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本文(上海市洋泾南校学年初三第一学期学科份阶段测试无听力 解析版.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

上海市洋泾南校学年初三第一学期学科份阶段测试无听力 解析版.docx

1、上海市洋泾南校学年初三第一学期学科份阶段测试无听力 解析版洋泾南校2018学年初三第一学期学科9月份阶段测试 Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇)26. Which of the following words is pronouncedas /ga:d/? A. garden B. gold C. guide D. guard【正确答案】D【题目解析】考察音标。A. garden gd()n B. goldgld C. guidegad.27. Which of the following underlined par

2、ts is different in pronunciation from others? A. We have a training program. B. The way you speak is very common. C. The doctor operated on him immediately. D. I have been in contact with him.【正确答案】B【题目解析】考察音标。B. A. C.D都是。28. I cant go to _ sleep without doing a few minutes reading. A. a B. an C. th

3、e D. /【正确答案】D【题目解析】考察冠词。go to sleep=fall asleep,译为入睡。29. I was angry _ myself for making such a stupid mistake. A. of B. at C. with D. for【正确答案】C【题目解析】考察介词。be angry with sb,生某人的气。be angry at sth,生某事的气。30. Last Friday, my aunt gave _ and my brother two tickets to the rock concert. A. I B. me C. mine

4、D. myself【正确答案】B【题目解析】考察代词。动词及介词后面应接人称代词的宾格。31. Some people think the Internet helps friendship, but _ dont. A. other B. another C. the other D. others【正确答案】D【题目解析】考察代词。other+名词的复数=others, the other+名词的复数=the others The other表示两者中的另一个,another表示三者及以上的另一个32. If you enjoy American stories, youll find t

5、hat quite _ of them take place on the road. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little【正确答案】B【题目解析】考察代词。A few和few修饰可数名词的复数,a little和little修饰不可数名词。a few和a little表肯定,翻译成一点,一些。Few和little表示否定,翻译成几乎没有。Quite后面需接a little和a few,stories是复数,所以用a few.33. During my stay in Germany, I gained much _ of local customs a

6、nd cultures. A. suggestion B. idea C. knowledge D. message【正确答案】C【题目解析】考察名词。Much后面需跟不可数名词,suggestion、idea和message都是可数名词,knowledge是不可数名词。34. I like hiking at weekends. I have walked 10 miles _ 6 oclock. A. for B. since C. at D. from【正确答案】B【题目解析】考察介词。Have walked是现在完成时,for+一段时间和since+过去的时间点是现在完成时的标志词。6

7、 oclock是一个时间点,所以用since。35. Tea is _ drink in the world besides water. A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular【正确答案】D【题目解析】考察形容词。In the world是全世界,所以应该用最高级,包括水在内,茶是世界上最受欢迎的饮料。36. Jimmy set out early for the airport, _ he wouldnt catch the plane. A. and B. then C. so D. or【正确答案】D

8、【题目解析】考察连词。And表示和,then表示然后,so表示所以,or表示否则。吉米很早就出发去了机场,否则他赶不上飞机。37. The restaurant is very popular _ it offers a wide variety of delicious food at low prices. A. although B. because C. before D. until【正确答案】B【题目解析】考察连词。Although表示虽然,because表示因为,before表示在.之前,until表示直到。这个餐馆很受欢迎是因为它提供各种各样低价的食物。38. Our road

9、 information system should be improved so that we _ know the road condition ahead of time. A. must B. should C. can D. could【正确答案】C【题目解析】考察情态动词。Must表示必须,should表示应该,can表示现在能够,could表示过去能够,我们的道路信息系统应该被改善从而我们能够提前知道道路情况。39. _ will we know the result of our physical examination? In about 2 weeks. A. How s

10、oon B. How often C. How long D. How far【正确答案】A【题目解析】考察特殊疑问词。How soon表示多久以后,how often表示多久一次,how long表示多长时间,how far 表示多远。In+一段时间应用how soon提问。40. Oh, my god. The children _ an awful mess in the kitchen! I have to clean it. A. are making B. have made C. will make D. made【正确答案】B【题目解析】考察时态。孩子们已经把厨房弄得一团糟,我

