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1、供应链英文论文原文+翻译5000字 中国矿业大学矿业工程学院 论文翻译课程名称 供应链论文翻译姓名 马X 班级 工业13-X班学号 01X 日期 2016.5.11成绩 教师 李XIntroduction to supply chain conceptsFirms can no longer effectively compete in isolation of their suppliers and other entities in the supply chain. Interest in the concept of supply chain management has steadi

2、ly increased since the 1980s when companies saw the benefits of collaborative relationships within and beyond their own organization. A number of definitions have been proposed concerning the concept of “the supply chain” and its management. This paper defines the concept of the supply chain and dis

3、cusses the evolution of supply chain management. The term does not replace supplier partnerships, nor is it a description of the logistics function. Industry groups are now working together to improve the integrative processes of supply chain management and accelerate the benefits available through

4、successful implementation. The competitive importance of linking a fir ms supply chain strategy to its overall business strategy and some practical guidelines are offered for successful supply chain management.Definition of supply chainVarious definitions of a supply chain have been offered in the p

5、ast several years as the concept has gained popularity. The APICS Dictionary describes the supply chain as: 1 .the processes from the initial raw materials to the ultimate consumption of the finished product linking across supplier user companies; 2 and the functions within and outside a company tha

6、t enable the value chain to make products and provide services to the customer (Cox et al., 1995).Another source defines supply chain as, the network of entities through which material flows. Those entities may include suppliers, carriers, manufacturing sites, distribution centers, retailers, and cu

7、stomers (Lummus and Alber, 1997). The Supply Chain Council(1997) uses the definition: “The supply chain a term increasingly used by logistics professionals encompasses every effort involved in producing and delivering a final product, from the suppliers supplier to the customers customer. Four basic

8、 processes plan, source, make, deliver broadly define these efforts, which include managing supply and demand, sourcing raw materials and parts, manufacturing an assembly, warehousing and inventory tracking, order entry and order management, distribution across all channels, and delivery to the cust

9、omer.” Quinn (1997) defines the supply chain as “all of those activities associated with moving goods from the raw-materials stage through to the end user.This includes sourcing and procurement, production scheduling, order processing, inventory management, transportation, warehousing, and customer

10、service. Importantly, it also embodies the information systems so necessary to monitor all of those activities.”In addition to defining the supply chain, several authors have further defined the concept of supply chain management. As defined by Ellram and Cooper (1993), supply chain management is “a

11、n integrating philosophy to manage the total flow of a distribution channel from supplier to ultimate customer”. Monczka and (1997) state that “integrated supply chain management is about going from the external customer and then managing all the processes that are needed to provide the customer wit

12、h value in a horizontal way”. They believe that supply chains, not firms, compete and that those who will be the strongest competitors are those that “can provide management and leadership to the fully integrated supply chain including external customer as well as prime suppliers, their suppliers, a

13、nd their suppliers suppliers”. From these definitions, a summary definition of the supply chain can be stated as: all the activities involved in delivering a product from raw material through to the customer including sourcing raw materials and parts, manufacturing and assembly, warehousing and inve

14、ntory tracking, order entry and order management, distribution across all channels, delivery to the customer, and the information systems necessary to monitor all of these activities. Supply chain management coordinates and integrates all of these activities into a seamless process. It links all of

15、the partners in the chain including departments within an organization and the external partners including suppliers, carriers, third-party companies, and information systems providers. Managers in companies across the supply chain take an interest in the success of other companies. They work togeth

16、er to make the whole supply chain competitive. They have the facts about the market, they know a lot about competition, and they coordinate their activities with those of their trading partners. It encompasses the processes necessary to create, source, make to, and to deliver to demand. They use tec

17、hnology to gather information on market demands and exchange information between organizations. A key point in supply chain management is that the entire process must be viewed as one system. Any inefficiency incurred across the supply chain (suppliers, manufacturing plants, warehouses, customers, e

18、tc.) must be assessed to determine the true capabilities of the process. Figure 1 describes the total integration required within the supply chain.Interest in supply chains Why has managing the supply chain become an issue for the 1990s? In part, the answer lies in the fact that few companies contin

19、ue to be vertically integrated. Companies have become more specialized and search for suppliers who can provide low cost, quality materials rather than own their source of supply. It becomes critical for companies to manage the entire network of supply to optimize overall performance. These organiza

20、tions have realized that whenever a company deals with another company that performs the next phase of the supply chain, both stand to benefit from the others success.A second reason partially stems from increased national and international competition. Customers have multiple sources from which to

21、choose to satisfy demand; locating product throughout the distribution channel for maximum customer accessibility at a minimum cost becomes crucial. Previously, companies looked at solving the distribution problem through maintaining inventory at various locations throughout the chain. However, the

22、dynamic nature of the marketplace makes holding inventory a risky and potentially unprofitable business. Customers buying habits are constantly changing, and competitors are continually adding and deleting products. Demand changes make it almost a sure bet that the company will have the wrong invent

23、ory. The cost of holding any inventory also means most companies cannot provide a low cost product when funds are tied up in inventory.A third reason for the shift in emphasis to the supply chain is due to a realization by most companies that maximizing performance of one department or function may

24、lead to less than optimal performance for the whole company. Purchasing may negotiate a lower the price on a component and receive a favorable purchase price variance, but the cost to produce the finished product may go up due to inefficiencies in the plant. Companies must look across the entire sup

25、ply chain to gauge the impact of decisions in any one area.Advanced Manufacturing Research, a Boston-based consulting fir m, developed a supply chain model which emphasizes material and information flow between manufacturers and their trading partners (Davis, 1995). They believe the changes required

26、 by management are due to the following changes in how manufacturers are doing business: Greater sharing of information between vendors and customers. Horizontal business processes replacing vertical departmental functions. Shift from mass production to customized products. Increased reliance on pur

27、chased materials and outside processing with a simultaneous reduction in the number of suppliers. Greater emphasis on organizational and process flexibility. Necessity to coordinate processes across many sites. Employee empowerment and the need for rules-based real time decision support systems. Com

28、petitive pressure to introduce new products more quickly.Companies are streamlining all operations and minimizing the time-to-customer for their products. For these reasons, expertly managing the supply chain has become critical for most companies. As Ralph Drayer, vice president of product supply/

29、customer service at Procter and Gamble put it, “Winning in the marketplace of the 1990s is going to require a far different kind of relationship-one that recognizes that the ultimate winners will be those who understand the interdependence of retailer/ manufacturer business systems and who work toge

30、ther to exploit opportunities to deliver superior consumer value” (Drayer , 1994). Managers in companies across the supply chain take an interest in the success of the other companies. They work together to make the whole supply chain competitive. They have the facts about the market, they know a lo

31、t about competition, and they coordinate their activities with those of their trading partners. They use technology to gather information on market demands and exchange information between organizations. Critical to managing the supply chain is managing the link between each node within the chain to

32、 synchronize the entire supply chain.History of the supply chain initiativeThe history of the supply chain initiative can be traced to early beginnings in the textile industry with the quick response program and later to efficient consumer response in the grocery industry. More recently a variety of companies across many industries have begun looking at the entire supply chain process. This section will discuss those early beginnings of the supply chain and some more recent success stories.Quick response, for general merchandise retailers and their suppliersOwing to intense com

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