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1、英语练嘴50个单词1. what 1. What time will you come? 你什么时候来?2. What are you doing? 你在做什么?3. What can I do for you?我能为你做什么?4. What do you think of our school?你认为我们学校怎样?5. What do you recommend?你有什么推荐吗?6. Thats just what I want to say.那正是我想要说的。2. happen1. What happened? 出什么事了2. It happens.这是常有的事。3. The accide

2、nt happened outside my house. 这个事故发生在我家房子的外面。4. What will happen to the children if Peter and Alice break up?如果彼得和爱丽丝离婚孩子们将怎么办?5. It happened quite by chance.此事纯属偶然。6. A funny thing happened in the subway sbwei yesterday.昨天地铁里发生了一件有趣的事。7. A bad accident happened to that family. 那个家庭发生了不幸的事情。【下次见面请卖弄

3、给我听!】8. Did you hear what happened to David last night?你听说大卫昨天晚上发生什么事了吗?亲爱的朋友们,happen还有一个极其重要的意思就是“碰巧”,与to连用。9. Do you happen to know his new telephone number?你可知道他的新电话号码?10. I happened to be in the market yesterday when a fire started. 昨天发生火灾时,我正好在市场上。11.I happened to see Peter on the way to the bo

4、okstore yesterday.昨天我去书店的路上碰巧遇见了彼得。3. sad1. That man looks sad.那个人看起来很伤心。2. The news made her sad.这消息使她伤心。4. funny1. I heard a really funny joke last night.昨天晚上我听到一个非常有趣的笑话。2. I can make funny faces.我会做各种鬼脸。5. hard1. Theyre trying very hard to succeed sksi:d. 他们努力地工作以求得成功。2. I have been working hard

5、 all morning.我辛辛苦苦地干了一上午活。3. Push hard!用力推!6. finger1. She is counting on her fingers.她扳着手指在计算。2. A hand has five fingers.一只手有五个手指。7. fresh1. This fish isnt fresh; it smells!这条鱼不新鲜,已经发臭了。2. The morning fresh air makes me feel quite frisky friski.早晨清新的空气使我感到十分愉快。8. heart1. She has a kind heart. 她心地善良

6、。2. Dont lose lu:z heart.不要失去勇气。9. start1. We couldnt start the car. 我们不能发动这辆汽车。2. If you are ready, you may start your work. 如果你准备好了,你可以开始工作了。【李阳老师和Jim重点讲解!】3. Lets get started.让我们开始吧!10. reach1. Please try to reach her by telephone.请用电话与她联系。2. The cost reached billions.费用总计达到数十亿11. rich1. Bill Gat

7、es is a rich man.比尔盖茨是个有钱人。2. The rich are not always happy.富人未必幸福。12. goal1. Speaking good English is my goal in life.说好英语是我人生的目的。2. Whats your goal for next year?你明年的目标是什么13. doctor1. He is our family doctor.他是我们的家庭医生。2. Youre the doctor.你是专家。/由你决定。/我听你的。14. want1. They want good jobs.她们想要好的工作。2.

8、I want a bicycle for my birthday. 我生日的时候想要一辆自行车。3. I want you to think it over.我希望你仔细考虑一下。【李阳老师最喜欢的句子之一!】15. watch1. Do you often watch television? 你常看电视吗?2. Watch out! 留神!3. Please keep a close watch on that man.请密切注视/严密监视那个人。16. about1. Tell me something about your trip. 请告诉我一些关于你旅行的情况。【李阳老师和Jim重点

9、讲解!】2. Its about ten oclock.现在大约十点。3. The job is about done.工作差不多要完成了。17. fault1. Its my fault.这是我的过错。2. Your only fault is carelessness. 你惟一的缺点是粗心大意。【李阳老师和Jim重点讲解!】3. The fault lies with me, not with you.这是我的责任,不是你的责任。18. always1. He always comes late.他总是迟到。 2. They will always be friends.他们将永远是朋友。

10、3. I will always remember my first day at school. 我将永远记住我上学的第一天。【李阳老师和Jim重点讲解!】19. school1. There will be no school tomorrow. 明日学校放假。【学生最喜欢听到的一句话!】2. You have to stay after school.你放学后得留下来。【学生最怕听到的一句话!】3. She left school last year.她去年从学校毕业了。【李阳老师和Jim重点讲解】20. for1. Lets go out for a walk.让我们出去散散步。2.

