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1、级二级218班UNIT5A测试成绩报告单试卷标准或参考答案将在1天后显示。请注意本页底部显示的总分和提示。在系统自动批改的客观题正确率小于60%时可以重做。试卷:Unit 5-A试卷编号:U5B2-A试卷满分:100姓名:刘杰学号:201405002749班级:2014级二级218班登录:2015-04-28 07:08:57交卷:2015-04-28 07:21:06上机地址:图例:RightWrongTo be marked by instructorClickONCEon the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开

2、本页。否则就听不成啦!Part 1 Sentence Dictation(每小题:2 分)Directions: In this section youll hear some sentences. In each sentence there is a word or phrase missing. Fill in the blanks while listening to the sentences.1.Shesadly when she heard the bad news that her grandfather had passed away.2.Heup the presents

3、he had got for his birthday and put them in the cupboard.3.The strong sunlightthrough the blinds.4.Dontyour heart against him; after all he had helped you before.5.IBM is the world famousof computer hardware.6.The doctor said the old mans condition was.7.This novel was so exciting that itme on the v

4、ery first page.8.Dont worry; the hole in your trousers is.9.used to be a deadly disease before the discovery of penicillin.10.He remembered his joyfulwith his family the year before.Part 1 Sentence Dictation(每小题: 2 分;满分:20 分)小题得分对错学生答案Correct1.2wept2.2packaged3.2filtered4.2harden5.0manufacture6.2hop

5、eless7.2hooked8.2unnoticeable9.0pnemonia10.2reunionSubtotal:16ClickONCEon the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦!Part 2 Understanding Long Conversations(每小题:2 分)Directions: In this section youll hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer

6、to the questions you hear.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.1.A. In the middle of the semester.B. At the beginning of the exam.C. At the end of the semester.D. During a rock concert.2.A. To a rock and mineral show.B. To an opera at the concert hall.C. To a movie at the student

7、 center.D. To a rock concert.3.A. He has time to go to the Student Center.B. The woman doesnt have much money.C. The woman agreed to pay for the food.D. He likes to pay for his friends tickets.4.A. Her ticket only.B. Their vacation.C. Her dinner only.D. Their dinner.5.A. The man will pay for two tic

8、kets.B. They will not go to the concert together.C. The woman has a part time job.D. They dont like pop music.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.6.A. He has been off work these days.B. He has been on a diet.C. He has been putting on weight.D. He has just got over being sick.7.

9、A. He doesnt eat meat.B. He drinks too much.C. He does little exercise.D. He smokes a lot.8.A. He is overweight.B. He is a heavy smoker.C. He has been on a diet these days.D. He doesnt look good.9.A. He smokes too much.B. He eats too many cakes and candies.C. He likes to smoke too much.D. He often g

10、oes on diets.10.A. Give up smoking.B. Do more exercise.C. See a doctor.D. Eat more like Eric.Questions 11 to 15 are based on the same passage or dialog.11.A. How the students spend their leisure time.B. How the students spent their summer.C. Their favorite sports.D. Their holiday plans.12.A. Swimmin

11、g.B. Reading.C. Watching television.D. Visiting the library.13.A. A cooling fan.B. Comfort.C. Cheap books.D. Television.14.A. It can expand our knowledge.B. It can be done all the time.C. It may do harm to ones eyes.D. It only does harm to people.15.A. Their television programs.B. Their happy holida

12、y season.C. Their plans to read some more.D. Their school studies.Part 2 Understanding Long Conversations(每小题: 2 分;满分:30 分)(In the case of True/False type of questions,Astands for True andBfor False, orAfor Y,Bfor N andCfor NG.)小题得分对错学生答案Correct1.2C2.2D3.2B4.2D5.2A6.2B7.2D8.2A9.2B10.2A11.2B12.2A13.0

13、D14.2C15.2DSubtotal:28ClickONCEon the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦!Part 3 Understanding Passages(每小题:2 分)Directions: In this section youll hear a passage or passages. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same

14、passage or dialog.1.A. That he was generous too often.B. That he had too much to uncover.C. That he was only beginning life.D. That he was possibly too greedy.2.A. They were often too generous.B. They often spoiled him too much.C. They made him go off to university.D. They made him follow their rule

15、s.3.A. They had to understand their parents.B. They had more freedom overnight.C. They had become a lot greedier.D. They had much more to control.4.A. They made improvements step by step.B. They were able to handle things well.C. They did things that could hurt them.D. They caused trouble they could

16、nt fix.5.A. Refuse to spoil them.B. Relax their rules a little.C. Not control them at all.D. Handle responsibility.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.6.A. They follow a common direction.B. People get so upset in them.C. Things turn out all right in the end.D. Children are so s

17、poiled by parents.7.A. All of the things she will give to the child.B. All of the care she will give to the child.C. All of the good things that will happen.D. All of the goods that the child will collect.8.A. The child becomes angry.B. The child becomes grateful.C. The child becomes selfish.D. The

18、child becomes giving.9.A. They go through a process of discovery.B. They hear the truth from their parents.C. They learn to be more sensitive to others.D. They grow through natural fluctuations.10.A. By understanding that their relationship changes.B. By rewarding one another when they act well.C. B

19、y improving their expectations of one another.D. By showing each other that they are on the same side.Questions 11 to 15 are based on the same passage or dialog.11.A. Methods for reducing pollution.B. The shutting down of factories.C. Managed development.D. The dangers of pollution.12.A. It specifie

20、s the goals for managed development.B. It will facilitate environmentally friendly development.C. Environmental protection is involved in development.D. It will promote national and local economic development.13.A. They keep a close eye on existing polluters.B. They encourage environmentally friendl

21、y industries.C. They no longer provide money for polluting businesses.D. They close polluting businesses.14.A. To discuss environmentally friendly development.B. To discuss world managed development.C. To discuss worldwide pollution.D. To discuss the steps taken by China and other countries.15.A. Mo

22、ney.B. International partnership.C. Managed development.D. Appropriate technologies.Part 3 Understanding Passages(每小题: 2 分;满分:30 分)(In the case of True/False type of questions,Astands for True andBfor False, orAfor Y,Bfor N andCfor NG.)小题得分对错学生答案Correct1.2D2.2D3.2B4.2C5.2B6.2B7.2C8.2C9.2A10.2A11.2C1

23、2.2C13.2C14.0D15.2BSubtotal:28ClickONCEon the speaker icon to start listening!放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦!Part 4 Spot Dictation(每小题:2 分)Directions: In this section you will hear a passage or passages three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea.

24、 When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the information you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.Questions 1 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.The worlds population

25、 continues to grow. There are now over 5 billion of us on earth. The number could reach 7 billion in twenty or thirty years and 11 billion in another 75 years.(1)have long been concerned about such a growth. Where will we find food, water, jobs,(2), schools, and health care for all these people?A(3)

26、shows that the situation may be changing. A large and rapid drop in(4)has taken place during the past 10 years. Families generally are smaller now than they were a few years ago. This decrease is happening in both developing and industrial nations.(5)said they found a number of reasons for this. Mor

27、e men and women are waiting longer to get married and are using(6)and methods to prevent or delay having babies. More women are going to school or working at jobs away from home instead of having children. And more governments, especially in developing nations, now support(7)to reduce population growth.China is one of the nations that has made great progress in(8)its population growth. China has already cut its rate of(9)by about one half since 1970s.Several nations in Europe already have(10). Experts said that these nation

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