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1、新版译林3B知识点总复习配单元习题三年级英语下册期末知识点梳理Unit 1 In class (在上课)词汇:open(打开) the(这个,这些,那个,那些) door(门), close(关上,合上) window(窗户) book (书)短语:in class(在上课) good morning(早上好) Mr. Green(格林先生)stand up(起立) sit down(坐下) open the door(开门)come in(进来) look at the blackboard(看黑板) listen to(听)日常交际用语:Open your books.打开书 Stand

2、up.(起立) Come in, please.(请进)。 Im sorry. (对不起)练习:一选择正确序号填入括号中。( ) 1. Its too cold(冷). _ the window, please. A. Dont open B. Open C. Dont close ( ) 2.Would you like to eat_? A. milk B. a pie pie( ) 3. Dont the parrot. A.listen B.look at C. look 二匹配。( )1.What about the jacket? A.OK. Thank you.( )2

3、.Wheres my schoolbag? B. Its over there.( )3.Would you please close the door. C. No. Its a schoolbag.( )4.Is that a pencil case? D. Its good.( )5.Dont sleep here. E. Yes, Mr Green.( )6.Drink the milk, please. F. Yes, Miss Li. Im sorry.Unit 2 In the library(在图书馆)单词:in(在里) run (跑,跑步) eat(吃) talk (说话,谈

4、话) milk (牛奶) your(你,你们)sleep(睡觉) shout (喊叫) English (英语)短语:In the library(在图书馆) would like(想,想要) eat here(在这里吃) eat my cake(吃我蛋糕) drink my mike(和我牛奶) my English book(我英语书)your book(你书) up and down(上上下下) want to sleep(想睡觉)want to talk(想说话)日常交际用语:Dont talk.(不要讲话) Dont run.(不要跑) Dont eat.(不要吃)Dont slee

5、p(不要睡觉) Dont shout.(不要喊叫)练习:一根据所给句子排序,写在横线上。(5分)A.Blue,redandyellow. B.Whatsthis?C.Lookattheblackboard,please. D.Whatcolourisit? E.Itsaparrot. 二连词成句,注意大写和标点。(10)1. girl listen Dont to the (.) 2. you there What can over see(?) 3. like big Would you rubber a (?) 4. your lunch box this Is(?) 5. an What

6、 ice cream about (?)Unit 3 Is this your pencil? (这是你铅笔吗?)单词:my(我) box(盒子) what(什么) pencil(铅笔) pen(钢笔) ruler(尺)school bag (书包)短语:your pencil(你铅笔) my pencil(我铅笔) your ruler(你尺)my lunch box(我午餐盒) your lunch box(你午餐盒) over there(在那里)for you(给你) a red robot(一个红色机器人) on the floor(在地上)beside the door(在门旁边)

7、日常交际用语:This isnt my pencil.(这不是我铅笔。)Is this/that your pencil?(这/那是你铅笔吗?)Yes,it is. /No, it isnt.Wheres your lunch box?(你午餐盒在那里?)Its over there.(它在那里)练习:一单选。1.ThisisZhang. myuncle.A.Miss;HesB.MrHeC.MrHes 2. Wouldyoulikeicecream?A.aB.anC./二连词成句。1、yourthisIscap2、youegglikeanWould3、tolistenDontparrotthe

8、4、bookItsmyEnglishUint 4 Wheres the bird?(小鸟在哪里?)单词:bird(鸟) under(在下面) desk(课桌,书桌) behind(在后面)in(在里) on(在上面) now(现在) not(不) chair(椅子)短语:under your desk(在你课桌下面) behind the door(在门后)on the chair(在你椅子上) in my desk(在我课桌里)in the tree(在树上) in your pencil case(在你铅笔袋里)in your schoolbag(在你书包里) fly away(飞走)on

9、 my desk(在我课桌上) be my friend(成为我朋友)her friend (她朋友)日常交际用语:How beautiful!(多么漂亮呀!) Here you are,(你在这,鲍比)Wheres ?(在哪里?)Its in / on / under /behind?它在里面/上面/下面/后面吗?练习:句型转换。1.This egg is for you. (改为疑问句) ?2.I like this green schoolbag. (改为否定句) .3.The birds are in the tree. (划线部分提问)_?4.The boy is tall. (改为

10、感叹句)_!5.Shes my sister. (划线部分提问)_?Unit 5 How old are you ?(你多大?)单词:one two there four five six seven eight nine ten短语:how old(多大,几岁) happy birthday(生日快乐) make a wish(许愿)a nice cake(一个漂亮蛋糕) want a robot(想要一个机器人) a toy car(一辆玩具汽车)turn round(转身) fall to the ground(落地) be late(迟到) here you are(给你)交际用语:H