11、Ive got a little present for your birthday.我有一件小礼物送给你过生日。3. We havent seen each other for ages.我们好久没见面了。【李阳老师和Jim重点讲解】21. advice1. Thats my advice to you. 这就是我给你出的主意。2. I will follow your advice.我接受你的意见。3. Let me give you some personal advice.让我给你一点个人建议吧。【李阳老师和Jim重点讲解】22. look1. You look great today

12、.你今天看上去很帅!2. Would you like to look around?你想各处看看吗?3. Im looking forward to seeing you this summer vacation.23. nervous1. Dont be nervous! 别紧张!2. I felt very nervous when I went into his office. 当我走进他的办公室时,我感到很紧张。3. Im always very nervous when I speak English with foreignersf:rin.我和外国朋友说英语时,我总是很紧张。【

13、李阳老师和Jim重点讲解】24. horse1. Im so hungry; I could eat a horse.我饿得能吃下一匹马。2. Hold your horses; were not ready to leave yet!等一等,我们还没有准备好。25. tomorrow1. Tomorrow will be her birthday. 明天是她的生日。2. Tomorrow will be Tuesday. 明天是星期二。3. Tomorrows world / The world of tomorrow will be very different from the worl

14、d of today. 未来世界将和现在大不相同。4. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.今日事今日毕。【五星级谚语!】【李阳老师和Jim重点讲解】5. Tomorrow never comes.切莫依赖明天。【充满智慧的谚语!】6. Tomorrow is a new day. 【= Dont lose hope; be optimistic.】明天还来得及。/明天还有指望。26. taste1. You really have good taste.你很有品位。【李阳老师和Jim重点讲解】2. This tea tastes

15、 sweet. 这茶的味道很香。3. One can taste nothing when one has a cold.人在感冒时吃东西没味道。27. terrific1. It was a terrific party.那个聚会太棒了。2. The movie(木v) was terrific! You should go see it.这电影太棒了!你一定要去看。3. The food here is really terrific!这里的东西真是太好吃了。【李阳老师和Jim重点讲解】28. before1. I met him the day before yesterday. 我前天

16、碰见他。2. You must practiceprktis English before going to bed!在上床睡觉前,你必须操练英语。【李阳老师和Jim重点讲解】3. Well finish the work before long.我们不久就会完成这项工作。29. difficult1. Thats a difficult question.那是一个难题。2. He was a difficult man to deal with.他是个很难对付的人。【李阳老师和Jim重点讲解】3. Its difficult for me to finish this alone.我很难一个

17、人完成此事。30. mood1. Im not in the mood.我没有心情。【拒绝别人最好的办法!】2. The beautiful sunny morning put me in a happy mood. 阳光明媚的早晨使我心情愉快。【李阳老师和Jim重点讲解】3. I am in no mood for joking.我没有心思开玩笑。31. fool1. Im a fool; I left my coat on the train. 我真傻,把外套丢在火车上了。2. You cant fool her.你愚弄不了她。3. Stop fooling around.别游手好闲的。3

18、2. music1. I like listening to music. 我喜欢听音乐。2. Our music teacher is a young lady.我们的音乐老师是位年轻的女士。3. That sounds like music to my earsi.听起来很不错。33. truth1. You should always tell the truth. 你要自始自终说实话。2. To tell the truth, I dont give a damn.说实话,我一点也不在乎。3. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but th