11、不得不打扫它。现在完成时强调过去对现在所造成的结果和影响。41. After his death, the land _ equally among his sons. A. divides B. divided C. was divided D. has divided【正确答案】C【题目解析】考察被动语态。在他死后,他的土地被他的几个儿子划分掉了。儿子划分土地,土地被划分,所以应用一般过去时的被动语态。42. The weather report has warned people _ outdoor exercise in hazy caught. A. not do B. to not

12、 do C. not to do D. not doing【正确答案】C【题目解析】考察不定式。Warn sb not to do sth表示警告某人不做某事。43. The drunk driver didnt remember _ the old lady after being caught. A. knock down B. to knock down C. knocking down D. knocked down【正确答案】C【题目解析】考察动词。Remember to do sth表示记得去做某事,remember doing sth表示记得做过某事。在被抓以后醉酒的司机不记得撞

13、过一个老女人。44. In my opinion, we should help the old when they are in trouble. _. A. Congratulations! B. Yes, please. C. Best wishes! D. I think so, too.【正确答案】D【题目解析】考察交际用语。Congratulations表示祝贺。Best wishes表示祝愿,I think so, too表示赞同别人的观点。45. Ive been waiting for you for ages. What kept you so long, John? _,

14、 but I have been caught in a traffic jam for nearly an hour. A. Not at all B. Never mind C. Im so sorry D. Thats all right【正确答案】C【题目解析】考察交际用语。Not at all用来回答感谢。Never mind用来回答道歉,Im so sorry用来道歉,Thats all right用来回答道歉和感谢。. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can onl

15、y be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格,每个单词或词组只能填一次):A) chat B)interview C)trained D)operation E)relationship“Calm down!” said Alex.” Dont tell me to calm down!replied Irene.Husband and wife? Brother and sister? No, Alex was an African gray parrot, and Dr. Irene Pepperberg 46 him to talk he had a vocabulary of

16、 about 150 words when he died in 2007.Alex could also count up to six, and identify shapes, color, and materials.And he had a close 47 with Dr Pepperberg .When she had to leave Ale with the vet for a(n) 48 He asked her not to go. stop! he screamed.” love you! Come back!”Apes are also famous for lear

17、ning human language. Koko, a gorilla who was taught sign language, has learned more than 1000 signs and an understand about 2000 English words, Shealso makes up words. She has even had an Internet 49 But one of the most famous animal “language learners”is Kazi, a chimpanzee, who communicates by symb

18、ols on a compute.【答案】CEDA【分析】46.空根据句意,意为“训练”,故选C 47.空为固定搭配为“真正的与.有密切的关系”,故选E48.空根据前一个单词vet兽医,句意为“做手术”,根据句意选D49.根据句意得知为“聊天”,故选AA) accurately B)bring back C) relaxing D)turn off E)correctly Kanz has a vocabulary of over 3000 words,and he responds to a large number of spoken commands and questions. In

19、one test, the researcher, Dr. Savage-Rumbaugh asked him to wash apotato, and then she told him to 50 the water.She asked him to get a ball,and told him to take a red ball into the office. She told him to put a tomato and a key in the fridge. Kanzi responded 51 to 74 percent of 660 requests and instr

20、uctions.Kanzi clearly a remarkable chimp. Once, DR. Savage-Rumbaughs keys were stolen by another chimp. She asked Kanzi to get them back. Kan went to talk to the guilty chimp to 52 the stolen keys.And when hes 53 , Kanzi likes watching TV-Tarzon is one of his favourite movies.【答案】DACB【分析】50.空根据句意,意为

21、“关掉”水,故选D51.空根据句意“准确地回答”,故选A51.空根据句意为“带回偷走的钥匙”,根据句意选C53.根据句意得知为“放松”,故选BIV Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的造当形式完成下列句子,每空格限等一词) (共8分)54. Its not good to make for being late for school .(excuse)55. avenue is a good place for window shopping. (five)56. The Com

