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1、浦东新王牌秋季中考补习班岳Y老师秋季资料初三秋季版讲义1Vocabulary_ n. 军队_(beat, beaten)v. 敲打;打败;心跳动_ n. 市民_ prep. 除了_ a.& ad. 远的(地)_ a. 受惊吓的_ v. 1.跑,奔跑 2. 经营;管理_ n. 秘密_ a. 愚蠢的_ n. 世纪,百年_ n. 欧洲_ n. 烟火_ v. 使摆脱_ 过的愉快_ 摆脱_ 拿开玩笑_ n. 传说_ prep. 在远处_ n. 楼梯_ v. 捕获,占领_ n. 黑暗_ v. 拖,拉_ a. 希腊的 n. 希腊人_ v.包括_ n. 平原_ ad. 粗暴地_ ad. 安全的_ v. 抓住_

2、 a.没有能力的_n. 传说, 传奇_a. 陈旧,无用或不值钱的东西_ v.修补 2. 几组反义词_-appear;(消失-出现)_-friend;(敌人-朋友)_-bright; (黑暗的- 明亮的)_-full; (空的-满的)_-clever/bright/wise/intelligent/smart(愚蠢的-聪明的)3. history n. 历史 _l a. 历史的4. _a. 木头的 wood n. 木头5. city n. 城市 _ n. 市民6. frightened a. 受惊吓的 (修饰人) _a. 恐怖的(修饰物) _v. 使害怕7 .help n./v. 帮助 _a.

3、有帮助的8. succeed v. 使成功 _n. 成功9. enter v. 进入 _n. 入口 10. difficult a. 困难的 _n. 困难词性转换1. dark a. 黑暗的 _n. 黑暗2. Greek a.& n. 希腊的, 希腊人 _n. 希腊3. able-unable (有能力的-没有能力的)_v. 使能4. celebrate v. 庆祝 _n.5. securely ad.安全地 _a.安全的6. _prep.包括 include v. 包括7. _a. = very large 巨大的 op. tiny 微小的8. secret n. 秘密 _ad. 秘密地 _

4、 n. 秘书9. succeed v.成功 success n.成功 successful a. 成功的 successfully a. 成功地10. rough a. 不平的;粗糙的;崎岖的 _ ad. _ adj. 光滑的,平整的11. Europe n. 欧洲 European a.& n. 欧洲的(人) a European12.fiction n . 虚构的事 _ a.虚构的13. politics n. 政治 _n. 政客二、词组基础篇1. _一次两个2. _ 拿开玩笑 = _3. _不再_4. _过了一会儿5. _向下看着6._随身带去某物7. _遵守命令8. _+从句 确信 9

5、. _入睡10. _成功地干某事11. _用诡计 _到了午夜12. _驾船驶走13. _过得愉快14. _摆脱16. _捉弄某人三、英文解释1. _: past; on the far side of2. _: take control by force3. _: pull something heavy along roughly.4. _: and also; counting as one of a group5. _: a wide, level area of land6. _: safely7._: take hold of roughly练习(基础篇)1. That _ hous

6、e burned quickly.(wood)2. All the _ in Shanghai must help to fight pollution.(city)3. At the age of thirty he won great _ in business.(succeed)4. Dont be afraid of _. They should be afraid.(enemy)5. He is a _ man. He often gives me much _.(help)6. There are many places of _interests in Shanghai.(his

7、tory)7. Please wait for me at the _. (enter)8. I am not afraid of any _, because I am brave enough.(difficult)9. The _ film made me very _.(frighten)10. The soldier came down the stairs two at a time. _ _ the soldier _ down the stairs?11. The captain of the soldiers was not listening any longer.= Th

8、e captain of the soldier was _ _ listening.12. The enemies captured the city by fighting. _ _ the enemies capture the city?13. The astronauts succeeded in returning from the moon to the earth.=The astronauts _ _ _ returning from the moon to the earth.= The astronauts _ _ _ from the moon to the earth

9、.14. He was very excited. He couldnt say a word.=He was _ excited that he _ say a word.=He was _ excited _ _ a word.15. The question is very easy. We can answer it easily.= The question is _ _ _ _ _ answer easily. = The question is _ easy _ we can answer it easily.16. take , bring, carry(1) I forgot

10、 to _ my physics book to class. Im afraid Ill have to go back to the dormitory and get it.(2) Could you help me to _ this bag? its too heavy.(3) Im going to take Flight 123 to the United States. Do you know how much luggage I can _ with me?17. other, others, the other, the others, another(1) Xu Hu i