19、e truth.【律】所说属实, 决无谎言。34. hate1. I really hate waiting.我讨厌等待。2. I hate to interrupt a man when hes busy working.一个人忙于工作时,我最不愿打搅了。3. I hate it when people smoke in an air-conditioned room.我讨厌人们在空调房里抽烟。35. crazy1. Shes crazy about dancing. 她热衷于跳舞。2. It drives me crazy.简直快让我疯了。3. I took a Crazy English

20、 course last month, and it really helped me a lot.上个月我参加了一个疯狂英语课程,它真正地帮了我很大忙。36. afraid1. I am afraid you are wrong about that. 这事儿我想恐怕是你错了。2. He is afraid to go there. 他不敢到那里去。3. Im afraid I dont understand. 抱歉,我不明白你的意思。4. Im afraid (that) Ill be late.我可能要迟到了。5. Im afraid its going to rain.恐怕要下雨了。6

21、. I am afraid you dont see my point.很抱歉我想你没有明白我的意思。36nWv+51. Never give up!永不放弃。2. Never offer :f to teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。3. Never fear! fi别怕!4. I have never been there. 我从未到过那里。5. He never has anything to do.他一向无所事事。6. Never mind.别着急。/别担心。/没关系。/别介意。38. learn1. Its never too late to learn.什么时候

22、学习都不晚。2. You can only learn to speak English by speaking.你只能通过说才能学会说英语。3. Where did you learn the news?你从哪儿听到这个消息的?39. behind1. His work is a week behind schedule.他的工作比预定时间晚了一个星期。2. Dont worry. Im always behind you.别担心,我会一直支持你的。40. style带1. I like your new hair style.我喜欢你的新发式。2. This building is in

23、European style.这是欧洲式的建筑。3. That dress is in the latest leitist style. 那套衣服是最新式样的。41. try1. Can I have a try? 我能试一试吗?2. Have you tried this chocolate? 你尝过这巧克力了吗?3. Try and finish the work in two days. 要力争两天内完成这项工作。42. Chinese1. Im proud奥of being a Chinese.我为自己是中国人而感到自豪。2. Your Chinese is amazing. Whe

24、re did you learn it?你的中文太好了。你从哪儿学的?【李阳老师和Jim重点讲解!】3. Chinese productsprdkt are more and more popular in America now.中国货在美国越来越受欢迎了。【李阳老师和Jim重点讲解!】43. price1. I dont think its worth the price.我觉得它不值这个价。【疯狂发音分析:要咬三次舌头!】2.Whats the price of the newest/nju:wist/ model of the car?最新型的汽车价格是多少?3. Thats the

25、price of success.那是成功的代价。44. friendship1. I value vlju: our friendship very much.我非常珍惜我们的友谊。2. Friendship is something you cant do without in your life.人的一生中不能没有友谊。3. Your friendship means a lot to me.你的友谊对我来说意义重大45. enjoy1. I enjoy speaking English very much.我非常喜欢说英语。2. I enjoy my job so much. 我非常喜

26、爱我的工作。3. My grandfather has always enjoyed very good health.我祖父身体一直很好。46. hope1. I hope to go to college. 我希望上大学。2. I hope youll be better soon.我希望你能很快好起来。【身边有人生病,这句话是最管用的了!】3. Youre my last hope. 你是我最后所指望的人。47. shout1. He shouted with pain pein.他痛得大叫。2. He is rather far away, but if you shout, he m

27、ay hear you. 他在相当远的地方,但是如果你大声喊的话,他可能听得见。3. Shouting English is very helpful.大喊英语非常有用。48. hear1. Who is he? Ive never heard of him.他是谁? 我从没听说过他。2. She listened but could hear nothing.她注意听了, 但什么也听不见。3. Hear much, speak little.49. five1. There are five hundred and fifty-five people living in that small town.在那个小城镇里住着555个人。2. This is five-star hotel.这家酒店是五星级。3. Please call me before five.请在5点之前给我打电话。50. nine1. Nine of them are from America.他们中间的九个来自美国。2. Nine plus pls nine equalsi:kwl eighteen. 9加9等于18。3. He hasnt shown up yet. Hes late nine times out of ten.他还没来。他几乎每次都迟到。

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