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1、生活大爆炸第一季剧本台词中英文对照106第一季 6集:The Middle Earth Paradigm-Rajesh: Okay, if no one else will say I will. We really suck at paintball.好吧,如果没人说那就我来说。我们在彩弹比赛中的表现实在太差了!-Howard: That was absolutely humiliating.真是太丢人了。-Leonard: Oh, come on! Some battles you win, some battles you lose.好啦!有时候你会赢,有时候你会输嘛。-Rajesh:

2、Yes, but you dont have to lose to Kyle Burnsteen Bar Mitzvah Party.是的,但你没必要输给一帮凯恩斯威尔的Bar Mitzvah -Leonard: I think we have to acknowledge, those was some fairly savage pre-adolescent Jews. 我想我们必须明白,他们是一些相当野性的青春期前期犹太人。they lost to a group of kids.他们输给了一群小孩子.-Sheldon: No, we were annihilated by our ow

3、n incompetence and the inability of some people to follow the chain of command.不,我们是被自己的不在状态弄死的,有些人没能力跟上指令。-Leonard: Sheldon, let it go!Sheldon, 让它去吧!-Sheldon: No, I want to talk about the fact that Wolowitz shot me in the back.不,我想说的事实是,Wolowitz射了我的背!-Howard: I shot you for good reason. You were le

4、ading us into disaster!我射你有很好的理由。你把我们领向了灾难!-Sheldon: I was giving clear, concise orders.我给出了清晰而又简明的指令-Leonard: You hid behind a tree yelling, Get the kid in the yarmulke! Get the kid in the yarmulke! (a small circular cap worn by Jewish men)你躲在一棵树后面叫“对付那个带亚莫克便帽的小子,对付那个带亚莫克便帽的小子” -Penny: Oh, hey, guy

5、s.哦,嘿,朋友们-Men:Oh, hello.Hey.哦, 你好.嘿.-Howard: Morning, madam.早,小姐.-Penny: So, how was paintball Did you have fun那么, 彩弹怎么样 你们玩得开心伐-Sheldon: Sure, if you consider being fragged by your own troops fun.当然,如果你觉得被自己队伍的人杀掉很有趣的话。You clear space on your calendar - there will be an inquiry.把你们的日程安排好,有事要找你们-Pen

6、ny: Hey, Im having a party on Saturday, so if you guys are around, you should come on by.周六我这儿有一个聚会,如果你们到时候在这里的话,你们应该过来-Leonard: A party一个聚会-Penny: Yeah.是的.-Howard: A. boy-girl party一个. 男孩-女孩 聚会-Penny: Well, there will be boys and there will be girls and it is a party, so.对, 会有些男孩子。而且也会有女孩,并且它是一个聚会,

7、所以.Itll be a bunch of my friends. Well have some beer, do a little dancing.到时有些我的朋友来。我们会喝点啤酒,跳跳舞之类.-Sheldon: Dancing跳舞-Leonard: Yeah, I dont know, Penny.是的, 我不知道, Penny.-Sheldon: The thing is, were not. 事情是,我们不.-Leonard: No, were really more of a.No.不,我们更多是.不.But thanks. Thanks for thinking of us.但谢

8、谢。谢谢你邀请我们。-Penny: Are you sure Come on, its Halloween.你确定伐 来吧,是万圣节嘛。-Sheldon: A Halloween party万圣节聚会-Howard: As in. costumes是不是.需要化妆的那种-Penny: Well, yeah.嗯, 是吧.-Leonard: Is there a theme有没有什么主题-Penny: Uh. Yeah, Halloween.恩. 是啊, 万圣节.-Sheldon: Yes, but are the costumes random, or genre-specific是的, 但是是

9、随意装扮,还是有什么特别的类型-Penny: As usual, Im not following.跟往常一样,我不太明白。-Leonard: Hes asking if we can come as anyone from science fiction, fantasy.他是在问我们是否能打扮成科幻或非现实中的人物.-Penny: Sure.当然-Sheldon: What about comic books那漫画书呢?-Penny: Fine. 可以啊。-Sheldon: Anime日本动漫?-Penny: of course.当然当然。-Sheldon: TV, film, D&D,

10、manga, Greek gods, Roman gods, Norse gods. 电视,电影,古希腊众神, 古罗马众神, 古挪威众神.-Penny: Anything you want! Okay Any costume you want.什么都可以! 好吗什么角色都可以。-Penny: Bye.再见。-Howard: Gentlemen, to the sewing machines.先生们,找缝纫机。-Leonard: Ill get it. Oh, no!我来开。噢, 不!-Sheldon: Oh, no!噢, 不!-Rajesh: Make way for the fastest

