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1、色拉英语文本6190色拉英语文本(61-90) Lesson 61 Room for two情景对话: Good evening, sir.晚上好,先生。Good evening. 晚上好。Id like a room, please. 我想要一间房间。A room for one, sir? 您一个人住吗?Actually, a room for two, to be exact. 不确切的说还有我的朋友。Im terribly sorry. 很抱歉。But all of our double rooms are taken. 我们的双人房已经住满了。How about a single r

2、oom with an extra bed? 一个单人房,再加一个床铺怎么样?Thats fine, but I dont need the extra bed. 好啊,我要一个单人间,床铺就不要加了。Sir, for your comfort, 为了您和您和朋友睡得舒服,I suggest the extra bed. 我还是建议您加一个床铺。Im sure one will be enough. 我想一张床就够了。Very well. 好吧。How many nights, sir? 要住多久,先生?Just one. 就一晚。All right! 好的! Would you like t

3、o leave a message for your friend when he arrives? 要给您的朋友留个口信吗?Thats not necessary, hes right here. 不用了,他已经在这儿了。单词:Room 房间/ extra 额外的/ bed 床/ comfort 舒适/ message 口信,消息/要点:Id like . 我想。Id like a room, please. 我想要一间房间。Id like to have a cup of coffee. 我想要杯咖啡。Id like to visit the Jinmao Building. 我想参观金贸

4、大厦。Im terribly sorry, but 很抱歉,但。Im terribly sorry, but all of our double rooms are taken. 很抱歉,但我们的双人房已经住满了。Im terribly sorry, but the tickets are all sold out. 很抱歉,但票已售完。Im terribly sorry, but therere no rooms available. 很抱歉,但没有空房间了。How about a single room with an extra bed? 一个单人房,再加一个床辅怎么样?Sir, for

5、 your comfort, I suggest the extra bed. 为了您和您的朋友睡得舒服,我还是建议您加一个床铺。.leave a message 留口信would you like to leave a message for your friend when he arrives? 要给您的朋友留个口信吗?Can I leave a message for him? 我能不能给他留个口信? Thats not necessary. 不用了。Good evening ! 晚上好!/ a double room 双人房/ for your comfort, 为了您的舒适,.Fo

6、r your comfort, I suggest you have a double room. 为了您的舒适,我建议您要一个双人房.Room 房间/ extra 额外的/ bed 床/ good evening! 晚上好!/ a double room 双人房/ for your comfort,为了您的舒适,.Lesson 62 its not fair 情景对话:Oh , forget it! 哦,真倒霉!Just look at them看看他们.What freedom! 多自由啊!Im fed up! 我受够了!Every day its the same old thing.

7、每天都是我干这么多家务.Cooking, doing the laundry, washing the dishes先是烧饭,再是洗衣服, 接着是洗碟子.And after all that, I have to clean up this living room! 这些完了还要整理客厅!Its just not fair! 这不公平!Ive had it1 我受够了!Youre right, Dear. 是的是的, 亲爱的.Yes, enough is enough! 够了! 我受够了!You need a change. 你需要一些改变.You really think so? 你真的这么

8、认为?Wonderful! 太好了!What kind of change do you have in mind? 怎么改, 你有什么建议?How about this: first clean up the living room. 你可以先整理房间.Then do the cooking, the laundry, and the dishes! 再烧饭, 洗衣服, 最后洗碟子.Okay, now you can get back to work.好吧, 现在你回去做家务吧.OUCH! What was that for? 嘿! 你这是干什么?单词:Freedom 自由/ cook 烹调

9、/ wash 洗/ dish 碟子/ change 改变/要点:Just look at them . 看看他们多自由啊!Im fed up! 我受够了!You need.你需要You need a change. 你需要一些改变.You need a good rest. 你需要好好休息.You need a long holiday. 你需要一个长假.What kind of .? 什么样的?What kind of change do you have in mind? 怎么改, 你有什么建议?What kind of place do you want to visit? 你想参观什么

10、样的地方?What kind of computer do you have? 你有什么样的电脑?Okay, now you can get back to work. 好吧,现在你回去做家务吧.What was that for? 你这是干什么?Im fed up! 我受够了!Im fed up with this terrible weather! 我受够这鬼天气了!Ive had it ! 我受够了!Enough is enough! 够了! 我受够了!Cook 烹调/ wash 洗/ dish 碟子/ Im fed up! 我受够了!/ Ive had it! 我受够了!/ enoug