22、ic book was so exciting that they all lost in it .(they)57. We have full that we shall succeed .(confident)58.There wasnt enough evidence to him guilty.( proof)59. It was the most experience of my life: Oh, what an awful day! (frighten)60. Sometimes life is very but we must continue. (helpful)61. Wh

23、enever we have trouble with our studies, our teachers help us .(patient)54.【答案】excuses. 根据句意可知,为上学迟到找借口是不好的,这里借口不止一个,应填excuse的复数形式55.【答案】Fifth . 这里第五大街,应填序数词。56.【答案】themselves. lost oneself是固定句型 ,表示“沉迷于做某事”57.【答案】confidence. 考察名词。58.【答案】prove. 此处考察动词,根据句意没有足够的证据证明他无罪。 59.【答案】frightening. 此处考察形容词。60.

24、【答案】helpless. 考察形容词,根据句意有时候生活是很绝望的。61.【答案】patiently. 此处考察副词。V. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下划句子。第62-67题空格限填一词,第68题注意句首大写) (共14分)62. You have never seen such a beautiful sunset .(改为一般疑问句) you seen such a beautiful sunset?63.The first computers were built in the 1940s. (对划线部分

25、提问) the first computers built?64.It is uncertain .Will coffee cause problems with memory? (合并为一句)It is uncertain coffee problems with memory or not. 65. Shelley was so lucky that she won a fierce tip to Singapore. (改为简单句)Shelley was lucky to a free trip to Singapore.66. Big flood often affects a gre

26、at many people. (改为被动语态)A great many people often by big flood.67.I wont go to the party if Im not invited. (同意句型转换),I wont go to the party invited.68.more chances, offers, working in pairs, from each other, the students, to, learn English(连词成句) 62. 【答案】Have; never. 原句是现在完成时的肯定句,改为一般疑问句要把助动词have提前,放

27、在句首,其它部分不变,故答案为Have,never。63. 【答案】When were. 原句是一般过去时的被动语态,改为特殊疑问句要把特殊疑问词提前,be动词were提前,放在句首,其它部分不变,故答案为when were。64. 【答案】whether, will 分析原句,意思是这是不确定的,咖啡会引起记忆问题吗?要求合并为一句,结合后面or not, 即用whether引导一个宾语从句,为陈述句语序,时态是一般将来时,用will, 故答案是whether, will65. 【答案】enough win,so.that 与enough to do 转化。66. 【答案】are affec

28、ted 分析原句,意思是大洪水经常影响许多人.要求改为被动语态,即用一般现在时的被动语态,结构是am/is/are done, 主语是复数,故答案是are affected.67. 【答案】 until Im. 根据句译:如果我没有被邀请,我是不会去参加派对的。.直到. 固定搭配。这里是一个条件状语从句,是先被邀请然后去参加派对所以主句用的是一般将来时,从句用的是一般现在时。68. 【答案】Working in pairs offers the students more chances to learn English from each other.首先结合提示词和标点符合明确所要组合的句

29、子是一个陈述句,组合成的句子的句意是结对练习给学生提供更多互相学习英语的机会. ,句子叙述一件事实,时态应该用一般现在时的,这里用动名词短语做主语,后面谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,后面用to引导的不定式形式,learn from向.学习. 故答案为: Working in pairs offers the students more chances to learn English from each other.Part 3 Reading and Writing. Reading Comprehension(阅读理解)(共50分)A. Choose the best answer(12分)

30、Spiderman saves the dayA comic book fan dressed as Spiderman became a real superhero on Saturday. He tackled a thief who was trying to steal an expensive comic book.Michael Wong, 24, was wearing a Spiderman costume to attend the annual Asian Festival of Comics at the Sunny Sports Club. He saw the ma

31、n putting the $350 comic book into his sports bag.There were about 50 people at the festival wearing superhero costumes that day, said Maddie Tam, the festival organizer. We enjoy seeing people dressed up as their favourite characters while they shop for comics. However, we didnt expect to see any of them actually stop a crime.The thief did not have a chance to escape. While Spiderman took hold of his sweatsh

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