11、man alive! Oh, no!给最快的人一条路走! 噢, 不!-Sheldon: See, this is why I wanted to have a costume meeting.看到吧,所以我希望开一个关于扮演角色的会-Leonard: We all have other costumes. We can change.我们都有别的扮演角色我们可以换的。-Rajesh: Or we could walk right behind each other all night或者我们可以整晚跟在每个人后面走-Rajesh: and look like one person going

12、really fast.看上去像是一个人走得非常快-Howard: No, no, no. Its a boy-girl party, this Flash runs solo. 不, 不, 不.这是一个男孩女孩聚会, 但闪电侠独来独往。-Leonard: Okay. How about this Nobody gets to be The Flash. We all change. Agreed好吧,那这个怎么样 没人扮演闪电侠. 我们都改,同意吗?-Men: Agreed.同意-Leonard: I call Frodo!我演Frodo!-Men: Damn!该死!-Rajesh: Sor

13、ry Im late, but my hammer got stuck in the door on the bus.对不起我迟到了,但我的锤子被公车车门夹住了。-Leonard: You went with Thor 你扮演雷神 -Rajesh: What Just because Im Indian I cant be a Norse god什么?就因为我是印度人我就不能是雷神No-no-no. Raj has to be an Indian god. Thats racism.不不不. Raj才是印度的神. 那是种族主义I mean, look at Wolowitz.我的意思是,看看W

14、olowitz.Hes not English, but hes dressed like Peter Pan.他不是英国人, 但他穿得像Peter Pan.Sheldon is neither sound nor light, but hes obviously the Doppler effect.Sheldon既没声音也没光,但他显然是多普勒效应。-Howard: Im not Peter Pan.我不是Peter Pan.-Howard: Im Robin Hood.我是Robin Hood.-Rajesh: Really Because I saw Peter Pan, and yo

15、ure dressed exactly like Cathy Rigby.是么?因为我看过Peter Pan, 而你穿得跟Cathy Rigby一模一样. She was a little bigger than you, but its basically the same look, man.她比你稍大一些, 但基本上是一样的,朋友。-Leonard: Sheldon theres something I want to talk to you about before we go to the party.Sheldon,在去聚会之前我有些话想跟你说。-Sheldon: I dont c

16、are if anybody gets it.我不介意有人知道。Im going as the Doppler effect.我准备扮演多普勒效应。-Leonard: No, its not that.不,不是指那个。-Sheldon: If I have to, I can demonstrate. Mew如果有必要,我可以示范。Mew-Leonard: Terrific.完美.This party is my first chance for Penny to see me in the context of her social group, and.这次聚会时我第一次有机会让Penny

17、看到我。在她的社交圈里,所以-Leonard: and I need you not to embarrass me tonight.我要你别在今晚丢我的脸。-Sheldon: What exactly do you mean by embarrass you别丢你的脸是什么意思?-Leonard: For example, tonight, no one needs to know that my middle name is Leakey.比如说,今晚没人需要知道我的中间名是Leakey。-Sheldon: But theres nothing embarrassing about tha

18、t.但这没什么丢脸的。Your father worked with Louis Leakey, a great anthropologist.你爸爸为Louis Leakey工作, 一个伟大的人类学者。Had nothing to do with your bed-wetting.跟你尿床一点关系也没有。-Leonard: All Im saying is that this party is the perfect opportunity for Penny to see me as a member of her peer group, a potential close friend,

19、 and perhaps more.我想说的是这个聚会是个很好的机会让Penny把我看成她交往群中的一员一个潜在的密友,或更进一步。And I dont want to look like a dork.所以我不想被看成是一个蠢蛋。-Howard: Just a heads up, fellas. If anyone gets lucky, Ive got a dozen condoms in my quiver.打起精神,伙计们。如果有谁走运,在我的箭筒里有一打避孕套-Penny: Hey, guys.嘿, 男孩们.-Leonard: Hey. Sorry were late.嘿. 对不起我

20、们来晚了。-Penny: Late Its 7:05.晚 现在才7:05.-Sheldon: You said the party starts at 7:00.你说这聚会是7:00开始.-Penny: Yeah, I mean, when you start a party at 7:00, no one shows up at, you know, 7:00.是的,我的意思是,当你说7:00开始一个聚会时,没人会, 你知道, 7:00准时出现的.-Sheldon: Its 7:05.可现在是7:05了.-Penny: Yes. Yes, it is.是的. 是的, 是的。Okay. Wel

