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1、大学生体验英语unit5的答案docUnit 1 Old friends, different choicesVocabulary TaskAnswers/ScriptA It抯 been 10 years since I saw you last. I was able to travel and see the world. And I never got stuck being a housewife!B Things are going great for me these days. I finally settled down and got a real job. Now I w

2、ork 9 to 5 at a neighborhood store. C Life has sure treated me well. I put myself through school. I was able to work my way up in a company. And then I started my own business.Listening TaskFirst Listening Answers 1. He went overseas for graduate school and is working at a high-tech company.2. She w

3、as in a few beauty contests, but she never won.She now has two children.3. He works at the neighborhood post office and has two children.4. She抯 the branch manager at the local grocery store.2)second listeningAnswer 1. He missed his home.2. She hopes her daughter will become a model.3. He loves his

4、family.4. She抯 proud of her new job.Script 1. A: Jim, I can抰 believe it-wow! I haven抰 seen you since we graduated from high school! What have you been doing?B: Well, after I went overseas for graduate school, and I had a great time. But finally I had to come home and get a real job in a high-teach c

5、ompany.B: Yeah?I remember you always wanted an international lifestyle.A: Oh, I had a great time overseas, but I got home-stick, too.2. A: Carol, is that you?B: Yes, it抯 me!A: Oh, it抯 so good to see you! You know, Carol, I remember you always wanted to be a famous model and travel around the world.

6、Did it happen?B: Well, no. I was in a few beauty contests, but I never won, and nobody ever offered me a modeling contract.A: Oh, that抯 too bad.B: Yeah, but now I guess I抦 too old, and I have two young kids, a boy and a girl. You know, maybe my daughter will get to do it some day.3. A: What have you

7、 been up to over the years, Ed?B: Well, I have two beautiful children now and work 9-5 at the neighborhood post office.A: Hmm, I remember you always wanted to be a professional race car driver梂hat happened?B: The closest I抳e come to that is driving a Porsche over 100 mph on the Autobahn. No, my grea

8、test achievement is my family.4.A: So, Nora, how have you been?B: Remember when we were in high school, I worked part-time job there. I抳e been there ever since.B: Yeah?A: So when I graduated it seemed natural to get a And I抳e been working my way up. Now I抦 the branch manager. I抦 making more money th

9、an some people who have college degrees!Real World Listening1. PredictAnswerstravel, old boyfriends, family, career2. Get the main ideaAnswersF ? Sharon and Karen havent seen each other for 30 years.T ? Sharon planned to get married to Jim after high school.T ? Sharon started her own advertising age

10、ncy.F ? Sharon majored in art in college.T ? Karen didnt want to get stuck being a housewife.F ? Karen had one child.T ? Karen traveled around Europe for a year.F ? Karen went to medical school.ScriptSharon: Hey, Karen, is that you?Karen: Sharon, wow! I can抰 believe it! Yes, its me. Gosh, it抯 good t

11、o see you!Sharon: You, too! What抯 it been? Something like 20 years?!?Karen: Yeah, I can抰 believe we抮e that old already.Sharon: Life sure has treated well. You look great!Karen: Thanks you do too! What抳e you been doing all this time? I remember you couldn抰 wait to marry Jim and start a family.Sharon:

12、 Hah! I never did get married. I was too busy with school and then my job. I don抰 even know what happened to Jim.Karen: So what do you do?Sharon: I have my own advertising agency.Karen: Come on, Sharon! You?Sharon: Really. I majored in marketing in college and afterwards got a job with an advertisin

13、g agency. I worked my way up, and when I felt I understood the business really well, I left to start my own agency. Karen: Wow, that抯 pretty impressive. No wonder you haven抰 had any time to get married.Sharon: Yeah. So, anyway, what about you? You were the one who was going to travel the world and d

14、o your own thing. You didn抰 want to get stuck being a housewife.Karen: Hah! You抮e gonna laugh, but I AM a housewife, and a mother of three.Sharon: Oh, come on, Karen, you抮e not serious, are you? What happened to the travel?Karen: Well, I did travel around Europe for a year with some friends. But the

15、n I met Stan, and we got married right away. I helped put him through medical school, and then we had our children. I love being able to focus on my family, and when they leave home, Im going to start my career梚f its not too late!Sharon: Its never too late.Unit 2 Just Who Are You?Vocabulary taskAnsw

16、er/ScriptA Im pretty sure that people like me for who I m. Im just a typical, ordinary, regular girl. Im just like everybody else. B Im really into dancing at clubs. I spend really late nights going out with my friends. Now Im getting behind in my work.C Ive got a chance to do something big. I could

17、 go pro, go on the pro tour. But I need to drop out lf school. Well, I gotta do what I gotta do.Listening Task1) First ListeningAnswers1. He goes out clubbing every night. He can still get great grades.2. She has a scholarship to Harvard.3. He was an activist during the Vietnam War. He was put in pr