11、h is enough! 够了! 我受够了!Lesson 63 do you hear it情景对话: Shh! 嘘Whats that? Do you hear it? 那是什么?你听见了吗?Sorry I dont hear anything.对不起,我什么也没听见.No really! Listen! There! 噢, 真的有声音! 你听! 在那里.There it is again. 又有声音了!Hear it?听见吗?Youre crazy! 你一定是疯!I dont hear anything! 我什么也没听到!Dont move! 不要动!Hey! What are you d

12、oing? 嘿! 你在干什么?Watch it! 小心点!Relax its gone now! 放会 它现在已经飞走了!Hey! I can still hear that sound! 嘿我还是能听到那个声音!Wait I think I hear it too. 等一下,我想我也听到了Yes I can hear it now! 是的.我现在能听到了!Its sounds 听上去像像It sounds like the breathing of a large beast! 听上去像一只巨大的野兽的呼吸声!单词:Hear 听到, 听见/ listen 听/ move

13、动/ watch 看,观察/ relax 放松/要点:Do you ? 你?Do you hear it? 你听见了吗?Do you see that? 你看到了吗?Do you understand? 你明白了吗?Sorry, I dont hear anything. 对不起,我什么也没有听见.Youre crazy! I dont hear anything! 你一定是疯了! 我什么也没听到!Dont .! 别.!Dont move! 不要动!Dont talk in class! 别在上课时说话!It sounds like .听起来.It sounds like the breath

14、ing of a large beast! 听上去像一只巨大的野兽的呼吸声!It sounds like an interesting story. 听起来是个有趣的故事.It sounds like the crying of a baby. 听起来像小孩的哭泣声.Youre crazy! 你一定是疯了!Watch it! 小心点!Relax! 放松!Listen 听/ move 动/ watch 看,观察/ youre crazy! 你一定是疯了!/ watch it! 小心点/ relax! 放松!Lesson 64 look at our home情景对话: Okay listen c

15、arefully 好了听清楚I have something very important to explain to you. 我有些重要的事要告诉你.This is the refrigerator 这是电冰箱It keeps your food cold 它是冷冻食品And this is the computer 这是电脑You can use it to surf the web 你可以用它上网Or to chat with your friends on-line. 或者和你的朋友们在线聊天.Here is the television 这是电视机If youre bored yo

16、u can watch it. 如果你感到无聊, 你可以看电视.But not too long okay? 但别看太久, 知道吗?And this is the remote 这是遥控器This is the microwave 这是微波炉Keep away! 别碰它!Its too dangerous! 太危险了!And here are the manuals for all of the appliances. 好了! 这是所有这些电器的使用手册All right if you have any problems be sure to call me . 如果你有问题的话,及时给我打电

17、话.Ill miss you! 我会想你的!Taje care! Good-bye! 保重! 再见!单词:Important 重要的/ food 食物/ computer 计算机/ television 电视/要点:I have something important to explain to you. 我有些重要的事要告诉你.I have something interesting to tell you. 我有些有趣的事要告诉你.I have something urgent to tell you. 我有些紧急的事要告诉你.I have something beautiful to s

18、how you. 我有些好看的东西给你.It keeps our food cold. 它冷冻食品.It keeps me warm. 它使我暖和.It keeps me happy. 它使我高兴.It keeps the coffee hot. 它保持咖啡的温度.You can use it to surf the web, or to chat with your friends on-line. 你可以用它上网或着和你的朋友们在线聊天.And here are the manuals for all of the appliances. 这是所有这些电器的使用手册.If you have

19、 any problems, 如果你有问题的话, .All right ,if you have any problems, be sure to call me. 如果你有问题的话,及时给我打电话.If you have any problems, just ask me. 如果你有问题的话,就来问我.If you have any problems, please call the manager. 如果你有问题的话, 打电话给经理.Keep away! 别碰它!Take care! 保重!Ill miss you. 我会想你的.Important 重要的/ food 食物/ cold 冷

20、的/ keep away! 别碰它!/ take care! 保重!/ Ill miss you. 我会想你的Lesson 65 I dont have many teeth left 情景对话:Whats the matter? 怎么了?I have such an awful toothache 我牙疼的要命I couldnt sleep a wink last night. 昨天一整晚没合眼.Im sorry to hear that. 我很抱歉听到这个消息.Have you seen a dentist? 你有去看牙医吗?Yeah I went this morning. 是的,今天早

21、上去过了.What did he say? 他怎么说?He said he wants to remove it. 他说恐怕要拔掉它.Thats too bad. 那太糟糕了When are you going to have it pulled? 你准备什么时候去拔?Im not going to have it pulled. 我不打算去拔.What? 什么?Id take his advice if I were you. 如果我是你,我会听他的意见.But Ive already had too many teeth pulled! 但是我已经拔掉很多牙了!单词:Awful 可怕的/

22、toothache 牙痛/ remove 去掉,除掉/ pull 拔/ take ones advice 采纳(某人的)建议./要点:Have you seen a dentist? 你有去看牙医吗?When are you going to have it pulled? 你准备什么时候去拔?Im not going to 我不打算.Im not going to have it pulled. 我不打算去拔.Im not going to leave my hometown. 我不打算离开家乡.Im not going to get married this year. 我不打算今年结婚.

