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1、理工C翻译特训班2016年全国职称外语等级考试辅导理工C类请学员熟读自己类别的文章备考(VIP特训班专享资料)二一六年三月目 录第二部分阅读判断 2第1篇Inventor of LED (理工C) 2第2篇El Nino (理工C) 3第3篇Smoking(理工C) 4第4篇Engineering Ethics(理工C) 5第5篇Rescue Platform (2015年理C完形考题) 5第三部分概括大意与完成句子 6第1篇 More Than 8 Hours Sleep Too Much of a Good Thing (理工C) 6第2篇Soot and Sow:a Hot Combin

2、ation (2015年理工C阅读考题) 7第3篇Icy Microbes (理工C) 8第4篇 Compact Disks (理工C) 9第5篇 LED Lighting (理工C) 10第四部分阅读理解 - 1 -第1篇 Ford Abandons Electric Vehicles - 1 -第2篇World Crude Oil Production May Peak a Decade Earlier Than Some Predict - 2 -第3篇 Citizen Scientists - 3 -第4篇 Motoring Technology - 5 -第5篇 Late-Night

3、 Drinking - 6 -第6篇 Making Light of Sleep - 7 -第7篇 Sugar Power for Cell Phones - 8 -第8篇 Eiffel Is an Eyeful - 9 -第9篇 An Essential Scientific Process (2015年理工C新增) - 10 -第10篇 Young Female Chimps Outlearn Their Brothers - 11 -第11篇When Our Eyes Serve Our Stomach - 13 -第12篇 Florida Hit by Cold Air Mass -

4、14 -第13篇 Invisibility Ring - 15 -第14篇 Japanese Car Keeps Watch for Drunk Drivers - 16 -第15篇 Winged Robot Learns to Fly - 18 -第16篇 Japanese Drilling into Core of Earth - 19 -第五部分补全短文 - 20 -第1篇Mobile Phones (理工C) - 20 -第2篇Baby Talk(2016年理工C补全短文新增文章) - 21 -第3篇Common Questions about Dreams(2016年理工C补全短文新

5、增文章) - 22 -第4篇The Bilingual Brain - 24 -第5篇A Record-Breaking Rover (2015年理工C阅读考题) - 25 -第六部分完形填空 - 25 -第1篇Captain Cook Arrow Legend(理工C) - 26 -第2篇Avalanche and Its Safety(理工C) - 27 -第3篇Giant Structures(理工C) - 28 -第4篇Animals “Sixth Sense” (理工C) - 29 -第5篇Singing Alarms Could Save the Blind(理工C) - 30 -

6、第二部分阅读判断阅读下面的短文,短文后面列出 7 个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断,如果该句提供的是正确信息,就选A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,就选B;如果该句提供的信息文章中没有提及,就选C。第1篇Inventor of LED (理工C)LED的发明者When Nick Holonyak set out to create a new kind of visible lighting using semiconductor alloys, his colleagues thought he was unrealistic. 当Nick Holonyak着手用半导体合金创造一种新的

7、可视照明设备的时候,同事们都认为他不现实。Today, his discovery of light-emitting diodes, orLEDs, are used in everything from DVDs to alarm clocks to airports. 今天,他发现的发光二极管,或叫LED,使用范围覆盖从DVD到机场警钟的一切东西。Dozens of his students have continued his work, developing lighting used in traffic lights and other everyday technology.他

8、的许多学生继续着他的工作,发明了交通灯中使用的照明设备和其他日用技术。On April 23, 2004, Holonyak received the $500,000 Lemelson-MIT Prize at a ceremony in Washington. 2004年4月23日,Holonyak在华盛顿的一次典礼上被授予Lemelson-MIT项目的50万美元的奖金。This marks the 10th year that the Lemelson-MIT Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)has giv

9、en the award to prominent inventors.这是麻省理工的Lemelson-MIT项目第十年颁奖给杰出的发明人。Anytime you get an award, big or little, its always a surprise, Holonyak said. “任何时候你得了奖,不论是大是小,总是一分惊喜。”Holonyak说。 Holonyak, 75, was a student of John Bardeen, an inventor of the transistor, in the early 1950s. Holonyak,75岁,是20世纪5