18、ison for protesting.4. He collects baseball cards.2) Second ListeningAnswers1. She thinks Sams really smart.2. She thinks Miriams scholarship is impressive.3. Shes surprised that Tom was an activist.4. He thinks Harolds collection is silly.Script1. A: Sam, how come youre so tired in class all the ti

19、me? Another late night studying?B: Are you kidding, Jennifer? I hardly study at all.A: How can that be? You抮e the star student, the math ace .B: No, I go out clubbing every night. I dance til the bars ?that抯 why I can抰 keep my eyes open.A: Aren抰 you getting behind in work?B: Nah, I just zip through

20、my homework before dinner.A: You must be a genius.2. A: Mom, do you think Joey will ever be interested in me?B: Of course he will, Miriam. You抮e such a sweet, sensitive girl.A: I don抰 want to be sweet and sensitive! I want to be beautiful and athletic. Instead, Ive got a hunch of pimples and Im a ne

21、rd.B: If this boy doesnt like you for who you are, he抯 not worth it.A: But Mom, it doesnt work like that. You抳e got to impress a guy to get him to even notice you.B: Well,does he know about your scholarship to Harvard?A: Guys like Joey dont care about stuff like that.3. A: So, Tom, what were you lik

22、e in college?B: I was pretty serious. I studied political science at Berkeley in the 1960s.A: Really?B: Yeah, I was an activist during the Vietnam War.A: You?B: Yeah. You wont believe this. I even got stuck in prison for one of the protests against the war.A: Wow! Thats amazing. I didnt know that ab

23、out you.4. A: Hey Harold, I didnt know you collected baseball cards.B: What? How do you know that?A: I was looking for a pencil the other day, and I saw the cards in your drawer. How come you never told us?B: Its secret! I dont really like people knowing what Im up to.A: Well, that抯 not such a bad t

24、hing.Real World Listening1. PredictAnswerTJ is good at skateboarding.2. Get the main ideaAnswersF ?TJ got second place in the pro skateboarding contest Last weekend.T ?TJ is going to go TV commercial.T ?Cesar thinks TJ will forget his friends after he becomes famous.T ?TJ feels like a regular guy.F

25、?TJ has a girlfriend.T ?TJ is parents dont want him to drop out of school.F ?TJ doesnt want to drop out of school.X ?Cesar wants TJ to drop out of school.ScriptCesar: TJ, my man! I heard you won the Pro-Am stake-boarding contest last weekend.TJ: Yeah, Cesar, I did a flip on the half-pipe that really

26、 impressed the judges.Cesar: You impress me, TJ. You抮e something else on that board!TJ: Ah, cmon, stop it, will ya?Cesar: But Ive seen you fly on a skateboard. Its amazing.TJ: Yeah, well, things have been goingood. Youll never believe what the latest is.Cesar: What?TJ: Nike wants me to do a commerci

27、al. Theyve been calling my agent.Cesar: Wow! I dont believe that.TJ: You best believe it, my friend. Im going to get some big bucks for doing it, too.Cesar: Youre going big time now. I cant believe I even know you.TJ: Great, huh? I抦 gonna be on TV!Cesar: Yeah! Pretty soon you抮e not going to have tim

28、e for someone like me.TJ: No way, Cesar. You know my friends are important.Cesar: Yeah, but now you抮e hitting the big time.Everything抯 gonna change.TJ: You know I抦 just a regular guy.Cesar: No, you抮e not.TJ: Yes, I am. I抳e got parents and a bratty sister, just like you. I took piano lessons when I w

29、as little, and I go to church on Sundays. I like watching cartoons, and my mom makes me take out the trash. And I worry about not having a girlfriend. See? I抦 just like everybody else.Cesar: I don抰 think so. Nobody else I know is doing a Nike commercial. You抮e got it made, TJ.TJ: Yeah, but the probl

30、em is my parents.Cesar: What抯 up?TJ: To really make it big , I抳e got to go on the pro tour ,and the only way I can go pro is to drop out of school ,but they don抰 want me to. They say I抦 ruining my future. But I may not get another chance ?two years from now may be too late.Cesar: So what抮e you gonna

31、 for?TJ: I抳e got to go for it. I抦 at the top of my game right now ,and that抯 what counts.Cesar: Yeah, you gotta do what you gotta do.Unit3 Living with people Vocabulary TaskAnswers/ScriptA Dorm life has some major negatives. The other students keep me up all night. And my roommate doesnt give me any

32、 space.B My new roommate doesnt drive me crazy. She never leaves her food or clothes all over the place. She never takes my things without asking.C My dads rules are way too strict. He wont let me use the phone for more than 10 minutes. And I have to be back by a 9 p.m. curfew. I know its because hes concerned about me.

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