11、ow old are you ? Im nine/ two /ten Youre out. (你出局了) Youre right.(你说对了。) What a nice cake !(多么漂亮蛋糕啊!)Its time for the cake!(是吃蛋糕时候了!) What about you?(你呢?)练习:写出下列数词左邻右舍。1、_five_2、_nine_3、six_4、_four5、_seven_6、_two_Unit 6 What time is it?(几点了?)单词:time (时间) morning(早晨,上午) class(课,上课) bed(床) OK(好,行)lunc

12、h(午餐,午饭) eleven(十一) twelve (十二) bag(书包)短语:what time (几点) wake up(醒,醒来) hurry up(快点) six oclock(六点钟) ten oclock(十点钟) my bag(我包)my book(我书) my pencil(我铅笔) your bag(你包)mlik and cake(牛奶和蛋糕) twelve oclcok(十二点钟)日常交际用语:What time is it ?(几点了?)Its one / two /there oclock.(是点钟了) Its time for (是时候了)练习:连词成句,并写出

13、中文意思。1.What,is,please,it,time_2.Its,for,time,bed_3.twelve,Its,oclock_Unit 7 On the farm (在农场上)单词:farm(农场) they(他们,她们,它们) those(那些) apple(苹果)pear(梨) orange(橙子) who(谁) pig (猪) cow(奶牛)duck(鸭子) chicken(鸡)短语:Welcome to (欢迎来到) on the farm(在农场上) my sister(我妹妹)Look at(看) my pictures(我照片) under the tree(在树下)

14、these apples(这些苹果) those pear(那些梨) an orange(一个橙子)交际用语:Welcome to my farm.(欢迎来到我农场) What are these / those ?(这些/那些是什么?)Theyre(他们是)Are these / those?(这些/那些是吗?)Yes./No. Theyre练习:一情景匹配。()1.Wheresmyruler?A.Itsfouroclock.()2.Whatssixminustwo?B.Yes,itis.()3.Isheyourfather?C.Itsinyourbook.()4.Whatsthetime?

15、D.No,heisnt.()5.Isthataradio?E.Itsfour.二选择:()1.Icant_Dad. A.lookB.findC.lookat()2._mycamera?Itsonthedesk.A.WhatsB.WhereC.Wheres()3.Excuseme,wheresmywatch?_.A.Sorry,Idontknow.B.Sure,hereyouare.C.No,itisnt.()4.Wheresyourbrother,David?_.A.Shesinthestudy.B.Hesinthebedroom.C.Yes,heis.()5.Wherestheice-cre

16、am?Itsinthe_.A.bathroomB.fridgeC.bedroom()6.Ineedit_cleanmyroom.A.atB.inC.toUnit 8 Were tiwns!(我们是双胞胎) 四会单词:she (她) girl(女孩) man(男人) woman(妇女,女人) boy(男孩)name(名字) father(父亲,爸爸) mother(母亲,妈妈) brother(哥哥,弟弟)baby(婴儿) 短语:my uncle /aunt /father /mother /sister /brother /cousin /grandpa我叔叔/姑姑/爸爸/ 妈妈 /姐姐 /弟

17、弟 /表弟 /爷爷your uncle /aunt /father /mother /sister /brother /cousin /grandpa你叔叔/姑姑/爸爸/ 妈妈 /姐姐 /弟弟 /表弟 /爷爷that girl (那个女孩) my name (我名字) that little boy(那个男孩)his name (那个男孩子) his name (他名字) very tall (很高)his cat and mouse (他猫和老鼠)交际用语:Whos he?(他是谁?) Hes Whos she?(她是谁?) ShesWhos the/that boy/girl /man /

18、woman ? Hes /Shes This is me.(这是我)My name is (我名字叫)缩写和完全形式:dont =do not isnt = is not thats = that is wheres = where is youre = you are Im = I am heres = here is whos = who is theyre= they are were = we are 练习:将下列句子排列成A与B之间对话,写在横线上:A.1.No,Idlikesomesoftdrink.2.Imthirsty,Mum. 3.Thankyou,Mum.4.Whataboutsomemilk?5.Hereyouare._ _ B.1.Hi,Mike.Isthisyoursister?2.Oh,Isee.3.No,sheisnt.4.Whosshe?5.Shesmyfriend,YangLing.

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