10、0年代初期晶体管的发明者John Bardeen的学生。After graduate school, Holonyak worked at Bell Labs.从研究生院毕业之后,Holonyak在Bell实验室工作。 He later went to General Electric, where he invented a switch now widely used in house dimmer switches.之后去了通用电器公司,在那里他发明了一种开关,现在在家用减光开关中普遍使用。Later, Holonyak started looking into how semicond

11、uctors could be used to generate light. 后来,Holonyak开始研究何应用半导体发电。But while his colleagues were looking at how to generate invisible light, be wanted to generate visible light. 当他的同事们正在研究如何发出看不见的光时,他却想要看得见的光。The LEDs he invented in 1962 now last about 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs, and are m

12、ore environmentally friendly and cost effective. 1962年他发明的LED,现在的使用寿命可以比白炽灯泡长十倍,而且更环保、更经济。Holonyak, now a professor of electrical and computer engineering and physics at the University of Illinois, Holonyak现在是伊利诺伊大学电子、计算机工程和物理专业的教授,said he suspected that LEDs would become as commonplace as they are

13、today. 他说他预料到LED的使用有可能像今天这样普遍,But didnt realize how many uses they would have.但没有意识到它会有多少用途。You dont know in the beginning. 开始的时候你并不知道,You think youre doing something important,你认为你在做一件很重要的事情,you think its worth doing, 你认为它值得做,but you really cant tell what the big payoff is going to be, and when, an

14、d how. 但是你不能说出要付出多大的代价,什么时候付出,怎样付出。You just dont know, he said.你并不知道。”他说。The Lemelson-MIT Program also recognized Edith Flanigen, 75, with the $100,000 Lemelson- MIT Lifetime Achievement Award for her work on a new generation of molecular sieves that can separate molecules by size. Lemelson-MIT项目同样授

15、予75岁的Edith Flanigen 10万美元的终身成就奖,她的成就是创造新一代的“分子筛”,也就是可以通过大小来分离分子。第2篇El Nino (理工C)厄尔尼诺While some forecasting methods had limited success predicting the 1997 El Nino a few months in advance, 当某种预报方法不能提前几个月成功预测1997年厄尔尼诺现象的时候,the Columbia University researchers say their method can predict large El Nino

16、events up to two years in advance.哥伦比亚大学的研究人员说他们的方法可以提前两年预测厄尔尼诺现象。That would be good news for governments, farmers and others seeking to plan for the droughts and heavy rainfall that El Nino can produce in various parts of the world.这对全世界各地的政府、农民和其他寻求为厄尔尼诺带来的干旱和大雨做准备的人来说是一条好消息。Using a computer, the

17、researchers matched sea-surface temperatures to later El Nino occurrences between 1980 and 2000 and were then able to anticipate El Nino events dating back to 1857, using prior sea-surface temperatures.研究人员使用计算机把1980年和2000年之间的海面温度和后来的厄尔尼诺的发生联系起来,进而能够用之前的海面温度预计1857年的厄尔尼诺现象。The results were reported i

18、n the latest issue of the journal Nature.研究结果刊登在最新的自然杂志上。The researchers say their method is not perfect, 研究人员说他们的方法并不完美,but Bryan C.Weare, a meteorologist at the University of California, Davis, who was not involved in the work, said it “suggestsEl Nino is indeed predictable.”但加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校的气象学家Brya

19、n CWeare说这种方法显示出厄尔尼诺是可以预测的,尽管他自己并没有参加研究工作。“This will probably convince others to search around more for even better methods,” said Weare. Weare说“这会促使其他人去寻找更好的办法。”He added that the new method “makes it possible to predict El Nino at long lead times.”他补充说,新的方法“使在提前很长的一段时间里预测厄尔尼诺现象成为可能。” Other models a

20、lso use sea-surface temperatures, 其他的方法也使用海面温度,but they have not looked as far back because they need other data, 但他们没能回顾得那么久远,是因为缺少其他的资料,which is only available for recent decades, Weare said.而这些资料在近几十年才能够获得。The ability to predict the warning and cooling of the Pacific is of immense importance. 预测太

21、平洋的升温和降温有极其重要的意义。The 1997 El Nino, for example, 以1997年的厄尔尼诺为例,caused an estimated $20 billion in damage worldwide, 它导致了全球范围内约200亿美元的损失,offset by beneficial effects in other areas, 抵消了在其他一些地区被良性影响;said David Anderson, of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts in Reading, England. 英国Re