21、l, um, come on in.好吧. 行了,嗯, 进来吧.-Howard: So, what, are all the girls in the bathroom所以, 那么, 是不是所有的女孩子都在洗手间里-Penny: Probably, but in their own homes.可能是, 但是是在她们自己家的.-Sheldon: So, what time does the costume parade start那么, 到底什么时候开始角色提名-Penny: The parade提名-Sheldon: Yeah, so the judges can give out the

22、prizes for best costume.是啊, 然后评判人可以颁出最佳角色扮演奖You know, most frightening, most authentic, most accurate visualization of a scientific principle.比如,最令人恐惧奖,最具真实感奖,最准确科学原理视觉表现奖-Penny: Oh, Sheldon, Im sorry, but there arent going to be any parades or judges or prizes.No! 哦, Sheldon, 不好意思,但今天不会有任何提名或者评判或者颁

23、奖-Sheldon: This party is just going to suck.这个聚会正变得无趣-Penny: Come on, its going to be fun, and you all look great. I mean, look at you, Thor, and, oh, Peter Pan. Thats so cute.不! 别这样,会很有趣的,你们都看上去很不错我是说,看看你,雷神,而你, 哦,Peter Pan. 真可爱。-Leonard: Actually, Penny, hes Robin Hood.事实上, Penny, 他是Robin Hood. -H

24、oward: Im Peter Pan.我是Peter Pan.And I got a handful of pixie dust with your name on it.我有些带着你名字的精灵尘-Penny: No, you dont. Hey, whats Sheldon supposed to be不,你没有。嘿, Sheldon应该算什么-Leonard: Oh, hes the Doppler effect.噢, 他是多普勒效应-Sheldon: Yes. Its the apparent change in the frequency of a wave caused by re

25、lative motion between the source of the wave and the observer.是的. 是一种波动频率的显著变化由波源和观察者的相对运动引起-Penny: Oh, sure, I see it now. The Doppler effect.噢, 当然, 我现在明白了.多普勒效应.All right, I got to shower.好了,我要去洗个澡You guys. make yourselves comfortable.你们,随便玩吧-Leonard: Okay.行-Sheldon: See People get it. 看见了吗?别人能懂.

26、-Rajesh: By Odins beard, this is good Chex Mix. 奥丁的胡子,这是不错的早餐混合物.-Howard: No, thanks. Peanuts.不,谢谢. 坚果.I cant afford to swell up in these tights.太紧了,我没法弄松-Sheldon: Im confused. If theres no costume parade, what are we doing here我糊涂了。如果没有角色扮演提名,我们在这干嘛-Leonard: Were socializing, meeting new people.我们在

27、社交,认识新朋友。-Sheldon: Telepathically 心灵感应 -Penny: Oh, hey, when did you get here哦, 嗨, 你们什么时候来的Penny is wearing the worst Catwoman costume Ive ever seen. Penny是我见过的打扮最糟的猫女And that includes Halle Berrys. 也包括Halle Berry的打扮-Leonard: Shes not Catwoman. Shes just a generic cat.她不是猫女,她就是一只普通的猫。-Sheldon: And t

28、hats the kind of sloppy costuming which results from a lack of rules and competition.这种角色扮演太马虎了,因为缺乏规则和竞争-Howard: Hey, guys, check out the sexy nurse.喂, 伙计们, 看那个性感护士I believe its time for me to turn my head and cough.我想是到了我该转头咳嗽的时候了。-Rajesh: What is your move你干嘛这么动-Howard: Im going to use the mirror

29、 technique.我准备用镜像技术She brushes her hair back, I brush my hair back.她向后甩头,我也向后甩头She shrugs, I shrug. Subconsciously shes thinking,她,我也耸肩,她会想Were in sync. We belong together. 我们是同步的。我们属于彼此。-Leonard: Where do you get this stuff你从哪学来的-Howard: You know, psychology journals, internet research, and theres

30、this great show on VH-1 about how to pick up girls.告诉你, 心理学杂志, 互联网研究,在VH-1上有个很好的节目关于怎么去钓姑娘的-Rajesh: If only I had his confidence!如果我有他的自信就好了.I have such difficulty speaking to women, or around women. or at times even effeminate men.我跟女人说话太难了. 或是被女人围着. 或只是些女里女气的男人.-Howard: If thats a working stethoscope, maybe youd like to hear my heart skip a beat如果有个听诊器,也许你想听听我已经停止的心跳.-Woman A: No, thanks.不。谢谢。-Howard: No, seriously, you can. I have transient idiopathic arrhythmia.不, 认真的说, 你是可以的. 我有暂时性突发心律失常.-Leonard: I want to get to know Pennys friends, I just.

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