23、If I were you, 如果我是你,.Id take his advice if I were you. 如果我是你, 我会听他的意见.If I were you, I would take the job. 如果我是你, 我就接受那份工作.If I were you, I wouldnt lend money to strangers. 如果我是你,就不把钱借给陌生人.Ive already 我已经But Ive already had too many teeth pulled! 但是我已经拔掉很多牙了!Ive already seen this film twice! 这部电影我已

24、经看过两遍了!Ive already checked the bill twice! 我已经把帐单查过两遍了.Couldnt sleep a wink 没合过眼The neighbors were having a party and we couldnt sleep a wink last night. 邻居举行晚会, 吵得我们一夜都没合眼.Have a tooth pulled 拔牙Im going to have a tooth pulled. 我打算把那颗牙拔掉.Awful 可怕的/ toothache 牙痛/ remove 去掉,除掉/ Im sorry to hear that.

25、我很抱歉听到这个消息./ thats too bad. 太糟糕了!/ have a tooth pulled. 拔牙lesson 65 museum surprise 情景对话:Wow! Look at that dinosaur skeleton! 啊!看那个恐龙骨架!Isnt it incredible? 是不是令人难以置信?I bet its taller than our house! 我打赌 它比我们家房子还高!No way! 不可能!Sure it is,just look! 肯定是的 看啊!Quiet! 安静!Hey who said that? 嘿 谁在说话?I dont kn

26、ow. 我不知道。Hey let me take a picture of you! 嗨 让我给你拍张照片吧!Great idea! 好主意!No photos allowed! 禁止照相!单词:Tall 高/ house 房子/ quiet 安静的/ picture 照片,图片/ photo 照片/Wow, look at that dinosaur skeleton ! 啊,看那个恐龙骨架!Isnt it incredible ? 是不是令人难以置信?I bet 我打赌。I bet its taller than our house! 我打赌它比我们家房子还高!I bet you will

27、 win the game. 我打赌你会赢的。I bet you will like Shanghai. 我打赌你会喜欢上海的。Sure it is, just look! 肯定是的,看啊!Quiet! 安静!Hey, who said that? 嘿,谁在说话?Let me 让我。Let me take a picture of you! 嗨,让我给你拍张照吧!Let me show you around Shanghai. 让我带你参观上海。Let me know if you have any problems. 你有问题时让我知道。No allowed. 禁止。No photos al

28、lowed! 禁止照相!No smoking allowed. 禁止吸烟。No parking allowed. 禁上停车。No way. 不可能。Good idea. 好主意。Lesson 67 hollow invitations情景对话: Hey! How about some baseball? 嘿!一起打棒球怎么样?Baseball? Cool! 打棒球? 太棒了!All right, lets go! 好吧,我们走吧!Okey! 好啊!Wait a second! 等一下!I just remembered .我刚刚想起来I have to go to the dentist to

29、day.今天我约了牙医The dentist? 牙医?Yeah, sorry. 是啊, 对不起。Okay what do you say tonight we do karaoke instead? 好了,你觉得今天晚我们改唱卡拉ok怎么样?Karaoke? Yeah! 卡拉ok? 太好了!Oh wait! 哦 慢着!Tonight I have to go to my grandmothers house. 今晚我得去我奶奶家。Its her eightieth birthday. 今天是我奶奶80岁生日。Yourgrandmothers birthday? 你。奶奶的生日?Im sorry

30、. 对不起。All right listen 好吧。Forget tonight. 不要想今晚的事了。Lets have a barbecue in the park this weekend okay? 这个周末我们去公园烧烤怎么样?Sorry . 对不起。Im not free this weekend! 我周末没空!Not free? 没空?单词:Baseball 棒球/ dentist 牙医/ karaoke 卡拉ok / have to (do) 不得不(做)/ barbecue 烤肉/要点:Hey! How about some baseball! 嘿! 一起打棒球怎么橛?All right, lets go! 好吧, 我们走吧!I just remembered.我刚刚想起来。I just remembered, I have to go to the dentist today. 我刚刚想起来,我约了牙医。I just remembered I have an appointment tonight. 我刚刚想起今晚有个约会。What do you say .? 你觉得怎么样?Okay, what do you say tonight we do karaoke instead? 好了,你觉得今晚我们去

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