22、ading的欧洲中级天气预报中心的David Anderson说。The 1877 El Nino, meanwhile, coincided with a failure of the Indian monsoon and a famine that killed perhaps 40 million in India and China, 1877年的厄尔尼诺与印度遭受的季风和饥荒同时发生,导致了印度和中国约四千万人丧生,prompting the development of seasonal forecasting, Anderson said.结果刺激了季节性预报的发展。When E

23、l Nino hit in 1991 and 1997, 200 million people were affected by flooding in China alone, according to a 2002 United Nations report.根据2002年的联合国报道,1991和1997年厄尔尼诺爆发的时候,仅中国就有2亿人受到洪水的侵害。While predicting smaller El Nino events remains tricky, 然而小的厄尔尼诺预测还是难以捉摸的,the ability to predict larger ones should be

24、 increased to at least a year if the new method is confirmed.如果新的方法被认可的话,对大型厄尔尼诺现象的预测至少应该被提前一年。El Nino tends to develop between April and June and reaches its peak between December and February. 厄尔尼诺总是在4月和6月期间发展,在11月和2月之间达到高峰。The warming tends to last between 9 and 12 months and occurs every two to

25、seven years.候总是在9月和12月之间变暖,并且每2年到7年出现一次。The new forecasting method does not predict any major El Nino events in the next two years, although a weak warming toward the end of this year is possible.尽管气温在年底的时候有可能微弱上升,新的预测方法预计未来两年不会出现大的厄尔尼诺现象。第3篇Smoking(理工C)吸烟Since 1939, numerous studies have been condu

26、cted to determine whether smoking is a health hazard. 自1939年以来,人们进行了无数次研究,以确定吸烟是否危害健康。The trend of the evidence has been consistent and indicates that there is a serious health risk. 证据的趋向是一致的,并且显示出吸烟对健康有严重危害。Research teams have conducted studies that show beyond all reasonable doubt that tobacco sm

27、oking is associated with a shortened life expectancy. 研究组进行的研究超出了所有合理的怀疑,表明吸烟与人的预期寿命的缩短有关。Cigarette smoking is believed by most research workers in this field to be an important factor in the development of cancer of the lungs and cancer of the throat and is believed to be related to cancer of some

28、other organs of the body. 这个领域的大部分研究人员都认为吸烟是肺癌和喉癌产生的重要原因,并且和人体其他某些器官的癌症有关。Male cigarette smokers have a higher death rate from heart disease than non-smoking males. 吸烟的男性因心脏病的死亡率高于不吸烟的男性。 Female smokers are thought to be less affected because they do not breathe in the smoke so deeply. 女性吸烟者被认为受的影响较

29、小,因为她们不深吸烟。Apart from statistics, it might be helpful to look at what smoking tobacco does to the human body. 除了统计之外,看一看吸烟对人体的作用也可能会有帮助。Smoke is a mixture of gases, vaporized chemicals, minute particles of ash and other solids. 烟是各种气体、蒸发的化学物、微小的灰和其他固体颗粒的混合物。There is also nicotine, which is powerful

30、poison, and black tar. 里面还有很强的毒素尼古丁和黑焦油。As smoke is breathed in, all those components form deposits on the membranes of the lungs. 当烟被吸入时,所有这些成分形成肺膜上的沉淀物。One point of concentration is where the air tube and bronchus divides. Most lung cancer begins at this point. 集中的一点是气管和支气管分叉的地方。大部分肺癌开始于这一点。Filter

31、s and low tar tobacco are claimed to make smoking to some extent safer, but they can only slightly reduce, not eliminate the hazards. 过滤嘴和焦油含量低的烟草被宣称使抽烟在某种程度上安全一些,但是它们只能稍微降低危害而不是消除危害。第4篇Engineering Ethics(理工C)工程道德Engineering ethics is attracting increasing interest in engineering universities throug

32、hout the nation. 工程道德在全美的工程类院校里愈来愈受到关注。At Texas A&M University, 在得克萨斯州的 A&.M大学,evidence of this interest in professional ethics culminated in the creation of a new course in engineering ethics, as well as a project funded bythe National Science Foundation to develop material for introducing ethical issues into required undergraduate engineering courses.随着工程道德这门新课的开设以及由全美科学基金会提供基金,旨在为大学工程类必修课程提供道德问题方面的材料的项目的启动,人们对职业道德的关注达到了顶峰。 A small group of faculty and administrators actively supporte

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