pick B pink C draw D dance ( ) 6. A that B what C how D who四、选择题: 1. ( ) _ your knees, please. A. To

14、uch B. Taste C. smell 2. ( ) _ you Kitty? Yes, she _ Kitty. A. Are, is B. Are, am C. Are, are 3. ( ) Are you seven, Alice? Yes, _ seven. A. youre B. Im C. shes 4. ( ) Who _ he? Hes _ classmate. A are, my B. is , I C. is , my 5. ( ) Sit _, please. Dont stand _. A. down, up B. up, down C. down, down 6

15、. ( ) I like _. A. orange B. oranges C. that orange 7. ( ) _ he got a butterfly? A Is B. Have C. Has 8.( ) I am a _. A. girl B. Sam C. nine 9.( ) Good _. Lets go to school. A. night B. afternoon C. morning 10. ( ) Im small. I am a _. A. cat B. tiger C. elephant五、问答配对:1. ( ) Hello, Peter. A. Yes, I a

16、m seven.2. ( ) Are you seven? B. No, I am Kitty.3. ( ) Are you Alice? C. Shes Miss Fang.4. ( ) Is it a cat? D. No, its a dog.5. ( ) Who is she? E. Hello, Tom.六、读短文判断 T F:Look at the boy. Hes tall. Hes fat. Hes ten. Hes Danny. He can ride a bicycle. The bicycle is blue and green. He can fly the kite,

17、 too. He can fly it in the park. The park is big. I can see the green trees and nice flowers.( ) 1. Danny is nine.( ) 2. He is thin.( ) 3. Hes tall.( ) 4. He can fly the kite.( ) 5. The bicycle is green.七、默写单词:大的 _ 小的 _ 高的 _ 矮的_ 猫_ 狗_ 苹果_ 五_ (身体)好的_ 书包_ 大象_二年级英语第一学期 M2U1课堂小练习(EX4)Class_ Name_ No_签名_

18、一必会单词和句型快速读出下列单词和句子3遍,并说出中文意思,打单词重点掌握。单词: run write swim fly girl hand draw fly skip ride gate plate词组句型:1. Can you write? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 你会写吗?会/不会 2. What can you do? I can What can he do? He can What can she do? She can 3. But I cant write. 但我不会写。 4. ride a bicycle 骑自行车 skip a rope 跳绳 a

19、t the gate 在大门口二、抄写句子:Can Supergirl swim? Yes, she can.-.三、找出不同类的单词: 1. skip dance can run 2. bicycle car bus bag 3. colour red blue orange 4. orange tall peach pear 5. girl boy Mrs Wang hand四、选择题:( ) 1. What can you_? I can draw. A. do B. sing C. draw( ) 2. What _ your father and mother do? A. has

20、B. are C. can( ) 3. Can you swim? No, _. A. I can B. I cant C. i cant( ) 4. May I have _ soup? A. a B. some C. an( ) 5. _ do you like? Oranges. A What colour B. How C. What( ) 6. This _ my dog. It _ two long ears. A is, is B. is, has C. has, is( ) 7. Can you_ a rope? No, I can draw a rope. A. skip B

21、. draw C. have( ) 8. I clean the desk with my _. A. hands B. ears C. mouth( ) 9. _ can run very fast? Peter_ run very fast. A. Who, has B. Who, is C. Who, can( ) 10. Supergirl can fly. _ I cant fly. A. And B. But C. Too 五、问答配对:( ) 1. What can you do? A. She can draw.( ) 2. Can you sing? B. I can sin

22、g.( ) 3. What can your sister do? C. No, he cant.( ) 4. Can your father fly? D.Yes, I can.( ) 5. Can Miss Fang dance? E. Yes, she can六读短文判断 T F:Hello, I am a girl. Im Kitty. Im short. I like red. I like red apples and red flowers. I can run fast. I can swim too. But I cant write. I can skip a rope.

23、My rope is yellow. I can ride my bicycle. The bicycle is blue. I cant draw a cat. Can you draw a cat?( ) 1. Kitty is a girl.( ) 2. Kitty is big.( ) 3. Kitty can run and swim.( ) 4. The bicycle is yellow.( ) 5. Kitty can draw a cat.七默写单词:女孩 _ 飞 _ 跑 _ 写 _ 游泳 _ 二年级英语第一学期 M2U2课堂小练习(EX5)Class_ Name_ No_签

24、名_一必会单词和句型快速读出下列单词和句子3遍,并说出中文意思,打单词重点掌握。单词: young old insect jar sister brother mummy daddy he she youyour friend is isnt grandmother词组句型:1. Is he / she? Yes, he / she is. 他(她)是?是的。 No, he / she isnt. 不是。 2. Whos she? Shes Sally. 她是谁?她是Sally。 Whos he? Hes Jim. 他是谁?他是Jim。 Who are you? Im Kitty. 你是谁?我

25、是Kitty。 3. Is that a boy? 那一个是男孩吗? No, shes a girl. 不,她是个女孩。二、默写26个字母,包括大小写:.-.-.三、找出不同类的单词: 1. young old morning2. fat cat short 3. your he she4. can swim run5. can cant play6. swim skip rope7. brother sister friend8 my this your四、选择题:( )1. _ is your brother? Hes tall and thin. A. How B. How old C. Who ( )2. Is this _ insect? Yes, it is. A. a B. the C. an( )3. This is my _. He is

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