11、s always ready to help _.(2) He has a cake in one hand and a knife in _.(3) There are many people in the park. Some are playing cards and _ are walking.(4) Only one is red; _ are blue.(5) Im still hungry. Could you please give me _ cake?( ) 18.My cousin will _ Shanghai in a week. A. return to B. ret

12、urn back C. return D. return into( ) 19. _ English, we have some other subjects. A. Except for B. Besides C. Except D. In addition( ) 20. I practice my English listening _ watching English TV programmes. A. with B. at C. by D. for( ) 21. The army _ the city easily and captured the city by a trick. A

13、. entered into B. entered C. came D. returned back( ) 22. I havent got enough money with me. I need _ five dollars. A. other B. the others C. others D. another( ) 23. The last bus has left, so I _ take a taxi to go home. A. must B. has to C. have to D. had to本课语法点练习1. since or for _ a year ; _ a yea

14、r ago ; _ last year; _ 2:00; _ he left school; _ a moment; _ Nov.12,2007; _19872. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets1) I _(throw) away the broken glasses already.2) He _(collect) stamps since he _(be) seven years old.3) -_ your sister _(arrive) yet? -Yes, she has. - When _ she _(arrive)?

15、 - She _(arrive) two hours ago.4) Since then many people _ (give) interest in this report.5) We _(just come) back from India.3. ( ) A: Where is Xiao Li? B: He _ to Beijing on business. He _ home this morning. A. has been, has left B. has gone, left C. went, left D. is going, has left4. ( ) In the pa

16、st few years we _ great progress with the help of the teachers. A. have made B. made C. make D. are making5. ( ) Which of the following sentences is correct? A. He has borrowed the book for a week. B. Tom has joined the army since he was eighteen. C. Where have you gone these days? D. How long has s

17、he been away from Shanghai?6. I have already read this book.(改为否定句和一般疑问句)Change the sentences1) Jack asked me,”Do you understand what the teacher said?” (保持原句意思) Jack asked me_ I _ what the teacher had said.2)The street is so wide that I cant go across it in a minute. (保持原句意思) The street is_ wide fo

18、r me_go across it in a minute. The street is _.3)Factories must clean the water so that it wont pollute rivers or lakes.(简单句) Factories must clean the water so as_ _ pollute rivers or lakes强化练习Choose the right expression to replace those underlined parts in the sentences below.A) safely B) achieved

19、C) take control by force D) mainE) seldom F) took hold of roughly G) disappear1. My principal problem is not having money!2. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened.3. With a wave of his hand, the man made the rabbit vanish.4. The thief seized the jewellery and ran.5. People have succeeded in

20、putting astronauts on the moon.6. The police failed to capture the robbers.7. Cement was rarely used in building during the Middle Ages.中考直播V. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): 7. More and more young people are trying to do something for _ old. A) a B) an C) the D) / 8. I have got two tickets _ Jol

21、ins concert tonight. Would you like to go there with me? A) to B) with C) of D) for9. Mrs. Smith is an excellent teacher and she has _ experience in teaching English. A) much B) many C) little D) few10. More than _ people in Japan died in the earthquake in March, 2011. A) ten thousands B) ten thousa

22、nd C) ten thousands of D) ten thousand of11. Mr. Baker is my new English teacher. I have invited both _ and his girl friend to our New Years Eve dinner. A) he B) his C) him D) himself12. The students are doing _ in English than before with their teachers help. A) better B) best C) well D) good13. Ou

23、r monitor is always ready to help others, _ everyone in our class likes him. A) because B) but C) so D) or 14. I knocked on the door several times but _ answered, so I left. A) somebody B) everybody C) anybody D) nobody15. Would you please speak louder? I _ catch what you have said.A) cant B) oughtn

24、t to C) neednt D) mustnt16. Li Na _ the second gold medal (奖章) in the Australian Open Tennis Championship in February, 2011. A) wins B) will win C) won D) had won17. There _ a Disneyland Park in Shanghai Pudong New Area in the near future. A) is B) will be C) was D) would be18. By the age of twelve,

25、 the little girl _ her first collection of poems. A) published B) has published C) was publishing D) had published19. The man was seriously hurt in the accident and he _ to hospital at once. A) took B) would take C) was taken D) would be taken20. Both of the clerks denied _ the money and the boss ha

26、d to report it to the police.A) steal B) stole C) stealing D to steal21. Jane asked me _ the window as it is very cold outside. A) dont open B) not to open C) to not open D) not open22. We played badly in the game. Our teacher looked very _ with our performance.A) disappointed B) excited C) satisfied D) frightened23. -_ can I keep these magazines? - About two weeks. A) How soon B) How often C) How far D) How long24. _ intere

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